React react-localize-redux translation inside HTMLelement-properties - reactjs

I have implemented the react-localize-redux for language-translations in an application i am working with. I do get the translations inside html-elements, but i am failing to get translations to work with html-element-properties. For example input value.
It works using like this:
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<label className="atom_required" htmlFor="name">
<Translate id="textexample" />:
But if i try this id returns object Object:
<div className="atom_bottomButtons">
className="btn btn-primary"
value={<Translate id="textexample" />}
Does someone know how to map properties of html-elements?

Simply use the render-prop API:
<div className="atom_bottomButtons">
({ translate }) => {
return <input
className="btn btn-primary"
See also: translate's API


URL search parameters gets replaced - Remix Run

I'm working on a search UI where I have quite a few filters which I want as URL parameters when someone selects/checks the options. I've used the technique as advised on the docs to come up with multiple forms within the filters. Each time a group of Filters gets submitted, the selected old parameters get disappeared. Heres my code,
<Panel header="Status" key="status">
onChange={(e) => submit(e.currentTarget, { replace: false })}
Buy Now
On Auction
<Panel header="Price" key="price">
<Form name="search" action='/search' method="get">
? options.filter((a) => a.value === blockchain)
: undefined
<div className="d-flex align-center price">
value={min ? min : undefined}
value={max ? max : undefined}
onClick={(e) => {
submit(e.currentTarget, { replace: false })
className="btn primary-btn btn-lg w-100"
How Can I get around this to have all the parameters without having to manage them on my own using React state?
Edit:- I want the first filter to be submitted automatically and the latter to be submitted on a button click.
Bit of a UI of what I'm trying to achieve,
Answer: After investing enough time to look through for shortcuts, finally understood that it's not one of the magic that does. use something like formik and update the state imparatively.
When you submit a form, the only values included are the one under the submitted form. The values from any other form are not included (fortunately!).
So I'd use a single Form with all the inputs under it (checkboxes as well as text inputs).
Then instead of a onChange on the Form, you can add something like an onChange handler on the checkboxes and submit the form inside imperatively (using a ref click on the submit button or something, I think using a ref on the form you need to submit all values in the submit function so a button ref click may be simpler).
Keep in mind that if you want to "restore" the field values after submitting, you need to return them from the loader function like this:
// Loader function
const url = new URL(request.url);
return {
results: [...],
values: Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams.entries())
Then in the component, use values from useLoaderData:
<input type="text" name="max" defaultValue={values.max || ""}/>
Added benefit: if you come back to this page (by clicking browser back for example), your search parameters and search results are still there!
I actually put up a stackblitz for you but I lost all my changes :(
It seems like you could just keep all fields in a single form and submit that form when the submit button is pressed.
Then onChange, check if the target's name is 'status', and submit the form anyway.
export default function App() {
const submit = (form) => {
return (
onChange={(e) => {
if ( === "status") {
<input type="checkbox" name="status" value="buy_now" />
<input type="checkbox" name="status" value="on_auction" />
<select name="blockchain">
<option value="option_1">Blockchain Option 1</option>
<option value="option_2">Blockchain Option 2</option>
min <input type="number" name="min" />
max <input type="number" name="max" />
<button type="submit">Apply</button>
Note: not sure what your motivation is to want to separate this into separate forms, but I think the magic you're referring to is that server state, URLSearchParams, FormData and UI are all aligned because they are using the same underlying data using only common web APIs.

React setFocus on Input field - security?

Question: In React I read that you should not use 'ref' and 'findDOMNode' for security reasons. (insecurely accessing native DOM Elements...)
Is there another way to set the focus manually in input fields?
You can try the following:
function manualFocus() {
return (
<div className="App">
<input type="text" id="text" name="text"></input>
<input type="text2" id="text2" name="text2"></input>
<button type="button" onClick={() => manualFocus()}>Manual Focus</button>

