SSIS Lookup Transform use Table or Query - sql-server

I have a Lookup Transformation on a table with 30 columns but I only am using two columns: ID column for the join and Update column as Output.
On the connection should I enter a query Select ID, Update From T1 or Use Table in the drop down?
Using table in Drop down would this be like doing Select * From T1 or is SSIS clever enough to know I only need 2 columns.
I'm thinking I should go with the Query Select ID, Update From T1.

On the connection should I enter a query Select ID, Update From T1 or Use Table in the drop down?
It is best to specify which columns you want.
Using table in Drop down, would this be like doing Select * From T1
Yes, it is a SELECT *.
or is SSIS clever enough to know I only need 2 columns?
Keep in mind that Lookups are good for pulling data from Dimension Tables where the row count and record set is small. If you are dealing with large amounts of unique data, then it will be better to perform a MERGE JOIN, instead. The performance difference can be substantial. For example, when using a Lookup on 20K rows of data, you could experience run times in the tens of minutes. A MERGE JOIN, however, would run within seconds.
Lookups have the drawback of behaving like correlated sub-queries in that they fire off a query to the server for every row passing through it. You can have the Lookup cache the data, which means SSIS will store the results in memory and then check the memory before going to the server for all subsequent rows passing through the Lookup. As a result, this is only effective if there are a large number of matching records for a small cache set. In other words, Lookups are not optimal when there is large amount of Distinct ID's to lookup. To that point, caching data is almost pointless.
This is where you would switch over to using a MERGE JOIN. Note: you will need to perform a SORT on both of the data flows before the MERGE JOIN because the MERGE JOIN component requires the incoming rows to be sorted.
When handled incorrectly, a single poorly placed Lookup can bring an entire package to its knees - lookups can be huge performance bottlenecks. Though, handled correctly, a Lookup can simplify the design of the dataflow and speed development by removing the extra development required to MERGE JOIN data flows.
The bottom line to all of this is that you want the Lookup performing the fewest number of queries against the server.

If you need only two columns from the lookup table then it is better to use a select query then selecting table from drop down list but the columns specified must contains the primary key (ID). Because reading all columns will consume more resources. Even if it may not meaningful effect in small tables.
You can refer to the following answer on database administrators community for more information:
SSIS OLE DB Source Editor Data Access Mode: “SQL command” vs “Table or view”
Note that what #JWeezy mentioned about lookup from large table is right. Lookups is not designed for large table, i will use SQL JOINs instead.


Why can't columnar databases like Snowflake and Redshift change the column order?

I have been working with Redshift and now testing Snowflake. Both are columnar databases. Everything I have read about this type of databases says that they store the information by column rather than by row, which helps with the massive parallel processing (MPP).
But I have also seen that they are not able to change the order of a column or add a column in between existing columns (don't know about other columnar databases). The only way to add a new column is to append it at the end. If you want to change the order, you need to recreate the table with the new order, drop the old one, and change the name of the new one (this is called a deep copy). But this sometimes can't be possible because of dependencies or even memory utilization.
I'm more surprised about the fact that this could be done in row databases and not in columnar ones. Of course, there must be a reason why it's not a feature yet, but I clearly don't have enough information about it. I thought it was going to be just a matter of changing the ordinal of the tables in the information_schema but clearly is not that simple.
Does anyone know the reason of this?
Generally, column ordering within the table is not considered to be a first class attribute. Columns can be retrieved in whatever order you require by listing the names in that order.
Emphasis on column order within a table suggests frequent use of SELECT *. I'd strongly recommend not using SELECT * in columnar databases without an explicit LIMIT clause to minimize the impact.
If column order must be changed you do that in Redshift by creating a new empty version of the table with the columns in the desired order and then using ALTER TABLE APPEND to move the data into the new table very quickly.
The order in which the columns are stored internally cannot be changed without dropping and recreating them.
Your SQL can retrieve the columns in any order you want.
General requirement to have columns listed in some particular order is for the viewing purpose.
You could define a view to be in the desired column order and use the view in the required operation.
INSERT INTO CO_TEST VALUES (1,2),(3,4),(5,6);
Creating a view to list the columns in the required order will not disturb the actual table underneath the view and the resources associated with recreation of the table is not wasted.
In some databases (Oracle especially) ordering columns on table will make difference in performance by storing NULLable columns at the end of the list. Has to do with how storage is beiing utilized within the data block.

SQL server performance when table has many columns

My question is about performance on SQL server tables.
Assume I have a table that has many columns, for example 30 columns, with 1 column indexed. This table has approximately 30,000 rows.
If I perform a select that selects the indexed column, and one more, for example this:
SELECT IndexedColumn, column1
FROM table
Will this be slower than performing the same select on a table that only has 2 columns, and doing a SELECT * ...
So basically, will the existence of the extra columns slow down the select query event if I am not retrieving the data from the extra columns?
There will be minor difference on the very end of the process as you don't have to print/pass the rest of information for the end client (either SSMS or other app).
When performing a read based on clustered index all of the column (without BLOB) are saved on the same page set so to read the data you have to access the same set of pages anyway.
You would see a performance increase if you would have a nonclustered index on the column list you are after as then they are saved in their own structure of data pages (so it would be less to read).
Assuming that you are using the default Clustered Index created by SQL server when defining the primary key on the table in both scenarios then no, there shouldn't be any performance difference between these two scenarios. Maybe worth just checking it out and generating an Actual Execution plan to see for yourself? -- Actually not sure above is true, as given this is rowstore, the first table wont be able to fit as many rows onto each page so will suffer more of an IO/Disk overhead when reading data.

