Deploy Vue Build On Google Cloud Platform - google-app-engine

I am running command "gcloud app deploy" from my "vue" app folder and at the last getting vue-cli error, attached snap for it.

it seems like vue-cli-service isn't installed this is my cloudbuild.yaml if it helps
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
# Necessary for vue.js projects
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install', '-g', '#vue/cli']
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
args: ['test']
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run', 'build']
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy"]
runtime: nodejs12
# Serve all static files with urls ending with a file extension
- url: /(.*\..+)$
static_files: dist/\1
upload: dist/(.*\..+)$ # catch all handler to index.html
- url: /.*
static_files: dist/index.html
upload: dist/index.html
Note: if your package.json isn't in your repository root you should define set in npm commands as:
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
# --prefix and path:
args: ['install','--prefix','myapp']
and for deployment in gcloud if app.yaml isn't in root either:
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy","myapp/app.yaml"]

Are you trying to deploy the app on GAE ( Google App Engine )?
If you are, the error might be caused because of GAE is not compatible with nodejs ( npm ), you need to deploy it in GAE flex if you want to use Vue of that way.
Another option could be, build the vue app and deploy it with another runtime, for example: python server; using the build as a static site.


Module not found in Nest JS after deploying to App engine

I tried to deploy a Nest JS app to App Engine through Google Build Cloud & Manually
Both tries gives same error Modules not found
Error when deploying manually through Shell
Error when dploying using clouf build
My cloudbuild.yaml
- name: node:14.15.1
entrypoint: npm
args: ["install"]
- name: node:14.15.1
entrypoint: npm
args: ["run", "build"]
- name: node:14.15.1
entrypoint: npm
args: ["run", "create-env"]
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy"]
timeout: "1600s"
My app.yaml
runtime: nodejs14
service: backend
What I'm doing wrong ?
The problem was caused by Nest Js CLI Aliases, When I changed src/example/service to ../example/service the deployment worked
It's recommended to use typescript aliases in tsconfig file instead of CLI

GCP App Engine and Cloud Build: Cannot find module '/workspace/server.js'

