UNDERSTANDING how to count trailing zeros for a number using bitwise operators in C - c

Note - This is NOT a duplicate of this question - Count the consecutive zero bits (trailing) on the right in parallel: an explanation? . The linked question has a different context, it only asks the purpose of signed() being use. DO NOT mark this question as duplicate.
I've been finding a way to acquire the number of trailing zeros in a number. I found a bit twiddling Stanford University Write up HERE here that gives the following explanation.
unsigned int v; // 32-bit word input to count zero bits on right
unsigned int c = 32; // c will be the number of zero bits on the right
v &= -signed(v);
if (v) c--;
if (v & 0x0000FFFF) c -= 16;
if (v & 0x00FF00FF) c -= 8;
if (v & 0x0F0F0F0F) c -= 4;
if (v & 0x33333333) c -= 2;
if (v & 0x55555555) c -= 1;
Why does this end up working ? I have an understanding of how Hex numbers are represented as binary and bitwise operators, but I am unable to figure out the intuition behind this working ? What is the working mechanism ?

The code is broken (undefined behavior is present). Here is a fixed version which is also slightly easier to understand (and probably faster):
uint32_t v; // 32-bit word input to count zero bits on right
unsigned c; // c will be the number of zero bits on the right
if (v) {
v &= -v; // keep rightmost set bit (the one that determines the answer) clear all others
c = 0;
if (v & 0xAAAAAAAAu) c |= 1; // binary 10..1010
if (v & 0xCCCCCCCCu) c |= 2; // binary 1100..11001100
if (v & 0xF0F0F0F0u) c |= 4;
if (v & 0xFF00FF00u) c |= 8;
if (v & 0xFFFF0000u) c |= 16;
else c = 32;
Once we know only one bit is set, we determine one bit of the result at a time, by simultaneously testing all bits where the result is odd, then all bits where the result has the 2's-place set, etc.
The original code worked in reverse, starting with all bits of the result set (after the if (c) c--;) and then determining which needed to be zero and clearing them.
Since we are learning one bit of the output at a time, I think it's more clear to build the output using bit operations not arithmetic.

This code (from the net) is mostly C, although v &= -signed(v); isn't correct C. The intent is for it to behave as v &= ~v + 1;
First, if v is zero, then it remains zero after the & operation, and all of the if statements are skipped, so you get 32.
Otherwise, the & operation (when corrected) clears all bits to the left of the rightmost 1, so at that point v contains a single 1 bit. Then c is decremented to 31, i.e. all 1 bits within the possible result range.
The if statements then determine its numeric position one bit at a time (one bit of the position number, not of v), clearing the bits that should be 0.

The code first transforms v is such a way that is is entirely null, except the left most one that remains. Then, it determines the position of this first one.
First let's see how we suppress all ones but the left most one.
Assume that k is the position of the left most one in v. v=(vn-1,vn-2,..vk+1,1,0,..0).
-v is the number that added to v will give 0 (actually it gives 2^n, but bit 2^n is ignored if we only keep the n less significant bits).
What must the value of bits in -v so that v+-v=0?
obviously bits k-1..0 of -k must be at 0 so that added to the trailing zeros in v they give a zero.
bit k must be at 1. Added to the one in vk, it will give a zero and a carry at one at order k+1
bit k+1 of -v will be added to vk+1 and to the carry generated at step k. It must be the logical complement of vk+1. So whatever the value of vk+1, we will have 1+0+1 if vk+1=0 (or 1+1+0 if vk+1=1) and result will be 0 at order k+1 with a carry generated at order k+2.
This is similar for bits n-1..k+2 and they must all be the logical complement of the corresponding bit in v.
Hence, we get the well-known result that to get -v, one must
leave unchanged all trailing zeros of v
leave unchanged the left most one of v
complement all the other bits.
If we compute v&-v, we have
v vn-1 vn-2 ... vk+1 1 0 0 ... 0
-v & ~vn-1 ~vn-2 ... ~vk+1 1 0 0 ... 0
v&-v 0 0 ... 0 1 0 0 ... 0
So v&-v only keeps the left most one in v.
To find the location of first one, look at the code:
if (v) c--; // no 1 in result? -> 32 trailing zeros.
// Otherwise it will be in range c..0=31..0
if (v & 0x0000FFFF) c -= 16; // If there is a one in left most part of v the range
// of possible values for the location of this one
// will be 15..0.
// Otherwise, range must 31..16
// remaining range is c..c-15
if (v & 0x00FF00FF) c -= 8; // if there is one in either byte 0 (c=15) or byte 2 (c=31),
// the one is in the lower part of range.
// So we must substract 8 to boundaries of range.
// Other wise, the one is in the upper part.
// Possible range of positions of v is now c..c-7
if (v & 0x0F0F0F0F) c -= 4; // do the same for the other bits.
if (v & 0x33333333) c -= 2;
if (v & 0x55555555) c -= 1;


