Exception in c scanf_s - c

I am trying to write a simple code to input values of an int and a char. Visual studio is throwing an exception
int main() {
int i;
char c;
printf(" Enter the values");
scanf_s("%c %d",&c,&i);
return 0;
As i run the program and input values, visual studio is throwing an exception saying : Exception thrown at 0x599C939E (ucrtbased.dll) in main.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0032133E

You need to specify the sizeof memory you want to allocate for your char.
scanf_s("%c %d",&c,1,&i);
Won't return any errors.
Since the scanf() function is kind of "unsafe", VS forces you to use the scanf_s function, which is a safer option.
This way, the user won't be able to trick the input.

For format specifiers as c and s there is required to specify the size of the buffer after the corresponding pointer in the list of arguments.
In your case the function call will look like
scanf_s("%c %d",&c, 1, &i);
For format specifier s the size of the buffer also have to take into account the terminating zero.


How do you assign a string in C

Printing the initials (first character) of the string held in the variable 'fn' and the variable 'ln'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
int main(void)
string fn, ln, initials;
fn = get_string("\nFirst Name: ");
ln = get_string("Last Name: ");
initials = 'fn[0]', 'ln[0]';
printf("%s", initials)
Read more about C. In particular, read some good C programming book, and some C reference site and read the C11 standard n1570. Notice that cs50.h is not a standard C header (and I never encountered it).
The string type does not exist. So your example don't compile and is not valid C code.
An important (and difficult) notion in C is : undefined behavior (UB). I won't explain what is it here, but see this, read much more about UB, and be really afraid of UB.
Even if you (wrongly) add something like
typedef char* string;
(and your cs50.h might do that) you need to understand that:
not every pointer is valid, and some pointers may contain an invalid address (such as NULL, or most random addresses; in particular an uninitialized pointer variable often has an invalid pointer). Be aware that in your virtual address space most addresses are invalid. Dereferencing an invalid pointer is UB (often, but not always, giving a segmentation fault).
even when a pointer to char is valid, it could point to something which is not a string (e.g. some sequence of bytes which is not NUL terminated). Passing such a pointer (to a non-string data) to string related functions -e.g. strlen or printf with %s is UB.
A string is a sequence of bytes, with additional conventions: at the very least it should be NUL terminated and you generally want it to be a valid string for your system. For example, my Linux is using UTF-8 (in 2017 UTF-8 is used everywhere) so in practice only valid UTF-8 strings can be correctly displayed in my terminals.
Arrays are decayed into pointers (read more to understand what that means, it is tricky). So in several occasions you might declare an array variable (a buffer)
char buf[50];
then fill it, perhaps using strcpy like
strcpy(buf, "abc");
or using snprintf like
int xx = something();
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "x%d", xx);
and latter you can use as a "string", e.g.
printf("buf is: %s\n", buf);
In some cases (but not always!), you might even do some array accesses like
char c=buf[4];
printf("c is %c\n", c);
or pointer arithmetic like
printf("buf+8 is %s\n", buf+8);
BTW, since stdio is buffered, I recommend ending your printf control format strings with \n or using fflush.
Beware and be very careful about buffer overflows. It is another common cause of UB.
You might want to declare
char initials[8];
and fill that memory zone to become a proper string:
initials[0] = fn[0];
initials[1] = ln[0];
initials[2] = (char)0;
the last assignment (to initials[2]) is putting the NUL terminating byte and makes that initials buffer a proper string. Then you could output it using printf or fputs
fputs(initials, stdout);
and you'll better output a newline with
(or you might just do puts(initials); ....)
Please compile with all warnings and debug info, so gcc -Wall -Wextra -g with GCC. Improve your code to get no warnings. Learn how to use your compiler and your debugger gdb. Use gdb to run your program step by step and query its state. Take time to read the documentation of every standard function that you are using (e.g. strcpy, printf, scanf, fgets) even if at first you don't understand all of it.
char initials[]={ fn[0], ln[0], '\0'};
This will form the char array and you can print it with
printf("%s", initials) //This is a string - null terminated character array.
There is no concept of string datatype in c . We simulate it using null terminated character array.
If you don't put the \0 in the end, it won't be a null terminated char array and if you want to print it you will have to use indexing in the array to determine the individual characters. (You can't use printf or other standard functions).
int s[]={'h','i'} // not null terminated
//But you can work with this, iterating over the elements.
for(size_t i=0; i< sizeof s; i++)
To explain further there is no string datatype in C. So what you can do is you simulate it using char [] and that is sufficient for that work.
For example you have to do this to get a string
char fn[MAXLEN}, ln[MAXLEN];
Reading an input can be like :
if(!fgets(fn, MAXLEN,stdin) ){
fprintf(stderr,"Error in input");
Do similarly for the second char array.
And then you do form the initializationg of array initials.
char initials[]={fn[0],ln[0],'\0'}
The benefit of the null terminated char array is that you can pass it to the fucntions which works over char* and get a correct result. Like strcmp() or strcpy().
Also there are lots of ways to get input from stdin and it is better always to check the return type of the standard functions that you use.
Standard don't restrict us that all the char arrays must be null terminated. But if we dont do that way then it's hardly useful in common cases. Like my example above. That array i shown earlier (without the null terminator) can't be passed to strlen() or strcpy() etc.
Also knowingly or unknowingly you have used somnething interesting The comma operator
Suppose you write a statememnt like this
char initialChar = fn[0] , ln[0]; //This is error
char initialChar = (fn[0] , ln[0]); // This is correct and the result will be `ln[0]`
, operator works that first it tries to evaluate the first expression fn[0] and then moves to the second ln[0] and that value is returned as a value of the whole expression that is assigned to initialChar.
You can check these helpful links to get you started
Beginner's Guide Away from scanf()
How to debug small programs

