ADC raw data forming - c

I would like to ask you for an explanation about this part of my code. I am not sure what it really does. This is example code and I would like to understand it. The purpose of the original code should be acquiring the data from ADC in the streaming mode. This should be about forming the raw data. Thank you.
#define CH_DATA_SIZE 6
uint8_t read_buf[CH_DATA_SIZE];
uint32_t adc_data;
TI_ADS1293_SPIStreamReadReg(read_buf, count);
adc_data = ((uint32_t) read_buf[0] << 16) | ((uint16_t) read_buf[1] << 8)
| read_buf[2];

I will skip the variable declaration, because I will refer to it in the rest of the description.
The code begins at this line:
TI_ADS1293_SPIStreamReadReg(read_buf, count);
From a Google search, I assume you have this function from this file. If it is this function, it will read three register from this module (see 8.6 Register Maps, the data registers DATA_CHx_ECG are three bytes long, which is what should be in the count variable).
Once this function executed, you have the ECG data in the first three bytes of the read_buf variable, but you want a 24-bit value since the quantified value is a 24-bit value.
Since we don't have uint24_t in C (and no other language I know of), we take the next possible size, which is uint32_t to declare the adc_data variable.
Now the following code does rebuild a single 24-bit value from the 3 bytes we read from the ADC:
adc_data = ((uint32_t) read_buf[0] << 16) | ((uint16_t) read_buf[1] << 8)
| read_buf[2];
From the datasheet and the TI_ADS1293_SPIStreamReadReg, we know that the function does read the values in the order their addresses come, in this case high-byte, middle-byte and low-byte in this order (respectively in read_but[0], read_buf[1] and read_buf[2]).
To rebuild the 24-bit value, the code shifts the value with the appropriate offset: read_buf[0] goes from bits 23 to 16 thus shifted 16 bits, read_buf[1] from bits 15 to 8 thus shifted 8 bits and read_buf[2] from 7 to 0 thus shifted 0 bits (this shift is not represented). We will represent them as such (the 0xAA, 0xBB and 0xCC are example values to show what happens):
read_buf[0] = 0xAA => read_buf[0] << 16 = 0xAA0000
read_buf[1] = 0xBB => read_buf[0] << 8 = 0x00BB00
read_buf[2] = 0xCC => read_buf[0] << 0 = 0x0000CC
To combine the three shifted values, the code uses a bitwise-or | which results in this:
0xAA0000 | 0x00BB00 | 0x0000CC = 0xAABBCC
And you now have a 24-bit value of you ADC reading.


Best way to move 8 bits into 8 individual bytes [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to create a byte out of 8 bool values (and vice versa)?
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a status register with 8 bits. I would like to move each individual bit to a byte for further processing. Seems like it should be easy but every solution I come up with is convoluted. I was thinking about iterating through the bits with a for next loop and dumping them into an array but my solution way too messy.
Here's basically what you're trying to do. It uses bitwise operators and a uint8_t array to make each bit an individual byte:
void bits_to_bytes(uint8_t status, uint8_t bits[8])
int ctr;
for( ctr = 0; ctr < 8; ctr++ )
bits[ctr] = (status >> ctr) & 1;
OK, so a little more in-depth:
This code loops through the bits in a byte and then assigns bits[bit_number] to the bit_numberth bit of status.
If you want to reverse the order the bits are stored in, simply change bits[ctr] to bits[(8-1)-ctr].
For a start, you should be using uint8_t for eight-bit bit collections since char is fundamentally non-portable unless you add a lot of extra code for checking its size and signedness.
Something like this should suffice for your needs:
void BitsToBytes(uint8_t bits, uint8_t *bytes) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { // The type has exactly eight bits.
*bytes++ = (bits > 127); // 1 if high bit set, else 0.
bits = (bits & 0x7f) << 1; // Shift left to get next bit.
// Call with:
uint8_t inputBits = 0x42;
uint8_t outputBytes[8];
BitsToBytes(inputBits, outputBytes);
This takes a type with eight bits and a buffer of eight bytes, then places the individual bits into each byte of the array:
inputBits: |abcdefgh|
outputBytes: | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h |
If you want it to go the other way (where the LSB of the input is in element 0 of the array), you can simply change the body of the loop to:
*bytes++ = bits & 1; // 1 if low bit set, else 0.
bits = bits >> 1; // Shift right to get next bit.
You can use a double invocation of the ! operator to squash a zero/non-zero value to zero/one. Using this, the extracted value of bit n in status is !!(status & (1 << n)).
If you only have eight flags you might just create constants for the 8 values of 1 << n (0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80). This works particularly well if your flags all have individual names rather than numbers, so that you might have in a header file somewhere:
#define FLAG_FROB 0x01
#define FLAG_FOO 0x02
#define FLAG_BAR 0x04
#define FLAG_BAZ 0x08
#define FLAG_QUUX 0x10
Then in the code you'd just extract them as
flag_frob = !!(status & FLAG_FROB);
flag_foo = !!(status & FLAG_FOO);
flag_bar = !!(status & FLAG_BAR);
flag_baz = !!(status & FLAG_BAZ);
flag_quux = !!(status & FLAG_QUUX);

