Cannot Enable ADB for Kindle Fire HD - adb

I'm trying to root an 8th generation Kindle HD Fire (Fire OS
I've turned on the Developer options, however, Enable ADB isn't listed under it. Is there another place I should look for the ADB setting?
I've done the following:
Settings > Security & Privacy >Turned on Apps from Unknown
Settings > Device Options > About Fire Tablet > Tapped Serial 7 times

Turn on "USB Debugging". That's what it's called in Developer Options.


How to show soft keyboard on Android Things?

I'm trying to show soft keyboard on Android Things, Raspberry Pi 3. I tried the methods below, but not succeeded so far:
Does Android Things 7.0 support soft keyboard, or am I missing something?
Update II: there is a bug with Dev Preview 5.1 when Google's soft keyboard doesn't show up at all.
Update: starting with Dev Preview 4 the Android Things image is shipped with preinstalled. If you're going to use a 3d party keyboard app the approach below is still valid.
You should enable the IME in Android Things Developer Preview in order for it to show up. Let's consider Google Keyboard as an example (since it worked for you). Once the keyboard has been installed and you shell-ed in (with adb shell) the following options might be used:
Command line solution
Find out the IME ID
$ ime list -a | grep mId
Enable the IME using the fully qualified mId
Android Things 0.5+ (you might get already enabled)
$ ime enable
Android Things 0.1 - 0.4:
$ ime enable
Note: If you'd like to use the IME "app-wide" (not "system-wide"), use ime set ID instead of ime enable ID.
Settings app solution
Android Things 0.5+:
am start -n\$SystemDashboardActivity
Languages & Input -> Virtual keyboard -> Manage keyboards and enable the IME (should already be enabled)
Android Things 0.1 - 0.4:
am start -n\$InputMethodAndLanguageSettingsActivity
Virtual keyboard -> Manage keyboards and enable the IME
Note: In order to close _Android_'s settings app from within shell you can emulate a back button press multiple times with input keyevent 4 or force close the app with am force-stop
By default, keybord apps are not installed on AT Developer Preview. You have to install it. See software keyboard.

XIomi redmi note adb usb debug drivers

I tried many ADB Driver Softwares of Xaiomi redmi note but i am unable to use USB-debugging mode while running a real app from android studio
No need to install external ADB Driver for Redmi,Redmi already Provide with device. The device may not be visible for debugging if it is in MTP mode. Redmi 3S work in charging Mode in win 8.
This can be change
1. Go Setting
2. Additional Setting
3. Developers Option
4. Select USB Configuration
5. Select Charging Only
If you're having problem on Windows, perform the following
On your Windows desktop, Go to your Control Panel then Device Manager.
You should see Android Phone under Other Devices with a Yellow ! mark on it.
Right click on it and choose "Update Driver Software"
Choose "Browse my computer", then "Let me pick from a list."
If you see categories, select "Android Device", then select "MOT Composite ADB Interface".
The driver will install and you can now run the update with ADB.
Let me know if you have issues.

adb command doesn't list my device

On a Macbook Pro with Yosemite -
After getting through the difficulties of getting Android SDK installed, I plug in the device, but it doesn't show. The command adb devices yields "List of devices attached" with nothing following. It's there on the USB, the About This Mac System Report shows it present on the USB.
This question looks similar to Issue setting up the development environment for ProjectTango developemnt Device but is not the same because I'm not using Eclipse.
Please ensure that USB debugging is enabled in order to enter ADB, go to Settings > About tablet > Build number and then press Build number seven times. Then press back and go to Developer options > USB debugging.
Make sure you're using the latest Google USB driver. I was having this problem (but on Win 8) and updating the driver fixed it, I'm now getting the device in adb devices and can push content to it.

Adb not detecting my sony xperia J

I am trying to debug my android application in sony xperia J but the
adb devices
returns no devices
I have enabled USB debugging, Mass storage and installed sony pc companion.
I also allowed to install external applications.
I tried with enabling USB teathering.
Is there any additional setting I am missing?
I guess I have installed drivers for it but I am not very sure.
Can somebody help me on this it is really irritating.
You have to be sure about drivers installed or not.
in my job I see many devices that are not recognised by adb at first.
I have noticed that this is happening due to an auto-mount of the sdcard on the computer.
make sure there are no mounted drives on your computer and that should fix this
You can use PC companion software connect Phone to PC for debugging
and also try it
Settings > Xperia > USB Connectivity > USB Connection Mode and select MASS Storage, not MTP
If your USC pc connection is to Media device try changing it to Camera (PTP) or Vice Versa.
First you have to configure your phone not to install PC companion when connecting to PC by deselecting it from the phone menu. Also enable USB debugging and Mass storage, then connect the phone to the PC. Delete all devices that look like your phone in the Device Manager by uninstallling them. Then right-click and scan for hardware changes. Go to Android, right-click and Update driver. Browse folder until sdk/extras/google/usbdriver. Then Let me pick... Select Android phone, then have disk browse until sdk/extras/usbdriver. Select android_winusb.inf. Open, then select Android Composite ADB Interface. Next install. Wait until it is done and reopen Eclipse. You will find your phone there under devices.
I am running W8.1 x64 Pro and all above solutions had failed because Windows would not recognize a driver inside of sdk/extras/google/usbdriver even with a manual install.
Anyhow, my solution was to use Sony's PC companion tool, which was able to automatically download the drivers for my PC.
Official doc:
Now the abd interface is installed, and the phone is detected in adb devices.

How to switch from PIO to DMA modes on a SATA Controller in code?

I am running windows 7. I need build an unattended/automated test to exercise some SATA drives. One of the test requirements is to exercise the drive with DMA in both states (enabled AND disabled).
To manually change this setting, you would:
1) Open Device Manager.
2) Expand "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers".
3) Pick one of the ATA Channels listed; right-click properties; Advanced tab.
4) Toggle "Enable DMA".
As I said, I need to do this unattended. Any ideas on how it could be done? I have searched Windows Dev Center high and low, including the Device instance and setup stuff in the driver development kit. I can't find anything relevant there. I've also searched for registry keys that might do the job, but haven't found anything there either.