c programming "Access violation writing location 0x00000000."

I'm working on a program which I need to get string from a user and do some manipulates on it.
The problem is when my program ends I am getting "Access violation writing location 0x00000000." error message.
This is my code
char *s;
After some reading I relized that using gets() may cause some problems so I changed char *s to s[20] just to check it out and it worked fine without any errors at the end of the program.
The thing is that I don't know the string size in advance, thus, I'm not allowed (academic ex) to create string line as -> s[HugeNumber] like s[1000].
So I have no other choice but using gets() function.
Any way to solve my problem?
Thanks in advance
Also tried using malloc as
char *temp;
char *s;
temp = gets();
s= (char*)malloc((strlen(temp) +1)* sizeof(char));
Error still popup at the end.
As long as I have *something = gets(); my program will throw an error at the end.
It looks like you are expecting gets to allocate an appropriately-sized string and return a pointer to it but that is not how it works. gets needs to receive the buffer as a parameter so you would still need to declare the array with a huge number. In fact, I am surprised that you managed to get your code to compile since you are passing the wrong number of arguments to gets.
char s[1000];
if (gets(s) == NULL) {
// handle error
The return value of gets is the same pointer that you passed as a parameter to it. The only use of the return value is to check for errors, since gets will return NULL if it reached the end of file before reading any characters.
A function that works more similarly to what you want is getline in the GNU libc:
char *s;
size_t n=0;
getline(&s, &n, stdin);
printf("%s", s); // Use the string here
free(s); //Then free it when done.
Alternatively, you could do something similar using malloc and realloc inside a loop. Malloc a small buffer to start out then use fgets to read into that buffer. If the whole line fits inside the buffer you are done. If it didn't then you realloc the buffer to something larger (multiply its size by a constant factor each time) and continue reading from where you stopped.
Another approach is to give up on reading arbitrarily large lines. The simplest thing you can do in C is to set up a maximum limit for line length (say, 255 characters), use fgets to read up to that number of characters and then abort with an error if you are given a line that is longer than that. This way you stick to functions in the standard library and you keep your logic as simple as possible.
You have not allocated temp.
And 3 kinds of C you should avoid i.e.
void main() use int main() instead
gets() use fgets() instead

scanf() works despite 0-length buffer and compiler warning. What is going on?

