When react perform componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount - reactjs

I played with React for several years, still confused with mount/unmount mechanism in some case.
Since mount/unmount is the place to perform side effect, I do not want them to be invoked randomly. So I need to figure out how they work. As far as I can understand currently, when the virtual dom do not present in real dom, it tend to be unmounted. However, it seems not the whole story, and I can not reason it about
function TestMount(props) {
useEffect(() => {
console.log("componentDidMount", props.name);
return () => {
console.log("componentWillUnount", props.name);
}, []);
return <h1>Test content {" " + JSON.stringify(props.name)}</h1>;
function Update({ click }) {
return <button onClick={click}>Update</button>;
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const Component = name => <TestMount name={name} />;
return (
<div className="App">
<Component name="one" />
<Update click={() => setCount(x => x + 1)} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Component One is remount overtime the app render while Component two not?Why this happen?

Component is a new function each time App is rendered, so <Component name="one" /> is remounted each time too, they are considered different components.
The result of Component("two") call is <TestMount name={"two"} />, TestMount stays the same each time App is rendered, so it's not remounted.
Component is invalid component for what it's used for, to pass name string as name prop to TestMount component because name parameter is not a string but props object when Component is used like <Component name="one" />. name => <TestMount name={name} /> is render function, it's preferable to name it accordingly like renderTestMount for clarity because components aren't supposed to be called directly like Component("two").
In case a function is supposed be used as component or render function interchangeably, the signature should be changed to ({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />.
The expected behaviour could be achieved for <Component name="one" /> by memoizing Component:
const Component = useCallback(({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />, []);
But since Component doesn't depend on App scope, a correct way is to define it outside:
const Component = ({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />;
function App() {...}
For instance, this is the reason React Router Route has separate component and render props for a component and render function. This allows to prevent unnecessary remounts for route components that need to be defined dynamically in current scope.

The key to such issue is the difference between the React Component and React element, put shortly React is smart with element not Component
Component vs element
Component is the template used to create element using <> operation. In my prospective, <> is pretty much like new operator in OOP world.
How React perform update between renders
Every time the render method(or functional component) is invoked. The new element is created using <>, however, React is smart enough to tell the element created between renders are actually the same one, i.e. it had been created before and can be reused as long as the element is created by the same Component
How about different Component
However when the identity of the Component using to generate element changes(Even if the Components look same), React believes something new come though, so it remove(unmount) the previous element and add(mount) the new one. Thus componentDidMount or componentWillUnmount is invoked.
How is confusing
Think we got a Component and when we generate element using <Component /> react can tell the same elements because they are generated by the same Component
However, HOCComponent=()=><Component />; element= <HOCComponent />, every time element is generated, it used a different Component. it is actually a HOC constructed dynamically. Because the HOC is created dynamically inside render function, it can be confusing on the first glance.
Is that true
I never found any offical document about the idea above.However the code below is enough to prove
function TestMount(props) {
useEffect(() => {
console.log("componentDidMount", props.name);
return () => {
console.log("componentWillUnount", props.name);
}, []);
return <h1>Test content {" " + JSON.stringify(props.name)}</h1>;
function Update({ click }) {
return <button onClick={click}>Update</button>;
let _Component;
function cacheComponent(C) {
if (C && !_Component) {
_Component = C;
return _Component || null;
const CacheComponent2 = once(({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />, []);
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
// can be used as a HOC of TestMount or a plain function returnnung a react element
const Component = name => <TestMount name={name} />;
const CacheComponent1 = cacheComponent(Component);
const CacheComponent3 = useCallback(
({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />,
return (
<div className="App">
{/* used as HOC */}
<Component name="one" />
{/* used as function returnning the element */}
<CacheComponent1 name="three" />
<CacheComponent2 name="four" />
<CacheComponent3 name="five" />
<Update click={() => setCount(x => x + 1)} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Also the code above provide three different ways to avoid the undesired mount/unmount. All the solutions are cache the identity of the HOC somehow


