I don't see the Viewport data neither from a Show or a Spot... (context.Viewport) What happened?
There used to be a section to describe the display capabilites, like this from a Spot:
"Viewport": {
"currentPixelHeight": 480,
"currentPixelWidth": 480,
"dpi": 160,
"experiences": [
"arcMinuteHeight": 144,
"arcMinuteWidth": 144,
"canResize": false,
"canRotate": false
"keyboard": [],
"pixelHeight": 480,
"pixelWidth": 480,
"shape": "ROUND",
"touch": [
Ok. Scratch that. It magically came back. Looks like Amazon is reading Stack Overflow.
I have been scouring documentation for days looking for a way to get the display characteristics. This post gave me a tiny clue, thank you very much. I finally found out how to get them with this. I know it seems a simple task to get the variable but I'm just beginning and the documentation isn't that friendly (or I was looking in the wrong places). So if one prints event['context']['Viewport'] then one can get the display characteristics when the test skill is run.
Here's my example for getting the screen width:
def get_display_width(event):
width = event['context']['Viewport']['currentPixelWidth']
width = 1
if width < 481:
return 1 #small hub round 480 x 480
elif width < 962:
return 2 #small hub 960 x 480
elif width < 1026:
return 3 #medium hub 1024 x 600
return 4 #large hubs and tv's
New to highcharts - I've got a chart that I have markers disabled on series
plotOptions: {
series: {
marker: {
enabled: false
which is great for the drawing of the lines, but, when I hover over the chart the markers are there. this is good, however, I do not want the marker to be present if the y value on the xAxis is 0 (empty) but I do want them when the y value on the xAxis is greater than one.
I was able to do this before by just setting the y value to null, disabling hover for that series, but the nulls present on this series - drawn as a stacked areaspline graph causes the spline to get drawn improperly (no spline, jagged edges when using the connectNulls: true option in series.
So how do I, and/or can I, conditionally disable a marker on hover based on the y value on an xAxis?
I have been looking at wrapping highcharts prototypes, which I am already doing to control some crosshair behavior drawCrosshair(): https://www.highcharts.com/docs/extending-highcharts/extending-highcharts but I can't seem to find anything that controls the drawing of the markers at that level
A very static approach to this is simply addressing each point with Y-value of 0. Then you could disable the hover-marker for each of these. One such point would look like this (JSFiddle demo):
And used in a series:
series: [{
marker: {
enabled: false
data: [3, {y:0, marker:{states:{hover:{enabled:false}}}}, 3, 5, 1, 2, 12]
As you can see, it's not pretty, but might help those who need an ad-hoc solution.
A dynamic approach to this is intercepting the setState-function of the Point.
For example, wrapping it and preventing the handling if the y-value is 0:
(function (H) {
H.wrap(H.Point.prototype, 'setState', function (proceed, state, move) {
if(this.y === 0) return;
proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
See this JSFiddle demonstration of it in action.
i am working on d3 charts with react and new on both react and d3. The issue i am trying to solve is;
I have a line chart and i have useInteractiveGuideline enabled, so when i hover over the graph, i can see what my value is on that point(with a circle on the line). The problem is; for the y axis values that are close to min or max grid lines, the data point is cropped just from the edge domain values and becomes an half circle.
line chart with cropped data points
I need some sort of padding to see the whole point on edges.
Is there any way to do that other than changing the domain values? I don't wanna change the domain values since my data is dynamic and can reach to very big numbers, so it may not be stable.
nv.addGraph(() => {
let chart = nv.models.lineChart()
.margin({ "top": 20, "right": 20, "bottom": 20, "left": 20 })
.yDomain([0, max])
.tickFormat((d) => {
return ticks[d]
chart.yAxis.tickFormat((d) => {
return d;
return chart;
I've added below line and issue is solved
In Case 4 of this page, the query searches for all chairs less than 70 units in height:
curl localhost:9200/example/product/_search -d '{
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match": {
"name": "chair"
"filter": {
"numeric_range": {
"size.height": {
"lt": 70
"hits": [
"_id": "0",
"_source": {
"product": "chair",
"size": [
"width": 50,
"height": 50,
"depth": 50
"width": 75,
"height": 75,
"depth": 75
1) why is the ID 0 for both chair sizes?
2) why does the response show dimensions for the other chair that is 75 units in height?
1) The writer wanted to show 1 to N relation. Meaning there are 2 (In this case) types of chairs in his repository: A chair with dimensions of 50 and a chair with dimensions of 75. But both of them are still chairs and the id of a chair is 0.
