How to center two markers with react native map view - reactjs

I got two markers at two different coordinates.
How do people normally center two markers so that you can see two marker at the same time on map, regardless how far away they are.
ref={ (map)=> = map}
{ this.state.marker1 !==0 && <MapView.Marker
{ this.state.marker2 !==0 && <MapView.Marker

You can use the fitToSuppliedMarkers or fitToCoordinates method of the MapView.

For anyone like me who comes across this, what you need is fitToSuppliedMarkers from MapView and identifiers from Marker. Here is an example:

You need to use fitToSuppliedMarkers or fitToCoordinates method of the MapView in ComponentDidMount or useEffect and make sure you put it in a setTimeout or it will cause performance problems.
useEffect(() => {
if (!destination) return;
setTimeout(() => {
mapRef?.current?.fitToSuppliedMarkers(["destination", "origin"], {
edgePadding: { top: 70, right: 70, bottom: 70, left: 70 },
}, 500);
// console.log("2", destination);
}, [origin, destination]);
Note edgePadding is Google Maps only


How can I stop my google map reloading every time I try to do something else off the map?

I have React Page. I splitted the page in 2. In the first half I have a form with some fields, and In the second half I have a Google Map Component. I added a Polyline. The path of the polyline gets updated every time the user left clicks (add point) or right clicks (remove point), or if it's dragged. Everything works well until I leave the map and focus on inputs or press some buttons in the other half. Then if I try to add new points or remove them ( this is not working because it has no points to remove) it starts a new polyline.
My methods are very simple, I took them from the docs and they do the job.
const addLatLng = (event) => {
const path = poly.getPath();
const removeVertex = (vertex) => {
let path = poly.getPath();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
google.maps.event.addListener(poly, 'rightclick', function (event) {
if (event.vertex === undefined) {
} else {
<div style={{ height: '100vh' }}>
onLoad={(map) => setMap(map)}
mapContainerStyle={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}
onClick={(event) => { !showInputForLink && addLatLng(event) }}
First methods do the action and this is how I declared the map.
const { isLoaded } = useJsApiLoader({
googleMapsApiKey: ct.MAPS_API_KEY,
libraries: ['drawing, places']
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const [map, setMap] = useState(/** #type google.maps.Map */(null))
const poly = new google.maps.Polyline({
strokeColor: '#160BB9',
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 3,
editable: true,
And this is how I declared the poly.
I tried to look up in Docs to see if I missed something, but I couldn't find anything that will not lose the focus on the map when I do something else or to start another polyline.
I am not using different components, everything is in on file.
Should I declare a Poly component inside the map? and not use the traditional JavaScript method?
How can I create this without resetting the map when I do actions in the first half?

GoogleMaps api : why does my map state become null?

