I have the following C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void readAndEchoAll(void) {
for(;;) {
char buf[100];
ssize_t size = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, sizeof(buf));
if(size <= 0) {
fwrite(buf, 1, size, stdout);
int main(void) {
puts("Reading and echoing STDIN until first EOF...");
puts("Got first EOF. Now reading and echoing STDIN until second EOF...");
puts("Got second EOF.");
return 0;
When I run it, it works the way I want it to. Here's what it does:
Reading and echoing STDIN until first EOF...
Got first EOF. Now reading and echoing STDIN until second EOF...
Got second EOF.
I'm trying to create an equivalent Haskell program. Here's my attempt:
readAndEchoAll :: IO ()
readAndEchoAll = do
buf <- getContents
putStr buf
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Reading and echoing STDIN until first EOF..."
putStrLn "Got first EOF. Now reading and echoing STDIN until second EOF..."
-- ???
putStrLn "Got second EOF."
This doesn't work. Here's what it does:
Reading and echoing STDIN until first EOF...
Got first EOF. Now reading and echoing STDIN until second EOF...
readtwice.hs: <stdin>: hGetContents: illegal operation (handle is closed)
How do I make this work like the C program? I assume that I need to put some equivalent of clearerr(stdin); where I have -- ???, but I'm not sure what that equivalent is.
Update: Turns out clearerr is a bit of a red herring, as it's exclusive to the standard C API. When using the POSIX API, you can just read again without needing to do anything equivalent to it. So rather than make Haskell do anything extra, I need to make it not do something: not prevent further reads once it sees EOF.
You can't use getContents, because hGetContents (semi-)closes the handle it's passed and getContents calls hGetContents. But there's no problem with reading from a handle again after EOF with most of the other functions from the standard library. Here's a simple but inefficient example of reading all the characters without using getContents:
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Error
readAll = go [] where
handler cs err = if isEOFError err
then return (reverse cs)
else throwIO err
go cs = catch (do
c <- getChar
go (c:cs))
(handler cs)
main = do
all <- readAll
putStrLn $ "got: " ++ all
putStrLn "go again, mate"
all <- readAll
putStrLn $ "got: " ++ all
If you want better efficiency, there are various functions available for reading lines-at-a-time or other large chunks in the standard library, rather than one character at a time.
A quick search of the GHC source code shows that clearerr() is not used at all there. However, you can open /dev/stdin again, since it looks like you're using Linux or similar. Try this:
stdin2 <- openFile "/dev/stdin" ReadMode
You can also use hDuplicate. See here: Portably opening a handle to stdin many times in a single session
I have a program x, which I want to cleanly terminate.
You can run it by simply doing ./x and use the terminal to write lines to stdin directly and terminate it by writing exit.
However, if you use: cat file.txt | ./x, the stdin is now piped from the file and therefore you can never type exit.
The best way to end this program would be for it to automatically terminate once the last line was read from the file.
Alternatively, I'd like to re-route stdin back to the terminal if that is at all possible, to further allow manual input as before.
Here is some sample code:
int main() {
// ...
while (ongoing) {
size_t n = 0;
char* ln = NULL;
getline(&ln, &n, stdin);
strtok(ln, "\n");
strtok(ln, "\r");
if (strcmp("exit", ln) == 0) {
you're using getline to read your input. getline returns -1 on EOF. This makes it easy.
if (-1==getline(...))
When you have read all the input from a pipe, EOF will be raised up to indicate that the full input has been reached.
In your example, this will be rougly equivalent with exit, so you can also check the return value of getline to see if the EOF has reached (in which case -1 will be returned).
I have this command line argument -
cat file_name | ./a.out
The problem is not reading from the cat command inside the C program as we can do that with read(), fgets(), fgetc() but the actual problem I am facing is after reading the data from cat I am not able to take input from user using fgets.
Here is my sample code
while(fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, stdin ) != NULL )
puts( buffer ); // Here I have tried strtok( buffer, "\n" ) too.
memset( buffer, 0, BUFSIZ );`
The problem is after this line, it is not asking for the input like the below is not working-
puts("Name: ");
fgets( buffer, BUFSIZ, stdin );
Help me with what's wrong happening here?
