MaterialTable - A state mutation was detected between dispatches - reactjs

I have two sets of data that i want to display in table data so depending on the requirement, trying to set state of tabledata with different data.
Table Component:
<Grid item xs={12} md={8}>
{this.state.showTable && this.state.tableData !== null && (
title="Manage Blogs"
icon: "open_in_new",
tooltip: "Open Blog",
onClick: (blog, rowData) => {
// Do save operation
this.props.history.push("partner/blog/" + rowData._id);
Following are the two places, where i am changing state of tableData:
changeSelectedComponent = label => {
if (this.state.selectedComponent.toString() !== label)
this.setState(state => ({ selectedComponent: label }));
if (label === "Blogs") {
if (
this.props.partnerBlogs === null &&
this.props.apiCallsInProgress === 0
) {
.catch(error => {
alert("Loading events failed" + error);
} else if (this.props.apiCallsInProgress === 0) {
this.setState({ tableData: this.props.partnerBlogs, showTable: true });
} else if (label === "Your Events") {
if (
this.props.partnerEvents === null &&
this.props.apiCallsInProgress === 0
) {
.catch(error => {
alert("Loading events failed" + error);
} else if (this.props.apiCallsInProgress === 0) {
this.setState({ tableData: this.props.partnerEvents, showTable: true });
Another place after receiving new props:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (
this.props.partnerBlogs !== nextProps.partnerBlogs &&
nextProps.apiCallsInProgress === 0
) {
tableData: nextProps.partnerBlogs,
showTable: true
if (
this.props.partnerEvents !== nextProps.partnerEvents &&
nextProps.apiCallsInProgress === 0
) {
tableData: nextProps.partnerEvents,
showTable: true
Initial state of tableData is null. There is no issue when i am setting state for the first time but while changing state, getting following error
A state mutation was detected between dispatches, in the path
partnerEvents.0.tableData. This may cause incorrect behavior.
Don't know what's wrong in my code, Thanks for the help

materialTable mutated your data adding the object TableData that contain row 'Id' and 'checked' elements, so I recommend use this in your code if you want to avoid the mutation:
data={ =>Object.assign({}, x))}
Please, let me know if that avoid the mutation issues that you are having.
Best Regards


this.setState isn't making changes in state

I am using functions that change a value in a nested object in the state :
an I am calling those functions in a button , they are executed when I click on that button , but one of those functions doesn't make changes to the state
This is the state :
state = {
data: {
attributesLength: this.props.product.attributes.length,
modalMessage: "",
isOpen: false,
and these are the functions :
addToCart = (id) => {
let data = { };
if (Object.keys(this.state).length === 1) {
data.modalMessage = "Please, select product attributes";
this.setState({ data});
if (
Object.keys(this.state).length - 1 ===
) {
const attributes = Object.entries(this.state).filter(
([key, value]) => key !== "data"
if (this.props.cartProducts.length === 0) {
id: id,
quantity: 1,
attributes: Object.fromEntries(attributes),
data.modalMessage = "Added to cart !";
this.setState({ data });
const product = this.props.cartProducts.filter((item) => === id);
if (product.length === 0) {
id: id,
quantity: 1,
attributes: Object.fromEntries(attributes),
data.modalMessage = "Added to cart !";
this.setState({ data });
if (product.length !== 0) {
this.props.changeQuantity({ id: id, case: "increase" });
data.modalMessage = "Quantity increased !";
this.setState({ data });
if ( === 0) {
id: id,
quantity: 1,
attributes: Object.fromEntries(attributes),
data.modalMessage = "Added to cart !";
this.setState({ data });
} else {
data.modalMessage = 'please, select "ALL" product attributes!';
this.setState({ data });
changeModalBoolean = () => {
let data = { };
data.isOpen = !data.isOpen;
this.setState({ data });
and this is where I am calling functions :
className={product.inStock ? null : "disabled"}
disabled={product.inStock ? false : true}
onClick={() => {
{product.inStock ? "add to cart" : "out of stock"}
changeModalBoolean function works and change state isOpen value,
This code run synchronously one after the other. In every function, you create a copy of previous state let data = { };
so the this.changeModalBoolean(); just replace state which you set in this.addToCart(; to fix this problem, use this.setState((state) => /*modify state*/)
changeModalBoolean = () => {
this.setState((state) => {
let data = { };
data.isOpen = !data.isOpen;
return { data };
or modify the same object in both functions

