Insert unicode characters in React - reactjs

I want to use this arrow in my React app: U+02197.
I read this article that explains why how to force a unicode symbol to render as text insted of emoji.
Infat I want that the symbol is alway rendered as text.
I try:
But it is rendered as string "U+02197". How can I visualize the char?
I try also:
U+2197 &U+2197; U+02197 U+02197; &U+02197; \U+02197 \u02197
Using ↗↗ ↗ the result in Chrome on Macbook is:
and on Chrome/Firefox on Android mobile the result is different:
I want always the char as text so always like that .

You need a specific format for this to work on React, you can do the following:
You have to use the curly braces to prevent React from formating the string to just HTML content.

Try String.fromCharCode() where the argument is the decimal representation of the unicode character (which is hex).
U+02197 would be written as String.fromCharCode(8599)
In my case, I needed an up (U+25B2) and down (U+25BC) arrow, so I got it working doing something like this:
<span className="direction">
{String.fromCharCode(this.state.direction === "up" ? 9650 : 9660)}

Try using the hex code:


Google Data Studio - Extract text after character ? using regex

I am trying to create a calculated field in Data Studio using regex formula. I would like to extract text after a character ? in the page url. Below is the data input and the expected output
I tried following and can't seem to get it to work in Data Studio. But this works here:
REGEXP_EXTRACT(Full page URL,'[^?]+$')
I also tried escaping special character but still doesn't work
can you try:

React native: characters above text line (for chords above the lyrics)

Is it possible to "put" (style) a character above other character/string in Text component
without use WebView?
(for chords above the lyrics)
I think it's better you use a special font for music chores, something like this will be great

moment js not properly translating the date format for japanese locale

I need to translate the date format to Japanese locale but its showing output wrongly.I also tried by changing the locale of the browser but its not working in both chrome and IE
app.filter('japan', function() {
return function(dateString, format) {
return moment().locale('ja').format('LLLL');
Output for the format is 2016蟷エ6譛�20譌・蜊亥燕11譎N蛻� 譛域屆譌・
Required output is 2016年6月20日午前11時30分 月曜日
This isn't an issue with Moment. It's an encoding problem known as mojibake and can happen when your page has an encoding that doesn't correctly handle the characters you are using. In general, it's preferable to use a neutral encoding like UTF-8 or UTF-16 (UTF-8 is the de-facto standard), and from the comments above, it sounds like this did indeed fix your issue.
Additionally, it is a good idea to set a lang="" attribute on the element containing your localized content (you can do this as high up as the <html> element), because certain characters can have different appearances depending on the locale.
To take your text as an example, the top-right portion of the character 曜 looks like 羽 with lang="zh", but looks like two side-by-side ヨs with lang="jp".

Unicode/special characters in help_text for Django form?

I am trying to add a special character (specifically the ndash) to a Model field's help_text. I'm using it in the Form output so I tried what seemed intuitive for the HTML:
help_text='2 – 30 characters'
Then I tried:
help_text='2 \2013 30 characters'
Still no luck. Thoughts?
django escapes all html by default. try wrapping your string in mark_safe
You almost had it on your second try. First you need to declare the string as Unicode by prefacing it with a u. Second, you wrote the codepoint wrong. It needs a preface as well; like \u.
help_text=u'2\u201330 characters'
Now it will work and has the added benefit of not polluting the string with HTML character entities. Remember that field value could be used elsewhere, not just in the Form display output. This tip is universal for using Unicode characters in Python.
Further reading:
Unicode literals in Python, which mentions other codepoint prefaces (\x and \U)
PEP263 has simple instructions for using actual raw Unicode characters in a source file.

What is ↓ and &uparr; equivalent in Winforms?

I'm working on a legacy winform app, and would like to have have up and down arrows within my button controls.
I would think i need to invoke some sort of escape character sequence to have get the equivalent of &uparr; and &dnarr; ?
Open up "Character Map" (from Programs->Accessories->System Tools on WinXP). You can find all sorts of interesting characters there.
Sometimes, you'll want to use weird fonts like WebDings or WingDings, but be careful to only use fonts that will be on the users's machines.)
You can press ALT and type the unicode value for the character you want. Consult this table, specifically the "arrows" section, and convert from HEX to DEC.