When you do cat file_name | ./a.out the standard input of your program is tied to a pipe linking it to the output of cat. Your program will never get to see the user input - the very stream from where it would arrive has been replaced by the aforementioned pipe.
Mind you, I suspect that with some horrible POSIX-specific trickery you may be able to reopen it going straight for the tty device, but it's just bad design. If you need to both read from a file and accept interactive user input just accept the file as a command line argument and use stdin to interact with the user.
This is an example of the Unix-specific kludges that one can attempt, assuming that the process still has a controlling terminal. After reading all the original stdin, I'm opening /dev/tty (which is the controlling terminal of the process) and re-linking stdin to it.
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only, don't do this for real.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void die(const char *msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
fputs(msg, stderr);
int main() {
/* Read all of stdin and count the bytes read (just to do something with it) */
int ch;
unsigned long count = 0;
while((ch = getchar())!=EOF) {
printf("Read %lu bytes from stdin\n", count);
/* Open the controlling terminal and re-link it to the relevant C library FILE *
* Notice that the UNIX fd for stdin is still the old one (it's
* surprisingly complex to "reset" stdio stdin to a new UNIX fd) */
if(freopen("/dev/tty", "r", stdin) == NULL) {
die("Failed freopen");
/* Do something with this newly gained console */
puts("How old are you?");
int age = -1;
if(scanf("%d", &age)!=1) {
die("Bad input");
printf("You are %d years old\n", age);
return 0;
(previously I had a solution that checked if stderr or stdout were still consoles, which was even more of a kludge; thanks #rici for reminding me of the fact that POSIX has the concept of "controlling terminal", which is accessible through /dev/tty)
If you need to use stdin for user interaction, then you need to use a different file descriptor for reading the input stream.
You could use a specific pre-opened file descriptor and document that (e.g. "the input stream should be connected to fd 3"), but the usual approach is to accept a file name as a command-line argument. You can then provide a named pipe as the argument; shells such as Bash provide process substitution to make that easy:
./a.out <(cat file_name)
When that is run interactively like that, stdin is still connected to the terminal, and can be used at the same time as the stream from the connected command.
(Obviously, if the command actually is cat with a single argument, then you could just provide the filename itself as the argument, but I'm assuming that's a placeholder for a more involved pipeline).
I have read about 5-10 different advices how to clear stdin, but none of them suits my needs. The thing is that fflush(stdin) worked perfectly at my computer, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work everywhere, so I need something with the same functionality. Every other way I tried clears stdin when it is not empty but requires user input when stdin IS empty, which means it requires input in a moment I dont want to get any (+ it discards it anyway).
The question is: Can I somehow make sure, that stdin IS empty before I require user input? (and if not, THEN and only then clear it somehow?)
something like:
if (stdin is NOT empty)
while (getchar() != '\n')
EDIT: the thing is that I load characters from stdin one by one and at some point, a part of the input from previous iteration might or might not get discarded. either way, I need to have clear stdin before I ask the user for another input to be processed. Clearing the buffer itself is not such a big deal, the problem is what happens when the input is empty when the program gets to the point of clearing stdin, because in that moment the program needs another input which is going to be eaten by the clearing function. Thats what I want to get rid of. (when I could use fflush(stdin); I just knew, that for the next line of my program the stdin WILL be empty no matter what, no questions asked...)
How to clear stdin before getting new input?
.. so I need something with the same functionality.
With portable C this is not possible.
Instead suggest a different (and more usual C) paradigm:
Insure previous input functions consumes all the previous input.
fgets() (or *nix getline()) is the typical approach and solves most situations.