My compiler (clang) shows this message:
11:17:warning: format specifies type 'char *' but the argument has
type 'char (*)[0]' [-Wformat]
scanf("%s", &name);
~~ ^~~~~
1 warning generated.
from the following code (greetings program):
* Program: gretting2.c
* Utility: Display a greeting with your name.
* Author: Adrián Garro.
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
char name[0];
printf("Write your name: \n");
scanf("%s", &name);
printf("Hello %s, nice to meet you\n",name);
What is actually going on, and how can I fix it?
In order to understand this, you have to understand what scanf is doing. scanf in this case is reading a string from stdin, and placing it into a buffer that you give it. It does not allocate that space for you, or detect overflow. You need to allocate sufficient space for your string. As it stands now, you are allocating zero space for your string, so everything is an overflow. This is a major bug.
Say instead of char[0], you did char[40], as another user suggests.What if the user of your program writes more than 40 characters? This results in undefined behavior. Essentially, it will write to memory you don't want it to write to. It might cause a segfault, it might result in crucial memory getting overwritten, or it might happen to work. This is a weakness of scanf. Look into fgets. You tell it the size of your buffer, and input will be truncated to fit.
Of course, that has nothing to do with your warning. You're getting a warning because referring to the name of an array is the same as referring to a pointer to its first element, i.e. name <==> &(name[0]). Taking a pointer to this is like taking a pointer to a pointer, i.e. &name <==> &&(name[0]). Since scanf is looking for an argument of type char*, and it's getting a pointer to that, the type checker complains.
Your code exhibits "undefined behavior." This means anything could happen. Anything.
You are passing a zero-length array to scanf(). Also, you are not passing the array length in the format string. This results in a buffer overflow vulnerability (always, in the case of a zero-length target array).
You need something like this:
char name[51];
scanf("%50s", name);
Note the %50s now specifies the size of the target array (less one, to leave room for the null terminator!), which avoids buffer overflow. You still need to check the return value of scanf(), and whether the input name is actually too long (you wouldn't want to truncate the user's input without telling them).
If you're on Linux, check out the tool called valgrind. It is a runtime memory error detector (among other things), and can sometimes catch errors like this for you (and much less obvious ones, which is the main point). It's indispensable for many C programmers.
Just change this:
scanf("%s", &name);
scanf("%39s", name);
and this:
char name[0];
char name[40];
Also to you have to end it with a '\0' with:
name[39] = '\0';
Depending on how robust you want this to be you will want to reconsider the approach. I guess the first thing is whether you understand the type you are using when declaring char name[ 0 ]. this is a 'zero-sized' array of byte-sized characters. This is a confusing thing and it wouldn't surprise me if its behaviour differs across compilers...
The actual warning being complained by the compiler is that the type doesn't match. If you take the address of the first character in the array you can get rid of that (i.e. use &( name[ 0 ] ) in the scanf call). The address of name is its location on the stack - it just so happens that the array implementation uses that same location to store the array data, and name is treated differently by the compiler when used on its own so that the address of an array is the same as the address of its first element...
Using char name[ 0 ] leaves you open to causing memory corruption because there is nowhere for the string to be read, and implementation details may just luck out and allow this to work. One simple way to fix this is to replace 0 with a meaningful number which you take to the maximum length of the input string. Say 32 so that you have char name[ 32 ] instead... however this doesn't handle the case of an even longer string.
Since we live in a world of lots of memory and large stacks you can probably do char name[ 4096 ] and use 4KB of memory for the buffer and that will be absolutely fine for real world usage.
Now... if you want to be a little anal and handle pathological cases, like a user leaning on some keys whilst asleep for hours before pressing enter and adding some enormous 8000 character long string there are a few ways to handle that too with 'dynamic memory allocation', but that might be a bit beyond the scope of this answer.
As an aside, from what I understand char foo[ 0 ] is intentionally valid - it may have originated as a hack and has a confusing type, but is not uncommonly relied on for an old trick to create variable sized structs as described in this page from the GCC online docs
char name[0]; ---> char name[100];
/* You need to allocate some memory to store the name */
2.scanf("%s", &name);----> scanf("%s", name);
/* scanf takes char* as an argument so you need to pass string name only. */
i don't think that scanf("%(length - 1)s", name); is needed.
Because %s is used to reads a string. This will stop on the first whitespace character reached, or at the specified field width (e.g. "%39s"), whichever comes first.
except these don't tend to be used as often. You, of course, may use them as often as you wish!
* Program: gretting2.c
* Utility: Display a greeting with your name.
* Author: Adrián Garro.
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
char name[100];
printf("Write your name: \n");
scanf("%s", name);
printf("Hello %s, nice to meet you\n",name);
Because the correct way is
scanf("%s", name);
/* ^ no ampersand
and what is
char name[0];
you should specify a non-zero length and use it for scanf length specifier
scanf("%(length - 1)s", name);
/* ^ sunstitite with the value */
there were several problems with the OPs posted code
the following fixes most of them
I includd comments to indicate where the problems are
int main ()
//char name[0]; // this did not allow any room for the name
char name[100] = {'\0'}; // declare a 100 byte buffer and init to all '\0'
printf("Write your name:, max 99 char \n"); // 99 allows room for nul termination byte
//scanf("%s", &name); // this has no limit on length of input string so can overrun buffer
if( 1 == scanf("%99s", name) ) // 1) always check returned value from I/O functions
// 2) no '&' before 'name' because
// arrays degrade to pointer to array when variable
// name is used
// 3) placed max size limit on format conversion string
// so input buffer 'name' cannot be overflowed
{ // then scanf failed
perror( "scanf failed for name" );
return(-1); // indicate error
// implied else, scanf successful
printf("Hello %s, nice to meet you\n",name);
return(0); // indicate success
} // end function: main
You are reading a "string", thus the correct way is:
scanf("%s", name);
Why does the compiler complain? When you provide an argument in scanf, you provide the memory location of the variable. For example:
int x;
scanf("%d", &x);
&x is int *, i.e., a pointer to an integer, so x will get the correct value.
When you read a string, you're actually reading many char variables together. To store them, you need a char * array; well, name is char * on its own, so no need to write &name. The latter is char **, i.e., a 2-dimensional array of char.
By the way, you also need to allocate space for the characters to read. Thus, you have to write char name[20] (or any other number). You also need to provide a return 0; in your int main().

