See Firebase network traffic in debug purpose - analytics

I want to be able to debug the firebase analytics using Charles Proxy. I don't have access to the source code and can therefore not enable the debug view in Firebase.
I want to track the network traffic to be able to see what events that is sent within my app using Charles proxy for Firebase Analytics data. I have tried to set up an SSL connection using Charles proxy but can't see the Firebase Analytics traffic from my app.
The purpose of this is since I don't have access to source code in the app and can't thereby enable debugView.
I want to be able to see the network traffic from my app that is sent to Firebase Analytics. The same principal as you can do for Google Analytics data.


Send Telemetry Data to Azure IoT Central Device using HTTP GET Requests

I'm trying to send telemetry to a device in Azure Iot Central, with HTTP GET requests.
I have a legacy iot application, and I am trying to migrate it to Azure IoT Central, so for now I need to synchronize my ongoing Iot Data to Azure IoT Central.
One way I found to do it quickly was to use Logic Apps.
I have successfully created the Iot Central application and Logic Apps configuration, and I also found a way to get device information and update properties, but I'm not finding where to send telemetry data.
Is it possible to do with Logic Apps, or there is another way to send the telemetry?
Any hints will be very useful, thanks!
you should use the REST POST request to send a telemetry data to the IoT Central App.
The following is an example for device1:
Note, that the iothubhostname must be obtained from DPS service and also the Authorization header (sas token) is required.
and the following screen snippet shows the IoT Central App Dashboard:

Outgoing HTTP Request Location on Google App Engine

I have an API made with NodeJS (NodeJS v10 + Express v4.16 + Node-Fetch v2.3) and into this API, I have one endpoint that need to consume content from a third-party API/Service via HTTP Request (POST)
The problem is: This third-party API only accepts requests coming from Brazil
In the past, my API was hosted on Digital Ocean, but with this rule I have migrated to GCP (since DO doesn't have hosts in Brazil) and created my App Engine Application under region southamerica-east1 (Sao Paulo/Brazil according with this document)
And yeah... It works on my machine ¯|_(ツ)_/¯
What's happening: Sometimes the requests runs Ok, working fine, but after some version updates (I'm using CI/CD to make de deployment) the requests goes down.
The Question: Exist a way to control my application to only use the hosted region to make the outgoing requests??
PS* I'm not using flex env, purposely to prevent auto-scale (and cost elevation). (I don't know if I'm right about it because I'm new on GCP)
The IPs of Google Cloud Platform share the same geolocation (US) so I would say that it's expected for the requests to fail. You can have a look at this and this questions for more info and potential workarounds.

Firebase: How to awake App Engine when client changes db?

I'm running a backend app on App Engine (still on the free plan), and it supports client mobile apps in a Firebase Realtime Database setup. When a client makes a change to the database, I need my backend to review that change, and potentially calculate some output.
I could have my App Engine instance sit awake and listen on Firebase ports all the time, waiting for change anywhere in the database, but That would keep my instance awake 24/7 and won't support load balancing.
Before I switched to Firebase, my clients would manually wake up the backend by sending a REST request of the change they want to perform. Now, that Firebase allows the clients to make changes directly, I was hoping they won't need to issue a manual request. I could continue to produce a request from the client, but that solution won't be robust, as it would fail to inform the server if for some reason the request didn't come through, and the user switched off the client before it succeeded to send the request. Firebase has its own mechanism to retain changes, but my request would need a similar mechanism. I'm hoping there's an easier solution than that.
Is there a way to have Firebase produce a request automatically and wake up my App Engine when the db is changed?
look at the new (beta) firebase cloud functions. with that, you can have node.js code run, pre-process and call your appengine on database events.
Firebase currently does not have support for webhooks.
Have a look to
From Listening to real-time events from a web browser:
Posting events back to App Engine
App Engine does not currently support bidirectional streaming HTTP
connections. If a client needs to update the server, it must send an
explicit HTTP request.
The alternative doesn't quite help you as it would not fit in the free quota. But here it is anyways. From Configuring the App Engine backend to use manual scaling:
To use Firebase with App Engine standard environment, you must use
manual scaling. This is because Firebase uses background threads to
listen for changes and App Engine standard environment allows
long-lived background threads only on manually scaled backend

GAE custom domain but with SMTP control

I understand that in order to link my domain to my GAE application I need to setup Google Apps according to this.
But Google Apps seems to take control of SMTP and email addresses. I need to have my own SMTP server in GCS, which is working perfectly right now using the static ip like someuser#xx.xx.xx.xx
What I need is to be able to enter my GAE web application thru but at the same time being able to receive at my SMTP instance at GCS. Is it possible?
Your email settings are determined by your registrar, not by Google Apps. If you don't want to use Gmail as your mail server, you simply keep your DNS records unchanged, as Xavier correctly suggested.

Access not configured error message

I've set up oauth and am properly retrieving an access token.
Here is the response I get from hitting<token>
which I believe properly shows that I have requested the correct permissions.
A call to<token>
"errors"=>[{"domain"=>"usageLimits", "reason"=>"accessNotConfigured", "message"=>"Access Not Configured"}]
Having trouble figuring out what this means. I don't have an actual piece of glass hardware. The docs make it seem like this access token would allow me to make any requests to the mirror api.
Is there an additional setup or permission I need to ask for that I missed? On the application side? Is this related to my google account and having not set up glass?
Okay, from the authorization docs:
Select the Services tab in your API project, and enable the Google Mirror API.
However, I'm not seeing Google Mirror API listed on the services tab?
The Mirror API is currently in developer preview and access is limited to I/O Explorers who have received their Glass device. You can subscribed to this issue on our issue tracker to get updates on when the Mirror API will be public.