Postgres lookup tables over clustered data

This is a simplified version of the postgres database I am managing:
TableA: id,name
TableB: id,id_a,prop1,prop2
This database has a peculiarity: when I select data, I only consider rows of TableB that have the same id_a. So I am never interested in selecting data from TableB with mixed values of id_a. Therefore, queries are always of this kind:
Some time ago, the number of rows in TableA grew up to 20000 rows and TableB up to 10^7 rows.
To first speedup queries I added a binary tree lookup table to the TableB properties. Something like the following:
"my_index" btree (prop1)
The problem
Now I have to insert new data, and the database size will became more than the double of its current size. Inserting data to TableB became too slow.
I understood that the slowness cames from the updating of my_index.
When I add a new row of TableB, the database have to reorder the my_index lookup table.
I feel like this would be speeded up, if my_index was not over all elements.
But I do not need the new row, with a given id_a property to be sorted with a row having a different id_a property
The question
How can I create an index on a table, where the elements are ordered only when they have a same common property (es. a column called id_a)?
You can't.
The question that I would immediately ask you if you want such an index is: Yes, but for what values of id_a do you want the index? And your answer would be “for all of them”.
If you actually would want an index only for some values, you could use a partial index:
CREATE INDEX partidx ON tableb(prop1) WHERE id_a = 42;
But really you want an index for the whole table.
Besides, the INSERT would be just as slow unless the row inserted does not satisfy the WHERE condition of your index.
There are three things you can do to speed up INSERT:
Run as many INSERT statements as possible in a single transaction, ideally all of them.
Then you don't have to pay the price of COMMIT after every single INSERT, and COMMITs are quite expensive: they require data to be written to the disk hardware (not the cache), and this is incredibly slow (1 ms a decent time).
You can speed this up even more if you use prepared statements. That way the INSERT doesn't have to be parsed and prepared every time.
Use the SQL command COPY to insert many rows. COPY is specifically designed for bulk data import and will be faster than INSERT.
If COPY is to slow, usually because you need to INSERT a lot of data, the fatsest way is to drop all indexes, insert the data with COPY and then recreate the indexes. It can speed up the process by an order of magnitude, but of course the database is not fully available while the indexes are dropped.

Is a full text search on one table faster than two tables?

In the full text search page on MSDN it says that if you want to do a full text search on multiple tables just "use a joined table in your FROM clause to search on a result set that is the product of two or more tables."
My question is, isn't this going to be really slow if you have to merge two very large tables?
If I'm merging a product table with a category table and there are millions of records, won't the join take a long time and then have to search after the join?
Joins on millions of records can still be fast if the join is optimized for performance, for example, a single int column that is indexed in both tables. But there can be other factors at play so the best approach is to try it and gauge the performance yourself.
If the join doesn't perform well, you have a couple of options:
Create a view of the tables joined together, create a full text index on that view, and run your full text queries against that view.
Create a 3rd table which is a combination of the 2 tables you are joining, create a full text index on it, and run your full text queries against that table. You'll need something like an ETL process to keep it updated.

Sorting rows in DB (by id or another field?)

What is the best way and why?
sorting rows by id
sorting rows by another field (create time for example)
Upd 1. Of course, I can add index for another field
Upd 2. Best for speed & usability
Do you mean sorting or indexing? Regardless of which database technology you are using, you can typically apply indexes on any column or on different combinations of columns. This allows the database engine to optimize query execution and make better execution plans. In a way, indexing is "sorting", for your database engine.
Actual sorting (as in ORDER BY MyColumn ASC|DESC) is really only relevant in the context of querying the database. How you decide to sort your query results would typically depend on how you intend to use your data.
I assume that you are using a relational database, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, and not one of the non-SQL databases.
This means that you are interacting with the database using the SQL language, and the way you get data from the database is to use the SQL SELECT statement. In general, your tables will have a "key" attribute, which means that each row has a unique value for that attribute, and usually the database will store the data pre-sorted by that key (often in a B-tree data structure).
So, when you do a query, e.g. "SELECT firstname,lastname FROM employees;", where "employees" is a table with a few attributes, such as "employee_id", "firstname", "lastname", "home_address", and so forth, the data will generally be delivered in order of employee_id value.
To get the data sorted in a different order, you might make use of the SQL "ORDER_BY" clause in the SELECT statement. For example, if you wanted the data to be sorted by "lastname", then you might use something like "SELECT firstname,lastname FROM employees ORDER_BY lastname;".
One way that the database can implement this query is to retrieve all the data and then sort it before passing it on to the user.
In addition, it is possible to create indexes for the table which allows the database to find rows with particular values, or value ranges, for attributes or sets of attributes. If you have added a "WHERE" clause to the SELECT query which (dramatically) reduces the number of matching rows, then the database may use the index to speed up the query processing by first filtering the rows and then (if necessary) sorting them. Note that the whole topic of query optimization for databases is complex and takes into account a wide range of factors to try and estimate which of the possible query implementation alternatives will result in the fastest implementation.
