Simulating multiple Policy Decision Points (PDPs) in distributed environment - distributed

Let's take a scenario where subjects will be requesting access to many objects per second. A heavy load on a single PDP would mean increase in wait and read/write times per request.
So far I have used the AuthzForce Core project to setup a single PDP for which I have a for loop sending multiple requests (this can be done simultaneously using threads). However, this does not seem like a suitable setup for evaluating my policies in a distributed environment.
Is there any way that it can be done? Perhaps using AuthzForce Server?
I am running a Java application which uses Authzforce Core. The program creates an instance of a PDP which loads a single policy document, and then a for loop executes multiple requests. This is all done locally within the program itself.

It is difficult to help improve the performance here without looking at the code or the architecture, but I can give a few general tips (some of them maybe obvious to you but just to be thorough):
Since the PDP is embedded in your Java app, I assume (or make sure you do) you are using AuthzForce native Java API (example on the README), which is the most efficient way to evaluate.
I also assume you are (re-)using the same PDP (BasePdpEngine) instance throughout the lifetime of your application. It should be thread-safe.
In order to evaluate multiple requests at once, you may try the PDP engine's evaluate(List) method ( javadoc ) instead of the usual evaluate(DecisionRequest), which is faster in some cases.
If by "distributed environment", you mean that you may have multiple instances of your Java app deployed in different places, therefore multiple PDPs, the right setup(s) depend on where/how you load the policy document: local file, remote db, etc. See my last comment. As mentioned in Rafael Sisto's answer, you can reuse some guidelines from the High Availability section of AuthzForce Server installation guide there.

Authzforce server has an option for high availability:
You could follow the same guidelines to implement this using your single pdp.


State of Map-Reduce on Appengine?

There is appengine-mapreduce which seems the official way to do things on AppEngine. But there seems no documentation besides some hacked together Wiki Pages and lengthy videos. There are statements that the lib only supports the map step. But the source indicates that there are also implementations for shuffle.
A Version of this appengine-mapreduce library seems also to be included in the SDK but it not blessed for public use. So you basically are expected to load the library twice into your runtime.
Then there is appengine-pipeline. "A primary use-case of the API is connecting together various App Engine MapReduces into a computational pipeline." But there also seems pipeline-related code in the appengine-mapreduce library.
So where do I start to find out how this all fits together? Which is the library to call from my project. Is there any decent documentation on appengine-mapreduce besides parsing change logs?
Which is the library to call from my project.
They serve different purposes, and you've provided no details about what you're attempting to do.
The most fundamental layer here is the task queue, which lets you schedule background work that can be highly parallelized. This is fan-out. Let's say you had a list of 1000 websites, and you wanted to check the response time for each one and send an email for any site that takes more than 5 seconds to load. By running these as concurrent tasks, you can complete the work much faster than if you checked all 1000 sites in sequence.
Now let's say you don't want to send an email for every slow site, you just want to check all 1000 sites and send one summary email that says how many took more than 5 seconds and how many took fewer. This is fan-in. It's trickier with the task queue, because you need to know when all tasks have completed, and you need to collect and summarize their results.
Enter the Pipeline API. The Pipeline API abstracts the task queue to make fan-in easier. You write what looks like synchronous, procedural code, but uses Python futures and is executed (as much as possible) in parallel. The Pipeline API keeps track of task dependencies and collects results to facilitate building distributed workflows.
The MapReduce API wraps the Pipeline API to facilitate a specific type of distributed workflow: mapping the results of a piece of work into a set of key/value pairs, and reducing multiple sets of results to one by combining their values.
So they provide increasing layers of abstraction and convenience around a common system of distributed task execution. The right solution depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
There is offical documentation here:

When its better to write singlethreaded event servers, etc

When its better to write single threaded event or multithreaded or fork servers? Which approach more approriate for:
web server who serves statics
web server who serves statics and proxy requests to other http servers
previous plus this servers makes some logic in C without attending to harddrive or network
previous plus makes some requests to MySQL?
For example, the language is C/C++. I want to undestand this question very much. Thank you.
Given that modern processors are multicore, you should always write code under the assumption that it may at some point be multithreaded (make things reentrant wherever possible, and where not possible, use interfaces that would make it easy to drop-in an implementation that does the necessary locking).
If you have a fairly small number of queries-per-second (qps), then you might be able to get away with a single threaded event server. I would still recommend writing the code in a way that allows for multithreading, though, in the event that you increase the qps and need to handle more events.
A single threaded server can be scaled up by converting it into a forked server; however, forked servers use more resources -- any memory that is common to all requests ends up duplicated in memory when using forked servers, whereas only one copy of this data is required in a single multithreaded server. Also, a multithreaded server can deliver lower latency if it is taking advantage of true parallelism and can actually perform multiple parts of a single request processing in parallel.
There is a nice discussion on Single Thread vs. MultiThreaded server on joelonsoftware,

Implementing multithreaded application under C

I am implementing a small database like MySQL.. Its a part of a larger project..
Right now i have designed the core database, by which i mean i have implemented a parser and i can now execute some basic sql queries on my database.. it can store, update, delete and retrieve data from files.. As of now its fine.. however i want to implement this on network..
I want more than one user to be able to access my database server and execute queries on it at the same time... I am working under Linux so there is no issue of portability right now..
I know i need to use Sockets which is fine.. I also know that i need to use a concept like Thread Pool where i will be required to create a maximum number of threads initially and then for each client request wake up a thread and assign it to the client..
As for now what i am unable to figure out is how all this is actually going to be bundled together.. Where should i implement multithreading.. on client side / server side.? how is my parser going to be configured to take input from each of the clients separately?(mostly via files i think?)
If anyone has idea about how i can implement this pls do tell me bcos i am stuck here in this project...
Thanks.. :)
If you haven't already, take a look at Beej's Guide to Network Programming to get your hands dirty in some socket programming.
Next I would take his example of a stream client and server and just use that as a single threaded query system. Once you have got this down, you'll need to choose if you're going to actually use threads or use select(). My gut says your on disk database doesn't yet support parallel writes (maybe reads), so likely a single server thread servicing requests is your best bet for starters!
In the multiple client model, you could use a simple per-socket hashtable of client information and return any results immediately when you process their query. Once you get into threading with the networking and db queries, it can get pretty complicated. So work up from the single client, add polling for multiple clients, and then start reading up on and tackling threaded (probably with pthreads) client-server models.
Server side, as it is the only person who can understand the information. You need to design locks or come up with your own model to make sure that the modification/editing doesn't affect those getting served.
As an alternative to multithreading, you might consider event-based single threaded approach (e.g. using poll or epoll). An example of a very fast (non-SQL) database which uses exactly this approach is redis.
This design has two obvious disadvantages: you only ever use a single CPU core, and a lengthy query will block other clients for a noticeable time. However, if queries are reasonably fast, nobody will notice.
On the other hand, the single thread design has the advantage of automatically serializing requests. There are no ambiguities, no locking needs. No write can come in between a read (or another write), it just can't happen.
If you don't have something like a robust, working MVCC built into your database (or are at least working on it), knowing that you need not worry can be a huge advantage. Concurrent reads are not so much an issue, but concurrent reads and writes are.
Alternatively, you might consider doing the input/output and syntax checking in one thread, and running the actual queries in another (query passed via a queue). That, too, will remove the synchronisation woes, and it will at least offer some latency hiding and some multi-core.

Project suited for Google App Engine?

