How to access a database from a hybrid app without crossing domains? - database

I am developing an app with PhoneGap (Cordova) + Framework7 and I need to connect to a database. The issue is that it's an hybrid app, which means the www files are local and the app creates an internal server, and so if you try to use AJAX to run a php file it crosses domains, since it'll try to reach for my webserver while it's running it's own server. What can I do?
(I know Cordova has a utility named WebSQL that connects to SQLite, but my database is MySQL, and I think it can only connect to a local db)
(You can't move php to be local because Cordova can't run php files, also it's probably not very secure)

My suggestion is to use Ajax to access your server. (to run the PHP file) You can allow your server URL in environment variables of frontend.
Check for Content-Security-Policy and connect-src in frontend and add your server URL there. Then you will be able to send Ajax to your server.
Hope this helps.


Debugging GAE microservices locally but without using localhost

I would like to debug my Google App Engine (GAE) app locally but without using localhost. Since my application is made up of microservices, the urls in a production environment would be along the lines of:
But code in one service can call another service and that means that the urls are hardcoded. I could of course use a mechanism in code to determine whether the app is running locally or on GAE and use urls that are different although I don't see how a local url would handle the since the only way to run an app locally is to use localhost. Hence:
Notice that "some-service" maps to a servlet, whereas "my-service" is a name assigned to a service when the app is uploaded. These are really two different things.
The only possible solution I was able to find was to use a reverse proxy which would map one url to a different one. Still, it isn't clear whether the GAE development SDK even supports this.
Personally I chose to detect the local development vs GAE environment and build my inter-services URLs accordingly. I feel it was a well-worthy effort, I've been (re)using it a lot. No reverse proxy or any other additional ops necessary, it just works.
Granted, I'm using Python, so I'm not 100% sure a complete similar Java solution exists. But maybe it can point you in the right direction.
To build the per-service URLs I used modules.get_hostname() (the implementation is presented in Resolve Discovery path on App Engine Module). I believe the Java equivalent would be getInstanceHostname() from
This method, when executed on the local server, automatically provides the particular port the server listens to for each service.
BTW, all my services for an app are executed by a single development server process, which listens on multiple ports (this is, I guess, how it can provide the modules.get_hostname() info). See Running multiple services using on different ports. This is part I'm unsure about: if/how the java local dev server can simultaneously run multiple services. Apparently this used to be supported some time ago (when services were still called modules):
Serving multiple GAE modules from one development server?
GAE modules on development server
This can be accomplished with the following steps:
Create an entry in the hosts file
Run the App Engine Dev server from a Terminal using certain options
Use IntelliJ with Remote debugging to attach the App Engine Dev server.
To edit the hosts file on a Mac, edit the file /etc/hosts and supply the domain that corresponds to your service:. Example:
After you save this, you need to restart your computer for the changes to take place.
Run the App Engine Dev server manually: --address= --jvm_flag=-Xdebug
In IntelliJ, create a debug configuration. Use the Remote template to create this configuration. Set the host to the url you set in the hosts file and set the port to 8000.
You can set a breakpoint and run the app in IntelliJ. IntelliJ will attach to the running instance of App Engine Dev server.
Because you are using a port during debugging and no port is actually used when the app is uploaded to the GAE during production, you need to add code that identifies when the app is running locally and when it's running on GAE. This can be done as follows:
private String mServiceUrl = "";
if (SystemProperty.environment.value() != SystemProperty.Environment.Value.Production) {
mServiceUrl += ":8000";
An improved solution is to avoid including the port altogether and not having to use code to determine whether your app is running locally or on the production server. One way to do this is to use Charles (an application for monitoring and interacting with requests) and use a feature called Remote Mapping which lets you map one url to another. When enabled, you could map something like:
You would then enable the option to include the original host, so that this gets delivered to the local dev server. As far as your code is concerned it only sees:
although the ip address will be when remote mapping is enabled. To use https on local host however does require that you enable ssl certificates for Charles.
For a complete overview on how to setup and debug microservices for a GAE Java app in IntelliJ, see:

How to deploy angular app that completely relies on external API to retrieve and store data?