How to click on a ref in react

I am creating a file uploader using react. I want to hide the default file input element and trigger it when user click on a div.
<div style={{position:"relative",width:"500px",height:"300px",background:"gray",marginLeft:"auto",marginRight:"auto",border:"2px
dotted white"}}
<div style={{float:"left",marginTop:"100px",width:"100%"}}>
<h4 style={{color:"white",marginLeft:"auto",marginRight:"auto"}}>Drag & Drop Files Here!
<label className="btn btn-default" style={{display:"none"}}>
<input ref={this.fileUploader} type="file" multiple onChange={this.selectFiles} />
this.fileUploader = React.createRef();
this.clickOnFakeUploader = () =>{;
I am getting TypeError: is not a function error.
you need to address it with current

Trouble triggering password save with redux forms on iOS Safari

My project uses redux-forms and I am trying to get autocomplete working on the login and register form. I have followed all the docs I could find on autocomplete and it works for every browser but iOS Safari.
I have added all the applicable autocomplete attributes and the form is submitting like it should. When the user finishes the login or register, then goes to interact with the page in another way, it works fine. With that in mind, I tried a couple things to force it to pop up. On attempted login, I rerouted the user. Nothing. I popped up an alert. Nothing. and now, I am here!
Login Form:
<form onSubmit={this.login.bind(this)} autoComplete="on">
validate={[required, email]}
{error && <div className="form-error m-t">{error}</div>}
<div className="text-center m-t">
<div className="m-b-sm">
Don&apos;t have an account?{" "}
onClick={() =>
<div className="">
onClick={() => this.props.toggle(this.props.VIEWS.FORGOT)}
forgot password?
<div className="register__footer visible-md visible-lg">
{this.renderBtn({ size: "large" })}
<div className="auth__switch-view visible-xs visible-sm">
<div className="m-t">{this.renderBtn()}</div>
<div className="register__action-btn-container">
label={submitting ? "Logging in ..." : "Login"}
size={params && params.size}
login function:
login(e) {
// e.preventDefault();
// this.props.handleSubmit();
// On mobile, we have to force the username and password to be stored.
Trying to force it...
function triggerSavePasswordPrompt(event) {
if (window.PasswordCredential && event) {
let c = new PasswordCredential(;;
} else {
alert("shizs effed yo")
I expect the prompt to show up to save or suggest a password when the user submits on iOS Safari. It does not. However, it will show the autofill prompt if the user DOES have a saved password.

