How to get correct MouseHover Coordinates on datamaps - reactjs

I am using DataMap, unlike the normal view for a map, I turned the map upside down, When mouseover, the tooltip location doesn't correspond, to the location of the mouse when I mouseover
I have tried different codes, in other to get accurate coordinates, but none is giving me what I need.
In the map react component
<Map mapRef= {this.myMap} makeMouseMove={this._onMouseMove} />
1st try
_onMouseMove = (e) => {
if (document.querySelector('.hoverinfo')) {
let mapTooltip = document.querySelector('.datamaps-hoverover');
let rect =; = e.clientX - rect.left + 'px'; = e.clientY - + 'px';
2nd Try
_onMouseMove = (e) => {
if (document.querySelector('.hoverinfo')) {
let mapTooltip = document.querySelector('.datamaps-hoverover'); = e.pageX - mapTooltip.offsetLeft+'px'; = e.pageY - mapTooltip.offsetTop+'px';
Unfortunately, I have not been able to achieve what I want to achieve, I would appreciate if someone that has experience handling this Datamap issue helps me with a clue.

In case someone else is having this type of issue, this is what I did to resolve it, apparently, the left value is correct, and there was no need for me to modify it.
_onMouseMove = (e) => {
if (document.querySelector('.hoverinfo')){
let mapTooltip = document.querySelector('.datamaps-hoverover');
let mapHoverSVG = document.querySelector('svg');
let point = mapHoverSVG.createSVGPoint();
point.x = e.clientX;
point.y = e.clientY;
let cursor = point.matrixTransform(mapHoverSVG.getScreenCTM().inverse()); = (cursor.y + 16) + "px";


why all MTL & OBJ files load in last array on pattern marker (Three.js - Augmented Reality)

here I have the pattern file hiro.patt & pattern-markerobj1.patt
let patternArray = ["hiro", "pattern-markerobj1"];
pattern hiro.patt represents mtl-obj Fish
pattern pattern-markerobj1.patt mtl-obj represents
let mtlobj = ['fish-2','test',];
file obj dan mtl
but when it is executed, all 3D models are only displayed on the 1st marker index or 2nd marker, namely pattern-markerobj1.
however when I use THREE.MeshBasicMaterial by using color in array
let colorArray = [0xff8800, 0xffff00, ]; they seemed no problem.
can be seen in the image below
Hiro without 3D Model without 3D Model :')
pattern-markerobj1 with 2 3D Models (stacked) pattern-markerobj1
then how to fix it?
marker Hiro -> mtl obj fish
marker pattern-markerobj1 -> test mtl obj
let patternArray = ["hiro", "pattern-markerobj1"];
let colorArray = [0xff8800, 0xffff00, ];
let mtlobj = ['fish-2', 'percobaan', ];
let scale = [0.25, 0.0025, ];
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
markerRoot1 = new THREE.Group();
let markerControls1 = new THREEx.ArMarkerControls(arToolkitContext, markerRoot1, {
type: 'pattern',
patternUrl: "data/" + patternArray[i] + ".patt",
let geometry1 = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(1, 1, 4, 4);
// let texture = loader.load( 'images/earth.jpg', render );
let material1 = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: colorArray[i],
opacity: 0.0005
mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry1, material1);
mesh1.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2;
function onProgress(xhr) {
console.log((xhr.loaded / * 100) + '% loaded');
function onError(xhr) {
console.log('An error happened');
new THREE.MTLLoader()
.load(mtlobj[i] + '.mtl', function (materials) {
new THREE.OBJLoader()
.load(mtlobj[i] + '.obj', function (group) {
mesh0 = group.children[0];
mesh0.material.side = THREE.DoubleSide;
mesh0.position.y = 0.25;
mesh0.scale.set(scale[i], scale[i], scale[i]);
}, onProgress, onError);