TLDR: Sorry for the longest question in history, but I hope this is comprehensive for any users having a similar problem. My app deploys successfully from cloud shell to my domain; however, when I try cloud build, I get
Cannot find module '/workspace/server.js'
The error likely has to due with my build handlers in the app.yaml, or something to do with my cloudbuild.yaml.
Solution: use the right handlers in app.yaml standard and properly set up your cloudbuild.yaml
I am having trouble using App Engine and Cloud Build together. I am using Cloud Build to set up CICD with my Github repo. I think the issue is due to the fact that I have been not been deploying the production build to app engine. I was able to successfully deploy manually (dev version) with:
gcloud app deploy
Now, I am having trouble with my Cloud Build. In particular, I am trying to run flex environment, but I keep getting "Neither "start" in the "scripts" section of "package.json" nor the "server.js" file were found." But my package.json has a startup script?
I also tried standard environment instead of flex, but I couldn't get the handlers figured out. I tried dozens of examples. I have included the standard environment app.yaml so you can see it.
Here's my package.json:
"name": "flier-mapper",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"#firebase/storage": "^0.8.4",
"#parcel/transformer-sass": "^2.0.0",
"#react-google-maps/api": "^2.7.0",
"#testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.11.4",
"#testing-library/react": "^11.1.0",
"#testing-library/user-event": "^12.1.10",
"bootstrap": "^5.1.3",
"cors": "^2.8.5",
"emailjs-com": "^3.2.0",
"firebase": "^9.2.0",
"firebase-admin": "^10.0.0",
"firebase-functions": "^3.16.0",
"react": "^17.0.2",
"react-bootstrap": "^2.0.2",
"react-dom": "^17.0.2",
"react-ga": "^3.3.0",
"react-helmet": "^6.1.0",
"react-icons": "^4.3.1",
"react-pricing-table": "^0.3.0",
"react-router-dom": "^5.3.0",
"react-scripts": "4.0.3",
"react-tabs": "^3.2.3",
"stripe": "^8.188.0",
"web-vitals": "^1.0.1"
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test",
"eject": "react-scripts eject"
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": [
"browserslist": {
"production": [
"not dead",
"not op_mini all"
"development": [
"last 1 chrome version",
"last 1 firefox version",
"last 1 safari version"
Here's my cloudbuild.yaml. I also tried deleting the dir line:
- name: ""
dir: 'frontend'
args: ['install']
timeout: "5m"
- name: ""
dir: 'frontend'
args: ["run", "build"]
timeout: "5m"
- name: ""
entrypoint: bash
- "-c"
- |
cp app.yaml ./build
cd build
gcloud app deploy
timeout: "1600s"
timeout: 60m
Here's my flex app.yaml:
runtime: nodejs
env: flex
# This sample incurs costs to run on the App Engine flexible environment.
# The settings below are to reduce costs during testing and are not appropriate
# for production use. For more information, see:
instances: 1
cpu: 1
memory_gb: 0.5
disk_size_gb: 10
And here's one of the many handlers I tried with a standard environemnt:
runtime: nodejs14
# This sample incurs costs to run on the App Engine flexible environment.
# The settings below are to reduce costs during testing and are not appropriate
# for production use. For more information, see:
instances: 1
# Serve all static files with url ending with a file extension
- url: /(.*\..+)$
static_files: build/\1
upload: build/(.*\..+)$
# Catch all handler to index.html
- url: /.*
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
- url: /.*
secure: always
redirect_http_response_code: 301
script: auto
So, I got it to run on standard environment, which is useful for https requests. Here's my app.yaml that I got working:
runtime: nodejs14
# This sample incurs costs to run on the App Engine flexible environment.
# The settings below are to reduce costs during testing and are not appropriate
# for production use. For more information, see:
instances: 2
- url: /.*
secure: always
redirect_http_response_code: 301
script: auto
However, now my problem is this:
Error: Cannot find module '/workspace/server.js'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:889:15)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:745:27)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:76:12)
at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47 {
Which is essentially the same issue as above.
I'm wondering if it is because now that I am running a production build I need to add the correct handlers. But as mentioned above, I have tried dozens of combinations of various answers on the internet to no avail.
Here's another standard app.yaml I tried:
runtime: nodejs16
# This sample incurs costs to run on the App Engine flexible environment.
# The settings below are to reduce costs during testing and are not appropriate
# for production use. For more information, see:
instances: 2
- url: /.*
secure: always
redirect_http_response_code: 301
script: auto
- url: /
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
- url: /
static_dir: build
Is it something to do with one of my packages? If so, which one? There aren't any specials ones that I know of...
I also added this to my package.json, but it didn't do anything either:
"start": "PORT=8080 react-scripts start",
I have tried these posts: Error: Cannot find module '/workspace/server.js'
could not find module workspace/server.js
Error: Cannot find module '/workspace/server.js' upon node js deploy on google app engine
This app.yaml built on cloud build; however, I now get a new error "The requested URL / was not found on this server.":
runtime: nodejs16
# This sample incurs costs to run on the App Engine flexible environment.
# The settings below are to reduce costs during testing and are not appropriate
# for production use. For more information, see:
instances: 2
