Updating linked-list by pointer inside a function - c

I'm missing with linked-list and trying to make a function which gonna take of all the odd numbers out of the link and make a new linked-list with them.
The point is that I dont understand how to update the original list by pointer to the function, actually what I made so far is making a new list with the odd numbers but I dont really understand how to "delete" them from the original list and link all the rest togther, then send it back to the main.
Node *build_odd_list(Node *oldlst, Node *newlst) {
Node *temp, *curheadNew;
temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
if (oldlst->value % 2 != 0) {
temp->next = NULL;
temp->value = oldlst->value;
newlst = temp;
curheadNew = newlst;
oldlst = oldlst->next;
printf("Passed %d\n", curheadNew->value);
else {
oldlst = oldlst->next;
while (oldlst) {
if (oldlst->value % 2 != 0) {
temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
temp->value = oldlst->value;
temp->next = NULL;
curheadNew->next = temp;
curheadNew = curheadNew->next;
oldlst = oldlst->next;
printf("Passed %d\n", curheadNew->value);
else {
oldlst = oldlst->next;
return newlst;
Thanks a lot!

Since you need to return a new list containing the odd numbers, and modify the original list due to removal of the odd numbers, you need to pass two values back to the caller: a pointer to the first element of the updated original list, and a pointer to the first element of the "odd numbers" list.
Since you need to pass the original list to the function anyway, the simplest option for the function is to:
pass a pointer to a pointer to the first element of the original list;
modify the original list via the pointer;
return a pointer to the first element of the "odd numbers" list extracted from the original list.
There is no need to allocate any new elements for the "odd numbers" list as the odd number elements can be moved from one list to the other.
It is worth learning the "pointer to a pointer" trick as it is a common way of manipulating list pointers.
Here is an example program to illustrate the above method. Pay particular attention to the extract_odd_list() function and the call to that function from main().
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct _Node {
int value;
struct _Node *next;
} Node;
/* Move odd numbers in *list to returned list. */
Node *extract_odd_list(Node **list) {
Node *oddstart = NULL; /* start of returned list */
Node **oddend = &oddstart; /* pointer to final link of returned list */
while (*list) {
if ((*list)->value % 2 != 0) {
/* Current element of original *list is odd. */
/* Move original *list element to end of returned list. */
*oddend = *list;
/* Bypass moved element in original list. */
*list = (*list)->next;
/* Update pointer to final link of returned list. */
oddend = &(*oddend)->next;
else {
/* Current element of original *list is even. */
/* Skip to next element of original *list. */
list = &(*list)->next;
/* Terminate the returned list. */
*oddend = NULL;
/* And return it. */
return oddstart;
void *printlist(Node *list) {
while (list) {
printf(" %d", list->value);
list = list->next;
int main(void) {
int i;
Node *list = NULL;
Node *end = NULL;
Node *oddlist;
Node *temp;
/* Construct a list containing odd and even numbers. */
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp));
temp->value = i;
if (end == NULL) {
list = temp;
else {
end->next = temp;
end = temp;
end->next = NULL;
printf("Original list:");
/* Move the "odd number" elements from the original list to a new list. */
oddlist = extract_odd_list(&list);
printf("Updated list:");
printf("Odd list:");
return 0;


