Problem with Showing Query Results on a Form - database

I'm having a Projects lists Continuous form where the form's Record Source is based upon a table.
I have a requirement to display a field from another table which is linked back to original table using its primary key. The primary key is a AutoNumber field, but when displaying in the form I've used Input mask something like this "TMG/FEA/"0000.
So I made:
a unbound list box
and made the Row source as the query which displays the relevant information from second table
This query was created using primary key displayed in form (I mean the [Forms]![Form Name].[Field] ) as the where clause.
But the results returns blank. I'm Stuck here. I'm not sure if the query is not working due to the Input Mask or because of something else. Please help me. Thanks in advance

You should add to form field listbox, and set following values:
Data: primary key of your first table
After this, that field will duplicate ID value. Now you should transform RecordSource of this field in order to see contents from second table. So you should set:
SELECT [PrimaryForeignKeyID], [DetailedField] FROM tblSecond;. Actually I don't know the contents of your second table. Whereas PrimaryForeignKeyID is a field that links second table to first, so-called FK.
After this set following properties of list box:
ColumnCount = 2
ColumnWidth = 0;2
AllowEdits = False
Save form and open it for viewing.
In this case, your listbox will show the associated contents of second table on form.
So to my mind it is better for you to do such simple tables and forms, and you'll realize idea.


filter data from one table based on second table without duplicates

Note: I'm working with a large complex database, so for clarity's sake I have simplified the set up below.
I struggled a bit with how to title the question since it's a bit of a complex question. I hope it's accurate enough....
A bit of background first:
I have an Access 2010 database that contains a one-to-many relationship between a table Called "Products" and a table called "Datasets" (ie I have a bunch of products, and each product has multiple datasets). Each has an autonumber key field (p_ID and d_ID respectively) as well as numerous other fields.
I have a form (lets call it frm_Main) that has two subforms: sub_Products (based on the "Products" table) and sub_Datasets (based on the "Datasets" table). On the main form I have a control ctrl_SelectedProduct which is linked to [sub_Products]![p_ID] to see which record in sub_Products is selected / has the focus, and the sub_Datasets subform is linked to this control so that it only displays Datasets records that belong to the selected Products record.
On the main form I also have a number of controls that I'm using for filtering the data in the subforms. For example, I have a control ctrl_Category. I have this control coded so that when the user changes the value of the control, a filter is applied that limits the records in sub_Products to only those that have a p_Category value equal to whatever is chosen in ctrl_Category. If the control is blank, it will show all records. All this works great when if comes to filtering based on fields in the Products table.
Now the problem:
My problem is that I also want to be able to filter based on fields in the Datasets table. For example, Datasets has a field called d_Status. I want the user to be able to chose the status in a control (ctrl_Status), and based on this:
1) sub_Products will be filtered to display only those Products records that have an assotiated Datasets record (or records) that has d_Status equal to whatever was chosen in ctrl_Status
2) when a Products record is selected in this filtered sub_Products, sub_Datasets will only show the Datasets records that has d_Status equal to whatever was chosen in ctrl_Status
I know how to do part2. But I have no idea how to get part1 to work. Since sub_Products is currently based on the Products table, which does not have the d_Status field, I have no way to filter it based on that field. Thus, I'm assuming my first step will be to change my setup so that sub_Products is based on a query that combines the two tables (or at least adds the d_Status field).
If I do that, however, I get duplicate Product records. I can't use the query's Unique Values property because if I have a product that has two datasets, one with status "Current" and a one with status "Archived", then those aren't considered duplicates, and the product info is there twice. If I don't have the status field displayed, it shows only unique products initially, but then I can't subsequently apply a filter based on that non-displayed field.
I also tried basing sub_Products on a Totals query in order to utilize the Group By functionality, but I still couldn't get it to work right. Even if I could I don't think that's the best solution, because you can only have 10 fields with Group By, and my Products table has more than 10 fields that I need displayed in sub_Products.
I feel like I'm now just going around in circles and am at a loss of what to try from here. Please help!
Couldn't you add something like this?
Private Sub ctrl_Category_AfterUpdate()
Form_frm_Main.Recordsource = "Select * from Products where p_ID IN(" & _
"Select p_ID from Datasets where d_Status = " & _
Me!ctrl_Category.Value & ")"
End Sub
Alternately, you can access the childform via the parent of the other child form.
This is a non-working snippet just to give you the idea:
Me.Parent.otherChildFormName.Form.Recordsource = whatever