- url: /static/js/(.*)
static_files: build/static/js/\1
upload: build/static/js/(.*)
- url: /static/css/(.*)
static_files: build/static/css/\1
upload: build/static/css/(.*)
- url: /static/media/(.*)
static_files: build/static/media/\1
upload: build/static/media/(.*)
- url: /(.*\.(json|ico))$
static_files: build/\1
upload: build/.*\.(json|ico)$
- url: /
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
- url: /.*
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
- url: /.*
secure: always
redirect_http_response_code: 301
script: auto
My logs say:
Static file referenced by handler not found: build/index.html
I tried a different cloudbuild.yaml:
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run', 'build']
- name: 'bash'
args: ['gcloud app deploy']
However, now the error I get in my npm run build stage is :
Error message "error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported"
I checked out this answer, so I tried a different node version 14 and still got the same issue. I tried the following, but got the same error:
"start": "react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start"
Here's my error:
Step #1: Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
Step #1: at new Hash (node:internal/crypto/hash:67:19)
Step #1: at Object.createHash (node:crypto:130:10)
Step #1: at module.exports (/workspace/node_modules/webpack/lib/util/createHash.js:135:53)
Step #1: at NormalModule._initBuildHash (/workspace/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:417:16)
Step #1: at /workspace/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:452:10
Step #1: at /workspace/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:323:13
Step #1: at /workspace/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:367:11
Step #1: at /workspace/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:233:18
Step #1: at context.callback (/workspace/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:111:13)
Step #1: at /workspace/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js:59:103 {
Step #1: opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error' ],
Step #1: library: 'digital envelope routines',
Step #1: reason: 'unsupported',
Step #1: }
Step #1:
Step #1: Node.js v17.1.0
Finished Step #1
ERROR: build step 1 "node" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1
Why is it attempting to use Node.js v17.1.0 when I specified v16 in the app.yaml?
I tried specifying Node v16.13.0:
- name: node: "16.13.0"
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
- name: node: "16.13.0"
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run', 'build']
- name: ""
entrypoint: bash
args: [gcloud app deploy]
However, it didn't build at all:
Your build failed to run: failed unmarshalling build config cloudbuild.yaml: yaml: line 2: mapping values are not allowed in this context
So I tried adding a substitution:
- install
entrypoint: npm
name: "node= $_NODE_VERSION"
- run
- build
entrypoint: npm
name: "node= $_NODE_VERSION"
- "gcloud app deploy"
entrypoint: bash
$_NODE_VERSION: v16.13.0
But I got:
Your build failed to run: generic::invalid_argument: invalid build: invalid build step name "node= ": could not parse reference: node=
And if I try node: "16.13.0", the error is similar:
Your build failed to run: failed unmarshalling build config cloudbuild.yaml: yaml: line 2: mapping values are not allowed in this context
Okay, that error was just due to spacing. I tried updating my cloudbuild.yaml as follows:
- name: node:16.13.0
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
- name: node:16.13.0
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run', 'build']
- name: ""
entrypoint: bash
args: [gcloud app deploy]
Now I am able to build. However, now I get an issue with the gcloud command:
Step #2: bash: gcloud app deploy: No such file or directory
I'm going in circles. My new error is the original one:
Error: Not Found
The requested URL / was not found on this server.
But at least I got the cloud build to build. So it must be my app.yaml or cloudbuild.yaml.
- name: node:16.13.0
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
- name: node:16.13.0
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run', 'build']
- name: ""
entrypoint: bash
- "-c"
- |
cp app.yaml ./build
cd build
gcloud app deploy
Step #2: bash: gcloud app deploy: No such file or directory
I finally got it working! I was changing directory to build, but shouldn't have been. So here are my working cloudbuild.yaml and app.yaml files:
- name: node:16.13.0
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
- name: node:16.13.0
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run', 'build']
- name: ""
entrypoint: bash
- "-c"
- |
cp app.yaml ./build
gcloud app deploy
secure: always
static_dir: build/static
url: /static
secure: always
static_files: build/\1
upload: build/.*\.(json|ico|js)$
url: /(.*\.(json|ico|js))$
secure: always
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
url: .*
instances: 1
runtime: nodejs16
I finally got it working! I was changing directory to build, but shouldn't have been. So here are my working cloudbuild.yaml and app.yaml files:
- name: node:16.13.0
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
- name: node:16.13.0
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run', 'build']
- name: ""
entrypoint: bash
- "-c"
- |
cp app.yaml ./build #not sure if this is necessary
gcloud app deploy
secure: always
static_dir: build/static
url: /static
secure: always
static_files: build/\1
upload: build/.*\.(json|ico|js)$
url: /(.*\.(json|ico|js))$
secure: always
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
url: .*
instances: 1
runtime: nodejs16

