What is the proper way to test SpringBoot Database with H2? - database

I am trying to run Springboot test with H2 in-memory db with Mybatis.
So far I have done
configuring h2 DB in application-test.properties
adding annotation
#SpringBootTest, #TestPropertySource (locations = "TEST_APPLICATION_PROPERTIES_LOCATION")
autowiring dao and serviceImpl beans
adding seed.sql and purge.sql to the test class with
#Sql(executionPhase = Sql.ExecutionPhase.BEFORE_TEST_METHOD, scripts = "classpath:/database/seed.sql"),
#Sql(executionPhase = Sql.ExecutionPhase.AFTER_TEST_METHOD, scripts = "classpath:/database/purge.sql") })
Despite the above measures, I still have two problems
I can't retrieve user that I input with the seed.sql. I made a user with id="admin", pw="admin", and was trying to retrieve with findById("admin"). But it always returns null.
I can't open h2 DB while debugging with the #test. I simply can't access h2 with localhost:8080/h2-console (the path was written explicitly in application-test.properties)
Is there any extra measure that I should take to test SpringBoot with h2?

Add spring.h2.console.enabled=true in your properties file.


Report to find objects of a segw project and put them on a request

I'm new in SAP and during my practicing I came up with a 'problem': when I was transporting my project to another system I had to manually include some objects that were in other requests.
So now I'm trying to make a report to join all the objects related to a segw project in a single request. My idea is passing the Project ID or name to my report find the objects, create a request and put all of them into it.
I've already found something. When creating a segw project and generate it, the request has:
- Class (ABAP objects) with the DPC and MPC
- SAP Gateway Business Suite Enablement - Model
- SAP Gateway BSE - Service Builder Project
- SAP Gateway Business Suite Enablement - Service
I've found two tables that help me to get DPC and MPC objects:
Am I in the right path? Is there a way to find all related objects to the project or I'll need to find them separately like the DPC and MPC I've already found?
Assuming all your SEGW objects reside in a single package which is usually the case when you create SEGW project from scratch:
DATA: l_trkorr TYPE trkorr,
l_package TYPE devclass VALUE 'ZSEGW_P'.
cl_pak_package_queries=>get_all_subpackages( EXPORTING im_package = l_package
IMPORTING et_subpackages = DATA(lt_descendant) ).
INSERT VALUE cl_pak_package_queries=>ty_subpackage_info( package = l_package ) INTO TABLE lt_descendant.
SELECT pgmid, object, obj_name FROM tadir
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_segw_objects)
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN #lt_descendant
WHERE devclass = #lt_descendant-package.
DATA(instance) = cl_adt_cts_management=>create_instance( ).
LOOP AT lt_segw_objects ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_obj>).
instance->insert_objects_in_wb_request( EXPORTING pgmid = <fs_obj>-pgmid
object = <fs_obj>-object
obj_name = CONV trobj_name( <fs_obj>-obj_name )
IMPORTING result = DATA(result)
request = DATA(request)
CHANGING trkorr = l_trkorr ).
CATCH cx_adt_cts_insert_error.
This snippet creates transport request with number l_trkorr and as soon as this var is not changed put all remainign objects in the same request.
WARNING: this will not work if the objects are locked (in another request) and will give you cx_adt_cts_insert_error exception. There is no way to unlock objects programmatically, only via SE03 tool.

Play-slick - Is default.db required?

