React only renders embedded app on direct navigation, not when routed to page - reactjs

I have a simple component that renders an embedded Calendly app:
class BookAppointment extends Component {
const data_url = `${this.props.firstName}%20${this.props.lastName}&email=${}`
return (
<div class="calendly-inline-widget" data-url={data_url} style={{"min-width":"320px","height":"780px"}} />
However, the Calendly widget only appears if I navigate directly to this route (via typing in the url). If I navigate here via clicking a NavBar link and having my react-router-dom route me, it doesn't load. Why might this be the case?

I previously put the script file in the <head> of my index.html file. Unfortunately, to solve this, I had to modify the DOM directly, appending and removing the widget dynamically when the component mounted and unmounted:
componentDidMount() {
const head = document.querySelector('head');
const script = document.createElement('script'); = "calendly-widget";
script.setAttribute('src', '');
componentWillUnmount() {
const calendlyWidget = document.getElementById("calendly-widget");
const head = document.querySelector("head");
I'm not really sure about why I had to do this. If anyone could comment with the reason, I think that would enhance the quality of this answer for others.


Using Next router to link to a dynamically created page

Fairly new to NextJs - I am trying to link between a category index page and a dynamically created page, which is using getServerSideProps
I have created a product template page with the following path -
I am trying to link to it from the index page using this code, but it is not working
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
const router = useRouter()
const handleClick = () => {
const productUrl = `/products/${slug}`;
The following code does work, but is not very performant
const handleClick = () => {
const productUrl = `/products/${slug}`;
Any ideas on how to implement dynamic pages with next/router would be appreciated
Generally, for accessibility reasons (and also to avoid perf/js issues like the one you're seeing), if a button press is meant to result in a page-change, you should use anchor tags.
In Next.Js to get performant routing, you wrap these tags in a Link:
import Link from 'next/link'
<Link href={`/products/${slug}`}>
<a> See details </a>
This will then work with the dynamic slug from props.

How can I create a separate dynamic window in my React app?

My React app incorporates a video chat function (via Twilio). The user goes to a dashboard and then clicks a button to start the call. This prompts the VideoCall component to be instantiated and shown. On instantiation, it connects to a backend Twilio service to get an access token, and then connects to Twilio to create the call, set up events handlers etc.
Currently I'm showing the video windows in a div within the dashboard, but I would like them to appear in a pop-out window instead. I've tried using react-new-window and I've tried React Portals, but I didn't know enough about what I was doing to make it work.
Currently I have the following Dashboard component:
function Dashboard(props) {
const { displayInfo} = props
const [ callInitiated, setCallInitiated ] = useState(false)
const initCall = () => {
return (
<div id="dashboard">
{callInitiated ? <VideoCall displayInfo={displayInfo} /> : null }
<div> of dashboard, including button which calls 'initCall' on being clicked... </div>
export default Dashboard
My VideoCall component is:
const Video = require('twilio-video');
// Get access token from backend service
async function getAccessToken(identity) {
const url = `${process.env.REACT_APP_TWILIO_TOKEN_SERVICE}?identity=${identity}`;
try {
const response = await axios.get(`${url}`, AXIOS_HEADERS);
} catch {
return null;
// VideoCall component
function VideoCall(props) {
const { displayInfo} = props
// Connect to Twilio server function to get access token
.then((token) => {
Video.connect(token, {
name: 'Test room'
.then(room => {
room.on('participantConnected', participantConnected);
room.on('participantDisconnected', participantDisconnected);
room.once('disconnected', error => room.participants.forEach(participantDisconnected))
function participantConnected(participant) {
const div = document.createElement('div'); = participant.sid;
participant.on('trackSubscribed', track => trackSubscribed(div, track));
participant.on('trackUnsubscribed', trackUnsubscribed);
participant.tracks.forEach(publication => {
trackSubscribed(div, publication.track);
if(participant.identity === 'Tester') {
function participantDisconnected(participant) {
function trackSubscribed(div, track) {
function trackUnsubscribed(track) {
track.detach().forEach(element => element.remove());
return (
<div id="callWrapper" className="callOuterWrapper">
<div className="titleBar">
<h1 className="pageHeader">Calling {displayInfo.receiverName}</h1>
<div className="videoRoom">
<div id="myVideoWindow" className="callWindow"></div>
<div className="callInfo"> ...this will contain info on call status... </div>
<div id="receiverWindow" className="callWindow"></div>
export default VideoCall
So far, this works. The user clicks the button and the video windows appear at the top of the dashbaord, as expected.
Now I want to pull the VideoCall component out into a separate window (so that the user can still see the dashboard while on the call.
I tried the package react-new-window, which just involved wrapping the VideoCall in a NewWindow. I tried wrapping it within the Dashboard component:
<div id="dashboard">
{callInitiated ? <NewWindow><VideoCall displayInfo={displayInfo} /></NewWindow> : null }
<div> of dashboard, including button which calls 'initCall' on being clicked... </div>
and when that didn't work I tried wrapping within the VideoCall component:
<div id="callWrapper" className="callOuterWrapper">...</div>
In both cases this displayed the new window with the empty callWrapper div; however, once it reached document.getElementById('myVideoWindow').appendChild(div) it was unable to find the div. The DOM being referenced appears to be the one from the Dashboard window rather than the new windows (also, any console.log commands get logged to the console of the original window, not the new one).
I then tried taking apart the NewWindow code and creating my own bespoke version, but I don't know enough about how it works to make it do what I needed.
So, is there a way to access the DOM of the new window from the component within it? Or is there a different approach I should be taking?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Directly accessing the DOM with native DOM methods, like document.getElementById, is a little frowned upon within React. React itself should be in charge of adding and removing things from the DOM.
I wrote a post on how to build a video chat with React that covers how to add your participants to the page without accessing the DOM directly.
I'd recommend a look through that and perhaps updating your app so that you don't have to use document.getElementById and then hopefully the <NewWindow> component should work as advertised.

