Modal is closed when cursor is released outside the modal after Chrome update (angularjs and bootstrap-ui) - angularjs

Sometimes when I want to quickly select the entire text of an input (within a modal), I begin selecting from the end of the text and move the mouse to the left until the entire text is selected and then I release.
Sometimes this release will occur outside the modal because the mouse movement is fast.
Picture describing the movement:
The problem is that the modal is closed when I release outside.
Question: how can I prevent the modal from closing when releasing outside?
I'm okay with the modal being closed with a click outside. But not okay with the release event.
I'm using:
angularjs 1.5.8
angular-bootstrap 2.5.0 (aka bootstrap-ui)
bootstrap 3.3.7 (only css!!! not js, because js is provided by the above)
I've created a plunkr and a GIF:
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="">Foo</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" ng-model="foo">
<p>Do this: select the text from right to left and release the mouse outside the modal.</p>
Update 2
I have new information! This started happening after the last Goole Chrome update! I tried with another computer that had the previous version of Chrome and the modal doesn't close.

//prevent modal close when click starts in modal and ends on backdrop
$(document).on('mousedown', '.modal', function(e){
window.clickStartedInModal = $('.modal-dialog *');
$(document).on('mouseup', '.modal', function(e){
if(!$('.modal-dialog *') && window.clickStartedInModal) {
window.preventModalClose = true;
$("#modal").on("", function (e) {
window.preventModalClose = false;
return false;

The original repository has been archived and no contributions are accepted.
I forked a version and added my fixes for those who are interested:
The comparison below:
= // moved from template to fix issue #2280
- element.on('click', scope.close);
+ var ignoreClick = false;
+ element.on('mousedown', function(evt1) {
+'mouseup', function(evt2) {
+ if ( !==
+ ignoreClick = true;
+ });
+ });
+ element.on('click', function(){
+ if (ignoreClick) ignoreClick = false;
+ else scope.close.apply(this, arguments);
+ });
As mousedown and mouseup events trigger before click event, the code checks if mousedown and mouseup are on the same element. If on different elements, it sets ignoreClick=true for the click event to not trigger.
Maintains backward compatibility for click event for existing codes that calls programmatically.
Original problem:
Solution by me: (plkr, modal.js, line 103-114)

I updated only the code referring to "Modal.js" in bootstrap.js and bootstrap.min.js
Corrected version:
* Bootstrap: modal.js v3.4.1
bootstrap.js print

Yes, this started happening again after the last Goole Chrome update Version 74.0.3729.169, is this a bug with Chrome we can't fix and that we'll just have to wait for a Chrome update for it to be resolved?
or a bootstrap maintainer will update the code for fixing this?
Issue url:

This problem is not recent is already mentioned on github
the following solution works very well with small improvements if necessary.
$rootScope.$watch(() => document.querySelectorAll('.modal').length, val => {
//everytime the number of modals changes
for (let modal of document.querySelectorAll('.modal')) {
if ($uibModalStack.getTop().value.backdrop !== 'static') { // Testing if the
modal is supposed to be static before attaching the event
modal.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
if (e.which === 1) {
modal.querySelector('.modal-content').addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
if (val > 0) {
$uibModalStack.getTop().value.backdrop = 'static'
Another solution on the same principle that keeps the draggrable footer and header of the modal
$rootScope.$watch(function () {
return $document.find('.modal').length;
}, function (val) {
if( ) {
var modal = $document.find('.modal');
angular.forEach(modal, function(value) {
if ($modalStack.getTop().value.backdrop !== 'static') {
value.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
if (value === && e.which === 1 && {
if (val>0) {
$modalStack.getTop().value.backdrop = 'static';

I'm using Bootstrap v3.0.0 and ran into the same problem. In the end, I had to change a click event to a mousedown event.
In my bootstrap.js file, under the modal.js section, I changed this.$element.on('click.dismiss.modal', $.proxy(function (e) to this.$element.on('mousedown.dismiss.modal', $.proxy(function (e). and everything appears to be working. You may also have to change this in the bootstrap.min.js file.
Note, this will immediately close the modal on mouse down of backdrop so if for some reason you want a user to be able to click down on the backdrop, then drag the mouse and release on the modal, this will not work.