How to use "if" inside useState prevState map

Does anybody know how can i use if statement like this.
This example doesnt work
uppy.on('complete', (result) => {
result.successful.forEach((file) =>
setImgs((prevState) => => {
if( === {
return {
image: file.preview
And this works, but there s no if
uppy.on('complete', (result) => {
result.successful.forEach((file) =>
setImgs((prevState) => => ({
image: file.preview,
I don't think you need to map if you're just trying to find an item.
You could do
const item = prevState.find( ==>
return item? {...item.image:file.preview} : null
"doesn't work" will need more specification. Out of observation I can tell that it needed to have else statement or without, in order to return item if no change is required. The variable - item is unchanged element of imgs array, which we put back.
This is after refactoring your pseudocode:
uppy.on("complete", (result) => {
result.successful.forEach((file) =>
setImgs((prevState) => => {
if ( === {
return { id:, image: file.preview };
} else return item;
Check the sandbox here
Since you are using a map that returns a new array, also you are trying to add an image key to the matched item only then, you need to also return for the else case.
const data = => {
if ( === return { ...item, image: file.preview };
return item;

React. Trigger a function inside an onChange only if N time has passed without onChange

I have the following onChange function
onChange = e => {
autocompleteValues: [],
showPredictivo: true
if ( > 3) this.partialSearch( //this is the one im concerned about
this.setState({ value:, hasError: false, errorMsg: this.state.errorMsgSafe });
if (this.props.validateOn && (this.props.validateOn === undefined || this.props.validateOn === "onChange")) {
That function partialSearch will only trigger when the value length is more than 3, but i want to add another condition, and its to trigger it only if the value hasnt changed in the past 300ms.
How would i do that there?
EDIT: I have tried to add a debounce / throttle but it doesnt seem to work at all, the function is never triggered
This is my whole code
async partialSearch(searchTerm?: string) {
const environment = process.env.REACT_APP_ENV ? process.env.REACT_APP_ENV : "pre";
const api = process.env.REACT_APP_API ? process.env.REACT_APP_API : "my_api";
const api_version = "v2";
let baseUrl = getBaseUrl(api, environment) + "/search?q=" + searchTerm
return fetchSPA(baseUrl, undefined, { version: api_version })
.then(res => {
if (res && && {
const firstFive =[0].resultSearch?.cars.slice(0, 5).map(val => {
return { denominacion: val.denominacion, plate: };
if (firstFive !== undefined) this.setState({ autocompleteValues: firstFive })
}).catch((res) => {
console.log("Error Fetch:: ", res)
onChange = e => {
autocompleteValues: [],
showPredictivo: true
if ( > 3) _.debounce(() => this.partialSearch(, 300)
this.setState({ value:, hasError: false, errorMsg: this.state.errorMsgSafe });
if (this.props.validateOn && (this.props.validateOn === undefined || this.props.validateOn === "onChange")) {
The component where its called
Without the debounce/throttle it works, but when adding it, its never triggered
type={type || "text"}
id={id ? id : null}
hasError={errorMsg ? true : false}
You're most likely looking for a debounce / throttle here.
This article explains the scenario:
In short, by debouncing, you're wrapping a function over the function which gets called often. The "wrapper"-function is making sure, that the function inside only gets called again after a certain time has passed.
An easy way to implement this is to use a utility-library like lodash or you could google for a fitting debounce-function.

