wrong size of IJVM chunk file in c question - c

I am trying to implement an IJVM an read a binary file.
I understand that an .ijvm file contains a 32-bit magic number and any number of data blocks and that a data block has three parts.
My intention is to first read and store the magic number which is always of constant size and then the data block to a different array.
The .ijvm file looks like this:
1d ea df ad 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 07 10 30 10 31 60 fd ff
with the first 4 bytes (1d ea df ad) being the magic n. and the rest the data block.
After reading the file I determine the total size being 27 bytes, thus the rest should be 23 bytes.
However, no matter what I try, despite storing and reading correctly the magic and data parts, I always get a wrong data part size and not 23 bytes as I think it should.
byte_t bufferMagic[4];
byte_t *dataBlock;
FILE *fp;
uint32_t filelen;
uint32_t dataBlocklen;
fp = fopen(binary_file, "r");
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); //compute the size of the file
filelen = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
fprintf(stderr,"file:%s is %d bytes long\n",binary_file,filelen); //outputs27
//read magic number
fprintf(stderr, "Magic number: 0x%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx \n",
//read data block
dataBlock = (byte_t*)malloc(sizeof(byte_t) * filelen - 4);
//dataBlocklen = ftell(fp); //outputs 4
dataBlocklen = sizeof(dataBlock); //outputs 8
fread(dataBlock,1,filelen - 4,fp); //reads data block correctly
can you please explain what am I missing? Why both dataBlocklen not giving 23 bytes?

//dataBlocklen = ftell(fp); //outputs 4
Returns 4 because current file offset is at 4th byte as you did fread for magicnumber prior to ftell.
dataBlocklen = sizeof(dataBlock); //outputs 8
Returns 8 because dataBlock is pointer, thus sizeof(pointer) is 8 byte on your machine.


Bitwise operators: How to check if source port is great than 32767 (0x7FFF)

I have a program that reads a binary file of 20 bytes, modifies the data and then write on another binary file. I am trying to check if the source port is bigger than 32767 or(0x7FFF).
If it is bigger then I must zero out the most significant two bits of it. I am only allowed to use bitwise operators. Anybody has any idea how could I do it? Thanks.
Data: 32 27 A9 49 03 8C BD 89 01 87 9B 8D 50 13 00 00 FF FF 00 00
Source port: 32 27 (16 bits)
void modify(const unsigned char oldData [], unsigned char newData []){
/*Accessing the souce port oldData[0] and oldData[1].*/
Just pick out the port value from the data. This depends on endianness. little or big.
You will need to know how your data is organized - if the 32 is the high or low part.
Assuming your data is little-endian, you can read it like this:
#include <endian.h>
void modify()
uint16_t port = le16toh( *((uint16_t*)oldData) );
For the particular case of checking against >=32768 , which is >=0x8000, can test the high-bit as already commented:
if(oldData[1]&0x80) // [1] is highbyte if using little-endian data.