Have you tried using backdrop: 'static'. I think that should do the trick. It is present in the documentation here

Add css padding around modal window and resize it larger. Click outside still works but releasing mouse while dragging over the edge won't close it.

I had a similar situation with range slider. leaving click during slide outside the modal closes it. so I removed data-toggle="modal" and data-target="#mymodal" and added a click event with extra parameters
backdrop: 'static',
keyboard: false
backdrop to disable modal close on clicking outside
keyboard this is for my scenario, to disable keyboard entry for closing modal

I have figured out different way to solve the problem, idk if it will cause a problem later but anyway it works, so basically, I put modal-dialog to another <div> object (I call it modal-helper) and then put it to modal. The modal-helper element width and height are inherited (100%) as default but there is small space on top so you can use some margin and padding to close it.
<div class="modal fade" id="login-modal" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="loginModalLabel" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true">
<div id="modal-helper" style="pointer-events: auto;">
<div class="modal-dialog">
Then I have used some JS to hide modal when modal-helper (as backdrop) is clicked (by the 'clicked' I mean when pointerup event triggered after pointerdown event on modal-helper).
The code below sets the value of isPointerDownToModalHelper true when pointerdown event triggered on modal-helper, then when the pointerup event triggered on any object it hides the modal and sets the value of isPointerDownToModalHelper back to false:
var login_modal_helper = document.getElementById('modal-helper')
var isPointerDownToModalHelper = false;
addEventListener('pointerdown', (event) => {
var objectID = event['path']['0']['id'];
if (objectID === { // if pointer was over modal-helper
isPointerDownToModalHelper = true;
addEventListener('pointerup', (event) => {
if (isPointerDownToModalHelper === true) {
isPointerDownToModalHelper = false;
$('#login-modal').modal('hide'); // hide the modal
It seems to work fine for now, I hope it can help someone :).


how to toggle medium editor option on click using angularjs

I am trying to toggle the medium editor option (disableEditing) on button click. On the click the value for the medium editor option is changed but the medium editor does not use 'updated' value.
AngularJS Controller
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.isDisableEdit = false;
Html Template
<div ng-app='myApp' ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<span class='position-left' medium-editor ng-model='editModel' bind-options="{'disableEditing': isDisableEdit, 'placeholder': {'text': 'type here'}}"></span>
<button class='position-right' ng-click='isDisableEdit = !isDisableEdit'>
Click to Toggle Editing
<span class='position-right'>
toggle value - {{isDisableEdit}}
I have created a jsfiddle demo.
I think initialising medium editor on 'click' could solve the issue, but i am not sure how to do that either.
using thijsw angular medium editor and yabwe medium editor
For this specific use case, you could try just disabling/enabling the editor when the button is clicked:
var editor = new MediumEditor(iElement);
function onClick(event) {
if (editor.isActive) {
} else {
In the above example, the onClick function is a handler for that toggle button you defined.
If you're just trying to enable/disable the user's ability to edit, I think those helpers should work for you.
MediumEditor does not currently support changing configuration options on an already existing instance. So, if you were actually trying to change a value for a MediumEditor option (ie disableEditing) you would need to .destroy() the previous instance, and create a new instance of the editor:
var editor = new MediumEditor(iElement),
editingAllowed = true;
function onClick(event) {
if (editingAllowed) {
editor = new MediumEditor(iElement, { disableEditing: true });
} else {
editor = new MediumEditor(iElement);
editingAllowed = !editingAllowed;
Once instantiated, you can use .setup() and .destroy() helper methods to tear-down and re-initialize the editor respectively. However, you cannot pass new options unless you create a new instance of the editor itself.
One last note, you were calling the init() method above. This method is not officially supported or documented and it may be going away in future releases, so I would definitely avoid calling that method if you can.
Or you could just use this dirty hack : duplicate the medium-editor element (one with disableEditing enabled, the other with disableEditing disabled), and show only one at a time with ng-show / ng-hide :)
<span ng-show='isDisableEdit' class='position-left' medium-editor ng-model='editModel' bind-options="{'disableEditing': true ,'disableReturn': isDisableEdit, 'placeholder': {'text': 'type here'}}"></span>
<span ng-hide='isDisableEdit' class='position-left' medium-editor ng-model='editModel' bind-options="{'disableEditing':false ,'disableReturn': isDisableEdit, 'placeholder': {'text': 'type here'}}"></span>
You can see jsfiddle.

