Is it possible to use kerberos authentication with visual studio code remote? - vscode-remote

We use kerberos authentication for connecting to our on-prem computing environment. I'd like to use visual studio code remote to do development directly on that server. Based on this section in the vscode remote documentation, it seems like it's possible to use password-based authentication, which works for me, but it would be nice if I could use existing kerberos authentication, instead of having to type my password every time I start up a vscode session.
I've tried searching through the documentation above, but I can't figure out if kerberos is supported. I would like to know if I should respectfully raise an issue on the issue tracker.

Update from March 2020.
I've used plain PuTTY (plink.exe) to connect from VsCode with kerberos using those simple steps.
Define a session inside PuTTY that opens a ssh shell to your remote machine, save it as remote.
Create "C:\Users\< youruser >\ssh.bat" with the contents below. You need echo to fool VsCode that it's OpenSSH client.
echo OpenSSH
SET mypath=%~dp0
powershell %mypath%ssh.ps1 %*
Create powershell script ssh.ps1 in the same folder with these contents:
$ArgArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Args
$ind = $ArgArray.IndexOf("-F")
if ($ind -ge 0) {
Write-Host $ArgArray
& 'C:\Program Files\PuTTY\plink.exe' $ArgArray
Theoretically you can write it in batch language but I did not want to suffer.
Set "remote.SSH.path" setting in VsCode to your ssh.bat path.
Finally, add ssh host configuration in vscode and use session name as host:
Host remote
HostName remote
User <you ssh user>

My tweak on #Roman's batch script
#echo off
for %%x in (%*) do (
REM Handle -V
IF "%%x" == "-V" GOTO :version
REM Handle vscode remote as special for plink only
IF "%%x" == "remote" GOTO :plink
REM use the built in ssh by default
GOTO :default_ssh
echo OpenSSH
GOTO :eof
powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass %~dp0ssh.ps1 %*
GOTO :eof
ssh.exe %*
GOTO :eof
It allows you to only use plink for the vscode "remote" server name (I have my reasons), so everything behaves as normal unless you choose hostname remote

Currently this is not possible. There is a feature request about this which has been closed because it will not be implemented in the foreseeable future.

If you have a Kerberos-integrated SSH client for Windows it should work.
I'm not sure if the Microsoft openSSH for Windows 10 / Server 2019 is Kerberos-integrated or not. The one that comes with Git for Windows is not.
If you have a Kerberos-enabled version of PuTTY, you can make a small hack to use plink.
This broke with the June release
Create the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin\ssh.bat
The file location will be different if VScode is installed in your home directory.
Put the following in the file. Adjust the plink path to your PuTTY directory.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Centrify\Centrify PuTTY\plink.exe" -ssh -K %*

I wrote a very tiny wrapper for plink.exe.
(It just fakes version string with openssl's and remove unsupported '-T' option.)
I don't use with kerberos but it might help with settings like aviso's answer.
Please give it a try.

I would have commented on Roman answer, but it appears I do not have enough reputation.
I followed his steps, except that I put the plink.exe path for "remote.SSH.path" instead of the "ssh.bat". My path to plink.exe is simply "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\plink.exe".
I tried multiple things and to date, this is the only one that worked for me.

Another tweek for #Roman's and #Andy's ssh.bat script that worked for me; I specify several hosts to use plink.
#echo off
if %1 == -V GOTO :version
if %4 == "myFirst.remoteHost.address" GOTO :plink
if %4 == "mySecond.remoteHost.address" GOTO :plink
if %4 == "myThird.remoteHost.address" GOTO :plink
REM use the built in ssh by default
GOTO :default_ssh
echo OpenSSH
GOTO :eof
powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass %~dp0ssh.ps1 %*
GOTO :eof
ssh.exe %*
GOTO :eof


MSI installer does not install when executed from a batch file

I am currently creating an improvised installer for a cople software packages. To do this I have to install a couple MSI packages first before doing a couple file operations.
To install an MSI package I am using the following command:
start /wait msiexec /i "Myinstaller V2.1.msi" /qb
This command works and installs the package instantly and witout any problems via CMD.
But when I put this command in my batch file and execute it as an administrator, I get the following error:
This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package
What cold be the problem? Using the same command via the console works flawlessly, only the batch file throws the error...
EDIT: I have also tried the /a parameter in order to install it as an administrator and it does not work either. Full command in batch file:
start /wait msiexec /qn /a "Myinstaller V2.1.msi"
EDIT2: I just realized that it only does not work when I start the batch file with Right click > Run as administrator
When I open a console with administrative rights and start my batch file it works for some reason...
Is there a way to make it work with the Right click > Run as administrator method?
SOLUTION: Thanks to RGuggisberg's answer I now know that the directory changes once the file is executed as an administrator. With a small change the installer gets fired up as an admin and works perfectly starting the installer from a relative path in the same directory:
#echo off
pushd %~dp0
start /wait msiexec /i "Myinstaller V2.1.msi" /qb
I've now also implemented a feature to detect wether or not the installation fails or not:
#echo off
pushd %~dp0
start /wait msiexec /i "Myinstaller V2.1.msi" /qb
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 echo MyProgram installation FAILED
The current directory changes when you run as administrator. If you want to prove that to yourself, see this post
Difference between "%~dp0" and ".\"?
Include the full path to your filename and it will work.