Getting MAC address in c and writing it to a txt file

Following is my code. In this program I use system function and passe a command line argument to get the mac address of the pc and then write it into the txt file. txt file is creating successfully. But When I try to open the txt file which was created it wont show anything. It show letter M and some blank spaces. Any idea why is this happening ? Thank you.
int main()
system("wmic nic where (AdapterTypeId=0 AND netConnectionStatus=2) get MACAddress >macaddress.txt");
FILE * fpointer=fopen("macaddress.txt","r");
char buffer[500];
This will do what you want, but if instead of just printing the contents of the file you actually want to do something with it and you need the text as ASCII you'll need to perform that conversion yourself from wide characters.
Since this particular file is just normal letters and numbers text you can convert the wide string to narrow with sprintf.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
system("wmic nic where (AdapterTypeId=0 AND netConnectionStatus=2) get MACAddress > macaddress.txt");
//Binary mode tells fgetws to read wide characters instead of multi-byte.
FILE * fp = fopen("macaddress.txt", "rb");
if (fp)
wchar_t buffer[500] = { 0 };
fread(buffer, 1, 2, fp); //read and discard BOM
while (fgetws(buffer, 500, fp))
// %ls means the parameter is a wide string.
// %S also works in Visual Studio
printf("%ls", buffer);
//Convert wide characters to ASCII
//This assumes the wide characters are all in the ASCII range
char ascii[500] = { 0 };
sprintf(ascii, "%ls", buffer);
printf("%s", ascii);
return 0;
It is not an ASCII encoded file. Here is a dump
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0000:0000 FF FE 4D 00 41 00 43 00 41 00 64 00 64 00 72 00  ■M.A.C.A.d.d.r.
0000:0010 65 00 73 00 73 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 e.s.s. . . . . .
0000:0020 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 0D 00 0A 00
etc so as not to reveal my MAC address.
Note too it contains zeros which will terminate any string output after reading with fgets.
My text editor (Notepad++) shows the correct content because it sets the right text format automatically.

