Multiple installable PWA in same base URL - mobile

I'm building a PWA and I wanna know if it's possible to build an installable PWA that has many differents routes, but each route being a different installable PWA. Sample: be a installable PWA for costumer 1 (their "tenant") be a installable PWA for costumer 2 (their own tenant, different from costumer 1 tenant)
Is this possible or I need to use different base URLs? If doesn't, maybe can I use subdomains?
Something like this: be one PWA, and be another one.


Ionic additional app content (app in app)

Current situation
I have multiple ionic react apps for different purposes. Lets say: one is a recipe app, the second a restaurant reservation app and the third a restaurant rating app.
All apps are distributed as single apps to the app stores. They have their own splash screens, icons etc.
The situation I want
I would like to create a single base app where users can sign in to their account. The base app will show their homepage with greeting and a list of apps (modules) that are available for install.
Lets say i’m an user and I would like to use the reservation app. In my base app I click on the reservation app icon and the app is installed within my base app and ready for use. If I choose to removd the app, it will be removed from my base app.
With this concept, users can use multiple apps from one single app and with one account (all data is written to databases and connected to their signed in account).
Let’s say I host all modules (apps) on azure or whatsoever, each time I upload a new ionic app to azure, the new extra module is shown in the base app as downloadable content.
Why do I want this?
It might happen, that in the future, I have over 10 applications. I own all these apps under 1 name. It would be much more user friendly to make them available to my users via one base app rather than having 10 or more apps in the stores for download.
Also, it would be much easier to expand the content each time. In stead of making a new build, upload it to the stores etc.
Why not build all the apps in one code base?
The app simply would get too big over time. Also, i do not want to make new builds each time and add them for review to the stores. Third, the users can decide what modules / apps they want to download in app.
I can not find an existing example. Is this possible and if so, what would be the first steps?
I have not tried anything yet.

Can I use different domains with react-js app

I have a web pages constructor.
Every user has opportunity to create web page on my resource.
There are several examples of that pages:
As you can see the url-addresses of these pages are ugly.
And I am sure that many users want to change it on some beautiful short name (such as DOMAIN.COM)
How can I achieve this? Please give me an idea..
using create-react-app, react-router-dom
Domain allocation is based off of domain ownership, so unless you own DOMAIN.COM users will not be able to use it.
Cloud platform as a service (PaaS) providers like Netlify and heroku use subdomains before the domain to create a clean URL, but you will need access to your server to do this (it won't be possible on netlify)
I think a good first step is allow users to name their route:
instead of
Once you have that running you can then have a look at this question to dynamically create subdomains:
How to let PHP to create subdomain automatically for each user?

Firebase - Add many apps to one project

This is the first time i'm working with firebase. My goal is to have a bounch of client apps (more and more over time), all of them managed by an admin app (One app to rule them all).
The thing is that the client apps have a certain content that needs to be updated from the admin app. My best approach is to create a firebase project, put the admin app there and adding client apps over time. I'have read that is possible to have an unlimited number of apps inside one Firebase project. On addition, someone told me to create one project for each client app and connect them to the same database somehow. I simply don't know what to do.
Which would be the best solution for my problem? thank you
firebaser here
A Firebase project can currently contain up to 30 app definitions. This is meant to support variations of the same logical application. For example, having an Admin app in addition to the app for regular users, and/or having an iOS, Android, and Web version of the same app, and for example having a free and a pro version of the app (if that is allowed by the stores where you deliver them).
Adding multiple apps to a project is expressly not meant to be used for white labeling apps, where you ship essentially the same app with different branding to different user segments, as you'd be sharing the backend services between them. For some backend services (such as database and storage) this is not necessarily a problem, as you can isolate the customers with security rules. But for other services (such as authentication and analytics) this is not possible, which is why this use-case is not supported.
If you need to define a separate app in the project for each customer, the only supported approach is to create a separate project for each customer.
I'have read that is possible to have an unlimited number of apps inside one Firebase project.
In that case please provide a link, so we can either fix it, or (if it's not in the Firebase documentation) leave a comment to clarify.

How do I deploy multiple versions of my app with routes using Google App Engine?

I have an AppEngine project on and I would like to be able to supply different versions of myproject if I, let's say, want to break backwards compatibility. The convenient way would be to have something like this: --> version 2 of my myproject --> version 3 of my myproject
I know I can deploy custom versions by doing: gcloud app deploy --version=v3. However, how do I fix this routing? Apparently, the different versions get their respective URL:s as desribed here: The pattern is https://[VERSION_ID]-dot-[MY_PROJECT_ID] This means that I would have and
So, how do I do the routing? AFAIK I can't add this to dispatch.yaml. There I can only route to services and not versions or exact URLs.
The https://[VERSION_ID]-dot-[MY_PROJECT_ID] format is the preferred way to manage versions in GAE. This gives you get the ability to split traffic between versions, which is very powerful for canary testing or a/b split testing.
If you were really interested to have[version numbers] then you could just roll out one version of your app with and routes all in the same version, but then you won't be able to split traffic via GAE routing.
You don't have to do anything specifically to obtain this routing, GAE does it for you automatically.
Just deploy the way you mentioned and checkout the respective URLs.
Google has described it here: how-requests-are-routed
Page says request can be routed to specific url by adding version number to url like below
If I have a project by named, then after reading above page I will think that a specific version can be accessed by But it is not like that, the url should be

Drupal 7 One admin, multisite, multiuser, same structure what is best configuration?

I am developing a web site with drupal that has lot of instances. My case is
Every site same structure but different content. Websites made by drupal multisite conf. Same codebase, different database.
Only me user 1 every sites. Client is owner of the site, only add and view contents of their website.
The problem is I will keep developing web site and change structure and configurations. For example new or updated content types, new fields, new or updated views, rules etc. When I updated 1 sample web site, what is the best approach update all current websites?
Is it possible managing views, contetnt types, field, rules, enabled modules on one site. By the time maybe over 1000 website will added to system. and it is hard to update 1 by 1 features modules. (Also features modules doesnt carry some confs.)
