SSMS 18.1 Azure AD Connection Options Popup - sql-server

Just installed new SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.1 GA build. When trying to connect to a Azure SQL instance using Active Directory Universal with MFA Support. After I authenticate using Azure AD, I immediately get a pop up saying "Connection Options" "Azure Active Directory". It asks for an Application ID and Redirect URL and link to Azure Application Registrations.
Screen shot -
I didn't have these issues in 18 and just tried in 17.9 and don't have the same pop up.
I can cancel out of pop up after a dozen times or so and finally get to the server, just time consuming every time.

Was able to determine the issue is with a plugin that I use within SSMS that isn't compatible with MFA login type. The plugin developer is aware and working on, the issue is not with SSMS itself.

Had the same issue with ssms 18.2. Problem was solved after uninstalling apex SQLRefactor plugin.

Had the same problem as other with Apex SQLRefactor, but after updating to the latest version, it seems to have been fixed. This is as of April 2020


ssrs password accessing report builder

After successfully installing SQL Server Express 2012. I am trying to get set up my Report Builder. Unfortunately I am asked for a password when clicking on the Report manager URL or the Web Services URL. It says something like this (connecting to "my_Pc").
As far as I am aware I do not have any password on my PC nor set up one when configuring my SQL Server. Please note that I have not configure SSRS yet and my Service account is still ReportServer$SQLExpress. How do I sort this out please
Issue is with how you have created data source for Report.
Data source is created with option "Prompted Credentials" .
It should be created with "Stored Credentials" or "Windows Integrated Security"
Read more
At one point you might have configured the user "sa", have you tried using sa login to access the report page? If you are using machine id to authenticate with sql server, to configure a new user, after you connect to your database, browse down to security > logins > right-click and choose "new login".
One easy solution for this is to check the browser you are using . |I was using internet explorer edge and realise that explorer edge was simply not trusting that site. So if you are on explorer just go on setting and trust the site.
However I was on IE edge which does not trust any site. I changed it for google chrome. Everything is running perfectly fine. just change the browser (Internet Explorer best as Google could pose problem to visualize data when creating reports) and refresh everything should be running just fine.

How to fix rsLogonFailed error message when executing report

I just installed SQL 2012 Enterprise on a laptop running windows 10 Pro x64.
When I try to execute my SSRS reports from the report manager, I always get the same error:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Cannot impersonate user for data source 'DataSource1'. (rsErrorImpersonatingUser)
Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct. (rsLogonFailed)
The user name or password is incorrect
I am using integrated windows authentication with a domain account.
The domain account can log on through SSMS and can access the databases with no issue and run queries.
I have also tried using a local SQL account and password but with the same result - The username or password is incorrect, yet this account works through SSMS and is able to execute queries and such.
When i click the Test Connection button in SSRS datasource configuration, it states the connection was created successfully. (I have included a shot of what I am talking about in the uploaded image)
After googling, people stated that the account that is being used to connect to the database using windows impersonation had to have log on locally permissions, so I added the account through local security Policy, but it made no difference.
Another blog stated the SSRS Service account had to also be granted log on locally permissions - so I granted it the log on locally permission as well. Still to no avail.
I have also tried disabling the windows firewall and connecting to both the machine name and localhost just in case there was some screwy rules regarding localhost - still with the same result.
Other people suggested the execution account in SSRS manager needed be disabled. I didn't set this up initially - but set the account up just in case it had something to do with it - still with the same error then removed it again still with the same error.
Can anyone offer any other suggestions as to what might be the cause and how I might fix this?
Many thanks and Cheers
OK - managed to work out the problem and a workaround. But it doesn't actually solve the problem.
Problem is Chrome and IE11 wont update the Reports web site when managing datasources. Even when launched as administrator, the SSRS management interface site does not appear to save the changes. Edge is just a joke so don't even bother with that one.
Now - I figured Microsoft has broken something which SSRS interface needs in windows 10, so I logged onto a Windows 7 machine and using IE11, was able to navigate to report manager site, update the credentials (windows and SQL Server credentials) and the reports run.
Confirmed this by trying to change the credentials back on windows 10 and it immediately broke the reports again. Set the credentials back in Win 7 and it corrected the reports.
So if you are using windows 10 and are having issues configuring credentials for SSRS reports, try logging in from a windows 7 machine and set through IE on that machine.
EDIT: IE11 works on older windows 10 build (enterprise) , latest build (Pro) seems to be broken.
If you have specified an unattended execution account, SSRS flip-flops between impersonating it and the identity specified in your data source during the rendering process. If you use an unattended execution account, you’ve got to keep the password up-to-date.
You could also choose not to use the unattended execution account at all, which may also solve your problem. For more detail see
Go to Report Configuration Manager
Go to Excution Account
Enter Domain\UserAccount [User Account is your windows User]
Enter Password [Windows Password]
Save and you are good to go