CTR-AES256 Encrypt does not match OpenSSL -aes-256-ctr

My problem is that I cannot get the AES 256 CTR output from the C code below to match the output from the OpenSSL command below.
The C code produces this:
5f b7 18 d1 28 62 7f 50 35 ba e9 67 a7 17 ab 22
f9 e4 09 ce 23 26 7b 93 82 02 d3 87 eb 01 26 ac
96 2c 01 8c c8 af f3 de a4 18 7f 29 46 00 2e 00
The OpenSSL command line produces this:
5f b7 18 d1 28 62 7f 50 35 ba e9 67 a7 17 ab 22
3c 01 11 bd 39 14 74 76 31 57 a6 53 f9 00 09 b4
6f a9 49 bc 6d 00 77 24 2d ef b9 c4
Notice the first 16 bytes are the same because the nonceIV was the same, however, when the nonceIV is updated on the next iteration, then XOR'd with the plaintext, the next 16 bytes differ and so on...?
I cannot understand why that happens? Anyone know why the hex codes are different after the first 16 byte chunk?
Disclaimer: I'm no C expert.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
Then run the following OpenSSL command to create foxy.exe
openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -in fox.txt -out foxy.exe -K 603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d77811f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4 -iv f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfcfdfeff -nosalt -nopad -p
Here's what foxy.exe contains:
5f b7 18 d1 28 62 7f 50 35 ba e9 67 a7 17 ab 22
3c 01 11 bd 39 14 74 76 31 57 a6 53 f9 00 09 b4
6f a9 49 bc 6d 00 77 24 2d ef b9 c4
Here's the code.
#include <Windows.h>
// What is AES CTR
// AES - CTR (counter) mode is another popular symmetric encryption algorithm.
// It is advantageous because of a few features :
// 1. The data size does not have to be multiple of 16 bytes.
// 2. The encryption or decryption for all blocks of the data can happen in parallel, allowing faster implementation.
// 3. Encryption and decryption use identical implementation.
// Very important note : choice of initial counter is critical to the security of CTR mode.
// The requirement is that the same counter and AES key combination can never to used to encrypt more than more one 16 - byte block.
// Notes
// -----
// * CTR mode does not require padding to block boundaries.
// * The IV size of AES is 16 bytes.
// * CTR mode doesn't need separate encrypt and decrypt method. Encryption key can be set once.
// * AES is a block cipher : it takes as input a 16 byte plaintext block,
// a secret key (16, 24 or 32 bytes) and outputs another 16 byte ciphertext block.
// References
// ----------
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29
// https://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/CTR_Mode#Counter_Increment
// https://modexp.wordpress.com/2016/03/10/windows-ctr-mode-with-crypto-api/
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/jj650836(v=vs.85).aspx
// http://www.cryptogrium.com/aes-ctr.html
// http://www.bierkandt.org/encryption/symmetric_encryption.php
#define IV_SIZE 16
#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16
typedef struct _key_hdr_t {
PUBLICKEYSTRUC hdr; // Indicates the type of BLOB and the algorithm that the key uses.
DWORD len; // The size, in bytes, of the key material.
char key[32]; // The key material.
} key_hdr;
// NIST specifies two types of counters.
// First is a counter which is made up of a nonce and counter.
// The nonce is random, and the remaining bytes are counter bytes (which are incremented).
// For example, a 16 byte block cipher might use the high 8 bytes as a nonce, and the low 8 bytes as a counter.
// Second is a counter block, where all bytes are counter bytes and can be incremented as carries are generated.
// For example, in a 16 byte block cipher, all 16 bytes are counter bytes.
// This uses the second method, which means the entire byte block is treated as counter bytes.
void IncrementCounterByOne(char *inout)
int i;
for (i = 16 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (inout[i]) {
void XOR(char *plaintext, char *ciphertext, int plaintext_len)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < plaintext_len; i++)
plaintext[i] ^= ciphertext[i];
unsigned int GetAlgorithmIdentifier(unsigned int aeskeylenbits)
switch (aeskeylenbits)
case 128:
return CALG_AES_128;
case 192:
return CALG_AES_192;
case 256:
return CALG_AES_256;
return 0;
unsigned int GetKeyLengthBytes(unsigned int aeskeylenbits)
return aeskeylenbits / 8;
void SetKeyData(key_hdr *key, unsigned int aeskeylenbits, char *pKey)
key->hdr.bType = PLAINTEXTKEYBLOB;
key->hdr.bVersion = CUR_BLOB_VERSION;
key->hdr.reserved = 0;
key->hdr.aiKeyAlg = GetAlgorithmIdentifier(aeskeylenbits);
key->len = GetKeyLengthBytes(aeskeylenbits);
memmove(key->key, pKey, key->len);
// point = pointer to the start of the plaintext, extent is the size (44 bytes)
void __stdcall AESCTR(char *point, int extent, char *pKey, char *pIV, unsigned int aeskeylenbits, char *bufOut)
key_hdr key;
div_t aesblocks;
char nonceIV[64];
char tIV[64];
char *bufIn;
bufIn = point;
memmove(nonceIV, pIV, IV_SIZE);
SetKeyData(&key, aeskeylenbits, pKey);
CryptImportKey(hProv, (PBYTE)&key, sizeof(key), 0, CRYPT_NO_SALT, &hSession);
aesblocks = div(extent, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
while (aesblocks.quot != 0)
IV_len = IV_SIZE;
memmove(tIV, nonceIV, IV_SIZE);
CryptEncrypt(hSession, 0, FALSE, 0, (BYTE *)tIV, &IV_len, sizeof(tIV));
if (aesblocks.rem != 0)
memmove(tIV, nonceIV, IV_SIZE);
CryptEncrypt(hSession, 0, TRUE, 0, (BYTE *)tIV, &IV_len, sizeof(tIV));
XOR(bufIn, tIV, aesblocks.rem);
memmove(bufOut, point, extent);
CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
I was able to get this working by the suggested pseudocode on the M$ CryptEncrypt() remarks section https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379924(v=vs.85).aspx:
// Set the IV for the original key. Do not use the original key for
// encryption or decryption after doing this because the key's
// feedback register will get modified and you cannot change it.
CryptSetKeyParam(hOriginalKey, KP_IV, newIV)
while(block = NextBlock())
// Create a duplicate of the original key. This causes the
// original key's IV to be copied into the duplicate key's
// feedback register.
hDuplicateKey = CryptDuplicateKey(hOriginalKey)
// Encrypt the block with the duplicate key.
CryptEncrypt(hDuplicateKey, block)
// Destroy the duplicate key. Its feedback register has been
// modified by the CryptEncrypt function, so it cannot be used
// again. It will be re-duplicated in the next iteration of the
// loop.
Here's the updated code with the two new lines added:
HCRYPTKEY hDuplicateKey;
boolean final;
while (aesblocks.quot != 0)
CryptDuplicateKey(hOriginalKey, NULL, 0, &hDuplicateKey);
IV_len = IV_SIZE;
memmove(tIV, nonceIV, IV_len);
final = (aesblocks.quot == 1 && aesblocks.rem == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
CryptEncrypt(hDuplicateKey, 0, final, 0, (BYTE *)tIV, &IV_len, sizeof(tIV));
if (aesblocks.rem != 0)
CryptDuplicateKey(hOriginalKey, NULL, 0, &hDuplicateKey);
final = TRUE;
memmove(tIV, nonceIV, IV_SIZE);
CryptEncrypt(hDuplicateKey, 0, final, 0, (BYTE *)tIV, &IV_len, sizeof(tIV));
XOR(bufIn, tIV, aesblocks.rem);
I'm not familiar with the Microsoft APIs, but I believe that CryptEncrypt() uses CBC mode by default - so the output from the first block of encryption is automatically being fed into the input for the second block. You are building CTR mode yourself form scratch (which incidentally is generally not an advisable thing to do - you should use the capabilities of crypto libraries rather than "roll your own" crypto). To get the expected output you probably need to get CryptEncrypt to use AES in ECB mode - which I believe can be done using CryptptSetKeyParam (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa380272.aspx) and setting KP_MODE to CRYPT_MODE_ECB.
Make sure your input file doesn't contain any extra characters like new line etc. Openssl will include those extra characters while encrypting.

