Unable to transform the data for rendering line charts: Highcharts+React - reactjs

I am actually new to this highcharts . Been trying to render a line chart . I am facing issues while transforming the data returned by back-end to the data required by highcharts.
Can someone suggest me how to transform the below data object to the data required by line charts.Trying to plot a graph that compares current and previous values
Help would be appreaciated.
As per the documnentaion the line charts data accepts the following structure.
"data": [
"name": "currentVal",
"data": [ 7,7,8]
"name": "prevVal",
"data": [1,6,7]
I would want the help in transforming the object that mentioned in the top

The simplest way to transform the object:
var obj = {
data: [{
"currentVal": 3488,
"prevVal": 3000,
"timestamp": 1554181200000
}, {
"currentVal": 3453,
"prevVal": 3123,
"timestamp": 1554481200000
}, {
"currentVal": 3456,
"prevVal": 3341,
"timestamp": 1554581200000
Highcharts.chart('container', {
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
series: [{
name: "currentVal",
data: obj.data.map(elem => [
elem.timestamp, elem.currentVal
}, {
name: "prevVal",
data: obj.data.map(elem => [
elem.timestamp, elem.prevVal


I can't find Strapi nested components in my GraphQL query

I'm very new to Strapi and GraphQL. I have created a nested data structure in Strapi that looks like this (this is a Navbar component). But when I go to GraphQL, my query looks like this.
So if this is the query:
query MyQuery {
allStrapiNavbar {
nodes {
Category {
children {
This is the result:
"data": {
"allStrapiNavbar": {
"nodes": [
"Category": [
"Name": "Community",
"children": []
"Name": "Modules",
"children": []
"Name": "Company",
"children": []
"Name": "Pricing",
"children": []
"extensions": {}
This means the data is being fetched correctly. However, I can't find the nested component 'Item' inside 'Category'.
This is what my gatsby-config.ts file looks like currently:
resolve: "gatsby-source-strapi",
options: {
apiURL: process.env.STRAPI_API_URL || "http://localhost:1337",
queryLimit: 1000, // Default to 100
accessToken: process.env.STRAPI_TOKEN,
collectionTypes:[ 'faq', 'doc', 'docCategory', 'faqCategory', 'release', 'userType' ],
// contentTypes: [ 'Faq' ],
singleTypes: [ 'navbar' ],
I don't know why the data isn't showing up in GraphQL. I looked inside the children for Category, but the reality is that it should be at the same level as Name, which shows up.
Do I need to modify the gatsby-config file, or am I missing something else?
Edit: I am using the gatsby-source-strapi plugin.

Angular - Convert objects in a nested array into comma seapared values before binding to grid

below is part of my JSON response coming from an API
"totalCount": 2,
"customAttributes": [
"objectType": "OWNER",
"atrributeId": 215,
"attributeDisplayName": "DATE LICENSE FIRST ISSUED",
"dataType": "DATE",
"inputValues": [],
"isGridEligible": "true",
"isInvoiceEligible": "false"
"objectType": "LOCATION",
"atrributeId": 217,
"attributeName": "DONOTRENEW",
"attributeDisplayName": "DO NOT RENEWS",
"dataType": "Value List",
"inputValues": [
"id": 5,
"id": 6,
"isGridEligible": "true",
"isInvoiceEligible": "false"
Here, I am binding customAttributes as grid data.
this.customFieldsService.getCustomFields(this.columnList, this.pageNumber, this.pageSize, null).subscribe(res => {
this.cfData = res;
this.gridData = {
data: this.cfData.customAttributes,
total: this.cfData.totalCount
Here, my problem is with inputValues column, which comes as an array of objects. I need to convert it to comma seaparated values and then bind to grid data like
I can ignore the "id" property as we are not using it at angular side. I tried using join method but not able to solve it within the nested array. Please suggest. Thanks.
In typescript it can be done with:
const joined: string = customAttribute.inputValues
.map(x => x.value) // [{value: 'VEHICLELISTREQUIRED'}, {value: 'STATESWITHRECIPROCITY'}]
Of course you can put the joined string immediately into an array.

How do i modify a raw data object returned by an ExtJS AJAX proxy into a JSON object to be consumed by a Tree Store

In an effort to create a treepanel, i configure it with a treestore whose AJAX proxy url receives json data i have no control of. But using Ext.data.reader.Json's transform property invokable before readRecords executes, gives an option to modify the passed raw (deserialized) data object from the AJAX proxy into a modified or a completely new data object. The transform config, gives the code snippet below:
Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: 'User',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url : 'users.json',
reader: {
type: 'json',
transform: {
fn: function(data) {
// do some manipulation of the raw data object
return data;
scope: this
I would please like an example on how to go about modifying the return JSON object
"id": 3,
"name": "user_one",
"login": "",
"email": "user_one#ats",
"phone": "0751223344",
"readonly": false,
"administrator": false,
"password": null
"id": 4,
"name": "user_two",
"login": "",
"email": "user_two#ats",
"phone": "0751556677",
"readonly": false,
"administrator": false,
"password": null
into a JSON object fit for a treestore.
The hierarchical tree is to be rendered to show which user is under which admin using a condition administrator==true from the returned JSON, then a second AJAX request that returns that admin's users shown here.
"user_id": 3,
"admin_id": 1,
"user_id": 4,
"admin_id": 2,
Is the data nested at all? Otherwise why use a treepanel instead of a grid? To your question though, it'll depend on how you configure your treepanel but it would probably be something like this:
transform: {
fn: function(data) {
var treeRecords = Ext.Array.map(data, function(i){
return {
text: i.name,
leaf: true
//any other properties you want
var treeData = {
root: {
expanded: true,
children: treeRecords
return treeData;
scope: this