Unable to login to visual studio from an Azure database

I have an Azure database that I am trying to update through Visual Studio. I am an administrator on the portal. When I am at the Azure database dashboard and select open in Visual Studio it prompts me for the password of a previous developer who is no longer on the project. When I try to enter my id and password I receive a error dialog with the following message:
My Azure Home Page
If you use the right user/pwd... Which version of Visual Studio do you use ? I remember a time where I had to connect with 'myusername#ngl7ew5ap' from Visual Studio.
I think 'myusername' should be fine for VS2015 but you may try the other syntax.
Hope this helps
Best regards
in, you coule go to browser, SQL servers ans find ngl7ew5ap. In properties, you should see the SERVER ADMIN LOGIN. In the SQL server > ngl7ew5ap > Settings blade, You also have the option to reset that login's password.
NB: In that same blade, You also have the "show firewall Settings", but that doesn't seem to be your issue for how.

deploying reports to report server

I configured SSRS 2008 on a remote server.
I can access the report manager from my local machine using http://SERVER_NAME/Reports_INSTANCE_NAME
problem is that when I try to deploy a report from BIDS, I get the "reporting services login" dialog box that asks me for user and password. I try my AD user and it doesnt work.
I already added myself to all possible roles, including System Administrator.
I saw online that the problem maybe with the IIS website that must be configured to allow anonymous access. That's fine, but where can I configure that since SSRS2008 doesn't create the websites on IIS anymore (also read that online) and I don't seem to have this possibility using the Reports Service Configuration Manager
Take a look at the link's in reference to 2008 CTP, but there are still some items to check in your setup...
Similar issue / resolution here as well...
Repeated Reporting Services Login issue when deploying through BIDS to a remote server
In your report configuration file, try removing the RSWIndowsNegotiate from the Authentication tag:
<RSWindowsNegotiate />

Permissions Issues with SQL Server Reporting Services

Please help this beginner here...
I have a SQL Server 2008 R2 running on Windows Server 2008 R2.
I have Visual Studio installed on my PC.
I created my first report and tried to deploy it. It wouldn't deploy and give me a permission error saying that my (domain) account doesn't have permission to do that. So I took the quidk and dirty way out, and made - temporarily - my account an admin in the Windows 2008 Server machine. That worked, and I was able to deploy the report.
Then I sent the URL link to my boss... but now she couldn't run it because of permissions. So I can't follow the same quick and dirty solution and make all users admins in that machine...
So the question is, where and to what should I set the permissions?
Also, I can't find IIS in that server (I tried running inetmgr from the command prompt). Is it possible that it's not running or installed and still the report runs from a browser for me? I can't find the familiar "Add/Remove Windows Components".
You should create a service account and run all of the reports via this account. This can be configured in the Report Configuration tools. Additionally you should add your boss as a Content Viewer/Report Viewer role in the SSRS security section. You can get to this section by navigating to the URL specified when you configured SSRS, usually http://localhost/ReportServer