How to add new element to double linked list

I want to make a function that can add new elements to double linked list in C, but I couldn't do it. Here is code.
New element should have name, group etc. Just explain me how to make name and rest of it I will do by myself.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct inform
char name[20];
char group[20];
char form[20];
int day;
int month;
int year;
int srok;
typedef struct list_elem
struct list_elem *next, *prev;
APTEKA *head, *tail;
int InputData(INF_BLOK* inf);
int main()
return 0;
I tried to implement a function that inserts an element based on an given index. Note, that i changed your list_item struct a bit so that it contains a pointer to your data-elements.
Here is the implementation:
* Function: insert_index
* Parameters: APTEKA* head, INF_BLOK* data, int index
* Return value: Returns NULL on failure, a pointer to the head
* on success
* Description: Inserts a APTEKA* element based on an given
* index
APTEKA* insert_index(APTEKA* head, INF_BLOK* data, int index) {
// Local variable for index
int ind = 1;
APTEKA* new_node = (APTEKA*)malloc(sizeof(APTEKA));
new_node->inf = data;
// Check if head exists, the malloc call was successfull and the index is
// in allowed range
// NOTE: Index for head starts at position 1
if(head && new_node && index) {
// If index is one, set a new head
if(index == 1) {
// The previous node is of course NULL
new_node->prev = NULL;
new_node->next = head->next;
head->next->prev = new_node;
head->next = new_node;
// In a full implementation you need to free the memory for head and the data field in the
// structure. free(...)
// Return a pointer to the new head of the list
return new_node;
} else {
APTEKA* current_node = head->next;
// Loop through all positions before the desired index
for(; ind < (index - 1); ++ind)
current_node = current_node->next;
new_node->prev = current_node;
new_node->next = current_node->next;
current_node->next->prev = new_node;
current_node->next = new_node;
else {
// Return NULL on failure
return NULL;
// Return an pointer to the head
return head;
First the function creates a new node named new_node and sets the pointer of the inf data field to the given parameter. Before actually inserting i basically check for that everything is right.
I then divide into two cases: first one to replace the head (index == 1) and second one is for any other index.
If the head should be replaced i change the dependecies and return a pointer to the newly created node. For any other case i iterate to the element before the index and then try to insert it.
When i tested it with this main function, it seemed to work:
int main()
/* Only used for testing purposes */
APTEKA* head = (APTEKA*)malloc(sizeof(APTEKA));
APTEKA* first = (APTEKA*)malloc(sizeof(APTEKA));
APTEKA* tail = (APTEKA*)malloc(sizeof(APTEKA));
head->next = first, head->prev = NULL;
first->next = tail, first->prev = head;
tail->next = NULL, tail->prev = first;
/* Information for head node */
INF_BLOK* block_head = (INF_BLOK*)malloc(sizeof(INF_BLOK));
memcpy(block_head->name, "Head", 5);
/* Information for tail node */
INF_BLOK* block_tail = (INF_BLOK*)malloc(sizeof(INF_BLOK));
memcpy(block_tail->name, "Tail", 5);
/* Information for first block */
INF_BLOK* block_first = (INF_BLOK*)malloc(sizeof(INF_BLOK));
memcpy(block_first->name, "First", 6);
/* Information for block to add */
INF_BLOK* block_sec = (INF_BLOK*)malloc(sizeof(INF_BLOK));
memcpy(block_sec->name, "Second", 7);
head->inf = block_head, first->inf = block_first, tail->inf = block_tail;
if(!insert_index(head, block_sec, 2))
fprintf(stderr, "Error inserting element\n");
APTEKA* element = head;
/* Print out name-data of nodes */
while(element) {
element = element->next;
element = head;
// Freeing everything
while (element) {
APTEKA* next = element->next;
free(element->inf), free(element);
element = next;
return 0;
Hopefully, my answer gives you the desired insights. If i did something wrong, please correct me :)
NOTE: For this answer i only used the name attribute of your data-item structure. For storing the group, form, etc. you will need another procedure setting those values.

Issues with linked list and pointers (C)