React useEffect strange behaviour with custom layout component

I'm trying to use scroll position for my animations in my web portfolio. Since this portfolio use nextJS I can't rely on the window object, plus I'm using navigation wide slider so I'm not actually scrolling in the window but in a layout component called Page.
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import './page.css';
const Page = ({ children }) => {
useEffect(() => {
const scrollX = document.getElementsByClassName('page')
const scrollElement = scrollX[0];
scrollElement.addEventListener("scroll", function () {
return () => {
scrollElement.removeEventListener("scroll", () => { console.log('listener removed') })
}, [])
return <div className="page">{children}</div>;
export default Page;
Here is a production build :
At loading, there is only one Page component in DOM.
The behaviour is as follow :
first listener is added at first Page mount, when navigating, listener is also added along with a new Page component in DOM.
as long as you navigate between the two pages, no new listener/page is added
if navigating to a third page, listener is then removed when the old Page is dismounted and a new listener for the third page is added when third page is mounted (etc...)
Problem is : when you navigate from first to second, everything looks fine, but if you go back to the first page you'll notice the console is logging the scrollX value of the second listener instead of the first. Each time you go on the second page it seems to add another listener to the same scrollElement even though it's not the same Page component.
How can I do this ? I'm guessing the two component are trying to access the same scrollElement somewhat :/
Thanks for your time.
Cool site. We don't have complete info, but I suspect there's an issue with trying to use document.getElementsByClassName('page')[0]. When you go to page 2, the log for scrollX gives an HTMLCollection with 2 elements. So there's an issue with which one is being targeted. I would consider using a refs instead. Like this:
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import './page.css';
const Page = ({ children }) => {
const pageRef = useRef(null)
const scrollListener = () => {
useEffect(() => {
pageRef.addEventListener("scroll", scrollListener );
return () => {
pageRef.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollListener )
}, [])
return <div ref={pageRef}>{children}</div>;
export default Page;
This is a lot cleaner and I think will reduce confusion between components about what dom element is being referenced for each scroll listener. As far as the third page goes, your scrollX is still logging the same HTMLElement collection, with 2 elements. According to your pattern, there should be 3. (Though there should really only be 1!) So something is not rendering properly on page 3.
If we see more code, it might uncover the error as being something else. If refs dont solve it, can you post how Page is implemented in the larger scope of things?
also, remove "junior" from the "junior developer" title - you won't regret it

