Why won't child components rerender without using getDerivedStateFromProps? - reactjs

I cannot figure out why when my selectedEvent successfully changes via setState that my child components do not re-render with the updated state. In the child if I use getDerivedStateFromProps() I can get itto work, but I don't think that should be necessary. I'm missing something.
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedEvent: '',
eventsData: EventsData,
langData: LangData,
this.changeStoryEvent = this.changeStoryEvent.bind(this);
changeStoryEvent(event) {
let newEvent = event.target.getAttribute('data-event-key');
if(newEvent != null) {
console.log("new event", newEvent)
selectedEvent: newEvent
render() {
console.log("select", this.state.selectedEvent)
return (
<div className="header">
<Header />
<div className="sidebar">
<div className="mainbar">
app event = {this.state.selectedEvent} <br />
class Mainbar extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedEvent: props.selectedEvent,
changeEventType: props.changeEventType,
eventsData: props.eventsData,
langData: props.langData
this.changeEventType = this.changeEventType.bind(this)
changeEventType(event) {
render() {
console.log('mainstate', this.state)
let eventType = '';
if (this.state.selectedEvent !== '') {
eventType = this.state.eventsData[this.state.selectedEvent].type
if (eventType === '') {
eventType = 'action'
return (
<div className="mainbar">
mainevent = {this.state.selectedEvent}
I see the selectedEvent correctly updated in class App, but not in Mainbar. It apparently does not receive the updated state of selectedEvent.

in you child component, you are copying selectedEvent from props to state, then using this.state.selectedEvent in render.
The constructor is only called once, so you won't update the state of you child later on when the prop change.
Use directly this.props.selectedEvent in the render method


React.js child state not re-rendering even after calling setState?

I have an app with one child component that I would like to re-render when setState updates the bookInput in the parent's state. I am using axios to request info from google's book api. For some reason, even though the state is updating, the child is not re-rendering. Please help if you can! Thank you!
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
bookInput: 'ender',
bookSubmitted: 'initial'
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
this.handleSubmitEmpty = this.handleSubmitEmpty.bind(this);
handleChange(e) {
this.setState({bookInput: e.target.value});
//this.setState({bookSubmitted: false});
handleSubmit(e) {
//this.setState({bookSubmitted: true})
const name = this.state.bookInput;
this.setState({bookInput: name});
this.setState({bookSubmitted: 'userSub'});
handleSubmitEmpty(e) {
alert('please enter an item to search for');
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className = "App-header">
<h1>Book Search App</h1>
<form className = "form-style" onSubmit = {this.state.bookInput ? this.handleSubmit: this.handleSubmitEmpty}>
<input type="text" className = "input-style"
value = {this.state.bookInput} onChange = {this.handleChange}>
<button type="submit">search books</button>
{/* <Book bookInput = {this.state.bookInput}/> */}
{/*this.state.bookSubmitted && <Book bookInput = {this.state.bookInput}/>*/}
(this.state.bookSubmitted === 'initial' || this.state.bookSubmitted === 'userSub') &&
<Book bookInput = {this.state.bookInput}/>
export default App;
class Book extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
//bookInput2: "ender",
bookTitles: [],
bookExample: '',
isLoading: false
this.bookClick = this.bookClick.bind(this);
bookClick(book) {
const bookURL = book.volumeInfo.infoLink;
componentDidMount() {
//this.setState({ isLoading: true });
this.setState({isLoading: true});
.then((response) => {
const bookExample1 = response.data.items;
this.setState({bookTitles: bookExample1, isLoading: false});
.catch((error) => {
console.error('ERROR!', error);
this.setState({isLoading: false});
render() {
return (
{ this.state.bookTitles ? (
<h2>book list</h2>
{<ul className = 'list-style'>
{this.state.isLoading &&
loading book list
{this.state.bookTitles.map(book => (
<li key={book.id}>
<span className = 'book-details book-title' onClick = {() => this.bookClick(book)}> {book.volumeInfo.title}</span>
{book.volumeInfo.imageLinks &&
<img src = {book.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail}/>
{ book.volumeInfo.description &&
<span className = 'book-details'>{book.volumeInfo.description}</span>
<span className = 'book-details'>Categories {book.volumeInfo.categories}</span>
</div>) :
(<p>sorry, that search did not return anything</p>)}
May be you are looking for something similar to this?
The above code can be simplified more and organized but it gives you some idea.
Main changes in the code.
Changed Api call from componentDidMount lifecycle event to a new method named getInitialdata which is called in handleSubmit.
.then((response) => {
const bookExample1 = response.data.items;
this.setState({bookTitles: bookExample1, isLoading: false, bookSubmitted: 'userSub'});
.catch((error) => {
console.error('ERROR!', error);
this.setState({isLoading: false, bookSubmitted: 'userSub'});
Changed the way how Child component is used.
<Book bookTitles={this.state.bookTitles} isLoading={this.state.isLoading}/>
Issue with your code is you are making an API call in your component's didMount method. This lifecycle event will be invoked only when the component is mounted. Not when it is updated.
When you enter some input in your textbox and click on "Search books", componentDidMount event doesnt fire. And this is the reason why API calls are not happening from the second time.
More on the lifecycle events at https://reactjs.org/docs/react-component.html#componentdidmount
I've taken your code and extrapolated it into this sandbox. Just as you said, your parent component state is updating as it should, but the problem is that the child component doesn't change its state.
A state change will always trigger a re-render in React. The only problem is, your child component is managing it's own state, which isn't directly changing. Instead, it's just receiving new props again and again, but not doing anything with them.
If you look at your code for the <Book /> component, you only modify its state on componentDidMount, which only happens once. If you'd like to programmatically make it update, you can do one of two things.
Remove state from the child component, and make it rely entirely on props, so that it stays in sync with the parent
Use the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method (docs) to choose when to change the state of the child (which will trigger the re-render)

