How to get non-Windows system to trigger SQL Job securely - sql-server

We have a legacy AS400 host system that runs our warehouse. We want it to securely trigger jobs on the SQL server that runs the rest of the business to enable automatic and timely data exchange between the two systems.
Currently we have the IBM iSeries Access for Windows client software installed on an old Windows SQL 2005 server. This allows the AS400 to run remote commands on a Windows box. The AS400 uses this client software to run batch files that execute dtexec on the SQL 2005 server box which then runs SSIS packages that exchanges data between the AS400 and the production SQL servers. The SQL 2005 box is just acting as a go between the AS400 and the production SQL servers. The two problems with this setup are:
The AS400 client software runs as a system process and not a network account so the SQL login info has to be included in the plain text in the SSIS files.
When dtexec is run it adds two entries into the Windows event log. We have several process that poll for new data every few minutes or in some cases seconds so the event log is consistently purging older entries which leaves about 4 hours worth of events. To say this makes it hard to troubleshoot errors on this box would be an understatement.
We are decommissioning the old SQL 2005 server box so I have to replicate this functionality on a newer server. I want to address these two issues before doing so.
I have tried using sqlcmd but since the AS400 Client software is running under a local system process it can't connect to the production SQL servers which are setup with Windows Authentication Mode. I tried using psexec which works if I leave a RDP session for the user open to but would still need the user name and password to be in plain text. I have been testing out having the batch file write a blank file to a directory and having the SQL job triggered by an WMI event. In testing this works but is unreliable when the job needs to be quickly triggered multiple times in a row, like most of our jobs need to be.
I have also looked into using the C# and .NET to store the password using the Windows Security classes and/or data protection API (DPAPI) but I am at best a intermediate .NET programmer so this is a worse case solution for me.
This has to be a common issue with integrating older host systems with SQL Server so I assuming there has to be a solution that allows for the Host system to call the SQL server in a secure method. If not a Job directly, run a stored procedure that can trigger the Job. Any alternative that does not require a the password/user name saved in plain text somewhere and not using dtexec would be appreciated.

LocalSystem Account "has extensive privileges on the local computer, and acts as the computer on the network."
This means you can grant it access to your remote SQL Servers by creating a login for the "computer account". If you server is named MyServer and the domain is MyDomain then:
use msdb
create login [MyDomain\MyServer$] from windows
create user [MyDomain\MyServer$] for login [MyDomain\MyServer$]
alter role SQLAgentOperatorRole add member [MyDomain\MyServer$]
And a process running as LocalSystem on the other server will be able to connect via Windows Integrated Auth and run SQL Agent jobs.


Is there anyway developers of SSIS packages can use generic Windows domain account, instead of their personal login

We recently created a windows login (domain\etluser) with read-only access to different SQL Server databases. Is there anyway developers can use that generic account to develop SSIS packages using Visual Studio?
It require us to create OLEDB connections using that new account, but couldn't find an option for that
I heard that it is possible to run packages as another user or proxy from SQL Server integration services, once the development and testing is over: How to schedule SSIS package to run as something other than SQL Agent Service Account
In windows, I am aware of two mechanisms to start a process as another user. From the command line, you can use RunAs
As a consultant, I often bring my own device to clients and then use Runas to impersonate my client-domain account without having to get my laptop's domain trusted by their corporate domain. I have a folder filled with batch files that launch a program with their credentials. For example, this is my script to start Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Edition as my "other" self.
runas /netonly /\billinkc "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE /nosplash"
I've not done SSRS development in a long while, but 2014?ish at least this approach would allow me to develop reports but I could not preview the reports within VS as the preview process would get launched as a "new" process which inherits my current credentials instead of the ones I was started the parent process under. SSIS dev though, worked just fine with this approach.
The biggest complain I have with either approach is that I have to type the password every time. You can't redirect the input from elsewhere and you don't see the typing so you can't tell how many characters you've typed if you screwed up the password. Couple that with an aggressive lockout policy and I spent a lot of time at one client twiddling my thumbs waiting for my account to unlock.
The other approach is a GUI approach. In Windows Explorer, shift right-click on the executable and you should be presented with a context menu like the following.
Pick "Run as different user" and you'll be prompted with a more friendly window to enter credentials
With Runas, you could at least prepopulate the user to save a few keystrokes but with the GUI approach, you have to enter everything every time.
If you run your SSIS jobs through the SQL Server Agent, you can use Proxies:
There's a couple steps involved:
Create a user for your dom\etluser on the SQL Server, in Security \ Credentials
Create a proxy in the SQL Agent using those credentials, and authorize it to run SSIS jobs
Create a job (or edit an existing job), with the SSIS package as a step and on that step set 'Execute As' to the proxy.

