How do I manage an access token, when storing in local storage is not an option? - reactjs

I have a ReactJS app running in browser, which needs access to my backend laravel-passport API server. So, I am in control of all code on both client and server side, and can change it as I please.
In my react app, the user logs in with their username and password, and if this is successful, the app recieves a personal access token which grants access to the users data. If I store this token in local storage, the app can now access this users data by appending the token to outgoing requests.
But I do not want to save the access token in local storage, since this is not secure. How do I do this?
Here is what I have tried:
In the laravel passport documentation, there is a guide on how to automatically store the access token in a cookie. I believe this requires the app to be on the same origin, but I cannot get this to work. When testing locally, I run the app on localhost:4000, but the API is run on my-app.localhost. Could this be a reason why laravel passport does not make a cookie with the token, although they technically both have origin localhost?
OAuth has a page on where to store tokens. I tried the three options for "If backend is present", but they seem to focus on how the authorization flow rather than how to specifically store the token.
Here's the relevant parts of my code (of course, feel free to ask for more if needed):
From my react app:
const tokenData = await + '/api/loginToken', { email: 'myEmail', password: 'myPassword' })
console.log('token data: ', tokenData)
const personalAccessToken =;
var config = {
headers: {
'Authorization': "Bearer " + personalAccessToken
const user = await axios.get(this.props.backendUrl + '/api/user', config);
From the controller class ApiController:
public function loginToken()
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => request('email'), 'password' => request('password')])) {
$user = Auth::user();
$success['token'] = $user->createToken('MyApp')->accessToken;
return response()->json(['success' => $success], 200);
} else {
return response()->json(['error' => 'Unauthorised'], 401);
and the loginToken function is called from the /api/loginToken route.
Expected and actual results:
Ideally, I would love to have the token saved in a cookie like in the passport documentation, so I don't even have to attach the token to outgoing requests from the react app, but I'm not sure that this is even possible. Perhaps with third party cookies?
Else, I'd just like to find some way to store the token securely (for example in a cookie?), and then append it to outgoing calls from the react app.


Dotnet API requires auth both for application and React

I must be really stupid, But I have been struggling for weeks to try solve this issue, and all the digging I have done (in Stack overflow and MS Documentation) has yielded no results (or I'm too stupid to implement auth correctly)
I have a dotnet service which needs to act as an API - both for an application to post data to (an exe which logs exception data), and for a UI (react app) to get the posted exceptions
the exe can successfully send data to the dotnet app after first getting a token from and then sending the token (and secret) in the http request.
A sample postman pre-request script of the auth used (I've set all the secret stuff as environment variables):
url: '' + pm.environment.get("tenantId") + '/oauth2/v2.0/token',
method: 'POST',
header: 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
body: {
mode: 'urlencoded',
urlencoded: [
{key: "grant_type", value: "client_credentials", disabled: false},
{key: "client_id", value: pm.environment.get("clientId"), disabled: false},
{key: "client_secret", value: pm.environment.get("clientSecret"), disabled: false}, //if I don't configure a secret, and omit this, the requests fail (Azure Integration Assistant recommends that you do not configure credentials/secrets, but does not provide clear documentation as to why, or how to use a daemon api without it)
{key: "scope", value: pm.environment.get("scope"), disabled: false}
}, function (err, res) {
const token = 'Bearer ' + res.json().access_token;
pm.request.headers.add(token, "Authorization");
Now in React, I am using MSAL(#azure/msal-browser) in order to login a user, get their token, and pass the token to one of the dotnet endpoints using axios as my http wrapper, but no matter what I do, it returns http status 401 with WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The signature is invalid".
A simplified code flow to login user and request data from the API:
import {publicClientApplication} from "../../components/Auth/Microsoft";//a preconfigured instance of PublicClientApplication from #azure/msal-browser
const data = await publicClientApplication.loginPopup();
// ... some data validation
// .. some time and other processes may happen here so we don't access token directly from loginPopup()
const activeAccout = publicClientApplication.getActiveAccount();
const token = publicClientApplication.acquireTokenSilent(activeAccount).accessToken;
const endpointData = await api()/*an instance of Axios.create() with some pre-configuration*/.get(
{ headers: {'Authorization': `bearer ${token}`} }); // returns status 401
The dotnet service has the following configurations
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){
var authScheme = services.AddAuthentication(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
namespace Controllers{
public class EndpointController : ControllerBase{
public IActionResult GetEndpoint(){
return Ok("you finally got through");
I've literally tried so many things that I've lost track of what I've done...
I've even cried myself to sleep over this - but that yielded no results
i can confirm that running the request in postman, with the pre request script, it is possible to get the response from the endpoint
After much digging and A-B Testing I was able to solve this issue.
I discovered that I was not sending the API scope to the OAuth token endpoint. To do this I needed to change the input for acquireTokenSilent.
The updated code flow to login user and request data from the API:
import {publicClientApplication} from "../../components/Auth/Microsoft";//a preconfigured instance of PublicClientApplication from #azure/msal-browser
const data = await publicClientApplication.loginPopup();
// ... some data validation
// .. some time and other processes may happen here so we don't access token directly from loginPopup()
const activeAccout = publicClientApplication.getActiveAccount();
const token = publicClientApplication.acquireTokenSilent({scopes:["api://XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/.default"],account:activeAccount}).accessToken;//here scopes is an array of strings, Where I used the api URI , but you could directly use a scope name like User.Read if you had it configured
const endpointData = await api()/*an instance of Axios.create() with some pre-configuration*/.get(
{ headers: {'Authorization': `bearer ${token}`} }); // returns status 401