Changing list-item css class using ng-class when mousing over Leaflet Map Markers

I've got a doozy of an ng-class problem.
So I have an app with a map/markers on the right and a list-item menu on the left with info about the markers (like Yelp or Foursquare).
With some of my beginner hacking, I got the hover events to sort of work:
But it's odd, the list-item (pink background on hover) only works when I mouseout of the marker. I'm trying to set it up so that when you mouse over the marker, the appropriate list-item's background changes and when you mouseout, it goes back to white. Most of the other ng-class examples/questions I read through seem to work quite differently (they're going for a different functionality).
Ok, to the code:
<div class="col-md-6" id="leftCol">
<div class="list-group" ng-controller="ShowsCtrl">
<div class="nav nav-stacked list-group-item" id="sidebar" ng-repeat="(key, show) in shows.features" ng-mouseover="menuMouse(show)" ng-mouseout="menuMouseout(show)" ng-class="{hover: $index == hoveritem}">
The key part there is the ng-class="{hover: $index == hoveritem}"
Now I'll show you where hoveritem comes from
$scope.hoveritem = {};
function pointMouseover(leafletEvent) {
var layer =;
$scope.hoveritem =;
function pointMouseout(leafletEvent) {
var layer =;
$scope.menuMouse = function(show){
var layer = layers[];
$scope.menuMouseout = function(show){
var layer = layers[];
// Get the countries geojson data from a JSON
$http.get('/json/shows.geojson').success(function (data, status) {
angular.extend($scope, {
geojson: {
data: data,
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
mouseover: pointMouseover,
mouseout: pointMouseout
layers[] = layer;
So mousing over a marker
mouseover: pointMouseover,
mouseout: pointMouseout
fires the appropriate functions which then changes the icon colors.
I connected the; to $scope.hoveritem so that my HTML can then use that as the index c. When you mouseover a marker, it then feeds the marker id through to $scope.hoveritem which then it turn goes into the $index part of the HTML, thus changing it's CSS class.
But something is awry. It only changes to the correct list item on mouseout instead of mouseover. Furthermore, I can't figure out to get it to return to the default white state. None of the list items should look active if the mouse is not on a marker.
Any ideas or hints on this would be very appreciated.
The reason for the delay in the mouseover effects was because of the angular $apply digest cycle. Angular basically wasn't aware of the changes to hoveritem. Wrapping it with $scope.$apply did the trick:
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.hoveritem =;

Why is my click event called twice in jquery?

