Removing maps checks and loading - maps

Now i'll try to use AzerothCore for some specific needles. Core is great for my project, but maps checks is not necessary.
I need advoce from knowing people, how to remove all related stuff with maps checks (ground position, maps loading and etc).
For first tests i'm used cmangos-classic, and with some commenting code - that happen. But i need subsystems added in WoTLK (achievs forexample), and move to AzerothCore. And here is many diffs from cmangos.


Efficient retrieval of lat-lon points that are within a square boundary

I have a react-native application that populates pins on a map that have been submitted by users. The front end gets the corners of the window and then the back end goes through each pin to check if it falls within the boundary, and returns the ones that do.
This is taking too long on the backend and I want to ask the community for ideas, because I doubt I have the best one.
My idea is to store tables of pins grouped by quadrants, effectively a cache, and then I can in almost constant time return the pins from the quadrants involved.
Is there a simpler way to do this?
Maybe using NoSQL?
A month later it seems geohashing is probably the best way, plus AWS has a library for automatically handling this with dynamodb. Apparently it takes the corners of the screen, lat/lon, and automatically returns the items from the DB in the view, in, I assume, constant time, since that's the whole point of geohashing, getting performance that works at scale..
Otherwise, using a geohashing library that is built for serving mobile apps likely exists.

Rendering DOM elements onto webGL

I would like to render DOM elements (which im otherwise using React for) onto (for example) a plane in a 3D (WebGL -> Three.js -> Three Fiber (??? so far best way to go about it as im figuring?)) environment.
So basically Id have my containing my entire app lets say rendered, as is traditional, into "root" element. Except I want to inject a layer in that utilizes Three Fiber to render and everything I might want my site (or even just a particular component) to contain onto this plane. Allowing one to make a react site as normal and behind the scenes (probably in index.js or intermediate file) would instead of being rendered "flat" against the screen i could "tilt" the entire site, give it opacity, maybe have multiple webpages all able to be shuffled like cards, sides of a dice, w/e tf.
If anybody has any suggestions im struggling with how one could go about this.
Im worried i might have to get kind of low-level (which im not totally against), but was hopeful there was some support for something of this nature. So far ive tried even having simple elements like an image element inside a material (element - via three fiber) or inside the mesh element (where the material would go) to no avail. Im just beginning to get my hands dirty but google hasnt availed me much for this project, so I turned to good ol' stack overflow for my first personal request! 🤯 😲 👹 !
Thanks in advance so much for your time and consideration - cheers,
John Thummel
this is possible using drei/Html. some impressions:

How many Stateless Widget Classes should a Flutter Developer put in one file?

I'm currently working on a flutter application. I have a file with a big widget tree. In order to easier understand, read and maintain I wanted to "crop" the widget tree.
First what I did was to create multiple functions, which represented a bigger part of the tree such as _createFancyImage() or _createFancyContainer. After some research, I found out that such a design has some downsides (see: So then I decided to create StatelessWidgets instead. Because of the huge size of the widget tree, I broke it down to 3 logical StatelessWidgets. Now I can use FancyImage() or FancyContainer() which represent each a standalone widget.
As a beginner, I'm not sure whether I should keep those StatelessWidgetclasses within the same file. Alternatively, I could create independent files. One thing to clarify: I'm not using those fancy widgets somewhere else. Those are unique to this one big widget tree otherwise I could have outsourced them into a new folder such as "common_widgets" or "components".
Unfortunately, I couldn't find something within the Dart and Flutter Repo style guides nor on the internet.
I appreciate every suggestion.
You can add as much classes as you need in a single file. It depends on the developer's mindset.
But, let say if one of your class can be reused by other classes or packages then you should add it to another file for better separation.
I can favour you one approach is that your each file should have maximum one Stateful widget and as many Stateless widgets as you want for that corresponding widget will be a better scenario.
Still in some cases if you feel that more than enough stateless widgets has been added in a single file you should separate it in another file based on your choice.
I prefer to keep one public widget which having the same name as the filename and remaining private widgets.
comming to your ques is How many widgets in a single file?
Its actually depend there is no such rule to restrict the limit of file. Different authors having different preference. I prefer try to keep 5-6 classes(widgets) and
each one having 5-6 functions.
Try to make a file single responsible i.e(5-6 classes together responsible for single functionality). Don't make god class which having unrelated concerns together later it will pains(haha)
If it's a common widget keep them separate to respect DRY principle(Don't repeat yourself)
If the widget is further divided into 3-4 widgets or it children widget change depend upon rest response keep seprate for good practise
Bonus Tip: try using code folding shortcuts to push a little more

How can I take a programmatic screenshot of an Open GL ES 2.0 scene using GLKit (in iOS 6)?

I've found numerous posts regarding this, but I haven't been able to work out a solution, largely due to the fact that I don't have a very thorough understanding of OpenGL or GLKit.
I added the method described here to my project.
They specifically mention:
Important: You must call glReadPixels before calling
EAGLContext/-presentRenderbuffer: to get defined results unless you're
using a retained back buffer.
I tried unsuccessfully to set up a retained back buffer and given that doing so has 'adverse performance implications' I would rather avoid it.
The problem is, according to a comment in another post:
In GLKit, the GLKView will automatically present itself and discard unneeded renderbuffers at the end of each rendering cycle.
That being the case, how can I call the 'Snapshot' method at the appropriate time when using GLKit?
To date, in iOS 5 I get a weirdly yellow coloured version of the scene (as though there were no other colours) and in iOS 6 I get a pure white image (I imagine because I am using white as the clear colour).
Further, I have no idea what they (apple) are talking about in this comment:
// If your application only creates a single color renderbuffer which is already bound at this point,
// this call is redundant, but it is needed if you're dealing with multiple renderbuffers.
// Note, replace "_colorRenderbuffer" with the actual name of the renderbuffer object defined in your class.
glBindRenderbufferOES(GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES, _colorRenderbuffer);
so I have commented out the call in my app. If it matters my objects are using VBOs with position, texture coords and colour.

How can i make 2 Apsalar segments that do not overlap?

So I am running into an issue with where i need to divide my users into segments in Apsalar but it's based off of one event
The event only happens when running in debug (so testers), and while i can still make a segment for them in Apsalar i will run into the issue where testers have their events mixed in with players
The end result of this is that tester data and player data are separate and I keep track of both.
I can do this with Flurry because they allow me to segment based on NOT having an event, but I was wondering if there was a way to do something similiar with Apsalar?
To accomplish your goal - separating tester data from player data - I recommend creating a unique application from within the Apsalar dashboard.
Doing so will allow you to divide your events, segments, cohorts, and other application data into two clear buckets on Apsalar's platform. I believe it is better to ensure you are not duplicating the data you are reporting and analyzing in Apsalar than to create an event based on the absence of an event. If you create multiple segments based on NOT having an event, I guarantee it will be difficult to parse which segments belong to your testing and production purposes.
Let me know if this helps.
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