JPEG category encode bitwise operation

In the Cryx note about JPEG compression, categories are described as "the minimum size in bits in which we can keep that value". It goes on to say that values falling within certain ranges are put into categories. I have pasted a segment below but not the whole table.
Values Category Bits for the value
0 0 -
-1,1 1 0,1
-3,-2,2,3 2 00,01,10,11
-7,-6,-5,-4,4,5,6,7 3 000,001,010,011,100,101,110,111
The JPEG encoder/decoder found here performs the category encoding with a bitwise operation that I don't understand and I am hoping someone can clarify for me. RLE of 0's is done elsewhere, but this portion of the code breaks up the remaining pixel values into the categories as specified in the Cryx document.
In the code below, the variable code is the value of the YUV value of the pixel. In the while loop, if the conditions are met, i is decremented until the correct category is reached. For example, if the pixel value is 6.0, starting from category 15, i is decremented until 3 is reached. This is done with a bitwise operation that I do not understand. Can someone please clarify what condition is being tested for in the while loop? More specifically, !(absc & mask) is a Boolean, but I don't understand how this helps us to know the correct category.
The reason for the last if statement is also unclear to me. Thanks
unsigned absc = abs(*code);
unsigned mask = (1 << 15);
int i = 15;
if (absc == 0) { *size = 0; return; }
while (i && !(absc & mask)) { mask >>= 1; i--; }
*size = i + 1;
if (*code < 0) *code = (1 << *size) - absc - 1;
while here is used to find the most significant bit in code. Or in other words - length of code in bits.
The loop consequently applies mask to get next bit in code. First, mask is 1000000000000000 in binary form with 1 in 15th bit (zero based), the most valued bit in 2-byte (16 bit) number. Operator & (binary AND) zeros all bits in absc except one with 1 in mask. If result is zero than shift mask right (remove last binary digit) and repeat with next bit.
For value 6 = 110b (binary form) while will work till mask = 100b and i = 2. After it size will be set to 3.
If code was negative than the last line will convert it in one’s compliment representation with size length. Such encoding of negative numbers is described in your categories list.