Access 2007 - Query displays Combobox Primary ID rather than Value

I am writing a query based on a Table which is populated via a Form with several combo boxes. The information is stored in the Table as the Primary Key of the Combobox value which I understand to be correct. However, when I run a query or report based on the Table, I would like to display the Combo box Value rather than the Primary Key ID. Is there a way to do this other than using a Lookup to the combobox in the Table?
Thanks in advance for your help.
It depends on how you have your combo boxes set up. Are they populated from a list in the field or from another table?
If from a list you entered in the table field where the value is stored, you should just store the value.
If they are from a separate table, then set the relationship from the combo lookup table's primary key/ID to a field in the main table that stores the combo selection which should be a number type. In a query, add both your main table and the other table where values for the combo are stored and add the value to your results from the combo value table along with the data from your main table.
It's a little confusing to say you want to query a combobox value, essentially you need to look at the SQL source of the combobox first in order to see where it draws it's values from. You then need to link this back to your query that you are running, as long as there is a common PK/FK between these then you can just perform an INNER JOIN on that.

MS access 2007, Single form to multiple tables

i want to work on a form, here i will enter the data into text fields and this will be updated into a table as a new entry. Now out of the fields available iwant few of them to be stored into another table. so its like saving form data into multiple tables. I searched in many places but cudnt find any solution.
The best solution is to use a form and a subform. Table1 is bound to form and Table2 is bound to subform.
Thanks for the solution...i dont want to go for another form though...but i figured out a way..for the 2nd table i introduced a button and on click of the event wrote a vb code such that it will look for ID field of type autonumber(introduced for the sake of searching row) and used dlookup with a criteria expression to find out the row in 2nd table n used a insert statement...this worked...thanks for the response, appreciate it...

Values not showing in Access form combo box

I have an application in Access 2003 that I am working on. In it, I have an employee table, which is connected to two other tables. The two connected tables are tables that hold a few fixed KeyWords. In my main employee table, I just have the ID from the other table, rather than having the whole word.
I wanted to make a form for entering data into these tables, so I made a query from the three tables that shows the all the regular fields of the employee table except instead of those two ID's, I showed the words themselves.
I then made the form and set the query as the RecordSource. The fields that have keywords are Combo boxes on my form, and their ControlSource is the keyword field from the query (like I mentioned earlier, the value can only be one keyword out of a list). Now, the problem I face is this: When I want to see a single record, it shows the correct value in the ComboBox, but when dropdown the menu, it doesnt show any of the other values.
What is the best way to do this? Am I doing this in the wrong way?
Thank you
I'd approach this slightly differently, set the combo box Row Sources to include both the id and text fields (you can hide the ID column if required by setting it's width to zero). Now add the ID fields to the employee query; you shouldn't need to join the other tables to the Employee table in this query, these fields are foreign keys and the combo boxes should show the text for you automatically. Set the form Record Source to this query, now set the combo box Control Source to the appropriate ID value from the form Record Source.
If you let the wizard build a form for you based on the Employee table you will see this approach in action.
ControlSource is the column name of the table where any user entry will be saved.
RowSource is where you type the name of the saved query or manual query typed directly into that field, which is used to provide a list of available drop down options for the combo box.
RowSourceType should be set to Table/Query, which is based on aforementioned RowSource method.
Now to correct the problem of only displaying what you begin to type (i.e. "Allow AutoCorrect" in Property Sheet > Other) or already have saved for that record without other options appearing after clicking the drop down is the following:
In Design View, click the combobox in question.
Property Sheet > Format > Column Count = set the desired number of columns to display in drop down.
Property Sheet > Format > Column Widths = set the desired width of column in the drop down.
Property Sheet > Format > List Width = set the desired width of the drop down itself.
Property Sheet > Data > Bound Column = set to the column of query table (i.e. 1 for ID and 2 for list options, if you only have two entries)
Note: If your desired drop down options are column two and not column one (makes things easier btw) then do the following change from above:
Property Sheet > Format > Column Count = set the desired number of columns to two.
Property Sheet > Format > Column Widths = add two entries 0",1" which means the ID field is not visible (0") and the options field is one-inch.
The easiest way to sort this out in the beginning is to view the column header names to know what you are looking at in the meantime by doing the following:
Property Sheet > Format > Column Heads = set to yes. At least you will know what is showing and whether or not you are on the right track.
I had this same issue in access 2016 and the issue was with my datatype. The combo box didnt accept 'Longtext' so i just changed datatype to 'shorttext' instead and all the values appeared.
You have set the query as the recordsource for the form. A form only shows (and ties to) ONE record at a time.
Since you want the combo box to show all the values, you should set the RecordSource of the ComboBox to your query.