Child not updating after Parent State changed

I am quite new with React and I have problem bellow
I have a parent component like this:
class Parent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {count:1};
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState, nextContext) {
return false;
setCount = () => {
count: 2
render() {
const {name, running, onRun, onStop} = this.props;
return (
<Test count={this.state.count}/>
<p><a href="#" onClick={this.setCount}>SetCount</a></p>
And here is Test component
class Test extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState, nextContext) {
return true;
render() {
const {count} = this.props;
return (
I have method "shouldComponentUpdate" returns "false" in Parent component because I don't want to re-render it.
My understanding is React know which part of DOM need to be re-rendered. And in this case, the state of Parent changes will re-render "Test" component
But when I run above code, "Test" component does not redender.
Is there anything wrong in my code?
Thanks a lot for your help
You need to return true from your parent's shouldComponentUpdate method.
If you return false, after the initial render it won't update, even if you call a function that calls setState.
Is the refresh of the whole page are you talking about? If thats the case, probably you wanna change your <a> tag to button or use e.preventDefault();.
If not, I am not sure if that is possible. If you setState in the parent, it will rerender parent as well as the children. If you dont want to render the parent then you have to manage individual state management in the child level.
For example,
class Parent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
const {name, running, onRun, onStop} = this.props;
return (
class Test extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {count:1};
setCount = (e) => {
count: 2
render() {
const {count} = this.state;
return (
<p><a href="#" onClick={this.setCount}>SetCount</a></p>

How to update parent state from child component in React + send a paramater

I am following this tutorial but it does not say how to pass to the function a parameter.
In they the child they have
<Button onClick={this.props.action} />
handler(id) {
messageShown: true,
id : id
what happens if I want to send a value along with it(say some id or something).
I tried to do
<Button onClick={() => this.props.action(1)} />
but then my "state" is undefined.
It's hard to say what's going wrong without seeing a full code example, but what you're trying to do is certainly possible. Here's a working example.
class Parent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Bind the this context to the handler function
this.handler = this.handler.bind(this);
// Set some state
this.state = {
messageShown: false
// This method will be sent to the child component
handler(id) {
messageShown: true,
id: id
// Render the child component and set the action property with the handler as value
render() {
return (
<Child action={this.handler} />
class Child extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{/* The button will execute the handler function set by the parent component */}
<button onClick={() => this.props.action(1)} > button </button>
ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, document.getElementById('main'));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script>
<div id="main"></div>
To achieve what you want, in your Child component you should call a function that calls passed function. In this case you’ll be able to pass any parameter you want.
Let’s code!
Your Parent component will be:
class Parent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Bind the this context to the handler function
this.handler = this.handler.bind(this);
// Set some state
this.state = {
messageShown: false,
id: -1 // initialize new state property with a value
// This method will be sent to the child component
handler(id) {
messageShown: true,
id: id
// Render the child component and set the action property with the handler as value
render() {
return <Child action={this.handler} />
And your Child component will be
class Child extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{/* The button will execute the handler function set by the parent component, passing any parameter */}
<Button onClick={() => this.props.action(1)} />
Hope this helps
Usually when this.state is undefined after invoking a callback function it is a binding issue. Double check that the handler function has this bound to it in the parent component's constructor.
this.handler = this.handler.bind(this);
More on binding: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_objects/Function/bind

