Drupal 7 breadcrumb not showing - drupal-7

I'm working on a website in Drupal. I activated the breadcrumb default module and configurated it to show breadcrumb for all pages. I tried to display it into the page with code <?php print theme('breadcrumb', drupal_get_breadcrumb()); ?> but it doesn't appear.
I tried also to install path_breadcrumb module, configure it, but also this not showing.
Can someone can help me to understand why it doesn't showed?


Hyva React Checkout is not showing in frontend in Magento 2

I am working on Hyva React checkout along with Hyva Theme for a page and created a custom module for checkout. However it showing up like so in frontend -
There is no products showing up here which were added in the cart. I have tried all the steps from the documentation with the first method of customization. Someone please help.
Please try the following steps
1.composer require hyva-themes/magento2-react-checkout
2.bin/magento s:up
3.bin/magento config:set hyva_react_checkout/general/enable 1
check the checkout page after run this commands.

2sxc loading BS4 template on BS3 Xcillion Theme

I have a new install of DNN 9.8.1 and have installed 2sxc 11.11.04. I am trying to create Tailwind "tlw1" editions of the content-templates but was having issues where the BS4 templates were loading even though the tailwind theme I am using has a koi.json file defining "tlw1" as the default css framework.
Thinking I had configured something wrong, I setup a test. I added the content layout with the image|text view to a page with the Xcillion theme. I then added this remark #* Bootstrap 4 Template *# to the top of the BS4 template (added directly to the file using vs code) to make it easy to identify. Seeing Xcillion uses BS3, when I go to edit the template file, I expect the template from the ../BS3/Content folder to load. The editor however is loading the BS4 template from ../Content, not the BS3 template.
Do I not understand how koi is supposed to work, or is there possibly an issue with the koi implementation?
I figured it out. If you use the Edit Template button in the 2sxc content module, the 2sxc editor opens in a new tab and always loads the BS4 template, even though your theme is using BS3 or other framework. If you navigate to the BS3 folder (or other framework folder) through the file system, and edit the files directly with a code editor such as VS Code, the changes you make are displayed correctly as expected.

Angular 2 routing error

Following the routing chapter of the Angular2 tutorial, i've added my own simple TestLink (below the original Dashboard and Heroes) but it breaks the app. Specifically, i created test-link.component.ts that exports TestLinkComponent and added corresponding parameters to #RouteConfig inside app.component.ts. Plunker is here. Now the app stucks at 'loading'. (i'm just starting with angular, so any advice on how to debug such issues would also be appreciated!)
You misspelled TestLinkComponent in app.component.ts line #8.
See edited plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/ar5agUGUHTuWA1LH8cf7?p=preview

Angular JS rendering partial from different module

Hello experienced lamp / ror /ios dev . complete mean stack super noob here.
I want to render SignUp partial in home
home dir is under Core Module with home Controller
sign up is under Users Module with AuthenticationController
used MEANJS boilerplate scaffolding with Yeoman
I initially put my form inside home.client.view.html but it is not modular want to keep the Signup with Users module
here is my sad attempt
<section data-ng-controller="AuthenticationController">
<div data-ng-include data-ng-src="signup.client.view.html"></div>
inside the core client I added users module as so
what am i doing wrong
please do not link the documentation
You simply have to put your template's source in a quotation marks (this example defines the source immediately on the ng-include part):
<div data-ng-include="'signup.client.view.html'"></div>
Here is a Plunker Example.

cakephp 2.0.4 DebugKit does nothing

I can see that the DebugKit plugin is loaded by doing
debug (CakePlugin::loaded() );
echo CakePlugin::path('DebugKit');
but its not doing anything. I am not using scaffolding. Debug is set to 2. It is DebugKit v 2.0. Is there something else I am supposed to do that was left out of the documentation?
A weird thing is if I purposely put a syntax error in class DebugKitDebugger , un unstyled panel displays with the syntax error of course.
Debug kit looks for the body tag which I did not have in my default layouts