Memory problem animating Line2 in react three fiber

I'm working with react-three-fiber and struggling with Line2 and some memory issues. I left my application running for a time and then when I came back my computer was frozen... After I recovered I realized that the the application was gradually consuming more and more memory and sometimes, but not always, showing this error: "webgl warning: drawelementsinstanced: instance fetch requires 30, but attribs only supply 20". I tried changing the getPoints divisions and the number of points in the line itself and I was able to make things a little bit better, but it still didn't solve the issue. The problem seems to be comming from the 'getPoints' method, but I'm not quite so sure. Can someone help me?
export function SingleTrace({
}) {
const line = useRef();
let positions = useMemo(() => [], [physics]);
useFrame(() => {
let stepsSoFar = positions.length;
if (stepsSoFar === 0) {
let randomX = ((Math.random() - 1 / 2) * particleSystem.boundary.w +
particleSystem.boundary.x) as number;
let randomY = ((Math.random() - 1 / 2) * particleSystem.boundary.h +
particleSystem.boundary.y) as number;
let randomZ = ((Math.random() - 1 / 2) * particleSystem.boundary.d +
particleSystem.boundary.z) as number;
positions = [vec(randomX, randomY, randomZ)]; //otherwise just use a random position
} else if (stepsSoFar > steps) {
let lastPosition = positions[positions.length - 1];
let totalField = vec();
particleSystem.particles.forEach((particle) => {
let field = particle["physics"][physics].field(
let newPosition = vec()
if (particleSystem.boundary.contains(newPosition)) {
let willRestart = Math.random() < 0.05 ? true : false;
if (willRestart) {
let randomX =
(Math.random() - 1 / 2) * particleSystem.boundary.w +
let randomY =
(Math.random() - 1 / 2) * particleSystem.boundary.h +
let randomZ =
(Math.random() - 1 / 2) * particleSystem.boundary.d +
positions = [vec(randomX, randomY, randomZ)];
if (line.current && positions.length > 2) {
let curve = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(positions).getPoints(
let convertedToArray = [];
curve.forEach((item) => convertedToArray.push(item.x, item.y, item.z));
return (
<lineGeometry ref={line} />
resolution={new THREE.Vector2(10, 10)}
P.S. vec() is just new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0)

Is it possible to show gradients with react-svgmt?

I would like to use react-svgmt to manipulate SVG's. These SVG's can be uploaded from the users. My problem is, that if the SVG has a gradient these parts of the SVG are not shown.
Has anybody a solution for my problem to reactivate these links after the import of the SVG via react-svgmt?
With the developertools of my browser I was be able the see that the elements are in the code, but the grandients will be linked to the elements and these links are broken.
I have seen that other people has the same problem with gradients and created an issue on github, but the developer did not respond.
I found a solution for my problem.
react-svgmt add to elements like linearGradients "-{nr}" to its id-names. Then this fill:url(#linear-gradient-2); does not work anymore in the style-tags, because it must be fill:url(#linear-gradient-2-{nr});.
So the first SVGProxy after loading is <SvgProxy selector="linearGradient" onElementSelected={handleGradients} ></ SvgProxy>
an the function handleGradients looks like following and saves the {nr}
const handleGradients = (gradients) => { if (typeof gradients.length !== 'undefined') { const output =, i) => { nr ="-")+1); setNr("-")+1)); if(g.href.baseVal.length > 0) { var base = g.href.baseVal; g.href.baseVal = base + '-' + nr; } return g; }); } else { nr ="-")+1); setNr("-")+1)); if(gradients.href.baseVal.length > 0) { var base = gradients.href.baseVal; gradients.href.baseVal = base + '-' + nr; } } };
Then I had another SVGProxy
<SvgProxy selector="defs > style" onElementSelected={handleStyleElem} ></ SvgProxy>
with the following handlefunction which replaces all urls with the schema from above
const handleStyleElem = (svgStyle) => { var styleStr = svgStyle.outerHTML; styleStr = styleStr.replaceAll(/url\(#((\w|-)*)\);/g, 'url(#$1-'+ nr +');'); svgStyle.outerHTML = styleStr; };

Someone who knows CanvasRenderingContext2D in React, please help :)