csurf with React: Invalid token after changing user

I've had csrf protection with the csurf module working for a while now on my React SPA. I am also using passport for authentication. I do not do any server-side rendering, so the server sends a csrf token in the response body to the client when it hits the /users/current endpoint, which is protected with csrfProtection, something like this:
import csrf from 'csurf';
const csrfProtection = csrf();
router.get("users/current", csrfProtection, async function(req, res)
res.write(JSON.stringify({ ..., csrfToken: req.csrfToken() }));
On the client side I then add the token to all subsequent request headers, a bit like this:
.then(resJson =>
axiosInstance.interceptors.request.use(config =>
config.headers["x-csrf-token"] =;
return config;
My first question is how the first request even manages to pass the csrfProtection without a token in its header. Yet since the token can only be accessed on the server to send to the client if the route is csrf protected, I don't see a way around this, and it does work somehow.
However, recently I have been getting "ForbiddenError: invalid csrf token" when a user logs in or deletes their account. This has only started happening after I upgraded all my node packages to the latest versions. First the client makes a request to /users/login to submit the username & password, and then makes a request to /users/current to get the new csrf token:"/users/login", {
"username": login.username,
"password": login.password
.then(async resJson =>
// *code to update user details in redux store*
// ......
axiosInstance.interceptors.request.use(config =>
config.headers["x-csrf-token"] = undefined;
return config;
return resJson;
.then(async resJson =>
const { csrfToken } = await axiosInstance.get("/users/current")
.then(resJson =>;
axiosInstance.interceptors.request.use(config =>
config.headers["x-csrf-token"] = csrfToken;
return config;
I suspect it's something to do with subsequent requests coming from a different userId (which I obtain from req.user[0].userId), with which csurf will not accept the previously issued token. But I have no idea how to issue the new token csurf does expect, to the client. And it still doesn't explain why what I had before has suddenly stopped working since none of my logic has changed. This isn't the kind of error I'd typically expect after package updates.
Here someone mentions you can just set any header on the client and have the server check for that. atm I am adding the csrf token to all the client's request headers and using the csurf module's request handler function to check it, but there is nothing stopping me from writing my own. If this is true, the value of the header doesn't even matter, just that it exists. I am holding off on this option though because I feel there is something basic I'm not understanding about my current setup, which once rectified will mean this can be easily fixed.
Would appreciate any help or explanation! Thanks 🤍

Django DRF + Allauth: OAuth2Error: Error retrieving access token on production build