nextjs Dynamic route rendering content not working

I am stuck on this problem for many days. I am using Next.js and have 3 pages.
The categories/[slug].js is using Next.js fetching method name getServerSideProps that runs on each request and used for build dynamic pages on runtime. The categories/[slug].js is rendering a dynamic content on the page that dynamic content comes from the CMS as a response from the API Endpoint. Dynamic content is nothing but a string that contains HTML with <script /> elements.
Note: To fetch the content from the CMS we have to send a POST request with the CMS credentials like username, password, and the page slug for the content. I am using axios library to send a post request and the method is inside post.js file.
import axios from 'axios';
const postCMS = async (slug) => {
const url = `${process.env.CMS_API_URL}/render-page/`;
let pageSlug = slug;
// If the pageSlug is not start with `/`, then create the slug with `/`
if (!pageSlug.startsWith('/')) {
pageSlug = `/${pageSlug}`;
const head = {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const data = JSON.stringify({
username: process.env.CMS_API_USERNAME,
password: process.env.CMS_API_PASSWORD,
slug: pageSlug
try {
const response = await, data, {
headers: head
} catch (e) {
return e;
export default postCMS;
But for the rendering content on the categories/[slug].js page, I am using the Reactjs prop name dangerouslySetInnerHTML to render all the HTML which also contains <script /> elements in the JSON string.
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: result.html }} />
The content is loading fine based on each slug. But when I navigate to that category page i.e.pages/categories/index.js.
<Link href="/categories/[slug]" as="/categories/online-cloud-storage">
<a>Online Cloud Storage</a>
It has a <Link /> element and when I click it.
The dynamic content is loading fine but that dynamic content contains accordion and slider elements they are not working. I think <script /> of these elements is not working. But when I refresh the page they work fine. See this.
They also work fine when I set the Link something like this.
<Link href="/categories/online-cloud-storage" as="/categories/online-cloud-storage">
<a>Online Cloud Storage</a>
But after setting the link like the above method, the click is caused to hard reload the page. But I don't want this. Everything should work. When the user clicks on the category link.
Is there a way to fix this?
Why the content elements are not working when you click from the categories/index.js page?
Github repo
import React from 'react';
import Link from 'next/link';
const IndexPage = () => {
return (
<Link href="/categories">
export default IndexPage;
import React from 'react';
import Link from 'next/link';
const Categories = () => {
return (
<Link href="/categories/[slug]" as="/categories/online-cloud-storage">
<a>Online Cloud Storage</a>
export default Categories;
import React from 'react';
import Head from 'next/head';
import postCMS from '../../post';
const CategoryPage = ({ result }) => {
return (
{result && <link href={result.assets.stylesheets} rel="stylesheet" />}
<h1>Category page CMS Content</h1>
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: result.html }} />
export const getServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const categorySlug = context.query.slug;
const result = await postCMS(categorySlug);
return {
props: {
export default CategoryPage;
The problem here is that <script> tags which are dynamically inserted with dangerouslySetInnerHTML or innerHTML, are not executed as HTML 5 specification states:
script elements inserted using innerHTML do not execute when they are inserted.
If you want to insert new <script> tag after the page has initially rendered, you need to do it through JavaScript's document.createElement('script') interface and appended to the DOM with element.appendChild() to make sure they're executed.
The reason why the scripts don't work after changing routes, but they do work after you refresh the page is tied to Next.js application lifecycle process.
If you refresh the page, Next.js pre-renders the entire website on the server and sends it back to the client as a whole. Therefore, the website is parsed as a regular static page and the <script> tags are executed as they normally would.
If you change routes, Next.js does not refresh the entire website/application, but only the portion of it which has changed. In other words, only the page component is fetched and it is dynamically inserted into existing layout replacing previous page. Therefore, the <script> tags are not executed.
Easy solution
Let some existing library handle the hard work for you by parsing the HTML string and recreating the DOM tree structure. Here's how it could look in jQuery:
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import $ from 'jquery';
const CategoryPage = ({ result }) => {
const element = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
{result && <link href={result.assets.stylesheets} rel="stylesheet" />}
<h1>Category page CMS Content</h1>
<div ref={element}></div>
export const getServerSideProps = async (context) => {
/* ... */
return { props: { result } };
Harder solution
You would have to find a way to extract all <script> tags from your HTML string and add them separately to your page. The cleanest way would be to modify the API response to deliver static HTML and dynamic script in two separate strings. Then, you could insert the HTML with dangerouslySetInnerHTML and add script in JS:
const scripts = extractScriptTags(result.html); // The hard part
scripts.forEach((script) => {
const scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
scriptTag.innerText = script;
IMHO, I believe that the script non-proper loading is due to erroneous import of the scripts on Client-Side Rendering (CSR) and Server-Side Rendering (SSR). Read more here, but also take a look on this interesting article. This would also explain the problematic behavior of your link component.
In your case, I understand that this behavior is due to false handling of the lifecycle of the page and its components during CSR, as many scripts might need to properly shared across the navigation of pages, possibly in SSR. I do not have the full picture of what the problem is or extended expertise on NextJS, but I believe that those scripts should be imported in one place and possibly rendered on the server, instead of false importing on each page, falsely letting CSR do the work in a non-NextJS optimized manner.
The suggested way is to use a custom Document implementation (SSR-only) for your application, where you can define the scripts. See here for more details on this. Also I suppose you already have setup a custom App file for your App, where you will use it in your document, for both CSR and SSR rendering common to all pages (See this SO question for more on that).
import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document'
class MyDocument extends Document {
static async getInitialProps(ctx) {
// ...
render() {
return (
{/*Your head scripts here*/}
<Main />
{/*Your body scripts here*/}
<NextScript />
The Head native component does a lot of work on the background in order to setup things for scripts, markup, etc. I suggest you go that way, instead of just adding the scripts into each page directly.

