404 Error for static files, aspnet core AddSpaStaticFiles roothpath, SPA Template - reactjs

I've created a react project using asp.net core react spa template. Everything seems to be fine, but when I deployed the application in IIS, it is deployed as an application under the default website. When I try to access the site, the index file is coming, but static files are giving 404.
One solution I found is setting PUBLIC_URL to application name in iis and building the application and then deploy. But, Is there any other alternative solution from asp.net core side? like setting rootPath
// In production, the React files will be served from this directory
services.AddSpaStaticFiles(configuration =>
configuration.RootPath = "ClientApp/Build";


ASP.NET Core - Serve both API and SPA React from different port

It is possible to serve both an API and a Single Page Application (SPA) React/Redux from different ports in ASP.NET Core. I found some post here ASP.NET Core - Serve both API and SPA from the same port that asks for serving from the same port, I would like to serve them on different ports because I would like to implement Azure B2C Authentication(so my spa can safely communicate with web api). I generated a boiler plate that includes react spa with .net web api but it is in one solution by default. Not sure if I should generate .net core web api and react app in a separate projects but when I run the application it serves both spa and webapi on the port that is configured in launchSettings.json for web api. In Startup.cs i have
services.AddSpaStaticFiles(configuration =>
configuration.RootPath = "ClientApp/build";
app.UseSpa(spa =>
if (env.IsDevelopment())
spa.UseReactDevelopmentServer(npmScript: "start");
I tried to add "homepage": "https://localhost:3000",
to package.json of react.app I also tried to add spa.Options.DefaultPage = "https://localhost:3000"
I also tried spa.UseProxyToSpaDevelopmentServer("https://localhost:3000");
But none of that works. Is there something like a Nuget package or maybe some extra trick with configuration or should I give up on the boiler plate and create 2 independent projects(1 create-react-app and then generate a default web api project). Thanks
Different from the template for ASP.NET Core with React.js, React.js and Redux is using .net core3.1 so it doesn't have .env file. In that file you can set the running port of your project.
According to the MS document, I think React.js and Redux project is using middleware to compile the functions code first then put them to the static web page and display it. The following code do this part of job:
app.UseSpa(spa =>
spa.Options.SourcePath = "ClientApp";
if (env.IsDevelopment())
spa.UseReactDevelopmentServer(npmScript: "start");
When you start the project in VS, you can see the port number in the browser, which is the running port of the whole project. So you think the API and SPA are running on the same port. From my perspective, API is using middleware to invoke SPA.
You can use command line code npm start in the ClientApp File to run the SPA as an independent project, it will run it on the default port 3000. Here is the screenshot of my test:

Remote images not found in NextJS deployment on Vercel

I am working on the latest nextJS version. I am trying to load images from a Magento CMS. They work fine in local, but on deployment to Vercel, I get not found error
GET https://consumer-omega.vercel.app/a/b/absinthe20teichnnd_vhi6ffkxpdwl9ism.jpg 404
I have already added the domain name of CMS to the domains setting in images under next.config.js.
images: {
domains: ["devconsole.appname.com", "appname-omega.vercel.app"],
For reference for debugging, this is the URL that gets requested for in local
Where as in the deployed environment for, the requested URLs are something like this

Configure React Dev Server within an ASP.NET Core Application

I have an existing ASP.NET Core application (that uses razor pages) and I am trying to convert it, one component at a time, to React until I can completely make it a SPA. The idea is to create an entry point for each of my razor pages until I can combine them all into one SPA. I have most of this working except for the use of webpack-dev-server to serve my bundles. The problem I am having is the ASP.NET app runs on port 44321 and the dev server runs on port 8080 so the script tags in my .cshtml files cannot see the bundles that are being hosted from webpack.
I can temporarily change them from:
<script src="./dist/[name].bundle.js"></script>
To something like:
<script src="http://localhost:8080/[name].bundle.js"></script>
To get around this, but this is not long term solution.
I have created a sample application to showcase what I am trying to accomplish here: https://github.com/jkruse24/AspNetReact.
Is there any way to either get my ASP.Net application to listen on the port that webpack-dev-server is serving to (without changing my script tags) or to have my webpack-dev-server serve to the port that my ASP.Net app is running on?
I have tried to use the .NET CORE SPA middleware (Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaProxy) but either I have not configured it correctly or I am misunderstanding what it is used for. Upon adding in the below code (which is commented out in my github sample) my application still looks at the .\dist directory for my bundles (which are still there from running actual builds).
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseSpa(spa =>
spa.Options.SourcePath = "./ClientApp";
spa.UseReactDevelopmentServer(npmScript: "start");
I ended up getting this working using the .NET Core SPA Middleware. When I originally tried to used the middleware, it was working fine, but I didn't have my webpack dev server configured to serve my bundles to the correct location.
As you can see above, I was serving them to
when they needed to be served to
My problem was that my webpack publicPath was not set correctly. I made an update commit on my repository here. More specifically, this was the file diff that solved my problem.

How to deploy Next.js app without Node.js server?

I was hoping to deploy a Next.js app with Laravel API. I had developed React apps with CRA and in those I used the API server to serve the index.html of the CRA as the entry point of the app.
But in Next.js, after development I get to know that it needs a Node.js server to serve (which is my bad, didn't notice that). There is an option next export that builds a static representation of the Next.js app and it has an index.html. I am serving the index.html as the entry of the app by my Laravel API. It is serving the page, but just some of the static contents.
What I was hoping to know is it possible to host the aPI and the Next app from a single PHP shared hosting without any node server? If so, how? If not so, what could be the alternatives?
Actually the acepted answer is completly wrong, when you do yarn build and in your package.json is set like "build": "next build && next export", you will get an out folder which all the items in there are used to build without node.js server
Now since you are using laravel, and you use the out folder you will only load half of the page because the routes are not set properly. for that to work you need to edit your next.config.js edit it to
module.exports = {
distDir: '/resources/views',
assetPrefix: '/resources/views',
These will set the root directory to the root one in Laravel. now this will work for SPA (single page application) only for the dynamic routes you need to match with a view file for each one that you have in your out folder
For each route that you have you need to create a new "get" route in laravel
Route::get('/', function () {
return require resource_path('views/index.html');
Route::get('/contacts', function () {
return require resource_path('views/contacts.html');
Route::get('/post/{slug}', function () {
return require resource_path('views/post/[slug].html');
Notice that you can pass a wildcard for dynamic routes and they are all gonna work. once you do that and you deploy route out folder inside /resources/views in Laravel it's going to work
Apparently there is no alternative to nodejs server, which is not an option for me currently, so I unfortunately had to abandon next.js and create a CRA app and used as much from the next.js as I could.

Cannot access pages with direct url after building project for deployment Spring and React

When running my spring app from my IDE and running the React app from within VSCode, everything worked perfectly. I used the build script to build my React project, and then put the output into my /static folder of Spring. Then I used mvn clean install to build the .jar file. After running the entire app from the .jar file, I can access my homepage with localhost:5000. I can also use my navbar links to access different parts of the website, like the Home page and the About page... But if I try to manually enter the url localhost:5000/about I get a 404 Not found error.. What am I doing wrong?
My guess is that your Spring (webmvc?) application is not configured to listen to different URLs other than /. And while it may seem as if the navbar successfully redirects to http://localhost:5000/about, in reality the single page application uses JavaScript client-side routing to change the URL in the browser, unload the currently rendered page, and load another page.
If you are indeed using Spring MVC, you could (among other options) modify your Spring static resource configuration, modify your #RequestMapping to listen to multiple endpoints, or use a ViewControllerRegistry.

