How to fix pagination reset issue in react-table? - reactjs

I am working for a feature where i have to apply a filter outside the component which is using react-table, but the current page number doesn't get reset after the filter is being applied. The result being fetched (have applied server-side pagination) shows the first page's data.
I have tried to use the callback onFetchData to change the current page number but it does'nt get triggered when the filter from outside the component is applied.
render() {
const { orders, onUpdate } = this.props;
const defaultPageSize = 50;
return (
<div className="admin-report-table">
pages={Math.ceil(orders.count / defaultPageSize)}
className="-striped -highlight"
noDataText="No orders found. Please check your connection or change your filters."
manual // informs React Table that you'll be handling sorting and pagination server-side
onFetchData={(state) => {
const { page, pageSize, filtered, sorted } = state;
const adjustedPage = page + 1; // since library page starts from 0
page: adjustedPage,
The Page number should be reset to 1 e.g. current display is Page 2 of 3, after the filter from outside the table is applied, the result is fetched and shown but the Page 2 of 3 doesn't change while the result in the table is of page 1.

Set autoResetPage: false
its gonna avoid rendering all the time.

I had the same issue in my react table, in the solution for that, in the componentWillReceiveProps method I update the page props of the react-table and set it to the "0" when react-table gets new filtered data (Props changed ), its work for me fine, so in your code just set page props as 0 when your table get new data from the parent
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Readonly<IProps>): void {
if ( !== && > 0) {
selectedPageNumber : 0

This issue could be solved by the hacky solution found here: TroyWolf's solution.
And read the whole post there - it may be that your current case is in another comment. If the post will be removed somehow I post it here:
store a reference to the ReactTable's instance. It works to directly update = 0

With similar use cases, I have found its best to use once's own controlled page state for index, as mentioned here:
Check here as mentioned in the docs
It becomes simpler to handle the page reset actions on custom filtering/custom sorting, and trigger accordingly

I am using react table's out of the box pagination and the issue I had was how to extract the current pageIndex from react table. Because every time there was an action on the row of React table, that did not alter the no. of rows, the React table would go back to page 0.
Following worked for me, hacky but works -
On parent component calling React table -
signalTableData is where I have my data for columns and datarows. this could be your data.
const [pageIndex, setPageIndex] = useState(0);
columns={signalTableData ? signalTableData.headerRow : <div>Loading...</div>}
data={signalTableData.dataRows ? signalTableData.dataRows : <div>Loading...</div>}
pageIndex = {pageIndex}
setPageIndex = {setPageIndex}
One React Table js -
function Table({ columns, data, sortbyCollumn, desc, pageIndex, setPageIndex }) {...
defaultColumn, // Be sure to pass the defaultColumn option
autoResetPage: false,
initialState: {
pageSize: 5,
pageIndex: pageIndex,
sortBy: [
id: sortbyCollumn,
desc: desc
] },


Conditional rendering with useEffect / useState, why is there a delay in the DOM when switching components?

Intro / Context
I am trying to build an application using React that allows for image or video display based on a chosen menu item. I am currently using Advanced Custom Fields within WordPress to build my data objects and using graphQL to query them into my project.
I want the application to display either a video component or an image component. This choice will be determined through conditional rendering and based on the contents of the object's fields.
Each object contains a title, an image field and a video field. If the entry in question should be displayed as an image the video field will be set as the string 'null'. All fields will return strings regardless.
I am using useState to target a particularly active field, however, despite triggering a change in state conditional rendering does not appear to change.
The Application
This is my approach
function Display({ objects }) {
const [setVisualOption, changeVisualOption] = useState(false);
const [appState, setState] = useState({
myObjects: objects,
activeTitle: "null",
activeImage: "null",
activeMediaUrl: "null",
function toggleActive(index, trackIndex) {
activeTitle: appState.myObjects[index].title,
activeImage: appState.myObjects[index].image[0].mediaItemUrl,
activeMediaUrl: appState.myObjects[index].mediastreamurl,
useEffect(() => {}, [
return (
<div className="display">
<div className="list-box-right>
{, index) => (
onClick={() => {
<div className="right-grid">
{setVisualOption ? (
<VideoComponent activeImage={appState.activeImage}></VideoComponent>
) : (
<ImageComponent activeImage={appState.activeImage}></SingleImage>
The summarise, to component takes objects as prop which are being passed down from another component making the graphQL query. I am then setting the initial values of useState as an object and setting an activeTitle, activeImage and activeMediaUrl as null.
I am then using a function to toggle the active items using the setState modifier based upon the index that is clicked within the return statement. From there I am using setVisualOption and evaluating whether the activeImage is contains 'null' (null.jpg), if this is true setVisualOption will be set to true allowing the Video Component to be rendered
The Problem
To be clear, there are no errors being produced and the problem is a slight rendering issue where it requires double clicks to alter the state and trigger the correct response from the tertiary operator.
The issue is within the conditional rendering. If I set my object fields to all images and return only the Image Component there are no issues, and the state change can be seen to register visually as you click down the listed options.
It is only when I introduce the conditional rendering that there is a delay, the first click does not generate the correct response from the component I am trying to display however the second click triggers the right response.
As you can see, I am also using useEffect to try and trigger a rendered response when any of the described states change but still encounter the same problem.
Does anyone know what is the cause of this bug? when looking at the console.log of setVisualOption is not appearing as true on first click when it aught to.
Any insights would be great thanks
You set your visual option right after you set your appState, this is why appState.activeImage in changeVisualOption is not updated because state updates in React is asynchronous. You can either use useEffect to update visual option when the appState changes or you can use appState.myObjects[index].image[0].mediaItemUrl in changeVisualOption
function toggleActive(index, trackIndex) {
activeTitle: appState.myObjects[index].title,
activeImage: appState.myObjects[index].image[0].mediaItemUrl,
activeMediaUrl: appState.myObjects[index].mediastreamurl,
useEffect(() => {
}, [appState])