Reading two 8 bit registers into 12 bit value of an ADXL362 in C

I'm querying an ADXL362 Digital Output MEMS Accelerometer for its axis data which it holds as two 8 bit registers which combine to give a 12 bit value and I'm trying to figure out how to combine those values. I've never been good at bitwise manipulation so any help would be greatly appreciated. I would imagine it is something like this:
number = Z_data_H << 8 | Z_data_L;
number = (number & ~(1<<13)) | (0<<13);
number = (number & ~(1<<14)) | (0<<14);
number = (number & ~(1<<15)) | (0<<15);
number = (number & ~(1<<16)) | (0<<16);
ADXL362 data sheet (page 26)
Z axis data register
Your first line should be what you need:
int16_t number;
number = (Z_data_H << 8) | Z_data_L;
The sign-extension bits mean that you can read the value as if it was a 16-bit signed integer. The value will simply never be outside the range of a 12-bit integer. It's important that you leave those bits intact in order to handle negative values correctly.
You just have to do:
signed short number;
number = Z_data_H << 8 | Z_data_L;
The shift left by 8 bit combined with the lower bits you already
had figured out are combining the 2 bytes correctly. Just use the appropriate data size to have the C code recoginize the sign of the 12 bit number correctly.
Note that short not necessarily refers to a 16bit value, depending on your compiler and architecture - so, you might want to attempt to that.

Reading MSB and LSB if data is left-justified

While going through my coursework, I came across a function that reads temperature from the TMP102 sensor (only required to measure positive temperatures).
The function first reads the MSB and LSB using I2C. Since the temperature data is 12-bit and left-justified, the function proceeds as follows:
temp = ( (MSB << 8) | LSB) >> 4
I do not understand why this is done. Could someone please help me explain how the above line of code is related to the data being 12-bit and left-justified?
Let v be a bit of the temperature value and p be a padding bit on the right, then you have
MSB = vvvvvvvv
LSB = vvvvpppp
MSB << 8 = vvvvvvvv 00000000
(MSB << 8) | LSB = vvvvvvvv vvvvpppp
((MSB << 8) | LSB) >> 4 = 0000vvvv vvvvvvvv
In the last line, you see the correct representation as a 16bit value (with the upper 4 bits always 0).

constructing 32 bit unsigned int in c

I am trying to construct a 32 bit binary value using an unsigned int. This is how
the 32 bit is split into parts
part 1 = 4 bit
part 2 = 2 bit
part 3 = 12 bit
part 4 = 2 bit
part 5 = 12 bit
How do i use the parts to construct 32 bit binary value (unsigned int) using
bit shifting can someone please help
(cant just shift bits... what if i want to update certain part?)
This is typical bit-shifting/bit-masking stuff. Here's how you set the initial value:
uint32_t value = ((part1 & 0xF) << 28)
| ((part2 & 0x3) << 26)
| ((part3 & 0xFFF) << 14)
| ((part4 & 0x3) << 12)
| (part5 & 0xFFF);
Each line uses a bitwise-AND (&) to clear the upper bits of each part so it doesn't overflow its allocated bit-width within the final value. For example, if part4 was 0xFF and you forgot the & 0x3 then the upper 6 bits of part4 (0xFC) would spill into the region for part3. Then the part is shifted (<<) to its final location and bitwise-OR'd (|) with the rest of the parts.
Some developers accomplish the same thing via bitfields but I don't recommend that approach due to potential portability issues.
Most (all?) of the other answers here so far have forgotten the bitwise-AND portion of the solution. Their answers will result in bugs if the part values ever exceed the specified bit width.
If you want to update a particular portion of the value, you'll need some more bit-masking via bitwise-AND and bitwise-OR. For example, to update part4 you'd do this:
value &= ~(0x3 << 12); /* Clear the part4 region */
value |= (part4 & 0x3) << 12; /* Set the part4 region to the new value */
That first line is a little tricky if you're new to bitwork in C. It says take 0x3 and shift it by 12 (result = 0x00003000), perform a bitwise-complement (result = 0xFFFFCFFF), and set value equal to itself bitwise-AND'd with that result. That's how you clear the part4 region of the value... because you're bitwise-AND'ing that region with zero the result is that region is now zero.
The second line sets the zeroed part4 region to the new value, just like we did above when setting the initial value.
You just use shifting, as you suggested:
uint32_t x = (part1 << 28)
| (part2 << 26)
| (part3 << 14)
| (part4 << 12)
| (part5);
Looks like you want this value:
part5 + (part4 << 12) + (part3 << 14) + (part2 << 26) + (part1 << 28)
(Make sure all five variables are of type uint32_t or some such.)

