Is there a way to change what Pepper says in Autonomous Life? - nao-robot

I would like to change what Pepper the robot says when it is in "default mode", i.e. without having any application launched; thus enabling it to answer some questions the manufacturer didn't include, or to change its answer.
I have already tried —to no avail— looking for a solution on Aldebaran's documentation, google researches proved fruitless too.
The kind of questions that the robot can be asked are here: it doesn't say how to change the content though.
I'm basically expecting the robot to be able to deliver some information without needing to get into application; I'm aware that there are collaborative speeches but this isn't what I am looking for.

Option 1:
You can find the dialoges from Pepper at:
You could edit or extend those.
Option 2:
You could copy the content, edit them as you like and merge it into your own dialog.
But you would have to "get into application".
If you just want to add something to the default dialoges. Then you could activate your own custom topic in default mode.
Given your topic file is named and is placed in /data/home/nao/:
import naoqi
from naoqi import ALProxy
ald = ALProxy("ALDialog", "pepper.local", 9559)
myTopic = ald.loadTopic("/data/home/nao/")
Then your custom topic should be listed among the other topics activated in defaut mode.
Option 3:
Make your own application with your own dialog and just activate all the other topics too.


Is there a way to change the name that the NAO-robot uses in the Basic channel?

I want that my NAO-robot (Version 6) uses another name than NAO, when someone asks "What is your name?". I already changed it's name in the settings, but it doesnt use it by the voice recognition.
The basic channel's content is probably generic and might not adapt to your robot's actual name. But by making a small app reacting on the same trigger sentence, you might be able to override the current behavior.

Composite C1: how to make the page editor to display the source code by default

When you start editing a page, the editor is initially in the Visual mode, so every time you have to switch it to the Source mode if you prefer html-level editing as usually programmers do.
It is annoying when you have a lot of things to do during the day, especially when there is a bunch of languages every page is translated to.
I haven't found any option in the CMS and no solution in Google.
Actually I found myself the way to change this, so I post this question in order to instantly answer it. Maybe this will help somebody.
Edit file VisualEditorPageBinding.js, which is located in /Composite/content/misc/editors/visualeditor/bindings.
There is function VisualEditorPageBinding.prototype.initializeComponent.
Simply add this line at the very end of the function:

Use a batch file to change resolution and refresh rate for a specific program

I want a batch or program that will open an application (the steam game csgo) change the computers resolution to 1280x960 (the res I play at) and "overclock" the monitor to 75Hz then revert to normal when the application is closed.
I've looked for something to do this online and found 12noon's Display Changer. At first glance it says it will do everything I need, change my resolution and refresh rate then revert. However the how to section is not very user friendly ( and I can't find any tutorials online.
It tells me to change the programs shortcut to something like this -
dc.exe -width=640 -height=480 -depth=8 -refresh=72 "c:\Program Files\Hasbro\Freddi.exe"
So I try to change CSGO's shortcut to
dc.exe -width=1280 -height=960 -depth=32 -refresh=75 "steam://rungameid/730"
and as soon as I click apply it changes to a bing search for those terms. I feel like I'm making a really obvious newbie error but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks in advance

Given a CLPlacemark is it possible to get an image of that location?

I want to do something similar to what Apple Maps does - when you select the annotation for a pin, the detail view includes an picture of the place. I cannot find any information on how we mere mortals can do this. Is this private API and I'm out of luck, or am I just searching for the wrong keywords?
You can add a mapview that doesn't allow user interaction

What's a good, affordable "knob" library?

I'm currently thinking of a new pet project, an "editor" for MIDI-enabled synths. I've got the MIDI side covered, I suppose, but what I'm looking for right now is something that can pass for nice "dials" and "knobs" like you see in Ableton Live, Reason, Reaktor, and so forth.
Putting my form full of trackbars, is sort of wasteful, y'know?
So, what is a nice affordable .NET 2.0 library that has that sort of graphical components?
1- has some related controls (C#)
2- is another C# based Knob Control
Used the (2) personally on one project and it worked great (though not visually very strong). (1) looks cooler but havn't explored
Check out some of these. If none just do search for ".net gauges". Most of the major UI control libraries have a gauge or dashboard library.
I've never used this myself, but found KineticaRT controls. $67.06.
GMSI.Net Knob v2.0. $169.00.
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