Why is my click event fired twice in jquery?
<ul class=submenu>
<li><label for=toggle><input id=toggle type=checkbox checked>Show</label></li>
$("ul.submenu li:contains('Show')").on("click", function(e) {
if ($(this).find("[type=checkbox]").is(":checked")) console.log("Show");
else console.log("Hide");
This is what I get in console:
toggle menu.js:39
Show menu.js:40
toggle menu.js:39
Hide menu.js:41
> $("ul.submenu li:contains('Show')")
[<li>​ ]
<label for=​"toggle">​
<input id=​"toggle" type=​"checkbox" checked>​
If I remember correctly, I've seen this behavior on at least some browsers, where clicking the label both triggers a click on the label and on the input.
So if you ignore the events where is "LABEL", you'll just get the one event. At least, that's what I get in my tests:
Example with both events | Source
Example filtering out the = "LABEL" ones | Source
I recommend you use the change event on the input[type="checkbox"] which will only be triggered once. So as a solution to the above problem you might do the following:
$("#toggle").on("change", function(e) {
if ($(this).is(":checked"))
console.log("toggle: Show");
console.log("toggle: Hide");
The vanilla JS version using querySelector which isn't compatible with older versions of IE:
console.log('toggle: Show');
console.log('toggle: Hide');
This behavior occurs when the input tag is structured within the label tag:
<label for="toggle"><input id="toggle" type="checkbox" checked>Show</label>
If the input checkbox is placed outside label, with the use of the id and for attributes, the multiple firing of the click event will not occur:
<label for="toggle">Show</label>
<input id="toggle" type="checkbox" checked>
I found that when I had the click (or change) event defined in a location in the code that was called multiple times, this issue occurred. Move definition to click event to document ready and you should be all set.
Not sure why this wasn't mentioned. But if:
You don't want to move the input outside of the label (possibly because you don't want to alter the HTML).
Checking by or even doesn't work for
you because you have other elements inside the label
(in my case it had spans holding an SVG with a path so sometimes showed SVG and other times it showed PATH).
You want the click handler to stay on the li (possibly because you have
other items in the li besides the checkbox).
Then this should do the trick nicely.
$('label').on('click', function(e) {
$('#toggle').on('click', function(e) {
Then you can write your own li click handler without worrying about events being triggered twice. Personally, I prefer to use a data-selected attribute that changes from false to true and vice versa each time the li is clicked instead of relying on the input's value:
$('ul.submenu li').on('click', function() {
let _li = $(this),
ticked = _li.attr('data-selected');
ticked = (ticked === 'false') ? true : false;
_li.attr('data-selected', ticked);
_li.find('#toggle').prop('checked', ticked);

Twitter Bootstrap Popover/Tooltip Bug with Mobile?

I am working with Twitter Bootstrap and ran into something I could not fix when testing on iPad and iPhone. On mobile (at least those devices) you need to click to engage the tip or popover (as expected). The issue is that you can never close it once you do. I added a listener to close it if you click it again, but I find it hard to believe that the default behavior would not be to click to remove it. Is this a bug in Bootstrap popover and tooltip?? My code is below - it seems to work, but ONLY if you click the same item that created the tip or popover - not anywhere on the page (could not get that to work).
Code to fire:
$(function () {
//Remove the title bar (adjust the template)
offset: 10,
animate: false,
html: true,
placement: 'top',
template: '<div class="popover"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-inner"><div class="popover-content"><p></p></div></div></div>'
//<h3 class="popover-title"></h3>
//Need to have this click check since the tooltip will not close on mobile
}).click(function(e) {
jQuery(document).one("click", function() {
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="Example" rel="popover" data-content="This is the Data Content" data-original-title="This is the title (hidden in this example)">
Thanks in advance!
I tried dozens of solutions posted to stackoverflow and other various corners of the web, and the following is the only one that worked for me!
As noted here, you can a CSS-directive the element in order to make it touch-device-clickable. I can't tell you why that works or what's going on there, but that seems to be the case. So, I want to make the entire document aka body clickable on mobile devices, which will allow me to touch anywhere to dismiss the popover.
Popover JS
$(function () {
$('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({ trigger: "hover"}})
1. Install Modernizr
I'm using rails, so I used the gem.
gem 'modernizr-rails'
2. Create a touch class with a css-directive
Add the following to your CSS:
.touch {
cursor: pointer
3. On touch devices only, add the touch class to the body
If you want other elements to be clickable, instead of the entire body, add the touch class to them.
if (Modernizr.touch) {
$( "body" ).addClass( "touch" );
That's it! Now, you can use your popover normally on desktop (even with hover-trigger) and it will be touch-dismissible on mobile.
I had the same problem with my IPad. But in browser it works fine. Solution for me was adding listeners for all possible element that i can hide tooltip:
$('*').bind('touchend', function(e){
if ($('rel') !== 'tooltip' && ($('').length > 0)){
} else {
Yes, it's small overhead to send event for all tooltips, but you can't define which element tooltip is showing.
Main concept is that make popover manually on mobile device
$(document).ready(function() {
if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
'trigger': 'manual'
Refer following code snippet to get it works:
$('body').on('click', function (e) {
$('[data-toggle="popover"]').each(function () {
//the 'is' for buttons that trigger popups
//the 'has' for icons within a button that triggers a popup
if (!$(this).is( && $(this).has( === 0 && $('.popover').has( === 0) {
This is the easiest way of detecting clicks on the body and close all the tooltips on the page.
You can check the live example here
Solution on this jsfiddle,
test on iOS (iPad and iPhone), Android and Windows.
var toolOptions;
var toolOptions2;
var isOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform);
var isAndroid = /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
///////////////////////////////////////// if OS
if (isOS){
toolOptions = {
animation: false,
$('.customtooltip').css( 'cursor', 'pointer' );
$('body').on("touchstart", function(e){
$(".customtooltip").each(function () {
// hide any open tooltips when the anywhere else in the body is clicked
if (!$(this).is( && $(this).has( === 0 && $('.tooltip').has( === 0) {
}////end if
///////////////////////////////////////// if Android
} else if(isAndroid){
toolOptions = {
animation: false,
toolOptions2 = {
animation: false,
///////////////////////////////////////// if another system
} else {
toolOptions = {
animation: true,
}//end if system
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Sys: "+navigator.platform+" - isOS: "+isOS+" - isAndroid: "+isAndroid;
first tooltip
Second tooltip
third tooltip
<p id="demo"></p>
Bootstap-tooltip v3.3.7
Actual: tooltip on hover doesn't work with touch devices in our project
Solution: Subscribe to tooltip's show event and call mouseenter
$body = $('body');
$body.tooltip({selector: '.js-tooltip'});
// fix for touch device.
if (Modernizr.touch) { // to detect you can use
var hideTooltip = function(e) {
tooltipClicked = !!$('.tooltip').length;
if (tooltipClicked) { return; }
var emulateClickOnTooltip = function(e) {
tooltipsVisible = !!$('').length;
if (tooltipsVisible) { return; }
var onTooltipShow = function(e) {
tooltipClicked = !!$('.tooltip').length;
if (tooltipClicked) { return; }
$body.on('touchend', hideTooltip);
var onTooltipHide = function() {
$'touchend', hideTooltip);
.on('touchend', '.js-tooltip', emulateClickOnTooltip)
.on('', onTooltipShow)
.on('', onTooltipHide);