The compiler shows a warning from this code [duplicate]

My compiler (clang) shows this message:
11:17:warning: format specifies type 'char *' but the argument has
type 'char (*)[0]' [-Wformat]
scanf("%s", &name);
~~ ^~~~~
1 warning generated.
from the following code (greetings program):
* Program: gretting2.c
* Utility: Display a greeting with your name.
* Author: Adrián Garro.
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
char name[0];
printf("Write your name: \n");
scanf("%s", &name);
printf("Hello %s, nice to meet you\n",name);
What is actually going on, and how can I fix it?
In order to understand this, you have to understand what scanf is doing. scanf in this case is reading a string from stdin, and placing it into a buffer that you give it. It does not allocate that space for you, or detect overflow. You need to allocate sufficient space for your string. As it stands now, you are allocating zero space for your string, so everything is an overflow. This is a major bug.
Say instead of char[0], you did char[40], as another user suggests.What if the user of your program writes more than 40 characters? This results in undefined behavior. Essentially, it will write to memory you don't want it to write to. It might cause a segfault, it might result in crucial memory getting overwritten, or it might happen to work. This is a weakness of scanf. Look into fgets. You tell it the size of your buffer, and input will be truncated to fit.
Of course, that has nothing to do with your warning. You're getting a warning because referring to the name of an array is the same as referring to a pointer to its first element, i.e. name <==> &(name[0]). Taking a pointer to this is like taking a pointer to a pointer, i.e. &name <==> &&(name[0]). Since scanf is looking for an argument of type char*, and it's getting a pointer to that, the type checker complains.
Your code exhibits "undefined behavior." This means anything could happen. Anything.
You are passing a zero-length array to scanf(). Also, you are not passing the array length in the format string. This results in a buffer overflow vulnerability (always, in the case of a zero-length target array).
You need something like this:
char name[51];
scanf("%50s", name);
Note the %50s now specifies the size of the target array (less one, to leave room for the null terminator!), which avoids buffer overflow. You still need to check the return value of scanf(), and whether the input name is actually too long (you wouldn't want to truncate the user's input without telling them).
If you're on Linux, check out the tool called valgrind. It is a runtime memory error detector (among other things), and can sometimes catch errors like this for you (and much less obvious ones, which is the main point). It's indispensable for many C programmers.
Just change this:
scanf("%s", &name);
scanf("%39s", name);
and this:
char name[0];
char name[40];
Also to you have to end it with a '\0' with:
name[39] = '\0';
Depending on how robust you want this to be you will want to reconsider the approach. I guess the first thing is whether you understand the type you are using when declaring char name[ 0 ]. this is a 'zero-sized' array of byte-sized characters. This is a confusing thing and it wouldn't surprise me if its behaviour differs across compilers...
The actual warning being complained by the compiler is that the type doesn't match. If you take the address of the first character in the array you can get rid of that (i.e. use &( name[ 0 ] ) in the scanf call). The address of name is its location on the stack - it just so happens that the array implementation uses that same location to store the array data, and name is treated differently by the compiler when used on its own so that the address of an array is the same as the address of its first element...