I am writing a C program to sort a linked list according to the largest values. I met an issue whereby the program just hangs when the program reached "prevPtr->next = headPtr".
I want the prevPtr->next to equate to headPtr, if the sum of prevPtr is larger than the sum of headPtr, however the program just hangs there.
compareNodes() function is used to compare the nodes to see if newNode has the same name as any other structs in the linked list, then it will add in the sum.
sortSimilarNodes() function is used to sort the nodes according to the sum of each struct.
The struct is here below:
struct purchase {
char name[30];
double sum;
struct purchase * next;
} ;
LOG * compareNodes(LOG * headPtr, char * name, char * price){
while (curPtr != NULL) {
if (strcmp(newNode->name, curPtr->name)==0) {
curPtr->sum += newNode->sum;
similar = 1;
//advance to next target
prevPtr = curPtr;
curPtr = curPtr->next;
/*if (curPtr == NULL){
if(strcmp(newNode->name, prevPtr->name)==0){
prevPtr->sum += newNode->sum;
similar = 1;
if (similar == 1){
headPtr = sortSimilarNodes(curPtr, headPtr);
headPtr = sortNodes(newNode, headPtr);
return headPtr;
LOG * sortSimilarNodes(LOG * newPtr, LOG * headPtr){
LOG * curPtr;
LOG * prevPtr;
if(headPtr->sum < newPtr->sum){
newPtr->next = headPtr;
return newPtr;
prevPtr = headPtr;
curPtr = headPtr->next;
while (curPtr == NULL){
while (curPtr != NULL){
if(strcmp(curPtr->name, newPtr->name)==0){
prevPtr = curPtr;
curPtr = curPtr->next;
return headPtr;
This is the output of the program.
Thank you!
It's hard to tell from your code, because you haven't posted all of it, but you seem to have some misconceptions about linked lists. In particular:
There is no need for new nodes unless you really add new nodes to the list. That also means that you don't call malloc except when adding nodes. (There's no malloc in your code, but a suspicious free in your comparison function. Comparing does not involve creating or destroying anything; it just means to look what is already there.)
A corollary to the first point is that there should be no nodes in an empty list, not even dummy nodes. An empty list is a list whose head is NULL. Make sure that you initialise all head pointers before creating a new list:
LOG *head = NULL; // empty list
When you sort the list, the order of the list has changed and the old head is invalid. You cater for that by returning the new head:
head = sort(head);
But that seems redundant and it also seems to imply that the two pointers can be different. That's not the case, because the old pointer will point somehwre in the sorted list, not necessarily at its head. It's probably better to pass the head pointer's address in order to avoid confusion:
Sorting linked lists can be tricky. One straightforward way is selection sort: Find the node with the highest value, remove it from the original list and add it at the front of a new list. Repeat until there are no more nodes in the original list.
Adding a new node n at the front of a list given by head is easy:
n->next = head;
head= n;
Adding a new node at the end of a list that is given by head is a bit more involved:
LOG **p = &head;
while (*p) p = &(*p)->next;
*p = n;
n->next = NULL;
Here, p is the address of the pointer that points to the current node, *p. After walking the list, that address is either the address of the head node (when the list is empty) or the address of the next pointer of the precedig node.
You could achieve something similar by keeping a prev pointer, but the pointer-to-pointer solution means that you don't have to treat the cases where there is no previous node specially at the cost of some extra & and * operators.
With that, your sorting routine becomes:
void sortByName(LOG **head)
LOG *sorted = NULL;
while (*head) {
LOG **p = head; // auxiliary pointer to walk the list
LOG **max = head; // pointer to current maximum
LOG *n; // maximum node
while (*p) {
if (strcmp((*p)->name, (*max)->name) > 0) max = p;
p = &(*p)->next;
n = *max;
*max = (*max)->next;
n->next = sorted;
sorted = n;
*head = sorted;
If you want to sort by sum, change the comparison to:
if ((*p)->sum > (*max)->sum) max = p;
Call the function like this:
LOG *head = NULL;
insert(&head, "apple", 2.3);
insert(&head, "pear", 1.7);
insert(&head, "strawberry", 2.2);
insert(&head, "orange", 3.2);
insert(&head, "plum", 2.1);
with the insert, destroy and print functions for completeness:
void insert(LOG **head, const char *name, double sum)
LOG *n = malloc(sizeof(*n));
if (n) {
snprintf(n->name, sizeof(n->name), "%s", name);
n->sum = sum;
n->next = *head;
*head = n;
void destroy(LOG **head)
LOG *n = *head;
while (n) {
LOG *p = n;
n = n->next;
*head = NULL;
void print(LOG *l)
while (l) {
printf("%s: %g\n", l->name, l->sum);
l = l->next;