Help appreciated, I'm stuck !
What I try to do
I display a Google map with a set of marker.
When I click on a marker, I want to add a Google circle to the map.
What happens
When I click on a first marker, no circle is displayed.
But when I click on a second marker and more, they are displayed !
Why it does not work
I've tracked the map state value with console.log.
The problem is that when I first go to the MarkkerClicked function, for an unknown reason, the "map" state's value is "null" ! So no circle is created.
And, even stranger, the map state contains a map instance when the map is first loaded, and also when I click a second marker.
Can you tell me what I have done wrong, that makes the map value set to null when the first marker is clicked ?
My component :
import { GoogleMap, MarkerF, useJsApiLoader } from "#react-google-maps/api";
import Box from '#mui/material/Box';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
let mapCircle1 = null
export default function MapPage() {
// The array of markers is in the REDUX store
const selectMarkersArray = state => state.markersArray
const markersArray = useSelector(selectMarkersArray)
// This state contains the selected marker (or null if no marker selected)
const [selectedMarker, setSelectedMarker] = useState(null);
// Options for GoogleMaps
let center = {
lat: 43.3318,
lng: 5.0550
let zoom = 15
const containerStyle = {
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
// GoogleMaps loading instructions
const { isLoaded } = useJsApiLoader({
id: 'google-map-script',
googleMapsApiKey: "MY-GOOGLE-KEY"
const [map, setMap] = useState(null)
const onLoad = useCallback(function callback(map) {
console.log('map value in onLoad :')
}, [])
const onUnmount = useCallback(function callback(map) {
}, [])
// Function executed when a marker is clicked
function markerClicked(props) {
console.log('map value in markerClicked :')
// I create a new Circle data
let circleOption1 = {
fillColor: "#2b32ac ",
map: map,
center: {lat:props.marker.spotLatitude, lng:props.marker.spotLongitude},
radius: props.marker.spotCircleRadius,
mapCircle1 = new;
// I update the selecte marker state
return (isLoaded ? (
<Box height="80vh" display="flex" flexDirection="column">
{, index) => {
return (
position={{lat:marker.spotLatitude, lng:marker.spotLongitude}}
onClick={() => markerClicked({marker:marker})}
) : <></>
And the console.log (first log when the map is loaded, second when the first marker is clicked, third when another marker is clicked):
map value in onLoad :
jj {gm_bindings_: {…}, __gm: hda, gm_accessors_: {…}, mapCapabilities: {…}, renderingType: 'UNINITIALIZED', …}
map value in markerClicked :
map value in markerClicked :
jj {gm_bindings_: {…}, __gm: hda, gm_accessors_: {…}, mapCapabilities: {…}, renderingType: 'RASTER', …}```
It coulds be because you are not using State Hooks and the <Circle /> component for rendering / updating circles
I was able to reproduce your code on codesandbox and confirmed that the map is indeed returning null per marker click. I'm still unsure as to why it really is happening, but I managed to fix it and managed to render a circle even on the first marker click, after modifying your code by utilizing State Hooks for your circles, and also using the <Circle /> component as per the react-google-maps/api library docs.
I just managed to hardcode some stuff since I did not use redux to reproduce your code but one of the things I did is create a circles array State Hook:
// this array gets updated whenever you click on a marker
const [circles, setCircles] = useState([
id: "",
center: null,
circleOptions: {
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#FF0000",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
clickable: false,
draggable: false,
editable: false,
visible: true,
radius: 100,
zIndex: 1
Just make sure to add the useState on your import.
Then for demonstration, I hardcoded a markers array:
// This could be your array of marker using redux,
// I just hardcoded this for demonstration
const markersArray = [
id: 1,
position: { lat: 43.333194, lng: 5.050184 }
id: 2,
position: { lat: 43.336356, lng: 5.053353 }
id: 3,
position: { lat: 43.331609, lng: 5.056403 }
id: 4,
position: { lat: 43.328806, lng: 5.058998 }
Then here's my markerClicked function looks like:
// Function executed when a marker is clicked
const markerClicked = (marker) => {
console.log("map value on marker click: ");
// This stores the marker coordinates
// in which we will use for the center of your circle
const markerLatLng = marker.latLng.toJSON();
// this will update our circle array
// adding another object with different center
// the center is fetched from the marker that was clicked
setCircles((prevState) => {
return [
id: "",
center: markerLatLng,
circleOptions: {
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#FF0000",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
clickable: false,
draggable: false,
editable: false,
visible: true,
radius: 100,
zIndex: 1
// this is for you to see that the circles array is updated.
Please do note that the onClick attribute for <MarkerF /> automatically returns a parameter that includes the marker's coordinates and other stuff, you can just try to use console.log if you wanna check. Also make sure that the value you put on the onClick is equals to the name of the function alone. In this case, it is markerClicked, you'll see later on.
Note: I also added a mapClicked function for you to be able to clear the circles array.
Please see proof of concept sandbox below.
Then this is how I rendered the <GoogleMap /> component with <MarkerF /> and <Circle /> components as its children.
{, index) => {
return (
position={{ lat:, lng: marker.position.lng }}
{/* This maps through the circles array, so when the array gets updated,
another circle is added */}
{, index) => {
return (
// required
// required
With all these, the map value on marker click does not return null, and a circle gets rendered even on first marker click.
Here's a proof of concept sandbox for you to check and see how it works ( Make sure to use your own API key to test ):
Note: There's some weird offset between the marker and the circle if you zoom out too far, but seems fine when you zoom in. I have encountered this on some previous questions here in SO when rendering polylines and I don't know why is that or how to fix it.
With that said, hope this helps!

React-three-fiber with react-spring animations

sorry if this seems like an obvious answer, but I am trying to create an animation similar to this. I am trying to create one similar with react-three-fiber but I can't use the ones shown in the docs since they manipulate the style transform property which isn't possible with three.js. I have tried to manipulate it through the position attribute and props but it comes with an error as shown here and I don't really know where to start to fix this. Here is my code:
const props = useSpring({
to: async next => {
await next({ position: [100, 100, 100] });
await next({ position: [50, 50, 50] });
from: { position: [100, 100, 100] },
config: { duration: 3500 },
reset: true
return (
< {...props}>
<Box position={[-1.2, 0, 0]} />
<Box position={[1.2, 0, 0]} />
I have used react-spring successfully with hovering and scale but it just doesn't work when using position.
i think something like that is best done with trigonometry
const ref = useRef()
useFrame(() => {
ref.current.position.y = Math.sin(state.clock.getElapsedTime()) * 10
return <group ref={ref}> ...
Math.sin will yield a value between -1 to 1 and alternates smoothly between the two. multiply your factor (the distance) and you have it. here's an example that dollies the camera like that:
otherwise it's react-spring/three, not react-spring:

