Can't access wp-admin after migrating website to Chinese server - database

Hello I'm having some issues with accessing my wp-admin after migrating a website onto a Chinese server.
I used WP Migrate DB plugin to ensure all mentions of my old domain was replaced with the new domain.
I deactivated plugins, changed the theme, created a new admin user, checked user roles and a few other possible solutions that I can't recall at this time.
Looking for general ideas on how to resolve this that I might not have tried.


Wordpress content appearing on front end but not content to edit in the admin

This is an answer to an issue I recently faced.
I recently migrated my Wordpress site from my local machine to a server at I used the plugin duplicator to do the migration. Every time I tried the migration the website would appear properly on the front end (with the exception of a lot of question marks in diamonds replacing certain charachters.) In the backend I could see all of the pages and click in to edit them. Once on a particular pages admin edit screen no content would appear! I could click revisions and see the revision history but nothing would appear in the actual content box. Pressing update would clear that pages contents.
Potential Causes
Database errors.
Plugin conflicts.
The Cause for me
In my wp-config the Database Charset to use in creating database tables was set to
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8mb4');
Apparently Wordpress is in the process of upgrading tables to utf8mb4. See here for reasoning,
The issue is my server at siteground had it's tables set to utf8. And my local environment had a new wordpress install with the upgrade to utf8mb4.
The Fix
A simple change from utf8mb4 to utf8 did it for me.
Did you properly migrate the website? When toy export the database you need to make sure that you select the proper utf. Also did you checked the version of PHP, MySQL with localhost Vs Web host?

Run the application from its EAR

I have only ear file of the application and I need to deploy it on the server. I tried deploying it directly on my integrated weblogic server but because of security in the EAR, it is asking username/password from me and when I provide one from jazn file of the application, it does not accept.
Next I tried creating customization application of the ear and there I gave reference to jazn file while creating project. Now it is accepting my password but while running, it is throwing error -
I googled this error but seems like it is because it is not able to find business components from the corresponding model project. I added the model project as a dependency but still getting the same error.
Any ideas ?
You can create your own users directly in Weblogic, though Weblogic Console:
Since users are server specific and not application specific, you can use these users to log on against your application.
For convenience reasons an ADF application can deploy users and roles, but thats only for testing purposes. In Production systems, users are not being deployed with the application, but either created through Weblogic Console or Enterprise Manager, or 'injected' by a Authentication Provider.
Another option would be to change passwords for the users deployed along with the application. On Weblogic Console, go to:
Security Realms -> My realm -> User and Groups -> select one of the users -> Passwords.
Then provide New Password and Confirm New Password fields. Save.

Access dotnetnuke site

A very nooby question here, but I do need to ask...
I have been passed a dotnetnuke site, created around 2010, all I have access to is the FTP for the hosting space, so I can see all the files. What I need is to find where the site keeps it's admin panel, so I can manage the pages. From what I have seen online, I need to go to mydomain/dotnetnuke, but there is no such subdir on my host, I suppose the old version I am running probably had a different convention.
What are the older defaults for DNN, from around 2010-2011 (community edition)?
You can get the login screen by putting ?ctl=login on the end of the url to the website. You will need the admin account info though to login.
The database will have the username and password, but the password will be encrypted.

Understanding DNN on existing website

I started working on an existing website that uses DNN. I am having difficulty understanding and accessing DNN in their staging/test environment. In IIS there are a few different websites. How can I figure out how to get to the main Admin DNN screen by looking at the information in IIS and exploring to files. Once there I need to apply new licenses for DNN.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
In IIS, right click on the website and choose the Manage Bindings option, that will show you the various Host Names (URLS) that are configured.
Try those URLs, and then put ?CTL=login on the end of the URL to get DNN to load the login control. From there you can login with a HOST or ADMIN account, HOST/SuperUser account would be best, as you can then go to the Host/Portals (Site Management?) page and see how many different "sites" are configured within the DNN installation.

DNN / WebMatrix / Localhost / Multiple Sites

It seems that DNN is undergoing an upgrade and I cannot access the forums or many of the docs. Needing an answer soon, and Google providing too many varied types of hits (none of which are helpful or most of which post to the DNN site that is undergoing that upgrade), I had a few questions about setting up DNN.
First, I am coming from Orchard. There I was able to use Webmatrix - I downloaded the web version, opened as administrator, created modules, messed with themes, etc. Using the Orchard Docs, I was able to set up a multi-tenant site and run it on local host (IIS express through Webmatrix) - this included modifying the host/config files to view the multi-tenant sites. I could then publish to my own server running IIS 7. On the server I set up the landlord site then bound the tenants with no problem.
Being new to DNN (and things not being readily available at the moment on their site), I was hoping I could get some guidance on how to set up DNN similar to what I did with Orchard.
First question is obviously whether or not that is possible (i.e., no IIS, only IIS Express (Webmatrix) on my local machine).
Here would be my other questions:
If I can run it locally, can I just download the 7.1.0 new install package, and open Webmatrix (as Admin) on the folder I unzipped it in?
Assuming I just "Run" the website, I will then set up the "Landlord" instance of DNN on the following screens, correct? (i.e., where it asks for credentials and what DB setup I can use)
Can I then go ahead and create sub-tenant sites (alias/portal)? If so, do I go about manually updating my host/config files to run those tenants (depending on the port)?
Assume all of the above is correct, do I have to "reinstall" the 7.1.0 package on my webserver, or will a simple publish from Webmatrix do (with the proper credentials in Settings)? If so, I can handle pointing to the landlord on my server and then binding my subtenants in IIS.
Sorry for the n00b questions. Thanks!
On the Download page on, there's a link to click which will start the install process within WebMatrix:
When you create a new portal, you can specify that it uses a URL which is a subdirectory of the current URL (i.e. a child portal alias), so that you don't have to use different ports. I'm not especially familiar with IIS Express, so I would expect that you could point multiple ports to the site, and map those as different portal aliases, but not sure exactly how you could do that, if you don't want to make use of child portal aliases.
To publish a site, you should just need to push the file system and database, and setup IIS.
