public List<HistoryTimelineObject> processTimelineItem(id recordId, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize){
List<HistoryTimelineObject> wrappedCase = new List<HistoryTimelineObject>();
List<Case> t = [SELECT Id, Subject, AccountId, CreatedDate, CreatedBy.Name
WHERE Applicant__c = :recordId
LIMIT :pageSize
OFFSET :pageNo];
if(t != null){
for(Integer i = 0, CaseSize = t.size(); i < CaseSize; i++){
wrappedCase.add(new HistoryTimelineObject().setActor(t[i].CreatedBy.Name)
.setIconColour('put the colour in here'));
return wrappedCase;
You have to create a Case object and insert in your test class method. Call the above method from test class method. Assure that case value inserted and the data your passing in the parameter to call above method are same.
For further reference for test class,
I have a class in which I get the number of ids per year with a soql query on a custom object:
public static Integer numberRecords(Integer year) {
List<AggregateResult> numbersOfRecords = [
SELECT Keeper__c
FROM Month_Expense_Application__c
WHERE calendar_year(MonthDate__c) =: year
Set<Id> keepers = new Set<Id>();
for (AggregateResult result : numbersOfRecords) {
Integer value = keepers.size();
return value;
I'm trying to write a test for this method by creating an object and filling in the fields it needs, then I try to get the id with a soql request and compare:
public class ExpenseAdminControllerTests {
public static void numberRecordsTests() {
Month_Expense_Application__c monthExpenseTest = new Month_Expense_Application__c(
Balance__c = 12.3,
Income__c = 11,
Keeper__c = '0034x00001K7kGCAAZ',
MonthDate__c = date.newInstance(2022, 11, 21)
Integer year = 2022;
List<Month_Expense_Application__c> numbersOfRecords = [
SELECT Keeper__c
FROM Month_Expense_Application__c
WHERE calendar_year(MonthDate__c) =: year AND Id =: monthExpenseTest.Id
Set<Id> keepers = new Set<Id>();
Integer value = keepers.size();
System.assertEquals(1, value);
But i cant tell me what am i doing wrong
I guess you just forgot to insert "monthExpenseTest" in actual database, by means that you have just created a object by using below lines as you mentioned
Month_Expense_Application__c monthExpenseTest = new Month_Expense_Application__c(
Balance__c = 12.3,
Income__c = 11,
Keeper__c = '0034x00001K7kGCAAZ',
MonthDate__c = date.newInstance(2022, 11, 21)
by writing above lines you just created object which is present in memory only. it is not stored in database, so that it is not fetched when you try to fetch it via SOQL Query.
Now you may want to add one more line after above code.which is given as below
insert monthExpenseTest ;
so after inserting your object is stored in database. now you can fetch it via SOQL query.
So your test class will be looks like below
public class ExpenseAdminControllerTests {
public static void numberRecordsTests() {
Month_Expense_Application__c monthExpenseTest = new Month_Expense_Application__c(
Balance__c = 12.3,
Income__c = 11,
Keeper__c = '0034x00001K7kGCAAZ',
MonthDate__c = date.newInstance(2022, 11, 21)
insert monthExpenseTest;
Integer year = 2022;
Integer keepers = ExpenseAdminController.numberRecords(year);
System.assertEquals(1, keepers);
So when you are testing ExpenseAdminController then you just need to call that method because you want to test it. in test class which is mentioned in question it not testing numberRecords() method instead of you are rewriting logic.
Please Help!!!
I have this Apex controller class that I'm trying to deploy from Salesforce Sandbox to Production but I'm not getting the code coverage required!!
the class is consuming 3 objects, one is stranded and 2 are custom and constructing a hierarchy tree view for those three objects.