Getting error "The capture file appears to be damaged or corrupt. (pcap: File has 1847605831-byte packet, bigger than maximum of 65535)"

I am getting error when i am trying to dump a packet in pcap file.
unsigned char *ofilename = "packet.pcap";
pcap_t *fp;
pcap_dumper_t *dumpfile;
const struct pcap_pkthdr *header;
fp = pcap_open_dead(DLT_RAW,256);
if(fp != NULL)
dumpfile = pcap_dump_open(fp, ofilename);
if(dumpfile == NULL)
printf("\nError opening output file\n");
pcap_dump((u_char *)dumpfile,header,data);
HERE data is a u8 data[256].. its 256 byte data.. which has the packet bytes like this
FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 50 56 A8 11 39 81 00 0F FC 81 00 1F FC 08 06 00 01 08 00 06 04 00 01 00 50 56 A8 11 39 65 2B 01 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 2B
But when i open packet.pcap i am getting "The capture file appears to be damaged or corrupt. (pcap: File has 1847605831-byte packet, bigger than maximum of 65535)"
Could someone pls help me on this whats going wrong
Kindly install "pcapfix" on Linux and run it on the corrupt file as follows
$ pcapfix -d 'file / file path here'
This will fix it.
Try something such as
unsigned char *ofilename = "packet.pcap";
pcap_t *fp;
pcap_dumper_t *dumpfile;
struct pcap_pkthdr header;
fp = pcap_open_dead(DLT_RAW,256);
if(fp != NULL)
dumpfile = pcap_dump_open(fp, ofilename);
if(dumpfile == NULL)
printf("\nError opening output file\n");
header.caplen = 256; /* or however many bytes actually contain packet data */
header.len = 256; /* or however many bytes actually contain packet data */
gettimefoday(&header.ts); /* I'm assuming this is on some flavor of UN*X */
pcap_dump((u_char *)dumpfile,&header,data);
For one thing, just because a function takes an argument of type "{something} *", that doesn't mean you should pass to it a variable of type "{something} *". You must pass it a value of type "{something} *", but it must be a valid value, i.e. it must point to something.
An uninitialized variable of type "{something} ``*", which is what you have in your code, doesn't point to anywhere valid.
However, if you declare a variable of type "{something}", rather than "{something} *", you can use the & operator on that variable to get a value of type "{something} *" that points to the variable.
Then, as indicated, you have to give that variable a value if you're passing it to pcap_dump(). You have to set the len and caplen members of a struct pcap_pkthdr; the caplen member must be equal to the actual number bytes of packet data (which might be less than the size of the array if the packet isn't, in your case, exactly 256 bytes long), and the len member must be at least that value; len would only be bigger than caplen if the packet came from a capture done with a "snapshot length" value that discarded everything in the packet past a certain point, which isn't the case here, so len should be equal to caplen.
You probably also want to set the time stamp of the packet; I'm assuming you're running on some form of UN*X here, so you can use gettimeofday() to get the current time. If this is Windows with WinPcap, you'll probably have to do something else.
(header must not be const here, as you have to set it. It doesn't have to be const; it's const in the declaration of pcap_dump(), but that just means that pcap_dump() won't change it, so you can pass it a pointer to something that's const; you don't have to pass it something that'sconst`.)