Using char name[ 0 ] leaves you open to causing memory corruption because there is nowhere for the string to be read, and implementation details may just luck out and allow this to work. One simple way to fix this is to replace 0 with a meaningful number which you take to the maximum length of the input string. Say 32 so that you have char name[ 32 ] instead... however this doesn't handle the case of an even longer string.
Since we live in a world of lots of memory and large stacks you can probably do char name[ 4096 ] and use 4KB of memory for the buffer and that will be absolutely fine for real world usage.
Now... if you want to be a little anal and handle pathological cases, like a user leaning on some keys whilst asleep for hours before pressing enter and adding some enormous 8000 character long string there are a few ways to handle that too with 'dynamic memory allocation', but that might be a bit beyond the scope of this answer.
As an aside, from what I understand char foo[ 0 ] is intentionally valid - it may have originated as a hack and has a confusing type, but is not uncommonly relied on for an old trick to create variable sized structs as described in this page from the GCC online docs
char name[0]; ---> char name[100];
/* You need to allocate some memory to store the name */
2.scanf("%s", &name);----> scanf("%s", name);
/* scanf takes char* as an argument so you need to pass string name only. */
i don't think that scanf("%(length - 1)s", name); is needed.
Because %s is used to reads a string. This will stop on the first whitespace character reached, or at the specified field width (e.g. "%39s"), whichever comes first.
except these don't tend to be used as often. You, of course, may use them as often as you wish!
* Program: gretting2.c
* Utility: Display a greeting with your name.
* Author: Adrián Garro.
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
char name[100];
printf("Write your name: \n");
scanf("%s", name);
printf("Hello %s, nice to meet you\n",name);
Because the correct way is
scanf("%s", name);
/* ^ no ampersand
and what is
char name[0];
you should specify a non-zero length and use it for scanf length specifier
scanf("%(length - 1)s", name);
/* ^ sunstitite with the value */
there were several problems with the OPs posted code
the following fixes most of them
I includd comments to indicate where the problems are
int main ()
//char name[0]; // this did not allow any room for the name
char name[100] = {'\0'}; // declare a 100 byte buffer and init to all '\0'
printf("Write your name:, max 99 char \n"); // 99 allows room for nul termination byte
//scanf("%s", &name); // this has no limit on length of input string so can overrun buffer
if( 1 == scanf("%99s", name) ) // 1) always check returned value from I/O functions
// 2) no '&' before 'name' because
// arrays degrade to pointer to array when variable
// name is used
// 3) placed max size limit on format conversion string
// so input buffer 'name' cannot be overflowed
{ // then scanf failed
perror( "scanf failed for name" );
return(-1); // indicate error
// implied else, scanf successful
printf("Hello %s, nice to meet you\n",name);
return(0); // indicate success
} // end function: main
You are reading a "string", thus the correct way is:
scanf("%s", name);
Why does the compiler complain? When you provide an argument in scanf, you provide the memory location of the variable. For example:
int x;
scanf("%d", &x);
&x is int *, i.e., a pointer to an integer, so x will get the correct value.
When you read a string, you're actually reading many char variables together. To store them, you need a char * array; well, name is char * on its own, so no need to write &name. The latter is char **, i.e., a 2-dimensional array of char.
By the way, you also need to allocate space for the characters to read. Thus, you have to write char name[20] (or any other number). You also need to provide a return 0; in your int main().