vs 2017 entity core 2 not using the right data directory

experiencing an odd issue I've yet to see on any of my other machines. This is a fresh laptop, so I have installed VS 2017, SQL Server 2017 express, then created a quick sample project using one of the stock .net core projects (with authentication stored "in-app"). This, of course, creates some basic entity migrations and DB context.
When I run I'm getting access denied errors. So, of course, I checked SQL service default user which is an admin. I then run basic migration commands and receive this
So, of course, my next step was to double check the default data locations of SQL since it appears to be trying to store it in C:\Users root?! I have never had to bother touching this during install, but worth a look. And of course, they are as I expected in their default locations of C:\Program Files\ etc
Rapidly running out of things to try at this point - and considering this is a fresh windows 10 install, with bare-bones vs 2017 and SQL express 2017 it feels a lot like a bug here. Everything is a default if you were to File -> New Project -> .NET Core Web Application with INdividual accounts.
Anyone have any thoughts or things worth trying? Why is it trying to store my DB in C:\Users? Connection string -
"DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=aspnet-WebApplication3-53bc9b9d-9d6a-45d4-8429-2a2761773502;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
You are not using SQL Server Express.
The local string says (localdb), which is the SQL Server engine running in user space. This is a big difference. Usually SQL Server or SQL Server express runs as service. (localdb) is not an alias for localhost (loopback address). It's a special name for a minified version of SQL Server which runs in user space.
When SQL Server runs as a service, it needs to have read/write permissions to the folder it writes. This is usually NOT THE CASE when the file is located within the User folder.
LocalDB on the other side, is always started when you start debugging your application and runs with the permissions of the user. So if your file was created by an admin user or outside of a directory you have write permissions.
Also, when you mount a database to SQL Server (Express), then the file is protected from write access to other applications, so LocalDB can't open it neither.
LocalDB is made for development to offer most of the SQL Server features but without all the hard setup and permanently running service in the background.
Essentially you have two options:
Use the SQL Server connection string as #TanvirArjel suggested
Detach the database from SQL Server express, copy it to your user folder (C:\Users\<myusername>\) and then correct the path to it
Then it should just work.
Notice that LocalDB is not meant to run in production, so you will likely experience issues when trying to run it in IIS (IIS Express and Console applications and WPF work fine).
Reasons for LocalDb not working with IIS is because ASP.NET (Core) applications within IIS run with a special user, but LocalDbs are always created in the users profile folder. Now, the accounts used by IIS don't have a profile and can't create the database and can't access any database outside (since localDbs are stored in user folder only the user who created it has access to it).
Here some source on it and the reasons behind it.
Using LocalDb with IIS
Write the connection string as follows.Hope it will work...
"DefaultConnection": "Server=YourPcName\\SQLExpressInstanceName;Database=aspnet-WebApplication3-53bc9b9d-9d6a-45d4-8429-2a2761773502;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"

SQL Server 2008 R2 disable login from Windows Authentication

I understand that the reason mixed mode allows login with Windows authentication is for security purposes. My boss asked me to create a setup.exe that installs:
our medical software
SQL Server 2008 R2
SQL Server Management Studio
The install is fully automated with limited user input. SQL Server and the SSMS are implemented with a config file. sa and serviceRXuser (strong passwords) are SQL Server authentication logins.
I don't want my clients to have access to our database, because editing drug data could be potentially life threatening. And yes, we have had clients alter things in our database... causing application errors that required re-installation.
Is there any way to, at least, limit access to keep end-users from editing the data? Preferably a T-SQL command so I can keep automation. If not, is there any way to hide the database?
first of all, don't share SA password (on any strong user password) with your clients :)
Your app is running on client machines and coonnect to SQL via ODBC?
hmmm.... it is hard, because the users can use Your ODBC connection from ACCESS and EXCEL too. Can you change Your app to don't use ODBC?
If You grant ONLY exec rights on stored procedures to serviceRXuser (don't need DB_DATAREADER or any other rights), then clients can't do anything, only what You can handle in SP-s. You can send an encoded parameter to every SP, and decode is wrong, raise any random error SQL ;) Users can't create this encoding from excel/access ;)