When I click on the spin button, I want the value to be highlighted one by one in the canvas.
Here you can see the whole code:
renderWheel() {
// determine number/size of sectors that need to created
let numOptions = this.state.list.length;
let arcSize = (2 * Math.PI) / numOptions;
angle: arcSize
// dynamically generate sectors from state list
let angle = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numOptions; i++) {
let text = this.state.list[i];
this.renderSector(i + 1, text, angle, arcSize);
angle += arcSize;
renderSector(index, text, start, arc) {
// create canvas arc for each list element
let canvas = document.getElementById("wheel");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let x = canvas.width / 2;
let y = canvas.height / 2;
let radius = 200;
let startAngle = start;
let endAngle = start + arc - 0.02;
let angle = index * arc;
let baseSize = radius * 1.25;
let textRadius = baseSize - 48;
ctx.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false);
ctx.lineWidth = radius * 0.25;
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.font = "25px Arial";
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
baseSize + Math.cos(angle - arc / 2) * textRadius,
baseSize + Math.sin(angle - arc / 2) * textRadius
ctx.fillText(text, -ctx.measureText(text).width / 2, 7);
When I click on the spin button, this spin () method is executed.
The iteration ends between two and five seconds as written in the setTimeout method.
spin = () => {
var index = 0;
let timer = setInterval(() => {
index = (index) % this.state.list.length + 1;
}, 150);
// calcalute result after wheel stops spinning
setTimeout(() => {
hasFinishedLoading: true,
display: this.state.list[index]
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000 + 2000));
spinning: true
Remember: In canvas you cannot access a particular object, so the solution is always to erase and redraw. Don't worry about performance, this is pretty great. I leave you an idea with your code and at the end some suggestions. Try this code, the only thing I did is clean the canvas and redraw without the setTimeOut index
spin = () => {
let canvas = document.getElementById("wheel");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var index = 0;
index = (index % this.state.list.length) + 1;
let angle = 0;
let numOptions = this.state.list.length;
let arcSize = (2 * Math.PI) / numOptions;
let timer = setInterval(() => {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
angle: arcSize
for (let i = 0; i < numOptions; i++) {
if (i !== index) {
let text = this.state.list[i];
this.renderSector(i + 1, text, angle, arcSize);
angle += arcSize;
} else {
}, 150);
// calcalute result after wheel stops spinning
setTimeout(() => {
hasFinishedLoading: true,
display: this.state.list[index]
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000 + 2000));
spinning: true
Don't use "getElementById" in react, it's dangerous. Use a reference.

Getting dotted line on html Canvas

I am using React to develop a real-time paint app. So, the idea is to store mouse events in an array(to pass it through socket) and pass it to draw function. However, when I move mouse fast, I'm getting a dotted line instead of smooth line. If I directly draw using mouse events instead of an array, I'm getting a smooth line. So I guess the issue is in pushing mouse events into the array.
This is my output:
The following is my PaintCanvas component
function PaintCanvas(props) {
let ctx;
const canvasRef = useRef("");
const [isDrawing, changeIsDrawing] = useState(false);
let strokes = [];
const mouseDownFunction = e => {
if (ctx) {
const mouseUpFunction = e => {
if (ctx) {
const mouseMoveFunction = e => {
if (ctx) {
const wrapperForDraw = e => {
if (!isDrawing) return;
x: e.clientX,
y: e.clientY
const drawFunction = strokes => {
let { top, left } = canvasRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
if (!isDrawing) return;
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.lineCap = "round";
for (let i = 0; i < strokes.length; i++) {
//adding 32px to offset my custom mouse icon
ctx.moveTo(strokes[i].x - left, strokes[i].y - top + 32);
ctx.lineTo(strokes[i].x - left, strokes[i].y - top + 32);
useEffect(() => {
let canvas = canvasRef.current;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
return (
export default PaintCanvas;
How can I get a smooth line using the array implementation.
In your loop where you are drawing the lines, you don't need to call moveTo every iteration. Each call of lineTo() automatically adds to the current sub-path, which means that all the lines will all be stroked or filled together.
You need to pull beginPath out of the loop, remove the moveTo call and take the stroke outside the loop for efficiency.
for (let i = 0; i < strokes.length; i++) {
//adding 32px to offset my custom mouse icon
//ctx.moveTo(strokes[i].x - left, strokes[i].y - top + 32); // Remove this line
ctx.lineTo(strokes[i].x - left, strokes[i].y - top + 32);
// Its also more efficient to call these once for the whole line