doublepointed list C

I wanted to make a list using double pointer and using void as return.
typedef struct list{
int value;
struct list *next;
void addnode(struct list **List, int number) {
if(*List == NULL) {
*List = (struct list*)malloc(sizeof(struct list*));
(*List)->value = number;
(*List)->next = NULL;
} else {
while((*List)->next != NULL) {
(*List) = (*List)->next;
*List = (struct list*)malloc(sizeof(struct list*));
(*List)->value = number;
(*List)->next = NULL;
int main() {
list List1 = NULL;
addnode(&List1, 20);
printf("%d \n", List1->value);
addnode(&List1, 30);
printf("%d \n", List1->value);
printf("%d \n", List1->next->value);
return 0;
The first if in addnode is always executed but i want to append the list if its not empty but it seems like it never work. Ill also get segmenation fault because in the last printf it tries to take the next element in the list but its never initialized like i want.
If everthing worked as i wanted i should have printed out
printf("%d\n", List1->value)
printf("%d\n", List1->value)
printf("%d\n", List1->next->value)
The size you are passing to malloc is wrong.
You are allocating a struct list, not a struct list *.
If you are trying to append a new list item, remember (*List)->next will already be NULL on the second call. The malloc following that uses the pointer before the NULL list item (*List) when it should be assigned to the next list item, the one that is NULL, to make it non-NULL ((*List)->next=malloc(struct list);).
Also, your malloc should be using sizeof(struct list), without the *. If you add the *, you're allocating a struct list **. A rule you can use is use one * fewer than the destination type as the sizeof operand. Since your destination is *List, which is of type struct list *, use sizeof(struct list). Alternatively, because your destination is *List, use sizeof **List (use one more * than the destination variable has). This avoids you needing to know the type. It won't matter if List or *List is NULL because the sizeof operation is executed first; pointer dereferencing never occurs since sizeof works on the type of the variable.
Modify your program like this
int addNode(struct list **List, int number)
struct list *new, *tmp; // new = create new node, tmp = navigate to last
new = malloc(sizeof(struct list));
if(!new) { //always validate "malloc"
new -> value = value; // assigning values to new node
new -> next = NULL;
if(!(*list)) { //Check if list is empty or not, plz initialize *list#main() with NULL as like your program. or write seperate function to initialize
*list = new;
return 0; //no need write else condition, bcoz its the first node. and u can directly return
tmp = *list;
while(tmp -> next) // To navigate to last node
tmp = tmp -> next;
tmp -> next = new; //creating link to new node
return 0;
It's better to write print function seperatly.
int print(struct list **list)
struct *current; //current is your current node position
current = *list;
while(current) { //loop till current node addr == NULL
printf("%d\t", current -> value);
current = current -> next;
return 0;

Linked list printing & adding elements

So the idea is I have a Doubly linked list defined as a struct
struct Node
struct Node *next;
struct Node *prev;
char value[5];
struct DoubleLinkedList
int size;
struct Node *head;
struct Node *tail;
and I'm inserting into the list using the InsertionSort function. I pass the pointer to my Doubly Linked list as a parameter to that and it gets modified with the addition of a new 4 character string node to the list(lexicographically sorted Linked list). I then print the linked list with the addition of each string node.
The printing is proving to be problematic. Right now, with the code below, the output is always something like (assume the strings being inserted at every step are aaaa,bbbb,cccc...)
bbbb -> bbbb
cccc -> cccc -> cccc
For some reason the linked list structure is changing each and every node to the value of the new string to be inserted; I have no idea why! And also, if I try shifting the print block to the main function, it prints out gibberish.
int main()
struct DoubleLinkedList strings;
while (1)
char s[5];
InsertionSort(&strings, s);
return 0;
void InsertionSort(struct DoubleLinkedList *sorted, char *randomstring)
struct Node new;
printf("Newvalue %s\n", new.value);
if ((*sorted).size == 0)
new.next = NULL;
new.prev = NULL;
(*sorted).head = &(new);
(*sorted).tail = &(new);
printf("TEST %s\n", (*(*sorted).head).value);
struct Node *current;
current = (*sorted).head;
printf("CURRENT %s\n", (*current).value);
while (strcmp(randomstring,(*current).value) > 0)
current = (*current).next;
if (current = NULL)
new.next = current;
if (current != NULL)
new.prev = (*current).prev;
if ((*current).prev != NULL)
(*(*current).prev).next = &(new);
(*sorted).head = &(new);
(*current).prev = &(new);
new.prev = (*sorted).tail;
(*((*sorted).tail)).next = &(new);
(*sorted).tail = &(new);
struct Node *printing;
printing = (*sorted).head;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (*sorted).size - 1; i++)
printf("%s -> ", (*printing).value);
printing = (*printing).next;
You haven't allocated memory for the value in
you're lucky your subsequent printf works.
You can do for example
new.value = strdup(randomstring);
(don't forget to release memory with free(new.value) when you delete your Node if you do so, because strdup calls malloc).
Er, you're not allocating memory for new either, so when you exit InsertionSort, the Node is dangling.
Should be in InsertionSort
new = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
then adjusting everything to use a pointer (that is new -> stuff instead of new.stuff and new instead of &new).
Also in main strings.size in uninitialized
strings.size = 0;
seems missing.
Last one, when you write
if (current = NULL)
I think you mean
if (current == NULL)
(in some C tradition, you'd write if (!current))
With these modifications, it seems to work.

