how to convert a tuple in to a 2D matrix - arrays

I a have tuple a with the shape of (3,1) and I would like to construct a 2D matrix X with the dimension(3,2). After X is constructed, there is a need to multiply X'*X which is supposed to be in the shape of (2,2)
enter image description here

import numpy as np
thistuple = (1, 2, 3)
for i in range(0,len(arr)):
for j in range(0,len(arr[0])):
rez = arr.T
result =,arr)
The above code will work for an tuple of shape n*1 in python.


Indexing 3D arrays with Numpy

I have an array in three dimensions (x, y, z) and an indexing vector. This vector has a size equal to the dimension x of the array. Its objective is to index a specific y bringing their respective z, i.e., the expected result has dimension (x, z).
I wrote a code that works as expected, but does anyone know if a Numpy function can replace the for loop and solve the problem more optimally?
arr = np.random.rand(100,5,2)
result = np.random.rand(100,2)
id = [np.random.randint(0, 5) for _ in range(100)]
for i in range(100):
result[i] = arr[i,id[i]]
You can achieve this with this piece of code:
import numpy as np
arr = np.random.randn(100, 5, 2)
ids = np.random.randint(0, 5, size=100)
res = arr[range(100), ids]
res.shape # (100, 2)

How to collapse 2D scatter plot into a dot plot?

I have a very large 2d array of shape (186295, 2) with the first element of every 2-element sub-array being x and the second element being y. Here is how I produce the scatter plot by separating x and y components in matplotlib:
ax.scatter(A[:, 0]+np.random.uniform(-.02, .02, A.shape[0]), A[:, 1], s=2, color='b', alpha=0.5, zorder=3)
However, I would like
all points with x-value in the range [8,9.2] be shown as a dot plot at the mid point x=8.6,
all points with x-value in the range [9.2,10.4] be shown as a dot plot at the mid point x=9.8,
all points with x-value in the range [10.4,12.2] be shown as a dot plot at the mid point x=11.3.
Your help is greatly appreciated,
You can use
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
x = np.random.uniform(8, 12, n)
y = np.random.uniform(.01, 1, n)
a = np.array(list(zip(x,y)))
fig,ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
ax[0].scatter(a[:,0], a[:,1])
ax[0].title.set_text('Scatter Plot')
conditions = [a[:,0]<=8, a[:,0]<=9.2, a[:,0]<=10.4, a[:,0]<=12.2, a[:,0]>12.2]
choices = [a[:,0], 8.6, 9.8, 11.3, a[:,0]]
a[:,0] =, choices)
ax[1].scatter(a[:,0], a[:,1])
ax[1].title.set_text('Dot Plot')
Another possibility is using np.digitize which saves some typing as it uses a list of bins (upper bounds) instead of a list of conditions.

Numpy array questions about .shape

I'm new to numpy, and I have some troubles in array shapes.
I want to operate the array like a matrix in matlab. However, I'm confused about the following things:
>>> b = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
array([[1, 2],
[3, 4]])
>>> c = b[:,1] # I want c is a column vector
>>> c.shape
>>> d = b[1,:] # I want d is a row vector
>>> d.shape
>>> (2,)
I want to treat c and d as column vector and row vector respectively.
I don't understand why c and d have the same shape (2,).
So it troubles me in later calculations.
Could anyone help me deal with this problem. Thanks a lot !
Using a plain integer as an index returns that column/row as a true vector. This is similar to indexing a list - you only receive the element at that index. The containing dimension is stripped away:
>>> my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> my_list[2]
Instead, you want a slice. A slice of a list is a (sub-) list, and a slice of a matrix is a matrix. With numpy, you can specify this either as slice notation using : or a sequence of indices:
>>> c = b[:,:1] # slice notation
>>> c.shape
(2, 1)
>>> d = b[[1],:] # sequence of indices
>>> d.shape
(1, 2)
Slice notation is for consecutive index ranges. For example, :1 means "everything from the start up to 1". Sequence notation is for non-consecutive index sets. For example, [0, 2] does skip index 1. If you just want a single index, sequence notation is simpler unless you are dealing with borders (first/last row/column).
You can use
c = b[:,[1]]
d = b[[1],:]
to get the vector as an explicit row/column vector:
c.shape # (1, 2)
d.shape # (2, 1)
In general, if you want your array c to be a column vector of shape (2,1), you can reshape it by:
c = c.reshape(-1,1) # c.shape --> (2, 1)
Similarly, if you want your array d to be a row vector of shape (1,2), you can reshape it by:
d = d.reshape(1,-1) # d.shape --> (1, 2)

Inconsistent Results - Jupyter Numpy & Transpose

enter image description here
I am getting odd behavior with Jupyter/Numpy/Tranpose()/1D Arrays.
I found another post where transpose() will not transpose a 1D array, but in previous Jupyter notebooks, it does.
I have an example where it is inconsistent, and I do not understand:
Please see the picture attached of my jupyter notebook if 2 more or less identical arrays with 2 different outputs.
It seems it IS and IS NOT transposing the 1D array. Inconsistency is bad
outputs is (1000,) and (1,1000), why does this occur?
N = 1000
fxc = []
fxn = []
for t in range(0,N):
fxc.append(A1*m.sin(2.0*pi*50.0*dt*t) + A2*m.sin(2.0*pi*120.0*dt*t))
fxn.append(A1*m.sin(2.0*pi*50.0*dt*t) + A2*m.sin(2.0*pi*120.0*dt*t) + 5*np.random.normal(u,std,size=1))
fc = np.transpose(np.array(fxc))
fn = np.transpose(np.array(fxn))
Remove size=1 from your call to numpy.random.normal. Then it will return a scalar instead of a 1-d array of length 1.
For example,
In [2]: np.random.normal(0, 3, size=1)
Out[2]: array([0.47058288])
In [3]: np.random.normal(0, 3)
Out[3]: 4.350733438283539
Using size=1 in your code is a problem, because it results in fxn being a list of 1-d arrays (e.g. something like [[0.123], [-.4123], [0.9455], ...]. When NumPy converts that to an array, it has shape (N, 1). Transposing such an array results in the shape (1, N).
fxc, on the other hand, is a list of scalars (e.g. something like [0.123, 0.456, ...]). When converted to a NumPy array, it will be a 1-d array with shape (N,). NumPy's transpose operation swaps dimensions, but it does not create new dimensions, so transposing a 1-d array does nothing.

Python: append kmean.labels_ to Numpy array

The size of two Numpy array are:
(406, 278)
however, error occurred while appending Numpy array:
ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions
y = numpy.array(kmeans.labels_,copy=True)
x = numpy.append(x, y, axis=1); #error
x = numpy.append(x, y, axis=0); #error
As the error says, you are trying to append a 1d array to a 2d array with an axis parameter, and according to docs:
When axis is specified, values must have the correct shape.
You need to reshape y to a 2d array firstly:
Both of these two methods should work:
np.append(x, y[None, :], axis=0)
np.append(x, y.reshape(1,-1), axis=0)
According to numpy documentation ,
When axis is specified, values must have the correct shape.
So if you want to append the vector y = [0 1 2] to the matrix x = [[0, 0],[1, 1],[2, 2]] with axis=1, first you need to turn y into a matrix form, and then transpose it:
x = numpy.zeros((406,278))
y = numpy.zeros((406,))
x = numpy.append(x, numpy.transpose([y]), axis=1);
print(x.shape) # gives (406,279)