Interupt code and wait for user interaction in a loop - React

I am trying to implement an "add all" button in my react app. to do that, i pass this function to the onClick method of the button :
for (element in elements) {
await uploadfunction(element)
const uploadfunction = async (element) => {
if (valid) {
// await performUpload(element)
else if (duplicate) {
//show dialog to confirm upload - if confirmed await performUpload(element)
else {
// element not valid set state and show failed notification
const performUpload = async (element) => {
// actual upload
// set state
// element not successful set state and show failed notification
the uploadfunction can have three different behaviors :
Add the element to the database and update the state
Fail to add the element and update the state
Prompt the user with the React Dialog component to ask for confirmation to add duplicat element and update the state accordingly
My problem now is since i'm using a for loop and despite using Async/await , i can't seem to wait for user interaction in case of the confirmation.
The behavior i currently have :
The for loop move to the next element no matter what the result
The Dialog will show only for a second and disappear and doesn't wait for user interaction
Wanted behavior:
Wait for user interaction (discard/confirm) the Dialog to perform the next action in the loop.
How can i achieve that with React without Redux ?
Here is an example of a component that might work as an inspiration for you.
You might split it in different components.
class MyComponent extends Component {
state = {
items: [{
// set default values for all booleans. They will be updated when the upload button is clicked
isValid: true,
isDuplicate: false,
shouldUploadDuplicate: false,
data: 'element_1',
}, {
isValid: true,
isDuplicate: false,
shouldUploadDuplicate: false,
data: 'element_1',
}, {
isValid: true,
isDuplicate: false,
shouldUploadDuplicate: false,
data: 'element_2',
performUpload: false,
onUploadButtonClick = () => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
items:, index) => ({
isValid: validationFunction(),
isDuplicate: prevState.items.slice(0, index).some(i => ===,
shouldUploadDuplicate: false,
performUpload: true,
}), (nextState) => {
getPromptElement = () => {
const firstDuplicateItemToPrompt = this.getFirstDuplicateItemToPrompt();
const firstDuplicateItemIndexToPrompt = this.getFirstDuplicateItemIndexToPrompt();
return firstDuplicateItemToPrompt ? (
) : null;
getFirstDuplicateItemToPrompt = this.state.performUpload
&& !!this.state.items
.find(i => i.isDuplicate && !i.shouldUploadDuplicate);
getFirstDuplicateItemIndexToPrompt = this.state.performUpload
&& !!this.state.items
.findIndex(i => i.isDuplicate && !i.shouldUploadDuplicate);
onPromptAnswered = (accepted, item, index) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
items: prevState.items
.map((i, key) => (index === key ? ({
shouldUploadDuplicate: accepted,
}) : item)),
performUpload: accepted, // if at last an item was rejected, then the upload won't be executed
uploadToApi = (items) => {
if (!this.getFirstDuplicateItemToPrompt()) {
const itemsToUpload = items.filter(i => i.isValid);
render() {
const { items } = this.stat;
const itemElements =, key) => (
<MyItem key={key} {...item} />
const promptElement = this.getPromptElement();
return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<Button onClick={this.onUploadButtonClick}>Upload</Button>