ExtJS/Script# - Adding a double-click event to a button

Creating a calculator-like dialog, I noticed that quickly clicking on a button in IE will not fire the click event twice (Chrome/FF work as expected), but rather throws the click event, then a double-click event. Experimenting with some simple code, I essentially want to duplicate this behavior:
<script language=javascript>
function minus(num)
var i = document.getElementById('0001');
if (i.value > 1)
i.value -= num;
return true;
<input type="button" onclick="minus(1);" ondblclick="minus(1);" value="minus">
<input type="text" id="0001" name="0001" value=10>
I need to do this in ExtJS 3.1, but my efforts have been stymied. Here is the code I have tried:
Button btn = new Ext.Button(new ButtonConfig()
btn.addListener("mouseenter", new EventHandler(mouseHandler));
btn.addListener("mouseover", new EventHandler(mouseHandler));
btn.addListener("mouseout", new EventHandler(mouseLeave));
if (Ext.isIE)
//btn.on("dblclick", new EventHandler(DoubleClick));
//btn.addListener("dblclick", new EventHandler(DoubleClick));
//btn.addListener("ondblclick", new EventHandler(DoubleClick));
None of those three lines seemed to work. Any suggestions?
try the following after the button is rendered:
btn.el.on("dblclick", new EventHandler(DoubleClick));
Ext.Button itself hasn't the "dblclick" event (check the api) while its underlying el(Ext.Element) has.
Complete Sample:
new Ext.Button({id:'btn', text:'dblclick', renderTo:Ext.getBody() });
Ext.getCmp('btn').el.on('dblclick', function(){alert('db click');});
Mr. Zhu led me to the correct answer:
Events.AddEvent(_zeroBtn.getEl().dom, "dblclick", DoubleClickZero);
