How to override CSS class with Styled-Components - reactjs

I want to override ant-tooltip-inner css class using Styled-Components.
Using normal import './Tooltip.css' everything works as intended.
// import './Tooltip.css'; // Overrides
const StyledLayout = styled.div`
// Doesn't Work
&.ant-tooltip-inner {
background-color: palevioletred !important;
color: white !important;
// Works on other CSS class
// default is light-blue - check Sidebar menu item in sandbox
.ant-menu:not(.ant-menu-horizontal) .ant-menu-item-selected {
background-color: purple;
function CoolTooltip() {
return (
My goal is to override all tooltips coloring in my project (ant-tooltip-inner).
In this sandbox, all tooltips (of the Sidebar and Tooltip) need to be styled, uncommenting import "./tooltip.css"; will work.

Tooltips, Modal or similar components are rendered outside your SPA to improve the render performance of component tree.
Screenshot for same.
In your case you're trying to style a single instance of a component which will NOT work via local styling. You may refer to antd docs to do so or you may override it globally ( css file or any other way as docs say).

I already trying to override css of Modal from antd using styled-components, but still doesn't work as Kushalvm said above. I can override using pure CSS with className property from Modal.
See property API of antd Modal here -->


How do you changed the loading text color and background color or Material UI LoadingButton

So I'm using this import LoadingButton from '#mui/lab/LoadingButton';
I want to have a different background colour and text colour than the default one when the button is in a loading state.
the documentation says to the target ".MuiLoadingButton-root". but I don't understand how to target any of the root components. I'm still fairly new to material UI.
What is being explained in the documentation is that you can style the root component (the LoadingButton container div) by styling the class "MuiLoadingButton-root".
Basically, you need to have a css styling targeting this class and call it inside your component:
.MuiLoadingButton-root {
background-color: #FFF;

setting CSS in seperate style class not reflected in UI

I'm using material UI in my React component. But the styles I'm giving in a seperate style.css is not reflected in screen. I'm using this
I need to change the margin, width and so many for that radio group.
You need to import your own custom css into the component :
import './custom.css'
And make sure you use the !important tag after your styles if you want to overwrite the main styles :
.classname {
margin-left : 10px !important ;
To find the classname of the element you want to edit you need to go to your browser's devtools and inspect the element and see what classnames it has so you should have the same classname in your css with custom styles to overwrite it .

Why CSS is not applying correctly to button in react material web components?

I am new to React, I have some confusion related to CSS styling related to rwmc components.
I am just rendering two Button components on web page by importing it from '#rmwc/button' package. I am following this tutorial
I have also imported material design for this component like
import '#material/button/dist/mdc.button.css';
Now I have two buttons on my screens, for one of the button component, I have mentioned className property. In that class button color is just getting red which is working fine but I am wondering here, besides changing color of button, all other css defined in mdc.button.css are just getting applied to this as well, I don't know why is it happening so, Is this a correct behavior.
I am asking this because I have read here that
All of the components have the material-components-web classNames on them and you can add your own which means you are changing main class.
Any help will be appreciated.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { DrawerHeader } from '#rmwc/drawer';
import { Button, ButtonIcon } from '#rmwc/button';
import '#material/button/dist/mdc.button.css';
//import styles from './index.module.css';
import './index.css'
const MyComponent = props => (
<Button className="myDrawerHeader">Default2</Button>
ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('root'));
.myDrawerHeader {
color: red !important;
Output on the screen is coming this which I think is wrong. Why all other styles from .mdc are getting applied to second button, I have just changed color of it.
I think the behavior here is correct. Both the buttons have material-components-web css className and what you are doing is, adding another class to it. You are not actually changing the main class, you are extending the css styles of the second button using another class.
It behaves underneath as,
<button className="material-components-web">Default</button>
<button className="material-components-web myDrawerHeader">Default2</button>
I agree with Vishmi Money, the behavior is expected. When looking at the source code of the lib you used, its appeared a comment for classname props,
/** Additional className for the button */
className?: string
So I think the idea is beside default classes you can define your own class and if you want to override some default behaviors then you can write it in your own class.

Styled components - Correct way of approach

I am using styled components in my project.
Consider the following piece of code
import { Footer, FooterLeft, FooterRight, NavLink } from './footer_styles';
const FooterView = ({ prop }) => (
<Footer className="row">
©Sample company, LLC
<NavLink to="#" className="footer-link">Privacy Policy</NavLink>
<span className="separator"> | </span>
<NavLink to="#">Terms & Conditions</NavLink>
So i have the following questions.
1) Can i use bootstrap classes in styled components like what is shown in the code? Is this the correct approach? If not, how to use bootstrap styles along with styled components?
2) Do i need to create a component for each element in dom? For example, in the code that is shown, there is a span tag with class name "separator" for which the styles are added as follows
export const FooterRight = styled.div`
.separator {
float: left;
.footer-link {
margin-left: 0px;
Is this approach correct? or
Do i need to create a separate component for separator?
I am a bit confused here. Any help would be appreciated.
You can use bootstrap class for style your component, it is nothing wrong. But it better if you use the React Bootstrap, library optimize for React. For example, the drop-down button you can use bootstrap class because it will use Jquery to execute the animation. But you shouldn't do it because Jquery manipulates the real DOM, React manipulate the virtual DOM so it is not good for performance.
You can read more here:
The answer still yes, with the class to style the component, should use it to reduce the time for coding, with anything related to Jquery, just use the React Component.
I suggest you use the reactstrap, pretty similar to Bootstrap:
Another thing, there is many ways to style component, but I am using CSS module, just need to create a CSS file with add-on module of the file name like this:
styleComponent.css --> styleComponent.module.css
And then import to your project:
import styles from './styleComponent.module.css'
And then you can style your component with normal css:
<div className={styles.separator} > Hello World </div>
In styleComponent.module.css:
height: 20px;
background: black;
background: white;
It is more easy to manage your project because every single component it has a CSS file to go with it and the className is unique mean locally, Webpack will automatically convert the className 'separator' to '2djfas_separator' that will solve your problem with naming class in CSS.
Hope it helps a little bit for your project!!!

custom grid component react, background image

I have a component in react, a custom grid that I want to use twice in the same page but with different background images, I would like to pass this images with props form the root component, what is the right way to do it?
and it is a good idea to do this at all?
this code I wrote is working but i'm not sure is the right thing to do
`import React, { Component } from 'react';
import InnerTextGridCategory from './InnerTextGridCategory';
import InnerTextGridTitle from './InnerTextGridTitle';
import PlayLink from './PlayLink';
class CustomGrid extends Component {
render() {
const styles = {
img1: {
background: `linear-gradient(61deg, #000000 0%, rgba(0, 0,
0, 0) 70%),url(${this.props.img1})`,
backgroundSize: `cover`,
backgroundPosition: `center`,
return (
<div className={`${this.props.gridSize}`}>
<div className={`${this.props.gridSize} item1`} style=
<div className="wrapper-text-grid">`
If can't hardcode these image URLs in CSS but you a going to get them from props I don't see a better way to do it.
Here what React docs say:
Some examples in the documentation use style for convenience, but using the style attribute as the primary means of styling elements is generally not recommended. In most cases, className should be used to reference classes defined in an external CSS stylesheet. style is most often used in React applications to add dynamically-computed styles at render time.
BTW, you can set all the static props in CSS and leave just image to inline styles