//Apex Class
public class TeeView {
/* Wrapper class to contain the nodes and their children */
public class cNodes
Public StandardObject gparent {get;set;}
public List<CustomObject1__c> parent {get; set;}
Public List<CustomObject2__c> child {get;set;}
public cNodes(StandardObject gp, List<CustomObject1__c> p, List<CustomObject2__c> c)
parent = p;
gparent = gp;
child = c;
/* end of Wrapper class */
Public List<cNodes> hierarchy;
Public List<cNodes> getmainnodes()
hierarchy = new List<cNodes>();
List<StandardObject> tempparent = [Select Id,Name , End_Date__c, Owner.Name Account.Name from Contract ];
for (Integer i =0; i< tempparent.size() ; i++)
List<CustomObject1__c> tempchildren = [Select Id,Name, Owner.Name , (select Id,Name, Owner.Name from CustomObject2__r) from CustomObject1__c where Related_Field__c = :tempparent[i].Id];
List<CustomObject2__c> tempchild = [Select Id,Name Owner.Name from CustomObject2__c where Related_Field__c= :tempparent[i].Id];
hierarchy.add(new cNodes(tempparent[i],tempchildren, tempchild));
return hierarchy;
//Test Class
public class treeviewTest
static testMethod void test1()
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Unit test account');
insert acc;
StandardObject c = new StandardObject(
Name = 'test',
AccountId = acc.Id,
Status = 'Draft',
StartDate =;
insert c;
catch (Exception ex)
List<StandardObject> standard = [select Id, Name from StandardObject where Name = 'test'];
system.assertequals(standard.size(), 1);
CustomObject1__c s = new CustomObject1__c(
Related_StandardObjectField__c = c.Id,
Name = 'test'
insert s;
catch (Exception ex)
List<CustomObject1__c> cus1 = [select Id, Name from CustomObject1__c where Name = 'test'];
system.assertequals(cus1.size(), 1);
insert new CustomObject2__c(Related_StandardObjectField__c = c.Id, Description__c = 'test');
List<CustomObject2__c> cus2 = [select Id, Name from CustomObject2__c where Description__c = 'test'];
system.assertequals(cus2.size(), 1);
insert new CustomObject2__c(Related_CustomObject1Field__c = s.Id, Description__c = 'test');
List<Mods__c> cus3 = [select Id, Name from Mods__c where Description__c = 'test'];
system.assertequals(cus3.size(), 1);
treeView view = new treeView();
Oh man, where do we even start... Looks like you copy-pasted some code at random trying to get the test to work? Your code works on Contract, CustomObject1__c, CustomObject2__c. Your unit test inserts Contract, Subaward__c, Mods__c. Was this some attempt at anonymizing your code? And what's this List<StandardObject> thing, it shouldn't even compile.
I think you need help of a developer with more experience, you've cobbled something together but it doesn't follow the Salesforce best practices for code...
About the main class
Smart use of subqueries will mean
you waste less SOQL (it's bad idea to blindly select all records without any filters but whatever),
don't run into errors related to "too many SOQL statements" (the limit is 100 so since you query in a loop - your code will crash and burn the moment you have around 50 Contracts)
lead to compact code occupying less lines (easier to maintain & cover with tests).
I'd go with something like that, query Contract & first related list in one go and then the parents + children in another query. Using a Map to link them for displaying.
List<Contract> levelOneAndTwo = [SELECT Id, Name, End_Date__c, Owner.Name, Account.Name,
(SELECT Id,Name, Owner.Name FROM Subawards__r)
FROM Contract];
Map<Id, SubAward__c> levelTwoAndThree = new Map<Id, Subaward__c>([SELECT Id,
(SELECT Id,Name Owner.Name FROM Mods__r)
FROM Subaward__c WHERE Contract__c = :levelOneAndTwo];
This wastes only 2 queries but fetches all contracts and their related data. Then you can loop over results building your wrapper object or just feed it directly to Visualforce for displaying.
About the unit test
You don't get the coverage because you're spread too thin. One unit test methods inserts only Contracts (so your main query will hit something, give you some coverage). Then another method (in completely different context) inserts some child objects - but they don't matter. In that other method there are 0 contracts so it won't even enter your main loop. Combine it into one?