Component Re-rendering issue

I am working on the project in React Typescript.
I have created hierarchy of components as per requirement.
In one scenario I have to pass data from child component to parent component and I am passing function as props and it works.
Issue :
When passing data to parent component child component gets re-render it looks like. Mean to say Dropdown selection is get reset and tree control expanded nodes get collapsed and set to the position as first time rendered.
I have used useState,useEffects hooks.
I have also tried React.memo as a part of my search on internet.
What I need :
I want to pass data to parent component from child without re-render the child component as there is no change in the props of child component.
Try this approach:
Add useCallback hook to memoize your function which lift data to <Parent />.
Then use React.memo for <Child /> to control prop changes and avoid unwanted re-renders.
I prepare an example for you here.
UPD. I have uploaded an example, you can copy it and see how it works!
Here is Child component:
const Child = ({ onChange }) => {
console.log("Child re-render");
return (
<div className="App">
<button onClick={() => onChange(Math.random())}>
Lift value to Parant
const areEqual = ({ onChange: prevOnChange }, { onChange }) => {
return prevOnChange === onChange; // if true => this will avoid render
export default React.memo(Child, areEqual);
And the Parent:
consn App = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
const onChange = useCallback((value) => setValue(String(value)), []);
console.log("Parant re-render");
return (
<div className="App">
<div>Value is: {value}</div>
<Child onChange={onChange} />
Best regards 🚀

React wrapper component (HOC) does not re-render child component when it's props are changing

My wrapper component has this signature
const withReplacement = <P extends object>(Component: React.ComponentType<P>) =>
(props: P & WithReplacementProps) => {...}
Btw, full example is here https://codepen.io/xitroff/pen/BaKQNed
It's getting original content from argument component's props
interface WithReplacementProps {
getContent(): string;
and then call setContent function on button click.
const { getContent, ...rest } = props;
const [ content, setContent ] = useState(getContent());
I expect that content will be replaced everywhere (1st and 2nd section below).
Here's the part of render function
return (
<h4>content from child</h4>
{...rest as P}
<h4>content from wrapper</h4>
Hello component is straightforward
and that's how wrapped is being made
const HelloWithReplacement = withReplacement(Hello);
But the problem is that content is being replaced only in 2nd part. 1st remains untouched.
In the main App component I also replace the content after 20 sec from loading.
const [ content, setContent ] = useState( 'original content');
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
setContent('...too late! replaced from main component');
}, 10000);
}, []);
...when I call my wrapped component like this
return (
<div className="App">
getContent={() => content}
And it also has the issue - 1st part is updating, 2nd part does not.
It looks like you are overriding the withReplacement internal state with the external state of the App
content={content} // Remove this to stop overriding it
getContent={() => content}
Anyway it looks weird to use two different states, it is better to manage your app state in only one place

Why do functional components wrapped in forwardRef receive null refs when I use the useContext hook?

I have a sidebarCart component basically a cart component and its is wrapped in forwardRef hook and contains useImperativeHandle to pass a function up to the parent which is App. Everything was working fine until I introduced the useContext hook and now the refs inside sidebarCart are becoming null, what is this weird behavior?
The refs I'm talking about are cartContainer and pageShdowCover
I discovered that when stop my nodejs server this problem disappears.
Here is the sidebarCart component.
import React ,{createRef,forwardRef,useImperativeHandle,useContext,useEffect}from 'react'
import CartItem from './CartItem'
import {MyContext} from '../../Context/ProductsProvider'
const SideBarCart=forwardRef((props,ref)=>{
const {setCart,cart} =useContext(MyContext)
const cartContainer = createRef()
const pageShdowCover = createRef()
const slideOut=e=>{
setTimeout(()=>pageShdowCover.current.style.display='none', 600);
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
return (
<div className="pageShdowCover" ref={pageShdowCover} ></div>
<div className="SideContainer cart" ref={cartContainer}>
<div className="cart__top">
<i className="far fa-times-circle Close" onClick={slideOut}></i>
<a onClick={slideOut}>x</a>
<div className="cart__body">
export default SideBarCart
I think that the useContext hook will result in children rerendering without the parent rerendering. Refs don't trigger rerenders when they are changed, so refs passed from the parent to children may be stale? (I think this is the answer - I may not be correct).
In summary (what worked for me): to solve the problem I was having, just store a ref in state to trigger re-renders when a ref changes.
My use-case is that I have a parent component with 4 children. One of these children is a header, that I would like the siblings to be able to 'inject' controls into when they are rendered using ReactDOM.createPortal
- Parent
- Header
- A
- B
- C
I found that if I just used a ref, that when the ref is assigned to the DOM the parent isn't rerendered, therefore components A, B, C are not rerendered so they do not know about the newly assigned ref.current value.
I.E. The following does NOT work
const Parent = () => {
const ref = useRef()
return (
<Header ref={el => { ref.current = el } />
<C ref={ref} />
<B ref={ref} />
<C ref={ref} />
// A, B, C have the same signature
const A = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
return (
{createPortal(<SomeComponent />, ref.current)}
<OtherComponent />
I found the solution to this in THIS answer on StackOverflow. I came to this question because A, B, and C are using useContext(...). Previously for me, when the state was created in Parent instead of using a context, the above code WAS working - probably because the parent was rerendering and leaving stale refs around or something (I think it was working 'accidentally'). i.e. the problem wasn't related to context, but rather how rerenders are triggered.
This code DOES work
const Parent = () => {
const [ref, setRef] = useState()
return (
<Header ref={el => { setRef(el) } />
<C ref={ref} />
<B ref={ref} />
<C ref={ref} />
// A, B, C have the same signature
const A = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
return (
{createPortal(<SomeComponent />, ref)}
<OtherComponent />