Splitting a linked list

Why are the split lists always empty in this program? (It is derived from the code on the Wikipedia page on Linked Lists.)
Example program from wikipedia linked list article
Modified to find nth node and to split the list
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct ns
int data;
struct ns *next; /* pointer to next element in list */
} node;
node *list_add(node **p, int i)
node *n = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n == NULL)
return NULL;
n->next = *p; //* the previous element (*p) now becomes the "next" element */
*p = n; //* add new empty element to the front (head) of the list */
n->data = i;
return *p;
void list_print(node *n)
int i=0;
if (n == NULL)
printf("list is empty\n");
while (n != NULL)
printf("Value at node #%d = %d\n", i, n->data);
n = n->next;
node *list_nth(node *head, int index) {
node *current = head;
node *temp=NULL;
int count = 0; // the index of the node we're currently looking at
while (current != NULL) {
if (count == index)
temp = current;
current = current->next;
return temp;
This function is to split a linked list:
Return a list with nodes starting from index 'int ind' and
step the index by 'int step' until the end of list.
node *list_split(node *head, int ind, int step) {
node *current = head;
node *temp=NULL;
int count = ind; // the index of the node we're currently looking at
temp = list_nth(current, ind);
while (current != NULL) {
count = count+step;
temp->next = list_nth(head, count);
current = current->next;
return temp; /* return the final stepped list */
int main(void)
node *n = NULL, *list1=NULL, *list2=NULL, *list3=NULL, *list4=NULL;
int i;
/* List with 30 nodes */
list_add(&n, i);
/* Get 1th, 5th, 9th, 13th, 18th ... nodes of n etc */
list1 = list_split(n, 1, 4);
list2 = list_split(n, 2, 4); /* 2, 6, 10, 14 etc */
list3 = list_split(n, 3, 4); /* 3, 7, 11, 15 etc */
list3 = list_split(n, 4, 4); /* 4, 8, 12, 16 etc */
return 0;
temp = list_nth(current, ind);
while (current != NULL) {
count = count+step;
temp->next = list_nth(head, count);
current = current->next;
You are finding the correct item to begin the split at, but look at what happens to temp from then on ... you only ever assign to temp->next.
You need to keep track of both the head of your split list and the tail where you are inserting new items.
The program, actually, has more than one problem.
Indexes are not a native way to address linked list content. Normally, pointers to nodes or iterators (which are disguised pointers to nodes) are used. With indexes, accessing a node has linear complexity (O(n)) instead of constant O(1).
Note that list_nth returns a pointer to a "live" node within a list, not a copy. By assigning to temp->next in list_split, you are rewiring the original list instead of creating a new one (but maybe it's intentional?)
Within list_split, temp is never advanced, so the loop just keeps attaching nodes to the head instead of to the tail.
Due to use of list_nth for finding nodes by iterating through the whole list from the beginning, list_split has quadratic time (O(n**2)) instead of linear time. It's better to rewrite the function to iterate through the list once and copy (or re-attach) required nodes as it passes them, instead of calling list_nth. Or, you can write current = list_nth(current, step).
[EDIT] Forgot to mention. Since you are rewiring the original list, writing list_nth(head, count) is incorrect: it will be travelling the "short-cirquited" list, not the unmodified one.
I also notice that it looks like you are skipping the first record in the list when you are calculating list_nth. Remember is C we normally start counting at zero.
Draw out a Linked List diagram and follow your logic:
Your description of what list_split is supposed to return is pretty clear, but it's not clear what is supposed to happen, if anything, to the original list. Assuming it's not supposed to change:
node *list_split(node *head, int ind, int step) {
node *current = head;
node *newlist=NULL;
node **end = &newlist;
node *temp = list_nth(current, ind);
while (temp != NULL) {
*end = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
if (*end == NULL) return NULL;
(*end)->data = temp->data;
end = &((*end)->next);
temp = list_nth(temp, step);
return newlist; /* return the final stepped list */
(You probably want to factor a list_insert routine out of that that inserts a new
node at a given location. list_add isn't very useful since it always adds to the
beginning of the list.)