React Native: How to stop map markers from re-rendering on every state update

I have a component that has a map with multiple custom markers for various locations and a carousel with cards for those same locations. When a user presses a marker, it should show the callout and show the location's name next to the marker (but outside of the callout).
However, because I update the state in onRegionChangeComplete, if the user moves the map and then quickly presses the marker (before the state finishes updating from calling setState in onRegionChangeComplete), then the markers will re-render before firing the onPress event, and the event is never fired.
One solution might be to use shouldComponentUpdate, however, the docs state that it should only be used for performance optimization and not to prevent re-renders (, but more importantly, my componentDidUpdate function has some conditional logic dependent on the region set in shouldComponentUpdate, as well as other conditional actions, so I don't want to prevent re-rendering of the entire component, just unnecessary re-rendering of the markers.
I'm also using the performance optimization mentioned in of wrapping the makers in a component that implements shouldComponentUpdate and getDerivedStateFromProps, however, I'm not entirely sure this is doing anything because it seems like the parent component is just recreating all of my optimized markers rather than using their optimizations to handle re-rendering. Also, even if I don't use a wrapped marker but a conventional custom marker, I still have the same issues.
I've also opened an issue for this on react-native-maps but haven't gotten a response yet:
My 'onRegionComplete' function that updates state when map is moved. I removed a few other conditional state updates for brevity:
onRegionChangeComplete = (region) => {
const nextState = { };
nextState.region = region;
if (this.state.showNoResultsCard) {
nextState.showNoResultsCard = false;
this.setState({ ...nextState });
latitude1: region.latitude + (region.latitudeDelta / 2),
longitude1: region.longitude + (region.longitudeDelta / 2),
latitude2: region.latitude - (region.latitudeDelta / 2),
longitude2: region.longitude - (region.longitudeDelta / 2)
MapView using the more conventional marker (not the optomized version):
<MapView // show if loaded or show a message asking for location
style={{ flex: 1, minHeight: 200, minWidth: 200 }}
{this.state.isMapReady &&, index) => {
const calloutText = this.getDealText(place, 'callout');
return (
ref={(ref) => { this.markers[index] = ref; }}
latitude: place.getLatitude(),
longitude: place.getLongitude()
onPress={() => { this.onMarkerSelect(index); }}
anchor={{ x: 0.05, y: 0.9 }}
centerOffset={{ x: 400, y: -60 }}
calloutOffset={{ x: 8, y: 0 }}
calloutAnchor={{ x: 0.075, y: 0 }}
style={index === this.state.scrollIndex ? { zIndex: 2 } : null}
{this.state.scrollIndex === index &&
<Text style={styles.markerTitle}>{place.getName()}</Text>}
<Callout onPress={() => this.onCalloutTap(place)} tooltip={false}>
<View style={{
borderColor: red,
width: 240,
borderWidth: 0,
borderRadius: 20,
paddingHorizontal: 8,
flexDirection: 'column',
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
alignItems: 'center'
<Text style={styles.Title}>Now:</Text>
<View style={{
width: 240,
flexDirection: 'column',
justifyContent: 'space-evenly',
alignItems: 'flex-start',
paddingHorizontal: 8,
flex: 1
My function for the marker's on press event:
onMarkerSelect(index) {
this.setState({ scrollIndex: index });
animated: true,
viewOffset: 0,
viewPosition: 0.5
Updating state and then quickly pressing a marker will cause the onPress event not to fire. Also, the markers are re-rendered/recreated every time a parent component is updated. (I say recreated because it seems like the markers are re-rendering without even firing shouldComponentUpdate or componentDidUpdate).
Is there any way to update state in onRegionChangeComplete without forcing the markers to re-render?
For anyone else who happens to have this problem, the issue was that I was randomly generating the keys for the markers, causing the parent component to create new markers each time it was re-rendered.
Specifically, the line key={Shortid.generate()} was the problem.

How to translateX, translateY to a certain coordinate rather than a relative point?

My question is about using translateX and translateY in react and/or react-native animations, to animate an object to a certain point.
These two transformations move an object relative to the existing point.
But for the scenario, the existing coordinate is not important and I want to assure the object moves to a certain point wherever it may exist in the screen.
Additional limitation is, I can not animate styles top, bottom, left and right because in react-native, if we animate these styles then we can not use the useNativeDriver={true} directive which causes performance problems.
You can use the onLayout prop to get position (relative to parent) and height/width on any View component.
Something like this should work. You might need to get position of more parent View components, depending on your current structure.
componentDidMount() {
this.animatedValue = new Animated.Value(0);
animate() {
const { parentYPosition } = this.state;
Animated.Timing(this.animatedValue, {
toValue: FINAL_POSITION - parentYPosition
render() {
return (
onLayout={event => {
const { y } = event.nativeEvent.layout;
this.setState({parentYPosition: y})
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
transform: [
translateY: this.animatedValue