We are integrating DRF (dj_rest_auth) and allauth with the frontend application based on React. Recently, the social login was added to handle login through LinkedIn, Facebook, Google and GitHub. Everything was working good on localhost with each of the providers. After the staging deployment, I updated the secrets and social applications for a new domain. Generating the URL for social login works fine, the user gets redirected to the provider login page and allowed access to login to our application, but after being redirected back to the frontend page responsible for logging in - it results in an error: (example for LinkedIn, happens for all of the providers)
Error retrieving access token:
b'{"error":"invalid_redirect_uri","error_description":"Unable to retrieve access token: appid/redirect uri/code verifier does not match authorization code. Or authorization code expired. Or external member binding exists"}'
Our flow is:
go to frontend page -> click on provider's icon ->
redirect to {BACKEND_URL}/rest-auth/linkedin/url/ to make it a POST request (user submits the form) ->
login on provider's page ->
go back to our frontend page {frontend}/social-auth?source=linkedin&code={the code we are sending to rest-auth/$provider$ endpoint}&state={state}->
confirm the code & show the profile completion page
The adapter definition (same for every provider):
class LinkedInLogin(SocialLoginView):
adapter_class = LinkedInOAuth2Adapter
client_class = OAuth2Client
def callback_url(self):
return self.request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('linkedin_oauth2_callback'))
Callback definition:
def linkedin_callback(request):
params = urllib.parse.urlencode(request.GET)
return redirect(f'{settings.HTTP_PROTOCOL}://{settings.FRONTEND_HOST}/social-auth?source=linkedin&{params}')
path('rest-auth/linkedin/', LinkedInLogin.as_view(), name='linkedin_oauth2_callback'),
path('rest-auth/linkedin/callback/', linkedin_callback, name='linkedin_oauth2_callback'),
path('rest-auth/linkedin/url/', linkedin_views.oauth2_login),
Frontend call to send the access_token/code:
const handleSocialLogin = () => {
code: decodeURIComponent(codeOrAccessToken),
provider: provider
}).then(response => {
if (!response.error) return history.push(`/complete-profile?source=${provider}`);
`There was an error while trying to log you in via ${provider}`,
return history.push("/login");
}).catch(_error => {
`There was an error while trying to log you in via ${provider}`,
return history.push("/login");
const postSocialUserAuth = builder => builder.mutation({
query: (data) => {
const payload = {
code: data?.code,
return {
url: `${API_BASE_URL}/rest-auth/${data?.provider}/`,
method: 'POST',
body: payload,
Callback URLs and client credentials are set for the staging environment both in our admin panel (Django) and provider's panel (i.e.
Again - everything from this setup is working ok in the local environment.
We are using two different domains for the backend and frontend - frontend has a different domain than a backend
The solution was to completely change the callback URL generation
For anyone looking for a solution in the future:
class LinkedInLogin(SocialLoginView):
adapter_class = CustomAdapterLinkedin
client_class = OAuth2Client
def callback_url(self):
callback_url = reverse('linkedin_oauth2_callback')
site = Site.objects.get_current()
return f"{settings.HTTP_PROTOCOL}://{site}{callback_url}"
Custom adapter:
class CustomAdapterLinkedin(LinkedInOAuth2Adapter):
def get_callback_url(self, request, app):
callback_url = reverse(provider_id + "_callback")
site = Site.objects.get_current()
return f"{settings.HTTP_PROTOCOL}://{site}{callback_url}"
It is important to change your routes therefore for URL generation:
path('rest-auth/linkedin/url/', OAuth2LoginView.adapter_view(CustomAdapterLinkedin))
I am leaving this open since I think this is not expected behaviour.

Within a React app, what is the correct way to query an API that requires an Oauth token

Ebay is closing its Finding API and my React application needs to move to the Browse API and I need to use Oauth. My app does not require a user to authenticate with Ebay, it just shows the ebay auctions that are relevant to the page they are looking at. Within my Ebay developer account I have an application that provides an App ID (Client ID) and Cert ID (Client Secret), however I just cannot figure out how to manage the refresh token request and the application token request so that I can actually send a request to the Browse API.
My question is: within a React application, what is the correct way to use oauth refresh and authorisation tokens, and use them to successfully make a request to an Oauth protected endpoint (in this case Ebay’s)?
I have an Ebay React component (shown at the bottom of this question) and I’ve ‘borrowed’ much of this from How to get access_token using refresh token from Ebay?
However in that question const refreshToken = 'xxxxxxxx'; is mentioned and I can’t figure out how to get one. Ebay has documentation on using a refresh token which says:
Configuring the request payload
Format the payload of your POST request with the following values:
- Set grant_type to refresh_token.
- Set refresh_token to the refresh token value returned from the authorization code grant request.
So this looks as though I get the refresh token in a response to an authorisation request which seems to be documented at for applications such as mine (not users). Following this example I can make a cURL request
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic U3DFSDF888888D00000000000000=' \ //not the real details
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https%3A%2F%'
-u 'StuartBrr-PRD-cd00000-0000000:PRD-0000-00000-0000-000-000' //not the real details
Which returns
{"access_token":"v^1.1#i^1#p^1#I^3#r^0#f^0#t^H4sI……","expires_in":7200,"token_type":"Application Access Token"}%
But there is no mention of a refresh token. So I suppose I could run a request against the API using that token, but it would only work until the refresh token expired.
If I run
curl ''
-d 'grant_type=refresh_token&scope=https%3A%2F%'
-u 'StuartBrr-PRD-cd00000-0000000:PRD-0000-00000-0000-000-000'
I get a response {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"the provided authorization refresh token is invalid or was issued to another client"}%
If I run my React application including the below component I can see a preflight request which is successful, and another request which reports a CORS error.
The request with the CORS error is passing the below headers in the payload
So I can’t even get the response which only gives me the Application Access Token, let alone make a subsequent call to the Ebay Browse API
Any guidance very much appreciated!
Below if the React component I have that attempts to get the token and I would like to make the API request
import React from "react";
import axios from "axios";
import queryString from 'query-string';
class Ebay extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
loading: true,
results: true,
error: "",
data: [],
componentDidMount() {
const appID = 'StuartBrr-PRD-cd00000-0000000; // these are obviously not the real details
const certID = 'PRD-0000-00000-0000-000-000;
const URL = '';
// const appID = 'StuartBr-STr-SBX-b0000000-00000000';
// const certID = 'SBX-0000000-00000-000-0000-0000;
// const URL = '';
const token = Buffer.from(`${appID}:${certID}`);
const scopes = [
const { data } =, {
'headers': {
'Authorization': `Basic ${token.toString('base64')}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
console.log("HERE IS AXOIS DATA "+ JSON.stringify(data));
render() {
console.log("IN EBAY COMPONENT");
// Render results in a table
export default Ebay;
You have to setup auth_accepted_url in developer account first,
then call with all parameters
in this way, after authentication, in auth_accepted_url
you will receive, together with auth_token, the refresh_token with its lifespan.
eBay documentation is not very clear so it requires you to read it twice.

