Is OAuth preferred for mobile devices? - mobile

I have been trying to understand when to use OAuth vs SAML. Several sites, including this one --, say when a mobile device is involved, OAuth 2 is preferred ("If your usecase involves mobile devices, then OAuth2 with some form of Bearer Tokens is appropriate"). But from what I am reading about SAML and OAuth, they accomplish two different things. SAML is used for single sign-on while OAuth is used for accessing specific resources (as opposed to creating a user session in another system). So I'm not clear on why the device the end user is using should affect the decision of when each protocol is used. Do I have this right?

For SSO, use OpenID Connect which sits on top of OAuth.
Using that gives you the full range.
This is better than SAML because:
SAML requires greater cryptographic functionality
SAML requires browser redirects (not suitable for mobile applications)
OIDC uses REST - much simpler
API calls require OAuth token. Won't work with SAML token.


What is the best approach for using OpenID Connect in a mobile app to authenticate the user to a backend?

I'm working on a product with two apps: one a single-page web app, and the other a native mobile app. Both make use of the same backend API. Currently the user authenticates using username/password credentials to establish a session cookie. I'm planning on adding support for authentication using OpenID Connect.
For the web app, I'm looking at following the advice for "JavaScript Applications with a Backend" in "OAuth 2.0 for Browser-Based Apps". In that scenario, the authorization code gets sent to the backend, which obtains the ID token and begins a cookie-based session.
I'm trying to work out how this would work on Mobile. The "go to" implementation of OAuth/OIDC on mobile appears to be AppAuth. From what I can see, AppAuth uses a different approach where you end up doing the auth code exchange on the device to get the ID token.
Should I have the mobile app send the ID token on to the backend to prove the user identity (and then begin the session)? Is there any best practice around doing this? Presumably at least the backend would need to validate the JWT and verify the signature?
Alternatively, can AppAuth be used to do a similar flow as done on the web app as mentioned above?
The mobile case does indeed work differently, and is defined in RFC8252, which defines the AppAuth pattern. Both the web and mobile cases have this in common:
Open a system browser at the Authorization Server URL with a Code Flow request URL
Cookies are not used in mobile views, and mobile apps can store tokens securely, unlike browser based apps. The mobile app will send access tokens to APIs, and also make token refresh requests when needed.
Out of interest there are easy to run versions of each in my online code samples, if you want something to compare against. Both flows are tricky to implement though.

What can SAML 2.0 do that OID connect can not?

I have spent days researching into both technologies but I am still confused.
Saml 2.0 is an older standard, invented before single page applications, REST APIs and mobile phone apps. It focuses on web application single sign on and single sign out.
OpenID Connect does web apps too, but adds support for SPAs and mobile apps and handles API security. So in many ways OIDC is the more capable of them.
There are however some things that SAML2 can do that is not in OIDC:
Federations, where one central entity presents an aggregated metadata file containing information about many Identity Providers and applications (Service Providers). InCommon in the US is one. The new European eID system eIDAS is a SAML2 federation too.
Idp initiated sign on - where the Idp is a kind of application portal. Note that this opens to session pinning attacks and is sometimes not appropriate to allow.
Application (Service Provider / Relying Party) metadata that allows the Idp to be configured by importing metadata describing the application.
Note that API security is offered in the SAML2 specs, through the ECP profile but hardly anyone uses it and there are very few implementations.

