Is there a way to pre render Mobile separately from Desktop? - reactjs

I am currently using react-responsive on my website so I can render a different markup on mobile vs desktop. My problem is pre render is only rendering the desktop version and Google mobile usability tool detects our site as not mobile friendly. Thank you!


How can make this web app mobile responsive

enter image description here
I make this web app using react.js and I tried very much to do Responsive for mobile devices but I couldn't, any one solve this problem please.
I used useMediaQuery from material ui which helps very much in creating responsive site.
Here is the documentation for it.
After then for displaying responsive components
You can create new components that are fit to that window size
You can use states for toggling for the different window sizes
And then you can import them as you want.

Use Ionic Portal inside Ionic Framework React Native Apps? (Webview inside Ionic App without covering up IonTabBar)

I have a use case where I would like to leverage some existing pages from a Shopify powered store inside an Ionic Framework v6 React iOS / Android App (on web we will simply redirect to the appropriate subdomain). Unfortunately, Shopify has their iFrame options set to Deny so using an iFrame is not an option.
Image of where the Shopify Store should show up in my app
I've looked at the various flavors of inAppBrowser, and while this allows me to show the page, its a pretty jarring non-native app experience. What I really want is an Ionic React Component for Native that will allow me place a webview under my control constrained to a certain viewport of the page.
Ionic Portals are targeted at Native developers with fully native code bases but actually show this use case on the home page:
Image of Ionic Portal webview inside Native Tab Bar Application
I know portals are pretty new and I haven't seen any documentation about this but is it possible to use them inside of an Ionic React App to accomplish the behavior I want (or something in inAppBrowser or another plugin that I've missed?)

ReactNative Pull To Refresh for iOS platform

All Dev, I am working on pull to refresh feature in my react native project. As we all know that react native itself providing a Refresh Control that we can us along with List and ScrollView but not with View 😉that's fine.
I notice that there’s no common gesture for refreshing the page data for both platform if we go with the Refresh Control because of fundamental different
After reading this articlehere:
For iOS, the Pull-to-Refresh embedded in as part of the list.
For Android, the Pull-to-Refresh is not part of the list, but on top
of it.
Now my question is there any way to implement the same gesture for refreshing on iOS platform either native side or react side. For android we have SwipeRefreshLayout but do we have any controller that help to achieve the same gesture in iOS platform?.
Below is the refresh image from android platform:(Gmail App)
Sorry in case of you can't understand the question. feel free to comment will update. Any suggestion and comments are welcome.
Thank you.

Angular Bootstrap Collapse Navbar Not Responsive on Mobile Viewports

I'm developing a MEAN application that needs to look good on mobile browsers. At first I was trying and failing to use Bootstrap to make this responsive, as I didn't realize Angular was clashing on the Bootstrap and JQuery JS libraries that Bootstrap depended on.
So I found Angular-UI project on GitHub...sorry for no link but I don't have enough reputation.
I'm trying to get the Collapse Navbar to be responsive on a mobile device. (responsive meaning it adjusts to the "hamburger menu" and the names of the links no longer appear in the menu)
I'm failing to get this to work within the bounds of my Node application.
To isolate the issue, I took the HTML and JS from the plunker referenced by the Angular-UI Bootstrap example (which, by the way also appears responsive to small displays when viewed from a iPhone or Samsung Edge) and made a stripped down Node app, which basically returns what is in the Plnkr example, but that still doesn't appear responsive when viewed from a mobile phone browser (I tested mobile Chrome, Safari, and Firefox)
See screenshot of sample app on OpenShift cloud:
This sample is not responsive
Note: If I view my sample in "responsive" mode in the dev tools, or simply resize my desktop browser window, the menu links fold up into that hamburger menu as desired. Only when I try to use the mobile browser from either iPhone 6 or Samsung Edge this responsive Navbar isn't responsive.
thanks in advance for any ideas!

Meteor mobile web browser settings

I have a meteor app that works well on the desktop browser, but the presentation looks strange on mobile browsers. What's the best way to set specific aesthetic preferences when viewing on mobile?
Make your website responsive. Look into responsive Web design / css.