react-router redirect to a different domain url

I am using react-router for client side routing. I have a button and when some one clicks the button, I want to redirect the user to a different url.
For e.g I want to redirect the user to "". I used navigation mixin and used this.transitionTo(""). But when I do this I get this error
Invariant Violation: Cannot find a route named "".
I can use window.location but is that the right way to go?
As pointed out in the comments to this answer, default way of solving this would be to use anchor element (the a tag) with href attribute that points at the destination URL that you'd like to route the user to. A button that has appearance of a button but behavior or an anchor is pretty much a web anti-pattern. See more info in this answer:
That said, there certainly is a potential scenario when a web app needs to perform some action and only then redirect the user. In this case, if primary action the user takes is submitting some data or really performing an action, and redirect is more of a side-effect, then the original question is valid.
In this case, why not use location property of window object? It even provides a nice functional method to go to external location. See the ref.
So, if you have a component, say
class Button extends Component {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)} />
then add handleClick that would make the component look like
class Button extends Component {
handleClick() {
// do something meaningful, Promises, if/else, whatever, and then
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)} />
No need to import window since it's global. Should work perfectly in any modern browser.
Also, if you have a component that is declared as a function, you may possibly use the effect hook to change location when state changes, like
const Button = () => {
const [clicked, setClicked] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (clicked) {
// do something meaningful, Promises, if/else, whatever, and then
return (
<button onClick={() => setClicked(true)}></button>
You don't need react-router for external links, you can use regular link elements (i.e. <a href="..."/>) just fine.
You only need react-router when you have internal navigation (i.e. from component to component) for which the browser's URL bar should make it look like your app is actually switching "real" URLs.
Edit because people seem to think you can't use an <a href="..." if you need to "do work first", an example of doing exactly that:
render() {
return <a href={settings.externalLocation} onClick={evt => this.leave(evt)}/>
async leave(evt) {
if (this.state.finalized) return;
// Do whatever you need to do, but do it quickly, meaning that if you need to do
// various things, do them all in parallel instead of running them one by one:
await Promise.all([
// done, let's leave.
this.setState({ finalized: true }), () =>;
And that's it: when you click the link (that you styled to look like a button because that's what CSS is for) React checks if it can safely navigate away as a state check.
If it can, it lets that happen.
If it can't:
it prevents the navigation of occurring via preventDefault(),
does whatever work it needs to do, and then
marks itself as "it is safe to leave now", then retriggers the link.
You can try and create a link element and click it from code. This work for me
const navigateUrl = (url) => {
let element = document.createElement('a');
if(url.startsWith('http://') || url.startsWith('https://')){
element.href = url;
} else{
element.href = 'http://' + url;
As pointed by #Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans, you can just use to navigate to external link.
I usually do it this way, with is-internal-link
import React from 'react'
import { Link as ReactRouterLink} from 'react-router-dom'
import { isInternalLink } from 'is-internal-link'
const Link = ({ children, to, activeClassName, ...other }) => {
if (isInternalLink(to)) {
return (
<ReactRouterLink to={to} activeClassName={activeClassName} {...other}>
return (
<a href={to} target="_blank" {...other}>
export default Link
Disclaimer: I am the author of this is-internal-link
I had the same issue and my research into the issue uncovered that I could simply use an "a href" tag. If using target="_blank" you should write your link this...
Your Link
I couldn't find a simple way to do that with React Router. As #Mike wrote you should use anchor (<a> tags) when sending the user to external site.
I created a custom <Link> component to dynamically decide whether to render a React-Router <Link> or regular <a> tag.
import * as React from "react";
import {Link, LinkProps} from "react-router-dom";
const ReloadableLink = (props: LinkProps & { forceReload?: boolean }) => {
const {forceReload, ...linkProps} = props;
if (forceReload)
return <a {...linkProps} href={String(}/>;
return <Link {...linkProps}>
export default ReloadableLink;
