how can I change kiwi template text on test case? - kiwi-tcms

I would like to ask if it is possible to edit the predefined text when creating a new test case? See. attachment.

At the moment it is not possible to do this. Please file a RFE on GitHub so we can track this feature. We've got an idea to make it possible to select a TestCase/TestPlan as a template which can solve this request as well as a few other issues that we have open.


New Gui does not accept placement "Right" on a command

I try to add a command on the new Gui with right placement but it adds automatically overflow to the .java file.
The Preview design shows it correct
but the simulator shows as overflow
Is it a bug?
Thanks in advance
This seems to be a bug in the GUI builder, we filed a lot of issues so please file this there too. It should work although might require you to go thru the steps again.
I would also suggest looking within the .gui file and seeing that the command generation looks correct.

Drupal 7 - How do I get Drupal to recognize my HTML template?

I have been studying all I can on how to integrate an HTML template into Drupal but I have not had great success. The simple theme I am experimenting with is in this link:
When it comes to plugging the template into Drupal, I can get as far as writing the .info file. But I do not understand what to do from there.
I realize that this could be a lot to ask, but if it's possible for someone to just give me some clear pointers as to what modifications I should make after creating the .info file, I would be very grateful!
P.S. If this is too much to ask, please tell me, and I will try to make even more specific requests.
Thank you, guys!
This contains whole..

Uploading a file to AppEngine using GWT: How to provide feedback to the user?

I have a GWT-FormPanel on my website, where people can upload pictures and answer some questions. It's working very well. The only problem is: I would like to provide a feedback to the user (for example: 0% to 100%) during the actual file process. But I have no idea how I can do that. I think that's a very common issue, that's why I would like to ask you guys if you know any tutorial or example that could help me to solve this problem.
I've already tried GWTUpload, but it does not do what I want: I have a submit button at the end of the FormPanel and the GWTUpload has it's own "SEND" button, which I don't want to have.
Thanks in advance for helping and merry Christmas!
From your problem statement you mean to say that you want to provide the progress bar while uploading file starting from 0 to 100%.
Take a look to this library: This will may solve your problem.And it is also working well in all browsers and also on Linux,Mac.
Looks like GWTUpload allows to use custom submit button. Haven't tried it so maybe i'm wrong.

Hows Mozenda Screen Scraper coded?

I want to know how is the Mozenda Screen Scraper coded?
I shows a browser where user can select the fields he wants to scrap and it creates a crawl script out of it.
The crawl script generation part is clear to me, I want to know does it record the user actions which the user is doing in the browser.
I want to do something similar using C#.
I guess they run something like iMacros on the backend. I even noticed the iMacros browser icon in some of their screenshots ;-)
If you want to code something like this yourself in C#, the IE webbrowser control is the best starting point!
#yc08m, I can tell you for sure that they are not using iMacros. It is all coded with their own proprietary code.
I realize this is an extremely outdated post, but they seem to rely heavily on XPath, so first things first you would need to load the page into an object that you can query. I'd recommend using something like Html Agility pack to accomplish this.

Adding a filter header row to ExtJS GridPanel

I know that it's possible to add a filter row UNDER the column title because I've seen it done with Coolite. But since I'm a total newbie with Sencha (ExtJS), I have trouble finding how to do it with the ExtJS.grid.GridPanel directly in the script. Would you point me in the right direction with some samples please ?
If possible, I would like to do so without plugins, but if there's one out there doing great and easy to use, I could change my mind.
Thanks !
Here you have a link to the GridHeaderFilters Plugin. There you have an easy example of how to use it.
And regarding your comment about trying to do this without a plugin I recommend you not to do it. Because this might seem like a easy code to write but I believe it is not. And that is why this plugin has hundreds of lines. I think this is not a plugin full of features that you won't use, this plugin just does the filtering the way you need it.
And as a final note, if you are expecting the exact same behavior as in this coolite example I think you are out of luck. Because if you get the javascript source code of that example and run it through jsbeautifier you will see that this example is not using any ExtJS plugin and is not a easy code as is using a really complex template for the headers.