Difference between WS-Trust, WS-Fed and SAML 1.1/ 2.0 protocols

What's the difference between WS-Trust, WS-Fed and SAML 1.1/ 2.0 protocols?
My understanding on these protocols gets confused when SAML is used as a security token in WS-Trust and WS-Fed protocols.
Interested in knowing in which scenario these protocols used and what makes them different. Your answers will be easy to understand if NO commercial product/ technology references used.
At a high level, WS-* protocols traditionally were used by Microsoft.
SAML-P (P for protocol) was used by the open source movement and hence Java.
WS-Fed has two profiles - active and passive. Active is for WCF (WS-Trust), passive is browser based (WS-Fed via login page).
Both of these use SAML tokens.
Functionally, both WS-Fed and SAML do the same thing wrt. federation
If you federate two ADFS (Microsoft IDP) together you use WS-Fed. If you add in Sharepoint, it also uses WS-Fed. The tokens passed are in the SAML token format.
If you have a Java application that uses Spring, then that will hook in to ADFS via SAML-P. The tokens passed are in the SAML token format.
this question is old but i struggled finding a correct answer online.
A lot of online posts say, that 'passive / browser' clients use WS-Fed and 'active / smart' use WS-Trust. That is probably because the active use case uses by default a url like '/ws-trust/2005' or '/ws-trust/v1.x/'. This does not seem to be 100% accurate. The great and free book: Claims-based Identity, Second Edition helped me with the issue and I finally found a satisfying answer:
The goal of many of these architectures is to enable federation with either a browser or a smart client. Federation with a smart client is based on WS-Trust and WS-Federation Active Requestor Profile.
These protocols describe the flow of communication between smart clients (such as Windows-based applications) and services (such as WCF services) to request a token from an issuer and then pass that token to the service for authorization.
Federation with a browser is based on WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile, which describes the same communication flow between the browser and web applications. It relies on browser redirects, HTTP GET, and POST to request and pass around tokens.
SAMLP is just a different protocol when it comes to how things are communicated such as the redirection URL and so on, but the differences are not relevant (in most cases) and simply depend what the client supports (e.g. Java will use SAML). The biggest difference is in my opinion that SAMLP allows an Identity Provider initiated Use Case (which is the most secure one in my opinion), where the User starts on the Identity Provider (e.g. the Web Proxy of your ADFS Server, =Claims Provider in MS terms), instead of starting at the Web Service and then getting redirected to the Service Provider (=Relaying Party in MS terms). Also when we are talking about SAML we usually mean SAML 2.0 while WS-Fed uses SAML 1.x Tokens (and MS calls them Tokens, SAML calls them Assertion... its just a signed and possibly encrypted XML, I think theoretically you could use other Tokens in WS-Fed then SAML but i have never heard of anybody actually doing that).

What is the best way to secure a mobile application and a Microservices backend archtiecture

I am currently working on a mobile application that will allow a user to sign in via username/password (OAuth 2.0 Password Grant), Facebook, Twitter, or Google. The backend for this mobile application is coded in Spring Boot/Cloud (Java) and makes use of Microservices principles. I have several small services that are discoverable via Eureka and make use of Spring Cloud Config for centralized configuration. They are all exposed to the Mobile device using Spring Cloud Zuul, which acts as a reverse proxy. The Spring Security OAuth 2.0 setup that I have takes in the username and password then returns a JWT token, this token is validated every time a request is made to the backend. I also store users locally in MongoDB and make use of Method Level Security. I want to add Social Login to my application and have it do the following:
On the Mobile Device do the OAuth dance and get an access token
Send the access token to the server, and using Spring Social create a new User locally and associate it to Facebook/Twitter/Google, and then return a JWT token that can be used to validate requests
This JWT token should be created by Spring Security, and I should still be able to use Method Level Security and have local users
Basically I want all the features I have with my custom Spring Security OAuth 2.0 Password Grant with Social Login
This is my first attempt in architecting a system, and therefore am looking forward to responses from those with much more experience than I have. I have seen many examples that use Spring Social, but all of them are for Web Apps, not for Mobile, this is where I am currently stuck at.
The questions I have are the following:
Is my suggested approach adequate? Are there other approaches that are stateless and better for mobile applications?
Is Spring Security OAuth 2.0 and Spring Social Security enough to accomplish this? If so, are there resources that I can use? I have not found many online.
Could Spring Cloud Security be used as a solution?
Should I consider using a 3rd Party provider for Authentication such as Auth0 or OKTA?
using OAuth2 for a stateless solution is in my opionion adequate, because of:
oauth2 in general is a protocol designed to be usable in every client, which is able to perform http requests. Since the social nets you mentioned all support OAuth2. If everything goes bad, you still can consume them manually respecting the oauth2 specs, which they implement.
in general I see a problem with "authenticate with XXX and use that token as JWT for my requests". This is not directly possible, because that token is for their resource servers. Instead you need to separate 2 processes: authentication and authorization. In short you can use the socials endpoints to authenticate a user in your backend, which leads to a second oauth2 generation from your authorization server. This can create a JWT using all features from spring-oauth.
This libary should used in addition, since it helps to setup a application wide security solution. As example, you keep an own authorizationserver (which authenticates using social login) and several resource servers. spring-cloud-security helps to build things on top of that, as Zuul SSO, hystrix+ribbon powered feign clients respecting oauth2 authentications and so on
I don't thing this will help you, because those services primary serve you as an identity provider, while you are going to couple your users identity over social networks
I hope I could clarify your question in some way
I have achieved it by referring two spring example applications. Check this
steps, you will be able to achieve social sso login with Zuul, Auth-server and multiple back-end REST projects.