React 'fetch' response successful, but setState not working

I'm new to React, working through a ".Net core CRUD with React" tutorial and trying to tweak it along the way to suit my own needs.
The page I'm dealing with here is an Add/Edit entry page. It works fine for rendering a default form with default values but doesn't render anything if the values are collected from a fetch call.
The important details are below:
interface AddPortfolioProjectDataState {
title: string;
projectData: PortfolioProject;
loading: boolean;
The page is told to render as follows:
public render() {
let contents = this.state.loading
? <p><em>Loading Project...</em></p>
: this.renderCreateForm(this.state.projectData.type,;
return (
<hr />
If I want to add a new item, therefore using a default PortfolioProject object with default values, it works fine. However, if I want to edit an old entry, I have to grab it from the server, like so:
fetch('api/StuartAitkenWebsite/GetPortfolioProject/' + projID)
.then(response => response.json() as Promise<PortfolioProject>)
.then(data => {
this.setState({ title: "Edit", loading: false, projectData: data });
In the debug console on Firefox, I can see the whole server process runs smoothly:
GET http://localhost:62669/api/StuartAitkenWebsite/GetPortfolioProject/2
Response payload: {"id":2,"name":"Particles Sim","projectDate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00","projectDurationWeeks":1,"type":"Desktop App","tech":"C++, SFML","views":0,"creationDate":"2018-10-22T00:00:00","modifiedDate":"2018-10-22T00:00:00","status":1}`
It gives a JSON output of the payload too, which I can't easily copy-paste here so I'll give a screenshot:
There are no server error responses, no React errors, nothing.
But that's as far as it gets.
The page remains showing 'loading', even though the data is there and ready and wants to be displayed.
From this, I can gather that the final step of the fetch call is not succeeding, because this.setState({ title: "Edit", loading: false, projectData: data }); is clearly not having any effect on the page data.
I have other fetch calls which look exactly the same but work fine. I can't see what I'm missing here.
The one and the only difference I notice is this:
When I use this component to create a fresh 'Add Project' form, the state is set like so:
this.state = {
title: "Create",
loading: false,
projectData: new PortfolioProject,
But when I do it from the API, it's set like so:
title: "Edit",
loading: false,
projectData: data
The successful version uses this.state, and the unsuccessful version uses this.setState
I don't know what this can mean though. As I said, no errors are being thrown, I'm sticking to the tutorial format, and it works fine in other parts of the project.
I've put a log in at the point where renderCreateForm() is called. It seems setState is actually working. Therefore, the problem must be in renderCreateForm() so I'll post that code below. Sorry it's sort of large.
private renderCreateForm(projectTypes: string, projectTech: string) {
console.log(this.state.loading); // "false"
console.log(this.state.projectData); //"Object { id:1, name: "Muon Detector".. etc
//so the render is getting the data
return (
<form onSubmit={this.handleSave}>
<div className="form-group row" >
<input type="hidden" name="Id" value={} />
<div className="form-group row" >
<label className=" control-label col-md-12" htmlFor="Name">Name</label>
<div className="col-md-4">
<input className="form-control" type="text" name="Name" defaultValue={} required />
<div className="form-group row" >
<label className=" control-label col-md-12" htmlFor="ProjectDate">Project Date</label>
<div className="col-md-4">
<input className="form-control" type="date" name="ProjectDate" defaultValue={this.state.projectData.creationDate.toDateString()} required />
</div >
<div className="form-group row" >
<label className=" control-label col-md-12" htmlFor="ProjectDurationWeeks">Project Duration (weeks)</label>
<div className="col-md-4">
<input className="form-control" type="text" name="ProjectDurationWeeks" defaultValue={this.state.projectData.projectDurationWeeks.toString()} required />
</div >
<div className="form-group row" >
<label className=" control-label col-md-12" htmlFor="Type">Project Type</label>
<div className="col-md-4">
<input className="form-control" type="text" name="Type" defaultValue={this.state.projectData.type} required />
</div >
<div className="form-group row" >
<label className=" control-label col-md-12" htmlFor="Tech">Project Tech</label>
<div className="col-md-4">
<input className="form-control" type="text" name="Tech" defaultValue={} required />
</div >
<div className="form-group row" >
<input type="hidden" name="Views" value={this.state.projectData.views} />
<div className="form-group row" >
<input type="hidden" name="CreationDate" value={this.state.projectData.creationDate.toDateString()} />
<div className="form-group row" >
<input type="hidden" name="ModifiedDate" value={this.state.projectData.modifiedDate.toDateString()} />
<div className="form-group row" >
<input type="hidden" name="Status" value={this.state.projectData.status} />
<div className="form-group">
<button type="submit" className="btn btn-default">Save</button>
<button className="btn" onClick={this.handleCancel}>Cancel</button>
</div >
UPDATE 2: Added some screenshots showing how things appear so far.
How the main data table page looks:
If I click 'Add New', it works:
(the 'Save' option works there too. Data posts to the server and will list on the main portfolio page)
Clicking Edit for any of the entries does not work, it gets this far:
The 'Loading Project...' text comes from the render() call for this page, as is shown in the code posted at the top of this post.
The page is supposed to look exactly like the 'Create' page (2nd screenshot), but with the title being 'Edit', and with input values populated from the given data.
The solution was absurd, but may certainly help others...
The renderCreateForm() method (as shown in Update 1 of the post) was not working because of the .toDateString() method I was using in a few of the inputs.
I changed it to .toString() and now everything works.
For example, with an input like this:
<input className="form-control" type="date" name="ProjectDate" defaultValue={projectData.creationDate.toDateString()} required />
I changed it to this:
<input className="form-control" type="date" name="ProjectDate" defaultValue={projectData.creationDate.toString()} required />
Note the defaultValue property of the input.
Repeat for all cases of .ToDateString(), and it now works,
Amazing that this didn't bring up an error anywhere. I thought Typescript and all these various frameworks were supposed to get around the issue of Javascript silently failing like that. This has been my longest and most time-wasting 'silent fail error' ever, by a very long margin.
