Facing 'invalid operands to binary expression ('float' and 'float')' while using C - c

While doing CS50 problem set 1 - Cash, I faced the following problem when I try to write my code. I have declared the variables to integer. Why is it still happening? Thanks a lot for the help.
"invalid operands to binary expression ('float' and 'float')"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(){
float owe_in_dollars;
float owe_in_cent;
int coin_count = 0;
owe_in_dollars = get_float("Change: ");
owe_in_cent = (int)(owe_in_dollars*100);
if (owe_in_cent%(int)25 > 0){
printf("%i", coin_count);

There are several issues with this code, but I think the particular problem which produces the compiler error is
if (owe_in_cent%(int)25 > 0){
owe_in_cent is a float. There is no reason for it to be floating point, since you have assigned it to an integer value. But you declared it float, so that's what it is. 25 is an int, so there's no point in casting it to an int, but with or without the cast, it will be converted to a float in order to do arithmetic with owe_in_cent, because all arithmetic operators require that there operands be of the same type. Search for "usual arithmetic conversions" for details, but the bottom line is that these automatic conversions are always integer → floating point, never floating point → integer.
Then the problem shows up, because the % operator requires its operands to be integers, not floating point. There is a math function which can compute a floating point modulus, but you really want integer arithmetic so your best bet is to make owe_in_cent an int rather than a float.
And actually, you really should get into the habit of using double for floating point values. float is very imprecise and, other than in video chips and embedded processors, there's no point in using so inexact a representation. It saves you nothing.
Finally, remember two important facts about floating point:
It cannot precisely represent fractions whose denominators are not powers of two. In other words, 5.25 has an exact representation, because .25 is one-quarter, which is a power of two, but 5.26 cannot be exactly represented and will end up being a number either slightly greater than or slightly less than 5.26. when you mulitiply that number by 100, you will end up with something which is slightly more or slightly less than 526.
Casting a floating point number to an integer just drops the fractional part, no matter how close to 1.0 it is. So, for example, (int)525.9997 is 525, not 526. You should be able to see the problem that could produce.
There is a library function called round which rounds a floating point number to the closest integer, which is probably what you wanted.


When does a float constant overflow if it is implicitly converted to int type

I have two code snippets and both produce different results. I am using TDM-GCC 4.9.2 compiler and my compiler is 32-bit version
( Size of int is 4 bytes and Minimum value in float is -3.4e38 )
Code 1:
int x;
x=2.999999999999999; // 15 '9s' after decimal point
Code 2:
int x;
x=2.9999999999999999; // 16 '9s' after decimal point
Why is the implicit conversion different in these cases?
Is it due to some overflow in the Real constant specified and if so how does it happen?
(Restricting this answer to IEEE754).
When you assign a constant to a floating point, the IEEE754 standard requires the closest possible floating point number to be picked. Both the numbers you present cannot be represented exactly.
The nearest IEEE754 double precision floating point number to 2.999999999999999
is 2.99999999999999911182158029987476766109466552734375 whereas the nearest one to 2.9999999999999999 is 3.
Hence the output. Converting to an integral type truncates the value towards zero.
Using round is one way to obviate this effect.
Further reading: Is floating point math broken?

printf behaviour in C

I am trying to understand what is the difference between the following:
How does using the f suffix change/influence the output?
How using the 'f' changes/influences the output?
The f at the end of a floating point constant determines the type and can affect the value.
4.567 is floating point constant of type and precision of double. A double can represent exactly typical about 264 different values. 4.567 is not one on them*1. The closest alternative typically is exactly
4.56700000000000017053025658242404460906982421875 // best
4.56699999999999928235183688229881227016448974609375 // next best double
4.567f is floating point constant of type and precision of float. A float can represent exactly typical about 232 different values. 4.567 is not one on them. The closest alternative typically is exactly
4.566999912261962890625 // best
4.56700038909912109375 // next best float
When passed to printf() as part of the ... augments, a float is converted to double with the same value.
So the question becomes what is the expected difference in printing?
Since the default number of digits after the decimal point to print for "%f" is 6, the output for both rounds to:
To see a difference, print with more precision or try 4.567e10, 4.567e10f.
45670000000.000000 // double
45669998592.000000 // float
Your output may slightly differ to to quality of implementation issues.
*1 C supports many floating point encodings. A common one is binary64. Thus typical floating-point values are encoded as an sign * binary fraction * 2exponent. Even simple decimal values like 0.1 can not be represented exactly as such.