React Table using hooks expand and collapse rows

I am using react-table component inside my project. The row expansion property is something that my features utilized and it is working fine now.
I need the ability to collapse all the rows while I expand a row. ie Only one row should be open at a time. I did go through many documentation and stackoverflow links but none didn't work out. Please note that this implementation is using hooks. Just like the one mentioned here :
By default they allow to open more than one row at a time, but I need to implement the opposite.
The closest I came to is this : Auto expandable rows and subrows react table using hooks
But here its opening on initial load.
I have only added a portion of App function here. Codesandbox:
Note: I am not used to react-table library. This code is a sample that only works in the table with two levels of rows. You can optimize the code with recursion or some other way to make the code work in multi-level tables.
Cell: ({ row, rows, toggleRowExpanded }) =>
// Use the row.canExpand and row.getToggleRowExpandedProps prop getter
// to build the toggle for expanding a row
row.canExpand ? (
style: {
// We can even use the row.depth property
// and paddingLeft to indicate the depth
// of the row
paddingLeft: `${row.depth * 2}rem`
onClick: () => {
const expandedRow = rows.find(row => row.isExpanded);
if (expandedRow) {
const isSubItemOfRow = Boolean(
expandedRow &&".")[0] ===
if (isSubItemOfRow) {
const expandedSubItem = expandedRow.subRows.find(
subRow => subRow.isExpanded
if (expandedSubItem) {
const isClickedOnExpandedSubItem = ===;
if (!isClickedOnExpandedSubItem) {
toggleRowExpanded(, false);
} else {
toggleRowExpanded(, false);
{row.isExpanded ? "👇" : "👉"}
) : null

Apollo Client - fetchMore component update problem

In my NextJS application interfaced with a MongoDB API back-end - managed via GraphQL, I'm trying to implement the Apollo fetchMore feature, in order to update a component responsible to load more items from a data collection.
On page rendering, the component itself shows a "gallery" of 10 elements as its native functionality, populated via a GraphQL starting query. Then, I included a "load more" button to trigger the fetchMore function. The UX expects that if the user clicks the proper button, more 10 elements will going to be loaded in addition of the previous 10 - basically a classical async-infinite loading example.
By inspecting the app, I notice that both the queries are being returned successfully - the initialization one and the "load more 10 items" too managed by fetchMore - but the latter, after its execution, triggers the component's update that it's being re-initialized with the starter query instead of the fetchMore one.
To clarify it: on "load more" click, instead to see the next 10 gallery elements loaded - so to finally display a total of 20 - the component refreshes and displays the starter 10 elements, like its starting initialization - totally ignoring the fetchMore action, even if this one is being called, executed and received back with a populated 200 response.
Because this is my very first time in using it, I don't know if I'm missing something in my implementation, or I need to fix something. Anyway, here it goes:
Due to various reasons, I'm running the query in a parent component, then I pass the data as props to a child one:
// Initialization, etc.
const {loading: loadingIndex, error: errorIndex, data: dataIndex, fetchMore: fetchMoreIndex} = useQuery(ARTICLE_QUERY.articles.indexArticles, {
// Last 30 days
variables: {
live: live,
limit: 10
// Exception check
if (errorIndex) {
return <ErrorDb error={errorIndex} />
// DB fetching check
if (loadingIndex) {
return (
<section className="index-articles">
<h6>Index - Articles</h6>
<aside className="articles__loading">
const articles = dataIndex.queryArticleContents;
return (
<IndexArticles labels={props.labels} articles={articles} fetchMore={fetchMoreIndex} />
// Initialization, etc.
let limit = 10; // My query hypothetically limiter
const IndexArticles = (props) => {
useEffect(() => {
// This is a getter method responsible to manage the ```fetchMore``` response
getArticles(props.articles, props.fetchMore);
return (
// Component sections
// Load button
{props.fetchMore &&
<button className="articles__load" title={props.labels.index.title} tabIndex={40}>{props.labels.index.cta}</button>
function getArticles(articles, fetchMore) {
// Yes, I'm using jQuery with React. Just ignore it
$('.articles__load').on('click tap', function(e) {
variables: {
// Cursor is being pointed to the last available element of the current collection
lastLoaded: articles.length,
limit: limit += 10
updateQuery: (prev, {fetchMoreResult,}) => {
if (!fetchMoreResult) {
return prev;
return {
queryArticleContents: [
Anyone have experience with it or had experienced this case before?
Thanks in advance for the help
As suggested on the official community, my configuration was missing about the notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true in the query options, which is responsible to update the component and append the new data.
By changing the code in this way:
const {
loading: loadingIndex,
error: errorIndex,
data: dataIndex,
// Add networkStatus property too in order to use notifyOnNetworkStatusChange properly
networkStatus: networkStatusIndex
fetchMore: fetchMoreIndex} = useQuery(ARTICLE_QUERY.articles.indexArticles, {
// Last 30 days
variables: {
live: live,
limit: 10
// Important for component refreshing with new data
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true
The problem has been solved.