scanf() does not read input string when first string of earlier defined array of strings in null

I defined an array for strings. It works fine if I define it in such a way the first element is not an empty string. When its an empty string, the next scanf() for the other string stops reading the input string and program stops execution.
Now I don't understand how can defining the array of strings affect reading of input by scanf().
char *str_arr[] = {"","abc","","","b","c","","",""}; // if first element is "abc" instead of "" then works fine
int size = sizeof(str_arr)/sizeof(str_arr[0]);
int i;
printf("give string to be found %d\n",size);
char *str;
Actually, you are getting it wrong my brother. The initialization of str_arr doesn't affect the working of scanf() , it may however seem to you like that but it ain't actually. As described in other answers too this is called undefined behavior. An undefined behavior in C itself is very vaguely defined .
The C FAQ defines “undefined behavior” like this:
Anything at all can happen; the Standard imposes no requirements. The
program may fail to compile, or it may execute incorrectly (either
crashing or silently generating incorrect results), or it may
fortuitously do exactly what the programmer intended.
It basically means anything can happen. When you do it like this :
char *str;
Its an UB. Sometimes you get results which you are not supposed to and you think its working.That's where debuggers come in handy.Use them almost every time, especially in the beginning. Other recommendation w.r.t your program:
Instead of scanf() use fgets() to read strings. If you want to use scanf then use it like scanf("%ws",name); where name is character array and w is the field width.
Compile using -Wall option to get all the warnings, if you would have used it, you might have got the warning that you are using str uninitialized.
Go on reading THIS ARTICLE, it has sufficient information to clear your doubts.
Declaring a pointer does not allocate a buffer for it in memory and does not initialize it, so you are trying to dereference an uninitialized pointer (str) which results in an undefined behavior.
Note that scanf will cause a potential buffer overflow if not used carefully when reading strings. I recommend you read this page for some ideas on how to avoid it.
You are passing to scanf a pointer that is not initialized to anything particular, so scanf will try to write the characters provided by the user in some random memory location; whether this results in a crash or something else depends mostly by luck (and by how the compiler decides to set up the stack, that we may also see as "luck"). Technically, that's called "undefined behavior" - i.e. as far as the C standard is concerned, anything can happen.
To fix your problem, you have to pass to scanf a buffer big enough for the string you plan to receive:
char str[101];
scanf("%100s",str); /* the "100" bit tells to scanf to avoid reading more than 100 chars, which would result in a buffer overflow */
And remember that char * in C is not the equivalent of string in other languages - char * is just a pointer to char, that knows nothing about allocation.