value of variable in c language with 100 digits

So I'm new to c , and I have just learned about data type, what confuse me is that a value range of a double for example is from 2.3E-308 to 1.7E+308
mathematically a number of 100 digits ∈ [2.3E-308 , 1.7E+308].
Writing this simple program
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
double c = 5416751717547457918597197587615765157415671579185765176547645735175197857989185791857948797847984848;
return 0;
the result is 7.531214e+18 by changing %le by %lf th result is 7531214226330737664.000000
which doesn't equal c.
So whats is the problem.
This long number is actually a numerical literal of type long long. But since this type cannot contain such a long number, it is truncated modulo (LLONG_MAX + 1) and resulting in 7531214226330737360.
#JohnBollinger: ... and then converted to double, with a resulting loss of a few (binary) digits of precision.
#rici: Demo2 - here the constant is of type double because of added decimal point
It might seem that, if we can store a number of up to 10 to the power 308, we are storing 308 digits or so but, in floating point arithmetic, that isn't the case. Floating point numbers are not stored as huge strings of digits.
Broadly, a floating-point number is stored as a mantissa -- typically a number between zero and one -- and an exponent -- some number raised to the power of some other number. The different kinds of floating point number (float, double, long double) each has a different number of bits allocated to the mantissa and exponent. These bit counts, particularly in the mantissa, control the precision with which the number can be represented.
A double on most platforms gives 16-17 decimal digits of precision, regardless of the magnitude (power of ten). It's possible to use libraries that will do arithmetic to any degree of precision required, although such features are not built into C.
An additional complication is that, in your example, the number you assign to c is not actually defined to be a floating point number at all. Lacking any indication that it should be so represented, the compiler will treat it as an integer and, as it's too large to fit even the largest integer type on most platforms, it gets truncated down to integer range.
You should get a proper compiler or enable warnings on it. A recent GCC, with just default settings will output the following warning:
% gcc float.c
float.c: In function ‘main’:
float.c:4:12: warning: integer constant is too large for its type
double c = 5416751717547457918597197587615765157415671579185765176547645735175197857989185791857948797847984848;
Notice that it says integer, i.e. a whole number, not floating point. In C a constant of that form denotes an integer. Unless suffixed with U, it is additionally a signed integer, of the greatest type that it fits. However, neither standard C, nor common implementations, have a type that is big enough to fit this value. So what happens, is [(C11[http://port70.net/~nsz/c/c11/n1570.html#]) :
If an integer constant cannot be represented by any type in its list and has no extended integer type, then the integer constant has no type.
Use of such an integer constant without type in arithmetic leads to undefined behaviour, that is the whole execution of the program is now meaningless. You should have read the warnings.
The "fix" would have been to add a . after the number!
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
double c = 54167517175474579185971975876157651574156715791\
And running it:
% ./a.out
Notice that even then, a double is precise to average ~15 significant decimal digits only.

No Output Coming In Simple C Program

I have been asked a very simple question in the book to write the output of the following program -
int main()
float i=1.1;
return 0;
Now I already read that I can use floating point numbers as loop counters but are not advisable which I learned. Now when I run this program inside the gcc, I get no output even though the logic is completely correct and according to which the value of I should be printed once. I tried printing the value of i and it gave me a result of 1.100000 . So I do not understand why the value is not being printed?
In most C implementations, using IEEE-754 binary floating-point, what happens in your program is:
The source text 1.1 is converted to a double. Since binary floating-point does not represent this value exactly, the result is the nearest representable value, 1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625.
The definition float i=1.1; converts the value to float. Since float has less precision than double, the result is 1.10000002384185791015625.
In the comparison i==1.1, the float 1.10000002384185791015625 is converted to double (which does not change its value) and compared to 1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625. Since they are unequal, the result is false.
The quantity 11/10 cannot be represented exactly in binary floating-point, and it has different approximations as double and as float.
The constant 1.1 in the source code is the double approximation of 11/10. Since i is of type float, it ends up containing the float approximation of 1.1.
Write while (i==1.1f) or declare i as double and your program will work.
Comparing floating point numbers:1
Floating point math is not exact. Simple values like 0.2 cannot be precisely represented using binary floating point numbers, and the limited precision of floating point numbers means that slight changes in the order of operations can change the result. Different compilers and CPU architectures store temporary results at different precision, so results will differ depending on the details of your environment. If you do a calculation and then compare the results against some expected value it is highly unlikely that you will get exactly the result you intended.
In other words, if you do a calculation and then do this comparison:
if (result == expectedResult)
then it is unlikely that the comparison will be true. If the comparison is true then it is probably unstable – tiny changes in the input values, compiler, or CPU may change the result and make the comparison be false.
In short:
1.1 can't be represented exactly in binary floating pint number. This is like the decimal representation of 10/3 in decimal which is 3.333333333..........
I would suggest you to Read the article What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.
1. For the experts who are encouraging beginner programmers to use == in floating point comparision
It is because i is not quite exactly 1.1.
If you are going to test a floating point, you should do something along the lines of while(i-1.1 < SOME_DELTA) where delta is the threshold where equality is good enough.
Read: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/101163/what-causes-floating-point-rounding-errors