Implement a simple many-to-many relation in a Form in's Base

I'm doing a small relational database, to be used by one person on a single computer. I chose's Base (version 3.1.1) because it's free and should be more than enough for this case. The simplified version of my problem is:
I have an Articles table, with columns: ID, Title, Content, etc....
I have a Keywords table with columns: ID, Keyword.
I have a Relations table with columns: ID, ArticleID, KeywordID
Just a basic, classic, example of a many-to-many relation.
Then I created a form (for the user using the database) using the 'Design view' in Base and linked to the Articles table, which works fine, and allows me to view, edit and created rows in the Articles table.
My problem is how to include the relation to Keywords in that same form. That is, I want the user to be able to view and choose which keyword(s) belongs to the article currently being viewed in the form.
The number of keywords is finite (probably 5-15) if that matters. A preferred setup would be a list of keywords (dynamically linked to the Keywords table of course) in the previously mentioned form I've already created with a check box in front of each keywords
I've tried Google'ing all possible keywords and I've come up with nothing applicable to my case. I belive the answer is somehow using SubForms, or maybe some SQL syntax I'm not familiar with. Any help appreciated.
To answer this in a little more detail, as it comes up early on Google search, please refer to the following video of creating the movies.odb file from scratch:
Some further notes on creating this:
Setting up the tables
The principle tables must have an integer primary key that is set to AutoValue
The linking table must have a multi-column primary key, and both columns must be integers
The table relationships must be set in the Relationships... dialog
The relationships disappear if Update options not changed from No action
Setting up the subform
The subform Data >> Content must be set to the mapping table
The subform Data >> Link master fields and Link slave fields must be set to the related fields (as per the Relationships... dialog discussed above)
A table control should be draw (focus must be on the subform at the time, such that the table control sits below the subform in the Form Navigator
A column should be inserted into the table control
The column Data >> Data field should be set to the ID of the related data (i.e. not that of the main form)
The column Data >> Type of list contents should be set to “sql”
The column Date >> List content should be set to “SELECT “Genre Name”, “GenreID” FROM “Genre”” (where Genre Name is the relevant field from the related table, the GenreID is the primary key of that table, and Genre is the related table)
I did some more searching and finally found a solution.
A thread explaining this very issues (among other issues), creating form for a database containing many-to-many relation in Base using a middle table, can be found at:
A sample database with a functional form by one of the above thread's posters (DrewJensen) can be found and downloaded at page 2 of the above posted thread. (named movies_2.odb)
A brief description of the solution using my example tables and columns from orginial post:
The trick lies in creating a sub-form linked to the Relations table within the form I had created. That sub-form should contain a Table Control. Then a column should be created in that Table Control. The column should be asigned to the KeywordID column. The "List content" field for that column should then contain: SELECT "Keyword", "ID" FROM "Relations".
(just check out the above link if my instructions are cryptic)