How to get authenticated token inside already logged in page

I'm new to React. I have already set up small size web service with Django backend on AWS EB. It has custom user model. And most contents are available after user logged in. It works fine.
When I start to make a mobile app with React Native, I set up the Django Rest into same place with sharing same db models with web service. I have chosen a Token authentication way for it. It works fine with React Native app on mobile. Once users log in through a mobile app, API returns auth Token. After getting Token from API, mobile app interacts with API including Token in JSON header.
During learn and develop React Native mobile app. I enjoyed it very much. So, I want to put small react app into one of my web pages, not writing a whole single page app. At this stage, one problem came to my mind that how my react app gets auth Token without inputting user ID and password again.
I spent hours to find any clue through googling, but failed. Can anyone give me a hint? How react app inside already logged web page interact with Token auth based API without log in again?
I think you can use cookies or localStorage to save your token and then in react part just get this token out of there.
You can use localStorage to set and get the token
set - > localStorage.setItem('token', 'dac43hh5r3nd23i4hrwe3i2un32u');
get - > localStorage.getItem('token');
For ReactJS, take a look at Where to store token. You can use localStorage or cookies.
Cookie usage:
document.cookie = cookie_name + "=" + value + ";expires=" + expire_date + ";";
PS: The expire date should be on GMT format.
localStorage usage:
// To set the token
localStorage.setItem('token', 'dac43hh5r3nd23i4hrwe3i2un32u');
// To get the token
The Django docs for Session, and read this question, it would help you.
Cookie or localStorage?
I would take cookies. Why? Because you can set expiration date(for automatic deletion, for example), domain, path and other things that can be useful. On the localStorage, you just store the info.
I'd like to leave my answer after I solved in my way through my long research and study. My solution is quite simple.
1. set DRF session authentication enable. Adding some code in
# ...
2. add 'credentials: "include"' into fetch code to use already logged in session cookie for authentication.
await fetch(API_URL, {
credentials: "include"
this solution solved my case.
React you can use any libray for the calling API, ex- axios is one of them. When you do the login first time save that token in the localstorage or session.
Now we have to add that token in header for that you can user the interceptor i.e when we make API call every time interceptor will get call, at that place you can get the token from the local storage or session add the request header.
below is sample code of interceptor.
import axios from 'axios';
import cookie from 'react-cookies';
import * as utils from './utils';
let axios_instance = axios.create();
(configuration) => {
const config = configuration;
const authToken = cookie.load('authToken');
if (authToken) {
config.headers.Authorization = `Token ${authToken}`;
return config;
(error) => Promise.reject(error)
axios_instance.interceptors.response.use((response) => {
return response;
}, (error) => {
if (error.response.status == 401) {
window.location.href = '/login';
if (error.response.status == 403) {
window.location.href = '/login';
if (error.response.status == 404) {
// window.location.href = '/not-found';
if (error.response.status == 500) {
// window.location.href = '/server-error';
return Promise.reject(error);
export default axios_instance;