Simple question about 'floating point exception' in C

I have the following C program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
double x=0;
double y=0/x;
if (y==1)
if (y!=1)
return 0;
The output I get is
But when I change the line
double x=0;
int x=0;
the output becomes
Floating point exception
Can anyone explain why?
You're causing the division 0/0 with integer arithmetic (which is invalid, and produces the exception you see). Regardless of the type of y, what's evaluated first is 0/x.
When x is declared to be a double, the zero is converted to a double as well, and the operation is performed using floating-point arithmetic.
When x is declared to be an int, you are dividing one int 0 by another, and the result is not valid.
Because due to IEEE 754, NaN will be produced when conducting an illegal operation on floating point numbers (e.g. 0/0, ∞×0, or sqrt(−1)).
There are actually two kinds of NaNs, signaling and quiet. Using a
signaling NaN in any arithmetic operation (including numerical
comparisons) will cause an "invalid" exception. Using a quiet NaN
merely causes the result to be NaN too.
The representation of NaNs specified by the standard has some
unspecified bits that could be used to encode the type of error; but
there is no standard for that encoding. In theory, signaling NaNs
could be used by a runtime system to extend the floating-point numbers
with other special values, without slowing down the computations with
ordinary values. Such extensions do not seem to be common, though.
Also, Wikipedia says this about integer division by zero:
Integer division by zero is usually handled differently from floating
point since there is no integer representation for the result. Some
processors generate an exception when an attempt is made to divide an
integer by zero, although others will simply continue and generate an
incorrect result for the division. The result depends on how division
is implemented, and can either be zero, or sometimes the largest
possible integer.
There's a special bit-pattern in IEE754 which indicates NaN as the result of floating point division by zero errors.
However there's no such representation when using integer arithmetic, so the system has to throw an exception instead of returning NaN.
Check the min and max values of an integer data type. You will see that an undefined or nan result is not in it's range.
And read this what every computer scientist should know about floating point.
Integer division by 0 is illegal and is not handled. Float values on the other hand are handled in C using NaN. The following how ever would work.
int x=0;
double y = 0.0 / x;
If you divide int to int you can divide by 0.
0/0 in doubles is NaN.
int x=0;
double y=0/x; //0/0 as ints **after that** casted to double. You can use
double z=0.0/x; //or
double t=0/(double)x; // to avoid exception and get NaN
Floating point is inherently modeling the reals to limited precision. There are only a finite number of bit-patterns, but an infinite (continuous!) number of reals. It does its best of course, returning the closest representable real to the exact inputs it is given. Answers that are too small to be directly represented are instead represented by zero. Dividing by zero is an error in the real numbers. In floating point, however, because zero can arise from these very small answers, it can be useful to consider x/0.0 (for positive x) to be "positive infinity" or "too big to be represented". This is no longer useful for x = 0.0.
The best we could say is that dividing zero by zero is really "dividing something small that can't be told apart from zero by something small that can't be told apart from zero". What the answer to this? Well, there is no answer for the exact case of 0/0, and there is no good way of treating it inexactly. It would depend on the relative magnitudes, and so the processor basically shrugs and says "I lost all precision -- any result I gave you would be misleading", by returning Not a Number.
In contrast, when doing an integer divide by zero, the divisor really can only mean precisely zero. There's no possible way to give a consistent meaning to it, so when your code asks for the answer, it really is doing something illegitimate.
(It's an integer division in the second case, but not the first because of the promotion rules of C. 0 can be taken as an integer literal, and as both sides are integers, the division is integer division. In the first case, the fact that x is a double causes the dividend to be promoted to double. If you replace the 0 by 0.0, it will be a floating-point division, no matter the type of x.)