2) Because by default ES doesn't return partial results, it returns documents. In our case we have a chair document with a size array which holds 2 objects: One for the 50 dimension and one for the 75 dimension. The supplied query can either select the whole document or not.
If you want to convert the query to English you may say: Bring me all the documents which have the value "chair" in the product field and at least one of its size.height values is lower than 70.
Even though the writer of the article is knowledgeable, I must say I don't like this kind of articles that trying to draw a direct flow between the SQL world to NOSQL implementation. If it was so easy, some big company would have write an automatic script that converts your SQL schemas to various NOSQL formats. In order to model your data correctly in NOSQL you must understand your products, understand the factors that should influence on your decision, understand the use case and the data. There is no one universal solution that will tell you: If you did it this way in a RDBMS do it like this in ES.
I am using Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D and Microsoft.DirectX to render some data in 3D.
Now, I would like to draw text to indicate the height value inside the space. As shown the picture below:
Now I am facing two main problems:
Problem 1: As you can see, the draw text is set upside down. What can I do to make it to be show correctly?
Problem 2: I am getting Direct3DXException error when I tried to rotate the screen. The error message as per below:
Below is my code for DrawText() using Sprite class
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D Device = new Device(0, DeviceType.Hardware, this.panel1,
CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, presentationParameters);
private void Render()
device.SetTexture(0, null);
private void DrawText()
Sprite fontsprite = new Sprite(device);
fontsprite.Begin(SpriteFlags.AlphaBlend | SpriteFlags.ObjectSpace);
_font = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font(device, 10, 10, FontWeight.Bold, 1, false, CharacterSet.Ansi, Precision.Default, FontQuality.ClearType, PitchAndFamily.DefaultPitch, "face1");
_font.DrawText(fontsprite, "1.5 Km", 120, 15, Color.Black);
_font.DrawText(fontsprite, "2.5 Km", 120, 25, Color.Black);
_font.DrawText(fontsprite, "3.5 Km", 120, 35, Color.Black);
fontsprite.Transform.Translate(120, 100, 100);
Need some help on resolving problem 1 and problem 2. Thank you.
Update: Problem 1 has been solved by myself. Now left problem 2 only.
Code to solve problem 1:
fontsprite.Transform = Matrix.RotationZ((float)Math.PI);
fontsprite.Transform *= Matrix.Translation(heightBoxSize, heightValue, heightBoxSize);
fontsprite.Transform.Translate(100, 100, 100);
I think it is because high memory consumption because you are creating new Sprite in every frame. (and 60 frames for each second?)
This problem happened where, rotating the screen using the mouse event, it will constantly update the result of device in frontsprite.
Therefore I suggest you to move part of the codes out.
Move the declaration part to global and then move initialization to Initialization() part.
Also move the fontsprite.End() to the Final() part.
I hopes that help.
Feeling I had not enough control over the chart if I had used a grouped column chart, I made my own version by just adding different series to the chart. After all the store, the number of series, their colors and such all need to be set dynamically and not hard coded. So basically this is what I have:
chart = Ext.create("Ext.chart.Chart", {
store: dataStore,
axes: dynamicAxes,
series: series
I leave out the not interesting stuff such as width, height of the chart etc.
now I have a method whichs returns a series object. This is added to the series array mentioned in the code above. The function has a "item" object parameter and also an idx param which is the index of the item object from the array it comes from, and a max param which is the size of the item array
the function returns something like this:
var w = (typeof (max) !== "undefined" && max !== null) ? this._getWidthByMax(max) : 30;
return {
type: "column",
axis = "left",
xField = "timestamp",
yField = item.id, // store field name equals the id of the item object
style = { stroke: colorCode, "stroke-width": (item.isDefault) ? 2 : 1, fill: colorCode },
width = w,
renderer = function (sprite, rec, attr, bix) {
var nx = idx * w;
return Ext.apply(attr, { translation: { x: nx} });
now this works fine for the number of columns I want to have. That can be one, two, three... up to seven currently.
However, if I want to hide a series, the following call doesn't work:
while it does work if I render my chart as a line chart.
is this a bug in Ext-js 4 or is it because of how I rendered the series for my column chart?
since nobody has replied to my question and I have found a solution in the meantime, I might as well answer my own question...
the problem occurred in Ext Js 4.0.7.
With version 4.1 RC 2 the hideAll behaved correctly.
So the solution, for anyone who would have the same problem, is to upgrade to 4.1 RC 2 or newer.