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Unit test account');
insert acc;
Contract c = new Contract(
Name = 'test contract',
AccountId = acc.Id,
Status = 'Draft',
StartDate =
insert c;
Subaward__c s = new Subaward(
Contract__c = c.Id,
Name = 'test'
insert s;
insert new Mod__c(Subaward__c = c.Id, Description__c = 'test');
Now you have nice tree hierarchy set up, from Account all the way down. Queries in the test should hit some data.
I was finally able to get %100 code coverage for the above class by adding these lines to the test class:
treeView view = new treeView();
system.assert(view.hierarchy.size() > 0);
This is my fist time with Apex so Im fumbling around. What I am trying to do is read a date field Contract_Expiration__c and then set pdate_active_status_text__c to null, active, or void.
Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
public class update_active_status {
public static String saveData(){
for (Account a : [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate > 2000-01-16T10:00:00-08:00]){
if (a.Contract_Expiration__c == null ){
a.update_active_status_text__c = null;
update a;
} else if (a.Contract_Expiration__c >= {
a.update_active_status_text__c = 'Active';
update a;
} else {
a.update_active_status_text__c = 'Void';
update a;
You need to add the fields to modify/check to your query in order for that method to work:
[SELECT Id, Contract_Expiration__c, update_active_status_text__c FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate > 2000-01-16T10:00:00-08:00]
Also that method needs to return a String (but the compiler should have complained about it already).
And finally, the approach of selecting all accounts created from a given date does not seem nice on the long run.
I have 2 entity types Buyers and BuyerOrders. Buyer can contain multiple BuyerOrders and list of BuyerOrders can be edited by users. When I want to add some BuyerOrders I call method:
private static void CreateOrdersForBuyer(Buyer buyer, int[] selectedLeadTypes)
foreach (var order in selectedLeadTypes.Select(leadTypeId => new BuyerOrder
Buyer = buyer,
OfferTypeID = (int) OfferTypes.Referral,
Price = 1,
RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now,
StatusID = (int) BuyerOrderStatus.Pending,
LeadtypeID = leadTypeId,
Profit = 1
And then save the buyer:
Save method:
public virtual void Save<T>(T value) where T : class
//LegalLeadsDataContext.Instance = null;
LegalLeadsDataContext.Instance.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, value);
After that I see no new BuyerOrders in Database. What am I doing wrong?
From the MSDN documentation
KeepCurrentValues: Forces the Refresh method to swap the original value with the values retrieved from the database. No current value is modified.
Whereas the KeepChanges
KeepChanges: Forces the Refresh method to keep the current value that has been changed, but updates the other values with the database values.
Also, the Attach method, use the overload that allows you to specify "as modified".
So in your code, it would appear that possibly you need to change
public virtual void Save<T>(T value) where T : class
//LegalLeadsDataContext.Instance = null;
LegalLeadsDataContext.Instance.GetTable<T>().Attach(value, true);
LegalLeadsDataContext.Instance.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepChanges, value);
I am writing a test class for a trigger. But i am not able to run it properly it only contain 68%.
The error is
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, This part is not forecastable.
private class TestTriggers
static testMethod void testService()
//Insert part
list<Opportunity> Opportunity = new list<Opportunity>();
Opportunity = [Select id from Opportunity];
list<Product2> Product = new list<Product2>();
Product = [Select id from Product2];
Part__c p = new Part__c(Stage__c = 'idea',Product__c=Product[0].id,Opportunity__c=Opportunity[0].id);
insert p;
//Update part
list<part__c> partlist = new list<part__c>();
partlist = [Select Stage__c from part__c where Stage__c = 'idea'];
partlist[0].Stage__c = 'update';
update partlist;/* */
There is a validation rule on the Part object. To view the validation rule(s), go to Setup > Create > Objects > Part > Validation Rules.
You'll need to modify your code to create a Part__c record that complies with the validation rules.