I'm currently developing a small hobby project (open sourced at which quite simply takes images from a Gmail account and puts them in albums on Picasa Web.
Since it's (currently) only dealing with Google-hosted data, I was thinking about hosting it on Google App Engine, but I'm not sure if it's well-suited for GAE:
Will the maximum execution time be a problem? It's currently 10 minutes according to, but I'd think the tasks (i.e. processing a single mail) would be easy to run in parallel. I'm also guessing that dealing with Google-hosted data would be quite efficient on GAE?
Will the fact that it's written in Clojure be an obstacle? I've researched a bit in getting Clojure to run on GAE, but I've never tried it. Any pin-pointers?
Thanks for any advice and thoughts on the project!
It seems like your application is doable on GAE. My points of concern would be:
Does your code ever store the images that it is processing to temporary files? If so it will need to be changed to do everything in memory, because GAE applications are sandboxed and not allowed to write to the filesystem (if you need temporary persistent storage, you might be able to work something out where you write your file data to a BLOB field in the GAE datastore).
How do you get the images into Picasa Web? If they provide a simple REST/HTTP API then all is well. If you need something more involved than that (like a raw TCP socket) then it won't work.
The 10-minute execution time limit only applies to background tasks. When actually servicing web requests the time limit is 30 seconds. So if you provide a web-based interface to your app, you need to structure things so that the interface is just scheduling jobs that run in the background (i.e. you can't fire off a job directly as part of servicing a web request).
If none of those sound like show-stoppers to you, then I think your app should work just fine on GAE.
Can't really say if Clojure will work though. I have, however, spent time in the past getting some third-party libraries to work on App-Engine. Generally all I had to do was remove/modify/disable any parts of the library that accessed features that are forbidden by the sandbox (for instance, I had to disable the automatic caching to disk to get commons-fileupload to work on GAE). Not sure if the same would apply to Clojure, or even what the scope would be on a task like that.
I have been dabbling with Clojure and App Engine for a while now and I have to recommend appengine-magic. It abstracts most of the Java stuff away and is very easy to use. As a plus the project seems to be very active.

Should you test an external system prior to using it?

Note: This is not for unit testing or integration testing. This is for when the application is running.
I am working on a system which communicates to multiple back end systems, which can be grouped into three types
Relational database
SOAP or WCF service
File system (network share)
Due to the environment this will run in, there are no guarantees that any of those will be available at run time. In fact some of them seem pretty brittle and go down multiple times a day :(
The thinking is to have a small bit of test code which runs before the actual code. If there is a problem then persist the request and poll until the target system until it is available. Tests could possibly be rerun within the code to check it is still available at logical points. The ultimate goal is to have a very stable system, regardless of the stability (or lack thereof) of the systems it communicates to.
My questions around this design are:
Are there major issues with it? (small things like the fact it may fail between the test completing and the code running are understandable)
Are there better ways to implement this sort of design?
Would using traditional exception handling and/or transactions be better?
The system needs to talk to the back end systems in a coordinated way.
The system is very async in nature so using things like queuing technologies is fine.
The system must run even if one or more backend systems are down as others may be up and processing of some information is possible.
You will be needing that traditional exception handling no matter what, since as you point out there's always the chance that things'll fail between your last check and the actual request. So I really think any solution you find should try to interact smoothly with this.
You are not stating if these flaky resources need to interact in some kind of coordinated manner, which would indicate that you should probably be using a transaction manager of some sort to do this. I do not believe you want to get into the footwork of transaction management in application code for most needs.
Sometimes I have also seen people use AOP to encapsulate retry logic to back-end systems that fail (for instance due to time-out issues). Used sparingly this may be a decent solution.
In some cases you can also use message queuing technology to alleviate unstable back-ends. You could for instance commit to a message queue as part of a transaction, and only pop off the queue when successful. But this design is normally only possible when you're able to live with an asynchronous process.
And as always, real stability can only be achieved by attacking the root cause of the problem. I had a 25-year old bug fixed in a mainframe TCP/IP stack fixed because we were overrunning it, so it is possible.
The Microsoft Smartclient framework provides a ConnectionMonitor class. Should be easy to use or duplicate.
Our approach to this kind of issue was to run a really basic 'sanity tester' prior to bringing up our main application. This was thick client so we could run the test every time the app started. This sanity test would go out and check things like database availability, and external network (extranet) access, and it could have been extended to do webservices as well.
If there was a failure, the user was informed, and crucially an email was also sent to the support/dev team. These emails soon became unweildy as so many were being created, but we then setup filters, so we knew when somethings really bad was happening. Overall the approach worked pretty well, our biggest win was being able to tell users that the system was down, before they had entered data, and got part way through a long winded process. They absolutely loved it.
At a technica level the sanity was written in C#, it used exception handling in a conventional way not to find the problems it was looking for. The sanity program became a mini app in its own right, and it was standalone from the main app. If I were doing it again I'd using a logging framework to capture issues, which is more flexible then our hard coded approach.