React Axios Get Call to Output JSON Format

I am performing an Axios get call in a React Component to retrieve JSON info. That function is working great. Within the JSON is a label for various network ports, which are returning as an array in my axios call. These are ultimately going to be displayed as nodes on a d3 graph. My issue is that I need to output the data pulled from the get call into the following format:
nodes: [
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' },
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' },
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' },
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' },
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' }
So the full component for the graph to read is:
export const data = {
nodes: [
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' },
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' },
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' },
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' },
{ id: 'JSON data.label here' }
Here is the format of the Axios get I am using:
.then(res => {
const names = res.data.items;
this.setState({ names });
Here is a sample output I am receiving (there are 11 of these):
{id: "5bc0860c-ece1-461c-bac0-b155a3cacd82", label: "",
resourceTypeId: "tosca.resourceTypes.NetworkConstruct", productId:
"5bc0835c-6cfa-486e-8429-a59eaf4118bc", tenantId: "393fa8da-61fd-458c-80f9-
ce92d0ef0330", …}
The data has to be in this EXACT format or the graph won't read it. I'm guessing I'll need to do an initial map function but am stuck on how to arrange it. I cannot have any divs or quotes in my output. Is this doable? I have scoured the boards and Google for a couple of days and can't make this work yet.
Here is the object I am receiving from the GET request.
"id": "5bd2c6ef-6009-4b90-9156-62168f3c6293",
"resourceId": "5bd0ba82-2994-455d-8716-2adb5694d6f0",
"interface": "getGraph",
"inputs": {},
"outputs": {
"graph": {
"nodes": [
"id": "5bcdf06c-dd53-4335-840f-55a4b8d85a2d",
"name": "asw-lab9306b",
"ports": {
"GigabitEthernet3/0/8": "5bd1777f-0ab9-4552-962b-9e306ce378ab",
"GigabitEthernet2/0/15": "5bd1777e-119c-44e8-ba69-0d86a481c0f5",
"GigabitEthernet3/0/47": "5bd17783-be94-4aaf-8858-70e4eb3d02dc",
"GigabitEthernet2/0/13": "5bd17783-ed99-453f-a958-f764edaa8da8"
"links": [
"a": "5bd1a467-13f2-4294-a768-561187b278a8",
"z": "5bd17770-2e6c-4c37-93c8-44e3eb3db6dd",
"layer": "ETHERNET"
"a": "5bd1776e-c110-4086-87d6-a374ccee419a",
"z": "5bd17770-83ee-4e10-b5bb-19814f9f5dad",
"layer": "ETHERNET"
"state": "successful",
"reason": "",
"progress": [],
"providerData": {},
"createdAt": "2018-10-26T07:49:03.484Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-10-26T07:49:25.425Z",
"resourceStateConstraints": {},
"executionGroup": "lifecycle"
The info I need is the nodes ID. There are eleven of them in the full object.
You can map an array of objects to another array of objects in your format with Array.prototype.map(). Assuming that data is the list of objects from your response:
class Graph extends React.Component {
state = {
nodes: null,
componentDidMount() {
axios.get('the url').then(response => {
const nodes = response.data.outputs.graph.nodes;
render() {
const {nodes} = this.state;
if (!nodes) return 'Loading...'
return <TheD3ComponentYouUse nodes={nodes} />;

create Chartist line graph by taking values from json files

I am tring to create a line graph by taking values from json file for x-axis and y-axis, but i am not able to fill the labels and series, can anyone please provide any inputs.
sample code :
<chartist class="ct-chart ct-major-twelfth" chartist-chart-type="Line"
chartist-data="View.lineData" chartist-chart-options="View.lineOptions">
ctrl.lineData = {
labels: [],
series: []
function data(data, cb) {
labels: getLabels(),
series: getSeries()
function getLabels() {
return [
ctrl.result[0] // i have to get the date values from json (1997,1999)
function getSeries() {
return [
ctrl.result[0] // have to fetch count values from json
sample json:
[ results :
count: 6
"year": 1997,
"make": "Ford",
"model": "E350",
"description": "ac, abs, moon",
"price": 3000
"year": 1999,
"make": "Chevy",
"model": "Venture \"Extended Edition\"",
"description": "",
"price": 4900