Or roll your own. The following reads an entire line, but does not save extra input.
int mygetline(char *buf, size_t size) {
assert(size > 0 && size <= INT_MAX);
size_t i = 0;
int ch;
while ((ch = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF) { // Read until EOF ...
if (i + 1 < size) {
buf[i++] = ch;
if (ch == '\n') { // ... or end of line
buf[i] = '\0';
if (i == 0) {
return EOF;
return i;
From a similar question, Use poll() with fds.fd set to 0 (stdin), fds.events set to POLLIN, nfds set to 1, and timeout set to zero. After calling poll(), fds.revents will be set to zero if the buffer is empty, and to POLLIN otherwise.
struct pollfd fds = {0, POLLIN, 0};
poll(&fds, 1, 0);
if(fds.revents == POLLIN}
printf("stdin buffer is not empty");
This solution will work on posix-compliant systems, but not Windows. Use select() for portability.
TL;DR fflush(stdin) invokes undefined behavior as per the standard, you should never use it.
Coming to your code (logic), instead of looking for a newline, you can look for EOF. It does not have a prerequisite that stdin should have some input before running this loop.
Something like
while (getchar() != EOF); //; is not a mistake
should meet your needs.
Use only fgets() to read stdin.
Use a large enough buffer and/or test for full lines.
Using fgets() you never have to worry about extra characters in stdin.
// read characters until 'X'
while (((ch = getchar()) != EOF) && (ch != 'X')) putchar(ch);
// discard X and the rest of the line
fflush(stdin); // UB except for Windows
// read full line
char tmp[1000], *p;
if (!fgets(tmp, sizeof tmp, stdin)) /* deal with error */;
if (!*tmp) /* embedded NUL detected: input is not a text file */;
if (tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] != '\n') /* partial line */;
p = tmp;
while (*p && *p != 'X') putchar(*p++);
// ignore the X and all the subsequent characters
The select module offers a function called select that achieves exactly what you're looking for. select.select takes three arguments:
select.select(rlist, wlist, xlist)
Each argument should be a list of file descriptors (such as [sys.sdtin]) and it then waits until a specific IO operation is available. The IO operations are read, write or some other exception on the given file descriptors. It returns a tuple of corresponding lists populated with the file descriptors that are ready.
So, if there is input waiting in sys.stdin then the function would behave like so:
>>> import select
>>> import sys
>>> select.select([sys.stdin], [], [])
([sys.stdin], [], [])
By itself, this doesn't solve your problem because by default the function will wait until an IO operation is available. Importantly, however, select.select has an optional timeout argument denoting how long it will wait before giving up. We simply have to set the timeout to zero and we can check for input without blocking the program flow.
Let's see an example where there is no input waiting in sys.stdin:
>>> import select
>>> import sys
>>> timeout = 0
>>> select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)
([], [], [])
Knowing that we only want the first element of that tuple (the input streams) we're ready to make a useful if statement:
if sys.stdin in select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]:
print('Input is waiting to be read.')
That means clearing the input stream just needs some iteration:
while sys.stdin in select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]:
And we can of course use this on any input stream, so lets put it in a function:
def clear_input(stream, timeout=0):
'''Takes an input stream and discards each line in the buffer.
The given timeout denotes how long in seconds to wait for
further input when none is available.
while stream in select.select([stream], [], [], timeout)[0]:
So let's demonstrate our function to achieve what you ask for in your question:
import select
import sys
import time
def clear_input(stream, timeout=0):
while stream in select.select([stream], [], [], timeout)[0]:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Type some lines now. They will be ignored.')
print('Clearing input.')
user_input = raw_input('Please give some fresh input: ')
The clear_input function can be used as a non-blocking way to clear input streams and should work in Python2 and Python3.
I need to write a C program (myprogram) which checks output of other programs. It should basically work like this:
./otherprogram | ./myprogram
But I could not find how to read line-by-line from stdout (or the pipe), and then write all this to stdout.
One program's stdout becomes the next program's stdin. Just read from stdin and you will be fine.
The shell, when it runs myprogram, will connect everything for you.
BTW, here is the bash code responsible:
Look for execute_pipeline. No, the code is not easy to follow, but it fully explains it.