c get data from BMP

I find myself writing a simple program to extract data from a bmp file. I just got started and I am at one of those WTF moments.
When I run the program and supply this image: http://www.hack4fun.org/h4f/sites/default/files/bindump/lena.bmp
I get the output:
type: 19778
size: 12
res1: 0
res2: 54
offset: 2621440
The actual image size is 786,486 bytes. Why is my code reporting 12 bytes?
The header format specified in,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format matches my BMP_FILE_HEADER structure. So why is it getting filled with wrong information?
The image file doesn't appear to be corrupt and other images are giving equally wrong outputs. What am I missing?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
unsigned short type;
unsigned int size;
unsigned short res1;
unsigned short res2;
unsigned int offset;
int main (int args, char ** argv) {
char *file_name = argv[1];
FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "rb");
BMP_FILE_HEADER file_header;
fread(&file_header, sizeof(BMP_FILE_HEADER), 1, fp);
if (file_header.type != 'MB') {
printf("ERROR: not a .bmp");
return 1;
printf("type: %i\nsize: %i\nres1: %i\nres2: %i\noffset: %i\n", file_header.type, file_header.size, file_header.res1, file_header.res2, file_header.offset);
return 0;
Here the header in hex:
0000000 42 4d 36 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 28 00
0000020 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 18 00 00 00
The length field is the bytes 36 00 0c 00`, which is in intel order; handled as a 32-bit value, it is 0x000c0036 or decimal 786,486 (which matches the saved file size).
Probably your C compiler is aligning each field to a 32-bit boundary. Enable a pack structure option, pragma, or directive.
There are two mistakes I could find in your code.
First mistake: You have to pack the structure to 1, so every type size is exactly the size its meant to be, so the compiler doesn't align it for example in 4 bytes alignment. So in your code, short, instead of being 2 bytes, it was 4 bytes. The trick for this, is using a compiler directive for packing the nearest struct:
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct {
unsigned short type;
unsigned int size;
unsigned short res1;
unsigned short res2;
unsigned int offset;
Now it should be aligned properly.
The other mistake is in here:
if (file_header.type != 'MB')
You are trying to check a short type, which is 2 bytes, with a char type (using ''), which is 1 byte. Probably the compiler is giving you a warning about that, it's canonical that single quotes contain just 1 character with 1-byte size.
To get this around, you can divide this 2 bytes into 2 1-byte characters, which are known (M and B), and put them together into a word. For example:
if (file_header.type != (('M' << 8) | 'B'))
If you see this expression, this will happen:
'M' (which is 0x4D in ASCII) shifted 8 bits to the left, will result in 0x4D00, now you can just add or or the next character to the right zeroes: 0x4D00 | 0x42 = 0x4D42 (where 0x42 is 'B' in ASCII). Thinking like this, you could just write:
if (file_header.type != 0x4D42)
Then your code should work.