How to solve GAE deployment error - Error Response [9]

I am trying to deploy my react app to GAE,
I use cloud build
At the end I am receiving this error:
ERROR: ( Error Response: [9] Cloud build 8a36fcd1-285e-49bc-a13f-b6aef9ae5c8f status: FAILURE
npm ERR! bindings not accessible from watchpack-chokidar2:fsevents
this is my app.yaml:
runtime: nodejs14
service: ***********
max_instances: 10
idle_timeout: 5m
cpu: 1
memory_gb: 0.5
disk_size_gb: 10
- url: /.*
script: auto
secure: always
redirect_http_response_code: 301
this is the cloudBuild.yaml
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run','build']
- name: ''
args: ['app', 'deploy']
timeout: 1200s
timeout: 1200s
Please review your Jason file over the Script part:
"scripts": { "start": "node server",*****Here should be also include the entry point, where this server is pointing.
I suggest to update this value with something like:
"scripts": { "start": "react-scripts start",*** adding this value , we were able to replicate your case without any issue.
I also recommend to review this documents to get more details about and be able to compare your settings with the ones inside on this documentation:
You can take a look to this example :
Deploying a React App to Google’s App Engine[3]
See next stackoverflow post which also mentioned similar cases:
And finally review this document where first you need to run npm build command in order to upload the files and then run the deploy.[5]
[4]Deploy create-react-app on Google App Engine

How do I block a user from looking at my react app staging environment hosted on google app engine?

I need some direction because I am a bit lost currently. I have my create-react-app frontend that builds in a CI/CD pipeline into google app engine. It serves the app frontend properly on the proejct url eg.. So the build works fine.
Now I would like to have a production and staging enviroment, where the staging is password protected (via a .htpassword file or the like) so staged changes can be viewed internally. Im not sure what the technical name for this type of dev, staging, production enviroment thing is or if it is even possible with what im trying to do. Would be nice if someone could point me in the right direction or knows the name of it so I can start googling.
Here is my cloudbuild file:
- name: ''
args: ['clone', '<GIT-URL>']
- name: ''
args: ['install']
dir: 'frontend-stage/'
- name: ''
args: ['install', 'react-scripts']
dir: 'frontend-stage/'
- name: ''
args: ['run', 'build']
dir: 'frontend-stage/'
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy"]
dir: 'frontend-stage/'`
And my app.yaml:
`runtime: nodejs10
- url: /(.*\..+)$
static_files: build/\1
upload: build/(.*\..+)$
- url: /.*
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
- url: /.*
secure: always
script: auto`
Thank you very much!
.htpassword is handled at the webserver apache level, in this case apache is not present in App Engine, but you might use NodeJS code to do basic auth, there are several options described in this post that could be useful.
For App Engine official authentication options you can check this documentation

Docker | Google Cloud - Fails when react start

I'm trying to dockerize a MERN stack but when the time comes when react has to start, the container exit with status 0.
This is the log error:
This is the structure of my project:
- project
- server
- api
- www
The www folder contains the starter files the will be generate from npx create-react-app www.
The content of server/Dockerfile is:
FROM node:latest
RUN mkdir -p /usr/server
WORKDIR /usr/server
RUN npm install -g nodemon
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
the content of www/Dockerfile is:
FROM node:latest
RUN mkdir -p /usr/www/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/www/src/app
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
and, in the end the content of docker-compose.yml is:
version: '3.7'
image: mongo
- 27017:27017
build: ./server/
- "6200:6200"
- ./server:/usr/server
- mongodb
build: ./www/
- 3000:3000
- ./www:/usr/www/src/app
- api
Now, in the title I mention Google Cloud, because I tried to distribute the different "server" and "www" parts in my production environment. The distribution of server works correctly butwww fails with this error:
The errors that are generated by Docker and Google Cloud seem very similar or am I wrong? Could it be a reaction problem or am I wrong in both cases?
I also leave the contents of the app.yaml andapi.yaml files.
runtime: nodejs
env: flex
# Only for developing
instances: 1
cpu: 1
memory_gb: 0.5
disk_size_gb: 10
- url: /.*
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
- url: /
static_dir: build
The content of the api.yaml file is the same as that of app.yaml but without the handlers section.