Create an executable using:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char line[BUFSIZ];
while ( fgets(line, BUFSIZ, stdin) != NULL )
// Do something with the line of text
Then you can pipe the output of any program to it, read the contents line by line, do something with each line of text.
I am trying to get a basic understanding on how to use fputc in C. I have read some documentation that is out there and believed I had it right. But every time I try to use the script I wrote by executing ./fputc > test.txt where text.txt is a text file with one line of text.
This is my script:
main(int argc, char **argv){
int ch;
FILE *input;
input = fopen("text.txt", "w+");
while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF){
fputc(ch, input);
return 0;
I get no errors on compilation and for some reason the script does not reach EOF at the end of the text file. Shouldn't the getchar return EOF when it reached the end of the text file?
The text (text.txt) file does not appear to be edited, although it is created. So somewhere in my while loop something is going wrong.
I am new to C programming (if you couldn't tell) and this little script has me befuddled.
Any help would be appreciated, or any links to sites with further detail would also be great.
What you in essence say is:
Console: Run my_program and write anything it outputs to test.txt.
Program: Open text.txt and write any input to stdin to that file.
Your console normally have three standard streams stdin, stdout and stderr. These streams you can redirect. If you are on Windows also look at i.e. redirection.
When you say ./my_prog > test.txt, what you tell your console, (not my_prog), is to write anything my_prog writes to stdout to the file test.txt.
If you in your code say i.e. printf("Hello");, then Hello would be written to the file test.txt.
If you had turned your redirection around by saying ./my_prog < test.txt instead, would be; stream the file test.txt to my_prog. Which, in turn, if there was any text in test.txt would result in a copy of test.txt to text.txt.
Now in your code you say:
int main(void)
int ch;
FILE *input;
/* Here you open a handle to the file text.txt for reading and writing */
input = fopen("text.txt", "w+");
while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) { /* get next char from stdin */
fputc(ch, input); /* write that char to the handle input */
fclose(input); /* close the handle */
return 0;
So what happens, the way you run it, is:
In your code:
Open text.txt
Wait for input (data entered to stdin) - typically user entering text to console, passed to program when Enter is pressed.
In console:
Redirect anything from my_prog to test.txt.
You say:
the script does not reach EOF
Well, as it reads from stdin it will only (not without exception) get EOF under two conditions.
If you redirect a file to your program. I.e. ./my_prog < foo.txt (notice <, not >).
- What would happen then is that my_prog would read the data from the file foo.txt and when that file ends your program would receive a EOF. And, hence quit.
If you manually enter EOF to stdin.
- On Linux and OSX Ctrl-D, on Windows Ctrl-Z
Now, if you test this by typing text to console remember that write actions like fputc()is buffered. What this mean is that the data is not written to the file right away, but only when a given amount of data is in buffer, fflush() is called, stream is closed, you turn off buffering, etc.
Also; if you run your program. Enter text, enter some more text, and then hit Ctrl-C to abort the program it is a big chance you end with no data in your text.txt.
The reason for this is that the program is killed and thereby fclose() never called, and hence no flush to file.
On your further endeavors in programming it would be a very good idea to make a habit of not presuming anything. I.e. do not presume fopen() is OK.
FILE *fh;
char *outfile = "foo.txt";
if ((fh = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL) {
"Unable to open file %s\n --",
perror(" fopen() ");
return 1;
Most functions has a way to check if operation was a success. I.e:
if (fputc(ch, fh) != ch) { err ...
This will make your code a lot safer, give you hints on where it fails etc.
Some links:
Look at redirection links at top of post.
Look at the functions in stdio.h (good overview), stdio.h (examples etc.). I.e.:
getchar returns the next character from the standard input (stdin).
It is equivalent to getc with stdin as its argument.
Hence, your code reads from standard input instead of FILE* input.
Use fgetc here.
fgetc returns the character currently pointed by the internal file position indicator of the specified stream. The internal file position indicator is then advanced by one character to point to the next character.
So, Use fgetc to read from a file:
while ((ch = fgetc(input)) != EOF)
your program and the shell are both writing the same file. you should remove the output redirection > test.txt from your command line