Handle Pagination Sorting and Filtering Separately in Antd Table React

I want to handle server-side sorting, filtering, and pagination separately in my antd table. So whenever pagination is changed it should not call the sorting and filtering function. similarly for both for sorting and filtering. In the antd documentation for Table, they have used onChange prop which will be called whenever sorting, filtering or pagination is changed.
To handle pagination alone I've used Pagination's onChange prop. But here when pagination is changed it's calling sorting and filtering function and also when sorting and filtering is changed it calls the pagination function.
I'm not sure how to achieve this functionality. Can anyone please help me with this.
Example antd code for the table
const handlePagination = page => {
//This should be called only when pagination changes
const handleSortFilter= params=> {
//This should be called only when pagination or sorting is called.
rowKey={record =>}
onChange: handlePagination,
pageSize: dataPerPage,
total: CountData
In the the antd table documentation for ajax requests ( I could see that whenever we change sort or filter it changes the page back to 1. Is there anything I need to change in the code so that whenever filter or sorting is changed it should not set the page parameter to 1.
Why I need to perform this is because when the user changes the filter or sorting in a specific page it should not take him back to the first page instead if I get in which page (page number) the user tried to filter or sort, so that I can send the page number in the request and filter/sort accordingly to the page in the backend and send the response back. Is there any option not to set the page back to 1 if sorting or filtering is applied on the antd table.
For manage filters, sort and pagination in backend you need to use api parameter of table onChange:
total: totalCount // total count returned from backend
Our handleChange:
const handleChange = (pagination, filters, sorter) => {
const offset = pagination.current * pagination.pageSize - pagination.pageSize;
const limit = pagination.pageSize;
const params = {};
if (sorter.hasOwnProperty("column")) {
params.order = { field: sorter.field, dir: sorter.order };
getData(offset, limit, params);
Getting data from API:
const getData = (offset, limit, params = false) => {
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams();
queryParams.append("offset", offset);
queryParams.append("limit", limit);
queryParams.append("offset", offset);
if(params && params.order) {
queryParams.append("order", JSON.stringify(params.order));
// In this example I use axios to fetch
.then((response) => {
// get response
console.log("Response: ", response);
.catch((err) => {
// Handle error
You already decide how fetch data, or if you have possibility to implement backend logic, implement query with params from GET.

Getting current table data from Ant Design Table

I'm using Ant design table for displaying some data. New data arrives every one second. When user clicks on button, I need to export current table data to XSL.
I'm getting current data in this way:
onChange={(pagination, filter, sorter, currentTable) => this.onTableChange(filter, sorter, currentTable)}.
This thing works and gets me good and filtered data, but when I get new data, I can't get those new data because this function is not triggered while none of the filters or sort settings didn't change. Is there any way to get current table data without dummy changing filter to trigger onChange function?
Title and footer return only current page data.
Code show here
{ <Table
rowKey={(record) => { return}}
rowClassName={(record) => { return
this.getRowClassNames(record) }}
expandedRowKeys={ this.state.expandedRowKeys }
expandedRowRender={record => { return
this.getEventsRows(record) }}
onExpand={(expanded, record) => {
this.onExpandRow(expanded, }}
onChange={(pagination, filter, sorter, currentTable)
=> this.onTableChange(filter, sorter, currentTable)}
You can store pagination, sorter and filter data in your component state. Also you can pass these params to your redux state and store there. If you can share your code, i can provide more specific answers.
Below you can find my solution for permanent filter. I was sending filter params to API and get filtered data. If you want to filter it in the component, you can use component lifecycle or render method.
onTableChange(pagination, filter, sorter){
const { params, columns } = this.state;
/** You can do any custom thing you want here. Below i update sort type in my state and pass it to my redux function */
if(sorter.order != null)
params.ordering = (sorter.order === 'descend' ? "-" : "")+ sorter.columnKey.toString();
This is because you have taken either columns, datasource varibale as object instead of array.
instead of
this.state.someVariable = {}