What OpenID Connect authorization flow to authenticate mobile app users?

I am building a cross-platform mobile app that interacts with a RESTful API, and I want to use OpenID Connect to authenticate my users. I will be building my own OpenID Connect provider server. claims that:
OpenID Connect allows for clients of all types, including browser-based JavaScript and native mobile apps, to launch sign-in flows and receive verifiable assertions about the identity of signed-in users.
However, I can't find any documentation explaining how to actually authenticate for a mobile app client.
This StackExchange answer makes it clear that OpenID Connect does not support the "resource owner password-based grant" flow or the "client credentials" flow.
That just leaves the "authorization code" flow (normally used by server-side apps) and the "implicit grant" flow (normally used by client-side apps). Both of these seem to rely on redirecting the user to the provider's authorisation endpoint, and having the provider redirect back to the client URL. I don't see how this can apply to a mobile app.
Can anyone explain to me (or even better, point me at a tutorial or some example code) which explains how to do this?
To clarify: OpenID Connect relies on the client redirecting the user to the Authorization Endpoint, and then the provider redirecting the user back to the client. In the case where the client isn't a web app, how can this work?
Mobile apps, at least on iOS and Android, can register custom URL schemes so that a redirect from a browser can send the user back to your app along with some query parameters.
So, you can use these flows in a native mobile app, but it involves sending the user to a web browser (either an external browser app or a web view built into your application) in order for them to authenticate with the OP.
A complete article presenting how to implement the "Authorization Code Grant" flow securely on a native mobile app is available here : Building an OpenID Connect flow for mobile. It is based on latest IETF OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice.
Please also note that the use of the "Implicit Grant" flow is now highly discouraged.
I think that the Hybrid flow from the OpenID Connect spec is probably the one which you want to use. OpenID Connect Core Spec.
This does rely upon having a configured return URI, but as James says you would use a custom URI scheme to enable the mobile OS to redirect after login to your own app. Your app would then have an access code which it can use to obtain access tokens as needed (assuming that you are using Oauth2 to protect your back-end API services which the mobile app uses).
There is a vulnerability which would allow a malicious app to hijack your URI scheme and grab the tokens, There is a draft spec to overcome that Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients which is worth considering implementing.
Using an app scheme URL is the correct answer as noted above. I wanted to add additional clarification since some responses above include links to an article that makes incomplete assertions about a compliant SSO design, and make it unnecessarily complicated for a simple SSO use case. I think google's model is secure and so I might model OIDC interactions with a homegrown IDP after how theirs works.
The design in this article linked above, as depicted in the diagram on the article, does not work for google's oAuth/OIDC implementation on Android. There are two reasons for this:
Google will not vend any client_secret for an oAuth client that is typed "Android"
Suppose I switch to "Web" application which does have a secret: Google will not allow a redirect_uri other than 'http' or 'https' for an oAuth client that is typed "Web"
Instead, google officially recommends letting the typical mobile flow (and you should also be using PKCE) drop an ID Token on the client, who can then exchange it for a session with the App server:
This is secure because your IDP should be signing the JWT ID Token with a private key so it can be validated by your system's apps/services and used to assert validated (unexpired) identity intended for a particular OIDC client & audience.
** Do not pass ID Token as authorization on every request, but rather exchange it once with your backend for a secure session context as managed by your application.
Check out MITREid project on github:
MITREid Connect
This project contains an OpenID Connect reference implementation in
Java on the Spring platform, including a functioning server library,
deployable server package, client (RP) library, and general utility
libraries. The server can be used as an OpenID Connect Identity
Provider as well as a general-purpose OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server.