Explain this Function

Can someone explain to me the reason why someone would want use bitwise comparison?
int f(int x) {
return x & (x-1);
int main(){
printf("F(10) = %d", f(10));
This is what I really want to know: "Why check for common set bits"
x is any positive number.
Bitwise operations are used for three reasons:
You can use the least possible space to store information
You can compare/modify an entire register (e.g. 32, 64, or 128 bits depending on your processor) in a single CPU instruction, usually taking a single clock cycle. That means you can do a lot of work (of certain types) blindingly fast compared to regular arithmetic.
It's cool, fun and interesting. Programmers like these things, and they can often be the differentiator when there is no difference between techniques in terms of efficiency/performance.
You can use this for all kinds of very handy things. For example, in my database I can store a lot of true/false information about my customers in a tiny space (a single byte can store 8 different true/false facts) and then use '&' operations to query their status:
Is my customer Male and Single and a Smoker?
if (customerFlags & (maleFlag | singleFlag | smokerFlag) ==
(maleFlag | singleFlag | smokerFlag))
Is my customer (any combination of) Male Or Single Or a Smoker?
if (customerFlags & (maleFlag | singleFlag | smokerFlag) != 0)
Is my customer not Male and not Single and not a Smoker)?
if (customerFlags & (maleFlag | singleFlag | smokerFlag) == 0)
Aside from just "checking for common bits", you can also do:
Certain arithmetic, e.g. value & 15 is a much faster equivalent of value % 16. This only works for certain numbers, but if you can use it, it can be a great optimisation.
Data packing/unpacking. e.g. a colour is often expressed as a 32-bit integer that contains Alpha, Red, Green and Blue byte values. The Red value might be extracted with an expression like red = (value >> 16) & 255; (shift the value down 16 bit positions and then carve off the bottom byte)
Data manipulation and swizzling. Some clever tricks can be achieved with bitwise operations. For example, swapping two integer values without needing to use a third temporary variable, or converting ARGB colour values into another format (e.g RGBA or BGRA)
The Ur-example is "testing if a number is even or odd":
unsigned int number = ...;
bool isOdd = (0 != (number & 1));
More complex uses include bitmasks (multiple boolean values in a single integer, each one taking up one bit of space) and encryption/hashing (which frequently involve bit shifting, XOR, etc.)
The example you've given is kinda odd, but I'll use bitwise comparisons all the time in embedded code.
I'll often have code that looks like the following:
volatile uint32_t *flags = 0x000A000;
bool flagA = *flags & 0x1;
bool flagB = *flags & 0x2;
bool flagC = *flags & 0x4;
It's not a bitwise comparison. It doesn't return a boolean.
Bitwise operators are used to read and modify individual bits of a number.
n & 0x8 // Peek at bit3
n |= 0x8 // Set bit3
n &= ~0x8 // Clear bit3
n ^= 0x8 // Toggle bit3
Bits are used in order to save space. 8 chars takes a lot more memory than 8 bits in a char.
The following example gets the range of an IP subnet using given an IP address of the subnet and the subnet mask of the subnet.
uint32_t mask = (((255 << 8) | 255) << 8) | 255) << 8) | 255;
uint32_t ip = (((192 << 8) | 168) << 8) | 3) << 8) | 4;
uint32_t first = ip & mask;
uint32_t last = ip | ~mask;
e.g. if you have a number of status flags in order to save space you may want to put each flag as a bit.
so x, if declared as a byte, would have 8 flags.
I think you mean bitwise combination (in your case a bitwise AND operation). This is a very common operation in those cases where the byte, word or dword value is handled as a collection of bits, eg status information, eg in SCADA or control programs.
Your example tests whether x has at most 1 bit set. f returns 0 if x is a power of 2 and non-zero if it is not.
Your particular example tests if two consecutive bits in the binary representation are 1.