React: Update Component in Array

I have a React component that contains an array of child components. The parent retrieves data from a service and stores it in state. It passes an item from the data array to each child component via props.
The child component includes functionality that updates a value in its data item. When it does this, it fires an event, passing the updated item back to the parent. The parent creates a new state array, including the updated item.
Simplified code below.
This all works fine, and the update array is processed in the parent's render method. However, the child components are never re-rendered, so the updated property remains at its previous value.
How can I get the relevant child component to display the updated status?
class SearchView extends Component {
pageSize = 20;
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
searchTerm: this.props.searchTerm,
results: []
getResults = (page) => {
const from = (page - 1) * this.pageSize;
searchActions.termSearch(this.state.searchTerm, from, this.pageSize).then(response => {
const results = response.SearchResultViews;
results: results
componentDidMount() {
const results = this.state.results.map(r => {
return (r.Id === result.Id) ? result : r;
results: results
render() {
let items = [];
if (this.state.results.length > 0) {
items = this.state.results.map((result, i) => {
return <SearchItem key={i} result={result} onStatusUpdate={(r) => this.refresh(r)}></SearchItem>;
return (
<div className="r-search-result">
<Row className='clearfix scroller'>
<div className='r-container-row results'>
{ items }
class SearchItem extends Component {
constructor(props) {
updateStatus(newValue) {
//Bubble an event to the Parent to refresh the result and view
if (props.onStatusUpdate) {
searchActions.get(props.result.Id).then((result) => {
render() {
return (
<a href={this.props.result.link}>
<span className="column icon-column">{this.props.result.imageUrl}</span>
<span className="column title-column">{this.props.result.titleLink}</span>
<span className="column status-column">{this.props.result.status}</span>
<span className="column button-column"><button onClick={() => this.UpdateStatus(5)}></button></span>
In my actual (non-simplified) app, the child component transforms the props it has been passed in the ComponentDidMount() method, and it sets values in state; the render method binds the markup against state, not props. After putting a breakpoint in the child's Render() method as suggested by #Vishal in the comments, I can see that the updated data is received by the child, but since the state hasn't been updated, the component doesn't display the updated data.
The question then is, how best to update the component state without causing an infinite render loop?
In the end, I solved the problem by transforming the properties into state for the child component's in componentWillUpdate(), as well as the componentDidMount() method. As illustrated in the code below:
componentDidMount() {
if (this.props.result) {
componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
if (nextProps.result.status!== this.props.result.status) {
prepareRender() {
imageUrl: this.props.result.imageUrl,
titleLink: this.props.result.titleLink,
status: this.props.result.status
render() {
return (
<a href={this.props.result.link}>
<span className="column icon-column">{this.state.imageUrl}</span>
<span className="column title-column">{this.state.titleLink}</span>
<span className="column status-column">{this.state.status}</span>
<span className="column button-column"><button onClick={() => this.UpdateStatus(5)}></button></span>
In React 16.3 the componentWillUpdate() method is deprecated. This solution should use the new getDerivedStateFromProps() lifecycle method, as explained here: https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html.

Trigger Re-Render of Child component

I'm new to React and am running into the same problem a few times. In this particular situation, I'm trying to get an option in a select dropdown to update when I update a text input.
I have a parent, App, with the state attribute "directions", which is an array. This gets passed as a property to a child, GridSelector, which creates the text field and dropdown. When the text field is changed, a function triggers to update the parent state. This in turn causes the GridSelector property to update. However, the dropdown values, which are originally generated from that GridSelector property, do not re-render to reflect the new property value.
I'm trying to figure out the most React-ful way to do this and similar manuevers. In the past, I've set a state in the child component, but I think I've also read that is not proper.
My working site is at amaxalaus.bigriverwebdesign.com
Here's the pertinent code from each file:
class App extends React.Component {
this.state = {
directions: [],
dataRouteDirections: '/wp-json/wp/v2/directions',
currentDirectionsIndex: 0
this.addImageToGrid = this.addImageToGrid.bind(this);
.then(data => data=data.json())
.then(data => this.setState({directions:data}));
addImageToGrid(image) {
this.refs.grid.onAddItem(image); //passes image add trigger from parent to child
var directions= this.state.directions;
var index = directions.length;
var lastDirections = directions[directions.length-1];
var emptyDirections= {"id":0,"acf":{}};
emptyDirections.title.rendered="New Directions";
if (lastDirections.id!==0 ) { ///checks if last entry is already blank
directions: directions.concat(emptyDirections), //adds empty directions to end and updates currentdirections
currentDirectionsIndex: index
var currentDirections = this.state.directions[this.state.currentDirectionsIndex];
currentDirections.title.rendered = newTitle;
render() {
var has_loaded; //has_loaded was added to prevent double rendering during loading of data from WP
this.state.directions.length > 0 ? has_loaded = 1 : has_loaded = 0;
if (has_loaded ) {
/* const currentGrid = this.state.directions;*/
return ( //dummy frame helpful for preventing redirect on form submit
<div className="fullWidth alignCenter container">
<Grid ref="grid"
<ImageAdd addImageToGrid={this.addImageToGrid}/>
<div className="fullWidth alignCenter container">
<button onClick={this.createNewDirections.bind(this)}> Create New Directions </button>
} else {
class GridSelector extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
var currentDirections = this.props.directions[this.props.currentDirectionsIndex];
this.state = {
createOption(direction) {
if (direction.title) {
<option key={direction.id}>{direction.title.rendered}</option>
} else {
handleChangeEvent(val) {
this.props.changeTitle(val); //triggers parent to update state
render() {
<select name='directions_select'>
{this.props.directions.map(direction => this.createOption(direction))}
<div className="fullWidth" >
You made a very common beginner mistake. In React state should be handled as an immutable object. You're changing the state directly, so there's no way for React to know what has changed. You should use this.setState.
var currentDirections = this.state.directions[this.state.currentDirectionsIndex];
currentDirections.title.rendered = newTitle;
To something like:
this.setState(({directions,currentDirectionsIndex}) => ({
directions: directions.map((direction,index)=>
index===currentDirectionsIndex? ({...direction,title:{rendered:newTitle}}):direction
