Can a LSL Script "touch" an object running a script - linden-scripting-language

Can a Linden LSL script running in an object TOUCH another object so as to trigger it, as if an avatar touched it? I have a box that runs a script when it is touched by an avatar. I want another box running a script to "touch" it for me and turn it on, and then off.
I looked through some LSL posts but did not see anything about this.

The only way you can trigger a touch event is with an SL client sending a touch command. So in other words, the only way you could do this is by setting up a bot agent to simulate a touch, which probably isn't practical.
You would be better off just using a listen and a chat command, if you can edit the script in the target object.


WPF show a pop message like a reminder every hour

I am Creating a Reminder wpf application where user can select time, repeat type and seta reminder on his machine.
Based on his inputs I would like to add scheduled task. I need some help how to accomplish this using taskscheduler.(Nudget package) or if any other alternative.
I want to pop up a reminder window which I would create in my wpf application.
The Execute method of TaskScheduler allows triggering exe files.
But how to open my reminder window as a trigger action?
Please help...!
I did this long time ago, but I guess to setup the task we had one project and to show message we had another one.
Have a look here to see how to create a task, and in ExecAction provide path to your other application(pop up one)

Capturing more detailed errors in SSIS

How do I retrieve a more detailed error message?
I ran an individual task to upload a file:
And the response I got was:
Where do I go to get more details on what actually failed?
Please note that I am able to login and perform this operation manually through an FTP client like filezilla.
Have you considered using EventHandlers for OnError events and logging to a table?
EMC (the company that hired the blogger who wrote the original blog post) took down his migrated content. So here is the above post on waybackmachine -- SSIS: Custom Logging Using Event Handlers
I've used this exact method on a few SSIS packages, and it's pretty easy to setup. The OnPostExecute is really excessive, but great for demonstration purposes.
NB: I'm not sure it will give you detailed FTP error codes if it's not showing them in debug mode.
For FTP troubleshooting -- if you're using any variable/dynamic connection parameters that are changed at run time, you might want to pop them up in a message box, or save them to a file as they are set so you can review them later.

Auto update dialog / Notification for WPF Application

I want a automatic update notification in my application. A message box should appear which tells that an update is available, if user wants then it can download the latest version in downloads folder of windows. Nothing else (user will install it manually) not application.
-I'm using Installshield so no Click once solution.
If you want an out-of-the-box solution to this problem you're likely to be disappointed. I haven't found anything that works except ClickOnce, and I dislike it. I did find this:
My solution was to roll my own. It's actually not that difficult. I wrote a small bootstrapper application that first checks for updates, downloads them if necessary, and then launches my application in a new AppDomain. Pretty easy.
If you want to check for updates while your app is running, you need to write and add a component/class to your project that performs that task, and informs the user (MessageBox or whatever) that an update is available. If they choose to perform the update then you need to launch your bootstrapper (so it can fetch the updates) and kill your current process.
All of this is very possible with a little time and some custom code. It's not as difficult as it sounds. The biggest thing is determining how configurable you want your custom solution to be because that can affect when/where your bootstrapper goes to look for updates (I built mine to look for updates on a network share).
i found one. This one is quite simple and solve the purpose.

Has Dreamweaver CS5 been deleting local files instead of remote files?

As scary as it sounds.
I select a remote file, I hit delete. Instead of deleting the selected remote file, Dreamweaver chooses to delete the currently selected LOCAL file(s) - even if they're unrelated.
EDIT: I am not able to 'deselect' the soon-to-be-deleted LOCAL file, not that I should have to. Didn't work this way in CS3.
The only way I caught this at all, is because DW tried to delete a file (LOCAL file in screenshot - to the right of the image) which had site links. Thank dog it had site links. Shame about all of my other work which I haven't found yet.
Screenshot attached, describing the steps I took. Also to note, I did search prefs and site prefs etc to see if there was a 'Wreak Havoc Randomly Upon Deletion' checkbox - there was nothing of the sort.
Adobe hasn't answered my for weeks now, am about to lodge a request but figured I'd start here instead of going through that ordeal.
Thanks for any help/thoughts.
Screenshot is quite large - dual monitors capturing all of the prob in situ.
I have come to the conclusion that 'BACKSPACE' deletes remote files, and the 'DEL' key deletes local files. I too figured this out the hard way, and deleted some important files. I haven't seen anything in the new features on why this was changed like this, but it may have been nice to let people know of the change.
Adobe is aware of this bug and will be addressing it in there next update. There is a simple work around where you don't have to change views.
Select the remote file, files or folder that you want to work with.
Click the refresh button at the top of the files panel.
Select the remote file, files or folders that you want to work with a second time.
Right click and choose "Delete".
getting this too. Quick workaround. If you have dreamweaver show just the remote site the delete action works as it should (ie it deletes the remote file). I'm not keen on this view but for now it'll be a case of using it to delete remote stuff. Hope this is fixed soon - do any of you know if there's an 'alert me' function on an Adobe bug report? Cheers Andy

Global hotkey capture in

I want to have my app which is minimized to capture data selected in another app's window when the hot key is pressed. My app definitely doesn't have the focus. Additionally when the hot key is pressed I want to present a fading popup (Outlook style) so my app never gets focus.
At a minimum I want to capture the Window name, Process ID and the selected data. The app which has focus is not my application?
I know one option is to sniff the Clipboard, but are there any other solutions.
This is to audit the rate of data-entry in to another system of which I have no control. It is a mainframe emulation client program(attachmate aka java-hosted telnet with 3250 support).
The plan is
complete data entry in Application X.
Select a certain section of the screen in App X which is proof of data entry (transaction ID).
Press the Magic Hotkey, which then 'sends' the selection to my App.
From System.environment or system.Threading I can find the Windows logon.
Similiarly I can also capture the time.
All the data will be logged to SQL.
Once Complete show Outlook style pop up saying the data entry has been logged.
Any thoughts.
Hooking the keyboard/mouse & screen scraping is pretty much the limit of what you can do with an applet. Remember Java is compiled to bytecode and run in the JVM. Because of the nature of the JVM, portability, and security concerns, you don't really have access to anything inside of the applet. All you will probably see from .Net is a "SunAwtFrame" classed window with no children.
The focus thing is doable, just use SendMessage (& other) API's to do what you need in the background and as long as you don't change the focus it will remain as is (ie. running code does not require focus)
As far as the data extraction goes, its going to come down to whether or not you can pull that info from the screen using some (potentially hardcore) image processing. Applets are a sort of no-mans land (from within .Net atleast), there is no JavaWindow.Textbox.GetAStringForMePlease().
For the record, there is an exception, if you physically control the applet. In that case you can make a sort of applet shell to hook the guts of the applet.
It sounds like you need to set up a global keyboard hook to capture the hot key this code project article shows how to do that (in C# but it's not much different):
And then you could use the FindWindow API to find the other apps window, then find the control that contains the "transaction ID" and use the WM_GETTEXT message to copy the text from it.
