whats the best platform to build a static websites with localization - static

I have a requirement where in the application is static but need localisation .
Can someone suggest what should be right framework to build this. Just HTML/Jquery or any JS frameworks like next.js or something else

I think you can build using Rails as there are lot of cms plugins are available.
Try this https://github.com/locomotivecms/engine

Here are some options for you:


Micro Frontend Architecture in React Native Application

I am creating a react-native application, And the application having many module like
Login Module
Product etc.
So I want to follow Micro Frontend Architecture for each module. I have searched on internet but did not find anything. So I want to know is it possible to achieve Micro Frontend Architecture for React-Native application. If yes then How ?
You can use Re.Pack, which is Webpack toolkit for React Native. Since v3 it provides its own ModuleFederationPlugin, which allows you to set up Module Federation (MF) architecture of building micro-frontends.
Example MF app can be found here: https://github.com/callstack/repack-examples/tree/main/module-federation. It covers a basic example of 2 mini-apps loaded dynamically from a "host" app.
There are no proper solutions for RN Micro-frontend so far.
there are a few libraries that may help you to achieve this.
React Native Wix
But these are not recommended
kindly go through this link so you will be more clear about your question.
Microfrontends are concept originating from Web apps world. Achieving the same paradigm on mobile/React Native is possible, e.g. by using Re.Pack, but requires a quite complex setup. On the other hand, using Re.Pack will give you more app superpowers, like dynamically loading bundle splits from Internet.
As a simpler alternative, I would suggest setting up a monorepo containing separate NPM packages for each of the modules. This way you can achieve code separation more natural for mobile apps paradigm.

How to use Adobe's React Web Component tool in AEM Maven project

I'm unable to figure out how to use #adobe/react-webcomponent in an AEM Maven multi-module project.
I have tried a similar tool which has a sample project, and it works, but I would much rather use Adobe's instead.
Currently I can not find much documentation on this tool other than the github page and cannot find any sample project at all that demonstrates how it is used.
An ideal resolution would be a working sample AEM Maven multi-module project that shows how to properly use #adobe/react-webcomponent to have React components available in AEM site editor. Thanks in advance for any help!
I don't have exactly what you're looking for, but I did some work with that in this branch of another Adobe project. It's about using a web-component to render a search box and a search results component written in React.

Hosting an existing Angular website

I am working on a website for a family friend. It's a fairly simple Angular SPA with 3 'pages'. When I'm done, I plan to bundle it into an html, css, and js file. In addition, I own the domain that I'd like to use through google domains.
Currently, I am trying to find a hosting service that will let me upload my 3 files (html, js, & css) and just host it. However, I haven't found any services that let me do that other than AWS. So far, I've tried weebly and squarespace and they make me use their templates and GUI to build the website. If I needed, I could just use their templates. However, I'd prefer to bbuild it from scratch so I can practice my Angular and Node Skills.
Any suggestions for website hosting services that let me upload the html, css, and js files of a website I've already built?
Thank you.
You can do so with any website that supports FTP. If you are looking for something really simple, see:
Amazon, recently launched a service just for this purpose. See:
Best place to do it : https://pages.github.com/
You can link your domain to gihtub's IP.
If you feel gh-pages are tought. Try others like https://www.hostinger.in/, https://www.hostinger.com/ , https://in.000webhost.com/

What would be the best approach to integrate a legacy Drupal backend with Ionic?

I am trying to separate the UI layer for a legacy CMS app from Drupal. The immediate solution that comes to mind is to build a RESTful service layer on top of the Drupal architecture for the front end to consume. However, this is going to be a time consuming effort. So, I'm wondering if there's a smarter way to do it? I know we can define the JSON formats and write controllers to deliver it to the front end, but if we would like to avoid coding so much, what options would I have?
Are there any plugins I could use?
You can do this in a smarter way by using a set of drupal contrib modules.
While using these modules you will have ample options for Response formatters like json,xml,jsonp etc
Download drupal modules:
This link is helpful for you figuring out the intial steps for integrating these modules with your website.

how to package Backbone artifacts and what are best technologies for hosting them?

I am starting on Backbone.js and I am looking into ways I can modularize features into some kind of plugin/package/lib that could be reused by importing into html page with 'script' tag. What are you using for packaging Backbonejs artifacts? How do you version them? and where do you host these packages?
so far, I am thinking to use gradle to compile views, modules, collections and routes into one js file. has anyone gone this route?
Thank you
You might want to take a look at requirejs (http://requirejs.org/)