I'm working on an application using Play and Slick. This app requires access to (at least) two databases and this is working fine when one is defined as default and other is named. Eg.,
db.default.driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
db.default.url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db1"
db.db2.driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
db.db2.url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db2"
I can then happily access each db as follows
DB.withSession { implicit session => ??? }
DB("db2").withSession { implicit session => ??? }
However, this doesn't really make sense as there is no reason DB1 should be the default. The DBs contain different types of data, neither is the default, both are important. What I would like is:
db.db1.driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
db.db1.url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db1"
db.db2.driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
db.db2.url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db2"
Play-scala barfs at this thought. It needs a default db driver and URL and it needs to be able to connect to it.
Anyone know anyway to change this behaviour or to trick play into thinking it has a default?
To be clear, I've greped my code to ensure that I'm not using DB.withSession anywhere. That is, every time I create a session I use DB("db1").withSession or DB("db2").withSession. However, when I run my test, I still get an exception:
Caused by: Configuration error: Configuration error[Slick error : jdbc driver not defined in application.conf for db.default.driver key]
Something somewhere is trying to load the default config.
Default is just a name, with some convenience functions (withSession and withTransaction without name), so, no you do not need to have a default connection if it does not fit your project.

How are my tests not affecting the database...?

I recently switched from using regular old tests to using WebTest and this "No Database Test Runner"
from django.test.simple import DjangoTestSuiteRunner
class NoTestDbDatabaseTestRunner(DjangoTestSuiteRunner):
def setup_databases(self, **kwargs):
def teardown_databases(self, old_config, **kwargs):
Here's an example test which HAS to be hitting the database somehow...
What is happening? Are my tests hitting the database but rolling back to some old state? Test-to-test I can see that each created listing has an incremented id.
def test_image_upload(self):
form_data = self.listing_form_defaults.copy()
form_data['images-TOTAL_FORMS'] = '3'
upload_files = [
('images-0-image', 'testdata/1.png'),
('images-1-image', 'testdata/2.png'),
('images-2-image', 'testdata/3.png'),
form_resp = self.app.post(
assert len(form_resp.context['listing'].images.all()) == 3
form_resp.context['listing'].images.all() HAS to be hitting the database, I print'd it and it had database records from my database.
I'm just confused--my tests run blazing fast and don't seem to actually change my database, how is this working/happening?!
Tests that require a database (namely, model tests) will not use your “real” (production) database. Separate, blank databases are created for the tests.
See Here

Salesforce Metadata apis

I want to rerieve list of Metadata Component's like ApexClass using Salesforce Metadata API's.
I'm getting list of all the Apex Classes(total no is 2246) that are on the Salesforce using the following Code and its taking too much time to retrieve these file names:
ListMetadataQuery query = new ListMetadataQuery();
query.type = "ApexClass";
double asOfVersion = 23.0;
// Assume that the SOAP binding has already been established.
FileProperties[] lmr = metadataService.listMetadata(
new ListMetadataQuery[] { query }, asOfVersion);
if (lmr != null)
foreach(FileProperties n in lmr)
string filename = n.fileName;
My requirement is to get list of Metadata Components(Apex Classes) which are developed by my organizasion only so that i can get the Salesforce Metadata Components which are relevant to me and possibly can save my time by not getting all the classes.
How can I Achieve this?
Reply as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
I've not used the meta-data API directly, but I'd suggest either trying to filter on the created by field, or use a prefixed name on your classes so you can filter on that.
Not sure if filters are possible though! As for speed, my experience of using the Meta-Data API via Eclipse is that it's always pretty slow and there's not much you can do about it!

post_import_function in App Engine bulkuploader yaml

I am trying to use post_import_function while uploading data using bulkloader.yaml. As per this link, Using post_import_function in App Engine bulkuploader yaml , I am using type google.appengine.api.datastore.Entity for entity operations. As in the link, this is a subclass of 'dict'. However I am not sure how do I apply methods to this entity.
My code looks like (I am using Geomodel):
def post_import_restaurants(input_dict, instance, bulkload_state_copy):
lat = instance['lat']
lng = instance['lng']
latlng = "%s,%s" % (lat,lng)
instance['location'] = db.GeoPt(latlng)
return instance
instance.update_location(), is where I am having issues. And I am not sure how to write this statement.
You can't add methods to an Entity. Just inline the code, or write it as a separate function that you pass the entity to.