For an angular app that completely relies on external API to retrieve and store data, is NodeJS necessary for deployment? What are the other possible methods of deployment? Currently, I use it for local development and plan on using it in combination with Nginx for production. However, NodeJS is not doing anything except launching index.html. So should I remove NodeJS altogether and simply use Nginx alone?
One solution is to host it using any web host, they all equally host HTML only sites, and this solution is pretty inexpensive. Hosts like Hostgator, etc., will allow you to upload the site via FTP.
A second choice is to host it using a web server (Nginx), but this is probably the most costly. You can host your own server in any cloud service (Amazon would be EC2 for instance) and then host your files there. This is probably not a good option for you. The only reason to use this type of solution is if you need the server to host code, so if you were using node to talk to a database for instance.
A 'pro' option may be to put them in S3 on AWS, and host it that way, it is pretty inexpensive.
Here is a link explaining how to host on Amazon -

Laravel and AngularJS in Homestead

I want to get started with Homestead for my project. This is an existing project, and it works when using a standard WAMP stack.
I use backend and frontend as separate applications, but on the same domain, like this:
Laravel as rest backend at url
AngularJS as frontend at url
I have mapped my site to /home/vagrant/project1, where the two folders api and client are located.
When trying to access I got the Laravel welcome page. So far so good. But when trying, the nginx log says /home/vagrant/project1/index.php is missing. But this is wrong, since the file is located at /home/vagrant/project1/api/public/index.php.
Any advice on how to be able to use homestead for my approach?
Seems like a good scenario to use a separate subdomain for the API (, or just a different domain altogether.
Check out the section "Adding additional sites" in the documentation:
Once your Homestead environment is provisioned and running, you may want to add additional Nginx sites for your Laravel applications. You can run as many Laravel installations as you wish on a single Homestead environment. There are two ways to do this: First, you may simply add the sites to your Homestead.yaml file and then run homestead provision or vagrant provision.

Do you really need a server for AngularJS app?

I want to deploy my AngularJS app which access RESTful web-services onto an aws and I am wondering if I really need a server to serve my AngularJS files.
I can server them as static files or use something like NodeJS but do I really need one?
What are the advantages/dis-advantages of using a server in this scenario?
If your app is small, it's really not a problem if you only access to an API.
But if you want to login via other services where you have for example a public and secret token it's better to work with a server who use cache this datas from your users (maybe it's what your aws is doing).
If you want to access RESTFull Web Services from AWS, you need to put your angularjs files in a server.
The server will give access to resources, if the request is from http protocol. It will deny the request to serve if the protocol is file.

Using a remote PHP service with Flex (Flash Builder) AIR Application?

I'm developing a Adobe AIR application using Flash Builder 4. This app needs to access a remote PHP service which is being hosted on a remote web server.
I am having troubles figuring out how to add a PHP data service which uses a remote service. I can add the PHP data service in Flash Builder as a service hosted on localhost, but given that this will not be feasible when the application is deployed, will not work.
Does anyone know how to connect a Flash Builder (Flex) project to a remote PHP data service?
Ok, I think I got it figured out. Here's the steps that I took to get it working on the remote server:
First, the service should be set up from Flash Builder as a data service on your local computer (local server running).
After you have checked to make sure the service works from your local machine, upload your PHP service file to the remote server. Also, upload both gateway.php, amf_config.ini, and the ZendFramework folder.
Make sure to keep the folder structure the same on your remote server.
Add a constructor to your file in Flash Builder with a line as follows:
_serviceControl.endpoint = ""
Where the URL is pointing to your remote gateway.php.
Make sure your amf_config.ini file on the remote server is configured correctly.
is it possible to pass a variable to for _serviceControl.endpoint eg:
_serviceControl.endpoint = MY_VARIABLE
where MY_VARIABLE is defined somewhere inside the AIR application or is user defined