Add attribute inside HTML elements of a React component

Suppose I have a React component without the capability of changing its source code. This component, lets say <Demo /> renders a lot of <a> ...<a/> HTML elements. Is it possible to add an attribute inside those elements programmatically and how?
you could use a wrapper where you create a reference for the wrapper tag. with that you could query for specific elements and change its attributes accordingly:
const wrapperComponent = props => {
const myRef = React.createRef()
useEffect(() => {
myRef.current.querySelector("a").innerText = "got changed!"
}, [myRef])
return (
<div ref={myRef}>
<Component {...props} />

React useState hooks - Text input loses focus when typing if passing form through props

I have a re-usable component <Layout /> that allows me to pass in custom components into a content and sidebar property.
In one instance of this, I'm putting an input field into the content which is a controlled component and uses useState() to handle the data.
However, I'm finding that my keyboard is losing focus whenever I type into the input. It appears the entire form is re-rendering and I can't stop it from doing so.
It was fine when my code was all inline, but since refactoring it to use the <Layout /> component, it is having some strange effects.
I do not wish to use any extras libraries other than core React 16.x
I have tried using useCallback(), keys, names, ids, refs - all to no avail
I've moved the callback functions out of scope and passed values through as per this answer but the problem persists
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Layout({ content: Content, sidebar: Sidebar }) {
return (
<Content />
<Sidebar />
function Page() {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
return (
content={() => (
onChange={(event) => setValue(event.target.value)}
sidebar={() => (
<p>Lorem ipsum...</p>
export default Page;
Your problem is that you are defining anonymous functions and treating them as React components, which is fine for many cases, but here is causing React to lose its understanding of the underlying content within those functions. This means that even adding refs or keys to the input will do nothing, as the outer scope just sees a brand new function each time.
Consider for a second: instead of writing <Content />, you instead write <>{Content()}</>
This will get the same outcome, but shows that each time Layout is rendered it has an entirely different view of what its properties are, and thus renders the whole thing afresh each time. Because the input is being replaced quickly by a new but different input, the browser loses focus in the box. But it can also cause a tonne of other issues.
Instead, replace <Content /> with {content} and don't pass an anonymous function through- instead just pass the raw JSX as it is and it will no longer re-render the children.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Layout({ content, sidebar }) {
return (
function Page() {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
return (
onChange={(event) => setValue(event.target.value)}
<p>Lorem ipsum...</p>
export default Page;
The problem is that when Content is rendered as a react component inside Layout ,every-time Page re-renders, a new instance of content and sidebar functions are created, due to this react remounts the component as the function references are changed, because functions are recreated on every render inside react component and therefore the input focus is lost.
You can use content and sidebar components as render prop. A render prop is a function prop that a component uses to know what to render. Call the functions inside Layout to render Content and Sidebar.
function Layout({ content: Content, sidebar: Sidebar }) {
return (
function Page() {
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
return (
content={() => (
onChange={event => setValue(event.target.value)}
sidebar={() => <p>Lorem ipsum...</p>}