C bit-wise operations with hex numbers

Is there a way to access certain parts of a hexadecimal number in C?
I want to write a function that takes in a hexadecimal number and negates it, but leaves the least significant byte unchanged. Example: 0x87654321 should become 0x789ABC21.
I've tried to somehow save the LSB and then apply it to the negated x, but my problem is that my mask gets applied to all bytes. I could hard code it for a specific value, but obviously that's not what I want.
void b(int x) {
int temp = x & 0xFF; // temp is all 0 with the LSB being the same as x's
x = ~x; // this negates x
// one of a couple of attempts I tried thus far:
// x = (x & 0x00) | temp;
// idea: change x's LSB to 00 and OR it with temp,
// changing x's LSB to temp's LSB
I'd appreciate if you don't post code for the solution, but rather just answer whether there is a way to apply bit operations to specific sections of a hexadecimal number, or how I could possibly solve this.
In general you can operate on specific bits of a value by using a mask.
A mask is bit-pattern with 1s where you want to operate and 0s where you don't.
It seems like you need 3 operations: extract lowest byte, negate, restore lowest byte. You can figure out negation, so I'll just talk about extracting a bit-field and restoring an extracted bit-field.
To extract specified bits, use a mask with 1s for the desired bits and use the bitwise and operator &. The and operator sets 0s for all 0s of the mask, and where the mask is 1, it copies the bits from the other argument. If you need to examine this value elsewhere in your program, it may also be convenient to right-shift >> the value down to the lowest position (so it's easier to lookup in tables).
To restore saved bits, shift back up if you shifted it down earlier. Then clear those bits from the value, and use inclusive-or | as a bitwise sum of all one bits. To clear the bits from the value, use the inverse of the mask from the first operation. Ie. y = x & 0xf saves a nibble, x & ~0xf clears that nibble, (x & ~0xf) | y recombines to the same original x.
If the piece you're extracting is not in the lowest position, say the second byte (LSB) from a 32 bit unsigned integer, then it may be useful to shift the extracted value to the zero position to work with it.
x = 0x12345678;
y = x & 0xFF00; // == 0x5600
y >>= 8; // == 0x56
But if you do this then you have to shift it back to the correct position (of course) before updating the larger value with a new value for the bitfield.
x = (x & ~0xFF00) | (y << 8);
If I correctly understood the question, seems like it would be something like this (untested).
void b(int x) {
return (~x & ~0xFF) | (x & 0xFF);
I've found a way to manipulate a chosen byte. (!!! This would be homework 2.60 of CS:APP !!!)
If 0x12345678 is a given hexadecimal value of type, say int, then doing this will allow me to change the ith byte:
int x = 0x12345678;
unsigned char* xptr = (unsigned char*) &x;
xptr[i] = 0; // say i=2, then this would yield: 0x120045678
Now, if I want to add a value in the position of byte i, say 0xAB, I'd do what luser droog already mentioned:
int temp = 0xAB;
temp = temp << i*8; // say i=2, then this would yield: 0x00AB0000
x = x | temp; // this yields the desired result 0x12AB3456

How can I split one long value which was 'build' from 2 int-values back into its 2 integers?

I have (not mine) a program that reads long values from a data-file.
I can change the numbers in the data-file and I can do s.th. with the number the program has read from the data-file.
Now I want to write 2 integer-values (2*4 byte) in the data-file instead of one (small) long-value (8 byte).
What do I have to do with the number I get in the program to 'split' that into the two initial integer-values?
What I read is s.th. like 54257654438765. How do I split that?
That program offers me some (c-like) bitwise operations:
x = x << y; // left shift
x = x >> y; // right shift
b = ((x & y) != 0); // Bitwise AND
b = ((x | y) != 0); // Bitwise OR
b = x ^ y; // Bitwise Exclusive Operation OR
But these operators are working in that program only with integer- not long-values and I assume that 2 integers together get bigger than the highest possible integer +-2'147'483'647).
Is there a numeric approach (from the value I see) to get back the two int-values?
I have never tried that and I appreciate any hint!
That is a easy one. You got your 64-bit value. The upper 32-bit is one value, the lower another.
The trick is to get the values into position to a cast to a 32-bit integer works. So casting your 64-bit value to a integer and storing it in a integer variable, will give you the lower 32-bit value right away.
For the upper value you need to do some shifting. You need to move the upper values by 32bit to the right to get them into position.
So basically:
uint64 longValue = /* Your long value. */;
uint32 firstIntValue = (uint32) longValue;
uint32 secondIntValue = (uint32) (longValue >> 32);
As the cast will discard all bits not fitting into the new variable that should work just fine.
And as requested by comment. Also the other way round:
uint64 longValue = secondIntValue;
longValue = longValue << 32; /* If its C: longValue <<= 32; */
longValue = longValue | firstIntValue; /* If its C: longValue |= firstIntValue; */
The idea here is to first put the the integer that is supposed to end up in the higher bits to the 64-bit storage and move them with the shift to the up bits. After that place the lower value with a OR operation in the lower bits. You can't perform a simple assignment in the last operation because that would kill the upper bits.
Just as additional information. You can get around all that shifting entirely in case you are able to use unions and structs in the language you are using. If its plain C that is possible.

How do I implement a bit array?