SSIS/Integration Server Access Issue - No Local Admin rights

I am trying to find a solution to three issues I have encountered recently relating to SQL Server 2014. I am not an expert with this stuff by any means, but I've sort of fallen into needing to learn it in my current role. I went from never using SSMS a few months ago to (Trying) to teach myself how to use SSIS and SSRS. I've made a ton of progress, but now I'm stuck actually getting everything automated the way I want it.
The biggest challenge, and root of all my problems, stems from the fact that I am not a local admin on my machine. It was great to finally get IT to install the programs, but they do not want to give me, or anyone not in IT in my company, local admin access. Apart from asking my director to try to convince them to do so, I'm hoping for some solutions that would mean I don't have to call them every day to run these programs.
My integration server is running, I've got my SSIS packages built, but I can't connect to the Integration Server through SSMS, as I am not a local admin on my machine. I've read about going through dcomcnfg settings for REMOTE access issues, but I'm worried that won't help here since I'm trying to do this from the local machine and it still doesn't work. Any ideas as to how I can change the settings so that it runs for non-admin accounts or just make it work?
SSRS: I've built a report, and want to deploy it, but I don't have access to the reporting services configuration manager either. For whatever reason my reporting server is stopped in the server configuration manager. When I click on it, it says to use reporting services config mgr to tweak settings, so a bit stuck. Appears to be the same issue - not a local admin. Again, are there any settings I can change (getting IT to log in as an admin and walking them through what to change is my only choice, essentially).
SQL Server agent appears to be the same issue...
I could probably run my reports now, but it would be so much nicer to use these programs to the full extent. Any help would be appreciated here. I tried to research as much as possible, but most solutions seem to relate to logging on myself as an admin, running things as admin, etc, and I just can't do that.
You do not need to be local admin on your machine, SSIS and SSAS require Windows Authentication to log on remotely to the server via SSMS and publishing anything to the server from BIDS / SSDT Visual Studio Shell also requires WinAuth, though you can work locally and then swap the package to the server via Ctrl-C, and also instead of deploying SSRS you can login directly to the report manager and upload an RDL file (report). To start and stop SQL Agent services you need Windows Authentication via SSMS (in your setup), but to view the SQL Agent you must be in the SQL Server SysAdmin role (or at a grain level SQL Agent Reader via the MSDB rights.
I recommend you attempt to not get local administrator rights and instead ask 'merely' for rights to read and write to the server drives, and to manage only the aspects of SQL Server and it's services with a domain login on the server. You will require this anyway to check ingress and egress file locations and debug production issues (unless you have FTP to the box).
You do not have access to stop or start SQL Agent from your client SSMS also because I believe you are accessing it via SQL Authentication, which is not ideal or secure. But if you do not see the agent on the bottom left of SSMS it is because you do not have rights. If you see the Agent and it is red then the service is disabled and must be started.
You will need to get direct access to the SQL box (and you do not need local admin to manage SQL Server, just a domain account with some service rights and drive rights). If your system administrators are running SQL Server under Local Admin, then they should not be managing SQL Server in the first place (see my write up hyperlinked below).
The SSRS Team at Microsoft has merged into the SharePoint team, and SharePoint 2013 wraps up all of the BI tools right into it, so that is something you should also consider if you plan on building out a BI shop at your firm, i.e. you may not have to if you already have SharePoint installed.
Good luck, don't get discouraged.
What user account would you recommend running the SQL Server Express 2008 services in a development environment?

Windows Event Log Access from SSIS package run in SQL Agent Job

I have created an SSIS package that will be deployed to client SQL installations (2005, 2008 or 2008 R2) to perform data extracts which provide a support tool for our product. The deployment process requires that a Windows AD account (normal user, no elevated privileges) is created as this is used as a service account to execute the SSIS package in a SQL Agent job by way of a credential and a proxy account. This all works perfectly and means I can restrict the privileges required to perform this job.
However, I wanted to include error logging in the SSIS package to the Windows Event Log. When I run the package in BIDS (which of course uses my own credentials) and force the failure of the package, it logs just fine. When I force the package to fail (by putting a duff connection string into the config file) whilst being run by the SQL Agent job, nothing is logged. The service account is being used and it is an authenticated user on my SQL Server host machine but it will not write to the event log. If I add the service account to the local administrators group, it writes to the log just fine, but I thought the idea of the Windows event log was that you did not need elevated privileges to write to it?
Our support teams are keen to use the Windows Event Log but I can see no way of doing so without granting high privileges to a service account which I would rather not do. Am I missing something? The Logging tab in the SSIS job step page doesn't seem to do a lot but perhaps that's what I'm missing?
Apologies if this is more suited to ServerFault, but I couldn't quite decide which side of the line this fell as it is a problem encountered during development. If it is then I'll relocate it.
Many thanks
If OS is 2003, check the SDDL syntax on who has access to write to the log with this:
If 2008, you can use wevtutil instead of manually typing in SDDL:
The service account can be given the permissions using the above.
