pgAdmin 4.7 displays blank popup screen on startup - pgadmin-4

I've just installed latest pgAdmin (4.7) and whenever I start it up I get this strange blank popup which I can not remove:
I can use the application just fine I just need to move that empty window to the side which is annoying.
I'm using Firefox version 67 (64bit).

I've solved the issue by resetting the layout from the pgAdmin menu.


Cancel button dissapears on Google Chrome with new OS X Yosemite 10.10

I have no idea how to fix this but it has been happening since I updated my OS on my Macbook Pro. Whenever I upload an image or browse files in Google Chrome the Cancel and Upload buttons are outside the screen. Even resizing my browser window to the smallest it can get, as in the picture, still hides the buttons below the screen.
What am I missing? Is there some setting I need to change? I've tried selecting different file viewing options with still the same results.
I recently had the same issue and found this on stackoverflow->
Resize the entire window with constraints using command+shift while moving either edge of the window.

Chrome download bar Slowing AngularJS app

I'm having an issue only in Chrome where it seems that the download bar is interfering with my AngularJS app.
The process goes like this. I have a grid, using Ng-grid, on the page which displays around 3000 rows of data. I have a filter function that alters the filterText of the grid. All of this code works fine until after I've exported something and Chromes download bar pops up at the bottom of the page. My export function just takes whatever the user has highlighted from the grid and exports it to a csv file.
Once this is done, if the user tries to reset the filterText of the grid back to empty the page lags horribly, Chrome throws some error pop-ups, and will sometimes crash. There is no error in the console log and I have debugged and haven't found any errors thrown in there either.
The strange thing is that if you have Chrome open, and the download bar is already present then the above steps will work and the page will be fine. It only happens when the download bar first pops up on the page. If you filter the grid and then go to a different tab and download something, and the download bar pops up, then go back to the app tab and try and clear the filters it still freezes/lags.
I'm not sure what the problem is because all the code works fine if the download bar hasn't popped up or is already up before I export.
Still unsure what the root cause of the issue was, but by upgrading my ng-grid.js from 2.0.7 to 2.0.11 seems to have fixed the issue.

Selenium Chrome Driver : unable to click on Mouse hovered menu link in Chrome version 31

After mouse hovering to any Tab in Chrome Driver, menu options appears and suddenly menu is getting closed and hence unable to click on menu options.
I added delay after mouse hovering to the Tab, but still issue exists. Pls suggest
This scenario was working perfectly till Chrome veriosn 29, after upgrading to Chrome to 31 facing this issue.
am using Selenium with version 2.39, Chrome 31 and chrome driver executable 2.8.
Try to keep the physical mouse outside the bounds of the chrome window when running the test. Initialize chrome as a window of course, not maximized. That's the default anyway I guess.

Silverlight control goes black in FF during fullscreen (SL 4, Firefox 3.6, multiple monitors)

If I click to make my Silverlight object fullscreen in Firefox 3.6 it works successfully, but then if I select a different window (I'm running two monitors so can do this) then a new window appears in my Windows taskbar titled 'Microsoft Silverlight' which is where my fullscreen Silverlight application now lives. So it's moved out of Firefox.
I can click on that new window to return to my fullscreen application but if instead of returning to that window, I click on Firefox in the taskbar, I see my web application running but with a black void where my Silverlight object was. If I try and right click on the black bit, I don't get the usual Silverlight right-click menu.
If I click on the new 'Microsoft Silverlight' window in the taskbar and then click Escape, it disappears (i.e. it exits fullscreen), and the Silverlight app reappears in Firefox and all is well.
This isn't a problem in IE, but my client requires that it work in Firefox. Seems like some sort of plug-in bug, and it doesn't make a difference whether I'm running with windowless set to true or not.
Any tips? Cheers.
The only time i've seen a black screen (region) being rendered was when something funky was going on with the silverlight app (i think it was crashing or something, but the errors were being swallowed up somehow/somewhere).
I discovered that the black region, in my situation, was the result of the background being set to transparent on the silverlight control side (where it's embedded in the web page).
Hope that helps you in your debugging effort.

IE7 minimizes on clicking links

I am developing this website for a client. It was working fine till a couple of days ago on all major browsers.
Since yesterday I have been facing this unusual problem:
In IE7, whenever I click on any link on the page (navigation link or anything else), the IE7 window minimizes. When I restore the window, the proper link(the new page) is open and showing. Also, this occurs only if I have one IE7 tab open, i.e: if suppose I have two tabs on the window then it works perfectly.
Also, this works fine on IE6 and Firefox. Firebug shows no errors of any kind when I am loading the same page in Firefox.
Can anyone think of a reason that this could be happening?
If you restore IE7 to the default settings, does the problem remain?
If you disable Javascript, does the problem remain?
