How to deploy sym linked files with GAE Flex [duplicate] - google-app-engine

This question already has answers here:
Multiple services with different dockerfiles on GAE Flexible
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a GAE flexible app that shares files with another GAE app (these are different apps and not modules of a single app). To avoid duplicate files, I use sym links.
With GAE standard this worked fine, but with GAE flexible, the sym links are deployed as sym links. This breaks my app, because where the links point to is outside of the app.
With GAE flexible, is it possible to replace symlinks with what they are pointing to on deployment?

via: App engine ignores symlinks to directories


What is a more modern .NET library to use with Active Directory than System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement?

We are looking to update our .NET C# codebase with a more modern library to use with Active Directory than System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement. Anything newer is preferred, but we are specifically looking for a library that works well with data on our servers and in the cloud (as we migrate there).
How much more current do you want? was last updated 6mo ago. It works in .net6 and core, and I'm currently working on a web app that uses it. I would say that at least from Microsoft this is the latest that there is, outside of System.DirectoryServices, which was also updated 6mo ago.

scikit Learn with Google app engine

I am currently working on a data science project using python 2.7 framework which uses few modules like numpy,flask,pandas and have successfully deployed the application to Google cloud using app engine. I am now planning to use scikit-learn ML framework and my concern if it is compatible with google app engine?. I have seen some past forums where they mentioned sci-kit learn is not supported on App Engine. Wanted to check if this is still the case. Appreciate your input's here
You're referring to the Pure Python limitation in the Python standard environment sandbox.
One possible solution is using the GAE Python flexible environment, which doesn't have such limitation. While fundamentally it uses Google Compute Engine (GCE) VMs underneath it still retains some of the GAE convenience features which you'd need to handle yourself if going straight with a GCE solution.
See the Choosing an App Engine Environment guide.
It looks like sci-kit learn is not supported on App Engine, and the using managed VMs is the preferred solution. See the resolution of this bug.
Also see this similar question for another alternative approach.
I suggest you check out Google Compute Engine or Google container Engine.
2.7 Standard only allows you to import whitelisted/proprietary modules (listed in the Docs), whereas the Flex Environment supports all Python modules.
The new 2nd Generation Python 3.7 Standard Environment supports using all modules as well as many other features that 2.7 Standard doesn't.

Google AppEngine Project in PyCharm [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
PyCharm is missing project type drop down
(1 answer)
Closed 10 months ago.
I am following the instructions at to create a GAE project in PyCharm. When I click on New Project, I don't see the "project type" drop down box:
Do I need to set some configuration or environment variable so that PyCharm can find my GAE SDK installation?
This is likely because you are using the community edition which does not support GAE or any web framework for that matter.

Using GAE SDK for both Python and Go

I have used the GAE SDK for developing Python apps for a year or so. I would like to try my hand with Go. There is a different SDK download for Go and the docs say it is slightly different than the Python SDK. My question is do I need to install this separately and use different SDKs for Python/Go? Or is the Go SDK "inclusive" of the Python SDK?

How to auto deploy on Google App Engine from Hudson (or any other CI)? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Any ideas on automating deployment with the Google AppEngine Launcher?
I tried to auto deploy a jav app on GAE from Hudson using the appcfg tool. However appcfg only reads the email/password from stdin (and caches that for 24 hours or so). Of course this won't work in automated build, is there any way to supply the password in a file or such?
Use the --email and --passin flags, documented here.
