Migrating Angular JS 1.6.10 to 1.7.8 - angularjs

I need to migrate my AngularJS version from 1.6.10 to 1.7.8. I would like to know will there be any code breakage after migration?
If anyone could provide the list of differences between 1.6.x and 1.7.x would be much more helpful.

Migrating from (AngularJS) 1.6 to 1.7 contains the information you're looking for. The most notable changes are:
$resource has now support for request and requestError interceptors
Several deprecated features have been removed:
the $controllerProvider.allowGlobals() flag
the $compileProvider.preAssignBindingsEnabled() flag
the angular.lowercase and angular.uppercase methods
the $cookieStore service from the ngCookies module
the ngClick override directive and corresponding services from the ngTouch module
the complete ngScenario module
In the linked resource there is also the full list of breaking changes.
The link for the specific version 1.7.8 is: https://code.angularjs.org/1.7.8/docs/guide/migration


Unknown provider: i18nFilterProvider <- i18nFilter

I've migrated my angular application from Angular 1.3.15 to Angular 1.5.5. I'm struggling with this for about a day and tried various possible solutions mentioned in the AngularJS Error Reference, checked my code to not contain,
Multiple module definitions for the same moudule
Not contain a controller inside another controller.
Attempting to inject a scope object into anything that's not a controller or a directive.
Also tried checking the dependency issue
Couldn't find any fruitful solution to this, the whole screen seems like broken, like, angular itself hasn't been loaded, things, like interpolations are not resolved to their values.
Help is much appreciated.
The i18nFilter which you are referencing in your application is likely being provided via the angular-localization library.
There are a number of issues raised in the project relating to version compatibility when upgrading the AngularJS version.
I suggest you track down the version you are referencing and upgrade to a supported version for AngularJS 1.5.5

Coexistence of Angular 4 and Angular JS 1x

We are currently working with Angular JS 1.6. Our achitecture Layers as follows,
HTML Page,
Controller (MVC Controller),
Service (Holds $resource for service side API),
State (Holds states for a functionality)
* Functionality is collection of HTML pages.
We are planning to migrate to Angular 4.0. Exiting project which is in Angular JS 1.6 has huge number of pages that needs to be redesign. Is it possible to develop new pages in Angular 4.0 and reuse the existing pages which are present in Angular Js 1.6..?
Can both the version coexists in a same project...?
How to achieve that..?
There is a thing called ngUpgrade. Which basically doing what you are asking.
When you use ngUpgrade, what you're really doing is running both
AngularJS and Angular at the same time.
Here is a tutorial which explains how does it work and what are the crucial steps to use upgrade strategy.

Major difference between Angular 1.2.x vs Angular 1.6.x version

I want to know the major difference between these versions like angular 1.6 supports UI router for routing and in angular 1.2 we have to use ng-route for routing
I would advise you to look at the post from Todd Motto :
He is an Expert Developer at Google and covers every changes that happens in the Angular Stack.
Actually, you shouldn't only look at the changes from AngularJs 1.2 to 1.6 because between every minor version brings a slight change/approach to the framework.
FYI, the versionning notation correspond to : Major.Minor.Revision.
However, here is a list of notable changes between 1.2 and 1.6 :
angular.component() + lifecycle hooks
ngAnimate (ngAnimateSwap..)
Service / Factory
Also, Here is the official documentation that list every changes between minor version migration : https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/migration

Angularjs without controller

Today I saw a tweet from Pawel Kozlowski that controllers will go away in Angularjs 2.0
Is there anyone know how would angularjs be without controllers? Currently I handle almost everything in controller, and I dont know when the next version released how much our code will change.
Yes.You're right.
What will not be in AngularJs 2.0?
Directive Definition Object (DDO)
Angular 2.0 Core slides from ng-europe talk: Angular 2.0 Core
About Your question : Why do you need to go with AJS 2? If your app is giving what you need with AJS 1.X then why do you need to change it to AJS 2.B'cos AJS 1.X series will continue as it is in future also. So no need to worry about it. But if you'll start a new app then you can start it with AJS 2 (if it'll available at that time). That is my suggestion to you.
What Google says about the AJS 1.X :
If you are building web applications today, this is the version you
should use. This is the tried and true version that we really believe
in. With over 1600 apps at Google built with Angular 1.x, we are
committed to supporting it as the first class AngularJS version for a
long time to come.

Does Breeze require jQuery when used with AngularJS?

I am confused about using Breeze. I have looked through the documentation but did not see an answer for this.
When I use Breeze with ASP MVC4 and AngularJS, is it necessary for me to have the jQuery script loaded also?
[Updated Answer 10/15/2013]
(Fixed the date)
As of Breeze 1.4.4, we now support an angular ajax adapter that uses $http. See the 1.4.4 release notes for more details. So JQuery is no longer a requirement.
Breeze uses JQuery to provide its default ajax support, independent of Angular. This is provided by the breeze.jquery.ajax adapter and is pluggable. This means that you can either use JQuery or provide an alternative ajax adapter. Breeze's Angular support will work with either.
Out of the box, though, JQuery is necessary.
We will very likely provide an alternative ajax adapter that uses Angular's ajax implementation at some point in the next few months. Note that no code will need to change when this occurs, other than configuring breeze to use an alternate adapter.
As described in Customizing AJAX, you can configure Breeze to use Angular's $http service instead of jQuery like this:
breeze.config.initializeAdapterInstance('ajax', 'angular').setHttp($http);
No. Just do this:
breeze.config.initializeAdapterInstance("ajax", "angular");