Current direction:
Start with and unsigned char which is 1 Byte on my system using sizeof. Range is 0-255.
If length is the number of bits I need then elements is the number of elements (bytes) I need in my array.
constant unsigned int elements = length/8 + (length % y > 0 ? 1 : 0);
unsigned char bit_arr[elements];
Now I add basic functionality such as set, unset, and test. Where j is the bit per byte index, i is the byte index and h = bit index. We have i = h / 8 and j = i % 8.
Psuedo-Code :
bit_arr[i] |= (1 << j); // Set
bit_arr[i] &= ~(1 << j); // Unset
if( bit_arr[i] & (1 << j) ) // Test
Looks like you have a very good idea of what needs to be done. Though instead of pow(2, j), use 1 << j. You also need to change your test code. You don't want the test to do an assignment to the array.
pow() will give you floating-point values, which you don't want. At all. It might work for you, as you use powers of two, but it can get weird as j gets bigger.
You'd do a bit better to use 1 << j instead. Removes any chance of float weirdness, and it probably performs better, too.

Efficient conditional for increasing size in bits

Suppose I have an increasing sequence of unsigned integers C[i]. As they increase, it's likely that they will occupy increasingly many bits. I'm looking for an efficient conditional, based purely on two consecutive elements of the sequence C[i] and C[i+1] (past and future ones are not observable), that will evaluate to true either exactly or approximately once for every time the number of bits required increases.
An obvious (but slow) choice of conditional is:
if (ceil(log(C[i+1])) > ceil(log(C[i]))) ...
and likewise anything that computes the number of leading zero bits using special cpu opcodes (much better but still not great).
I suspect there may be a nice solution involving an expression using just bitwise or and bitwise and on the values C[i+1] and C[i]. Any thoughts?
Suppose your two numbers are x and y. If they have the same high order bit, then x^y is less than both x and y. Otherwise, it is higher than one of the two.
v = x^y
if (v > x || v > y) { ...one more bit... }
I think you just need clz(C[i+1]) < clz(C[i]) where clz is a function which returns the number of leading zeroes ("count leading zeroes"). Some CPU families have an instruction for this (which may be available as an instrinsic). If not then you have to roll your own (it typically only takes a few instructions) - see Hacker's Delight.
Given (I believe this comes from Hacker's Delight):
int hibit(unsigned int n) {
n |= (n >> 1);
n |= (n >> 2);
n |= (n >> 4);
n |= (n >> 8);
n |= (n >> 16);
return n - (n >> 1);
Your conditional is simply hibit(C[i]) != hibit(C[i+1]).
BSR - Bit Scan Reverse (386+)
Usage: BSR dest,src
Modifies flags: ZF
Scans source operand for first bit set. Sets ZF if a bit is found
set and loads the destination with an index to first set bit. Clears
ZF is no bits are found set. BSF scans forward across bit pattern
(0-n) while BSR scans in reverse (n-0).
Clocks Size
Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes
reg,reg - - 10+3n 6-103 3
reg,mem - - 10+3n 7-104 3-7
reg32,reg32 - - 10+3n 6-103 3-7
reg32,mem32 - - 10+3n 7-104 3-7
You need two of these (on C[i] and C[i]+1) and a compare.
Keith Randall's solution is good, but you can save one xor instruction by using the following code which processes the entire sequence in O(w + n) instructions, where w is the number of bits in a word, and n is the number of elements in the sequence. If the sequence is long, most iterations will only involve one comparison, avoiding one xor instruction.
This is accomplished by tracking the highest power of two that has been reached as follows:
t = 1; // original setting
if (c[i + 1] >= t) {
do {
t <<= 1;
} while (c[i + 1] >= t); // watch for overflow
... // conditional code here
The number of bits goes up when the value is about overflow a power of two. A simple test is then, is the value equal to a power of two, minus 1? This can be accomplished by asking:
if ((C[i] & (C[i]+1))==0) ...
The number of bits goes up when the value is about to overflow a power of two.
A simple test is then:
while (C[i] >= (1<<number_of_bits)) then number_of_bits++;
If you want it even faster:
int number_of_bits = 1;
int two_to_number_of_bits = 1<<number_of_bits ;
... your code ....
while ( C[i]>=two_to_number_of_bits )
{ number_of_bits++;
two_to_number_of_bits = 1<<number_of_bits ;