Comparing PrevProps in componentDidUpdate

I am trying to detect when a prop has changed inside componentDidUpdate of a mounted component. I have a test (refreshData in the code below) that is working fine. Is it possible to SOMEHOW pass props in a way that aren't detected by componentDidUpdate(prevProps)?
In component.js:
//works fine
if ( this.props.refreshData !== prevProps.refreshData ) {
if ( this.props.refreshData )
//these two arent calling
if ( this.props.selectedCountries !== prevProps.selectedCountries ) {
if ( this.props.selectedCountries )
console.log('updated selected countries');
if ( this.props.selectedLocations !== prevProps.selectedLocations ) {
console.log('updated selected locations');
and in App.js passing the props like:
selectLocation = (id, type, lng, lat, polydata, name, clear = false) => {
let selectedType = 'selected' + type;
let previousState = [];
if (clear) {
selectedCountries: [],
selectedLocations: [],
selectedServices: [],
selectedPoints: [],
mapCenter: [lng, lat],
locationGeoCoords: [polydata]
} else {
previousState = this.state[selectedType];
if (previousState.indexOf(id) === -1) {
//push id
} else {
//remove id
var index = previousState.indexOf(id)
previousState.splice(index, 1);
if (type === "Countries") {
selectedCountries: previousState,
refreshData: true,
} else if (type === "Locations") {
selectedLocations: previousState,
refreshData: true
} else if (type === "Points") {
selectedPoints: previousState,
refreshData: true
render() {
return (
refreshData={this.state.refreshData} />
Hi :) as noted in my comment, the issue is in your App.js file - you are mutating an array. In other words, when you THINK you are creating a new array of selected countries to pass down, you are actually updating the original array, and so when you go to do a comparison you are comparing the two exact same arrays ALWAYS.
Try updating your App.js like so -
selectLocation = (id, type, lng, lat, polydata, name, clear = false) => {
let selectedType = 'selected' + type;
let previousState = [];
if (clear) {
selectedCountries: [],
selectedLocations: [],
selectedServices: [],
selectedPoints: [],
mapCenter: [lng, lat],
locationGeoCoords: [polydata]
} else {
previousState = [].concat(this.state[selectedType]);
if (previousState.indexOf(id) === -1) {
//push id
} else {
//remove id
var index = previousState.indexOf(id)
previousState.splice(index, 1);
if (type === "Countries") {
selectedCountries: previousState,
refreshData: true,
} else if (type === "Locations") {
selectedLocations: previousState,
refreshData: true
} else if (type === "Points") {
selectedPoints: previousState,
refreshData: true
render() {
return (
refreshData={this.state.refreshData} />
The only difference is the line where you set previousState - I updated it to be
previousState = [].concat(this.state[selectedType]);
By adding the [].concat I am effectively creating a NEW array each time and so then when you apply your changes to the array via push/splice you will be only modifying the NEW array. Then the comparison will work properly once you pass it down as props :)
For your reading interest, I found a post that talks about this a bit:
selectedCountries and selectedLocations are array objects. The reference of it never changes. Instead check for the length.
if ( this.props.refreshData !== prevProps.refreshData ) {
if ( this.props.refreshData )
if ( this.props.selectedCountries.length > prevProps.selectedCountries.length ) {
if ( this.props.selectedCountries )
console.log('updated selected countries');
if ( this.props.selectedLocations.length > prevProps.selectedLocations.length ) {
console.log('updated selected locations');
In the code snippet above, you seem to be making changes to this.state directly. State should be immutable. Always make sure, you concat to add and filter to delete the elements as they create a new array instead of mutating the original array in the state. I would do something in these lines.
Also it is a good practice to capitalize the component name.
selectLocation = (id, type, lng, lat, polydata, name, clear = false) => {
let selectedType = "selected" + type;
let previousState = [];
let updatedData = [];
if (clear) {
selectedCountries: [],
selectedLocations: [],
selectedServices: [],
selectedPoints: [],
mapCenter: [lng, lat],
locationGeoCoords: [polydata]
} else {
const data = this.state[selectedType];
if (data.indexOf(id) === -1) {
//push id
updatedData = [, id];
} else {
updatedData = data.filter((value) => value !== id);
if(type) {
[selectedType]: updatedData,
refreshData: true
render() {
return (
did you make sure that the props of locations & countries are actually changing? If yes, the following code should work:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.selectedCountries.length !== prevProps.selectedCountries.length) {
console.log("updated selected countries");
if (this.props.selectedLocations.length !== prevProps.selectedLocations.length) {
console.log("updated selected locations");
I created a fiddle for showcasing the effect here:
I ran into this very issue. My solution was to send downstream to child components a clone of the state in question. This way when the state changes in App.js again, it will not affect the copy of the state passed down to children since those children were given a clone. In the previous props passed to async componentDidUpdate (prevProps) in child components, prevProps will be the clone that was originally handed down, and current props will be the most recent state changes made in App.js, which again is a clone, but prev and current props will be different.
Below is snipppet from App.render(), notice the value assign to the filter attribute, namely a clone the portion of the state in question:
<Routes onCategorySelect={this.handleCategorySelect}
onRouteLoad={this.handleRouteLoad} filter={this.cloneFilter(savedState.filter)}
And this is the componentDidUpdate() of the child component:
async componentDidUpdate (prevProps) {
if (this.props.filter !== prevProps.filter && this.props.updatedDimension !== this.dimension) {
await this.updateChart()