In batch script silent installation using Reboot=reallysuppress is not updating the files

I am using batch Script for silent Installation to update the locked and in use files.Using silent installation reboots my system automatically after the update.But I wanna setup a custom reboot message box , So I used the REBOOT=ReallySuppress attribute. And I used a message box to popup the custom reboot message. This helps me avoid the auto-reboot of the system but it is not updating the files even after performing a manual reboot.
Here is the script that I am using.
#echo off
title Installing Updates
msiexec /i "C:\Users\tparvathaneni\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\SetupProject1\SetupProject1\bin\Debug\SetupProject1.msi" /qn /REBOOT=ReallySuppress
echo updates installed
echo msgbox "Restart your system to complete the installation." > "%temp%\popup.vbs"
wscript.exe "%temp%\popup.vbs"
pause >NUL
shutdown.exe /r /t 000
Can someone give me a solution to get the files updated with manual reboot.
did you try instead of /REBOOT=ReallySuppress the /norestart option?
Please also make a log file in the install cammand via /l option. Then read the log if really the installer reboots the computer.

Call WinSCP to check if files on a host exist or not using a batch file - to run everyday

I am trying to automate a call to a remote server using WinSCP which is a redundant everyday task. I want the batch file to call remote machine - provide username and password, and later check for if files exist.
So far I am able to start a WinSCP server but still the batch file does not consume username and password - it is still asking for them and/or providing an error regarding too many arguments.
chdir /d D:\Program Files\WinSCP\ username password
Your syntax does not even remotely resemble WinSCP command-line syntax for scripting.
See WinSCP article on Checking file existence using scripting:
#echo off
set REMOTE_PATH=/home/user/test.txt /command ^
"open" ^
"stat %REMOTE_PATH%" ^
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 goto error
echo File %REMOTE_PATH% exists
rem Do something
exit /b 0
echo Error or file %REMOTE_PATH% not exists
exit /b 1
The above example is for FTP protocol. You didn't tell use what protocol are you using. If not FTP, you have to change the open command accordingly.
You can have WinSCP GUI generate the open command for you.
Once you have the batch file ready, use Windows Scheduler to call it regularly.

windows update uninstall batch file

KB3114409 KB2825678 windows update patch files you may know that has caused many user to only be able to launch outlook in safe mode. that means i can not find anybody in outlook, anyway it is no good patch to me.
so i made batch file for our staff that is for uninstalling windows patch about KB3114409 KB2825678. it seems to be looking those file and uninstall. but if i have a look in installed update console, there is still remain those two.
i execute this batch file in administrator mode as well, but still same in.
#echo off
Wusa /KB:3114409 /Uninstall
Wusa /KB:2825678 /Uninstall
i made it like that, but i still have those patches...
i use win7 64bit and using user mode, not administrator mode.
please any idea..?
Not sure if you really have everything on one line or if your post just turned out that way. This is what I use:
#echo off
start "" /b /wait wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3114409 /quiet /norestart
start "" /b /wait wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2825678 /quiet /norestart
To put all commands on one line you would need to separate them with &
but that makes it a bit harder to read. Also see WUSA /?
Its better to use MSIEXEC to remove this patch since its an "Office patch" and not for Windows.
Tutorial and script approach described at:

PsExec and invalid handles

I am trying to use a windows batch script that uses PsExec to execute commands on a remote machine. Periodically it has "invalid handle" and the script then fails.
The script has not altered or indeed either machine.
Does anybody know why this happens as sometimes the scripts runs without a hitch.
Alternatively does anybody know how to run a script on a machine as the local user for that machine with a more reliable technology.
PS Sometimes the first PsExec works and the others fail.
The script is just on line (apart from setting the appropriate variables)
This sometimes works but sometimes fails with "invalid handle"
You need to debug the situation.
You have a script, then something (what is Jenkins?) launch it on a remote PC, sometime it works, sometime it fail.
Is it deterministic?
When it fail does it always fail?
How does it fail?
You need to acquire better knowledge of how/when the script fail.
Here is what I would do to gather better understanding of these fails.
Can you run the script multiple time?
From the comments it seem that you run the script every hours, can you run it 3/4/5 time in a row, for each hours?
This will help you to determine how it fail: if you run it 5 time, does it works every time? it it fail, does it fail 5 times in a row?
Can you try to use different script?
You can create some more similar, but simpler, scripts.
So you can try your script with the RMDIR, then another script with a simple DIR command (just to se if the script launching/connection mechanism works) then another script with a simple ECHO command (so it doesent need to access any files/folder)
Run debug scripts on the local PC
Then, you can simultaneously run other scripts that run on the LOCAL PC (not the remote one where you need to execute the RMDIR) that try to access the remote PC, with a PING, or by copying a file from/to a network share...
Sniff the network
You can even set up a Wireshark instance that log all the packet sent between the 2 PC, this can be helpful to analyse/exclude networking issue.
You clearly need to track/log everything.
With this kind of information maybe you/we can have a better understanding of where the issue is.
UPDATE 1 - Record some log
Maybe you can try to use the following modified scripts to have some log files.
These script will create 2 log files, one on the remote PC (containing the message of the remotely executed command) and one on the local PC (containing any message from PsExec)
(you'll need to tweak the path where the log file are saved)
psexec %HOSTNAME% -I -u %USERNAME% -p %PASSWORD% CMD /C "RMDIR /S /Q e:\SomeDir >>c:\RemoteComputer.log 2>&1" >>c:\LocalComputer.log 2>&1
or the following one without the /I
Are you sure you need the /I parameters for CMD? On my Pc it doesn't works if I use the /I parameters...
psexec %HOSTNAME% -u %USERNAME% -p %PASSWORD% CMD /C "RMDIR /S /Q e:\SomeDir >>c:\RemoteComputer.log 2>&1" >>c:\LocalComputer.log 2>&1
After some testing on my PCs, I've seen that PsExec install a service on the remote PC to run the command remotely. (It's called PsExecSvc.exe, installed in c:\windows\ on the WinXP PC I'm using for this test)
The remote installation/uninstallation of this temporary service for the command execution can surely be one of the possible "failure point" that generate the error.
If this is the case, then you should be able to track this down by looking at the LocalComputer.log, that will contain the message/error from PsExec.
As stated in my previous advice, I would also try to schedule simpler script like
psexec %HOSTNAME% -u %USERNAME% -p %PASSWORD% CMD /C "dir c:\ >>c:\RemoteComputerDir.log 2>&1" >>c:\LocalComputerDir.log 2>&1
psexec %HOSTNAME% -u %USERNAME% -p %PASSWORD% CMD /C "echo SuperEchoTest >>c:\RemoteComputerEcho.log 2>&1" >>c:\LocalComputerEcho.log 2>&1
UPDATE 2 - Try to use WMI
You can try to run the remote command by using WMI
wmic /node:%HOSTNAME% /user:%USERNAME% /password:%PASSWORD% process call create "CMD /C RMDIR /S /Q e:\SomeDir"
When you use WMI you need to be sure that windows firewall is not blocking your command. (when I tried to run a remote command with WMIC the windows firewall notification popped up on my Win 7 PC)
(I've the instruction to use WMIC here)
Yes, there is a more reliable technology for executing commands on a remote machine and is called powershell. For example, you can run :
test-connection -computername server01, server02, server12
pings from local computer to several remote computers.
Another very useful command is:
invoke-command -filepath c:\scripts\test.ps1 -computerName Server01
runs the Test.ps1 script on the Server01 computer.
A tutorial gives several examples on how to Run PowerShell Commands on Remote Computers.
A different technology can be found mimicking the Linux world, and using ssh. It's very common with clusters and I have personally used it with Windows Server 2008 R2, so I don't expect any difference on windows 7.
This task is commonly performed with ssh and password-less public key authentication. With it, the only needed information is the IP of the remote server and the public key of the client, stored on the server: only the client with the corresponding private key can connect to it (the keys must be created with ssh-keygen, on the client. The public key is copied to the server)
The server must have the TCP port 22 accessible from outside, in case there are firewalls, NATs,...
In my case I used the ssh server included in Windows SUA, but I suggest you forget them (they are deprecated, and quite cumbersome actually) and give a try to the OpenSSH cygwin server, sshd - even if not officially Microsoft, there is a large community supporting it at least - and occasionally I have used it reliably.
The client ssh command is included in SUA, in cygwin, or you can use putty if you want a lightweight solution on the client (not that cygwin is heavy - just the burden of having a sort of linux emulation that's not needed)
Giving a search for example I have found this post, explaining well the needed steps.
