I am creating a website and one of the things the user should specify is his/her country. I suppose there are around 200 countries. Which approach is better- storing the 200 countries in a List/Array in the application(therefore a bit more RAM usage) or storing them as a table in the database? How are these kind of problems generally solved?
A 200-row table is not bad practice per se. The main issue is the technical complexity of having your country column be a foreign key to this table. Do countries come and go on a regular basis? Do they frequently change names in a way that requires centralizing all the names in a single table?
My usual approach is to simply store the country's two-letter country code in a char(2) column. This gives you the ability to quickly infer the actual country's name (as opposed to checking what country ID 37 means) without actually introducing an extra table, extra join.
Now, if your application is actually centered on such a country's data, it makes sense to have a country table with several columns to store information about the country, but then I would advocate using the two-letter country code as primary key for that table.
Having a small number of rows is not an issue. If a table is small the database server can cache the whole thing in memory. Databases are fine with small tables.
If you store the countries in a table you can always set up an application level cache that keeps a copy of the contents in memory. It’s easy to add new entries in the database when needed, you can set the expiration time on the cache so new entries can get picked up.
My preferred way to build an application is to have an application-level cache that is separate from the application code so that I can tweak it without code changes. That way I know I can tune the cache later without changing code and I don’t have to code with caching in mind.
I'm looking at the best practice approach here. I have a web page that has several drop down options. The drop downs are not related, they are for misc. values (location, building codes, etc). The database right now has a table for each set of options (e.g. table for building codes, table for locations, etc). I'm wondering if I could just combine them all into on table (called listOptions) and then just query that one table.
Location Table
LocationID (int)
LocatValue (nvarchar(25))
LocatDescription (nvarchar(25))
BuildingCode Table
BCID (int)
BCValue (nvarchar(25))
BCDescription (nvarchar(25))
Instead of the above, is there any reason why I can't do this?
ListOptions Table
ID (int)
listValue (nvarchar(25))
listDescription (nvarchar(25))
groupID (int) //where groupid corresponds to Location, Building Code, etc
Now, when I query the table, I can pass to the query the groupID to pull back the other values I need.
Putting in one table is an antipattern. These are differnt lookups and you cannot enforce referential integrity in the datbase (which is the ciorrect place to enforce it as applications are often not the only way data gets changed) unless they are in separate tables. Data integrity is FAR more important than saving a few minutes of development time if you need an additonal lookup.
If you plan to use the values later in some referencing FKeys - better use separate tables.
But why do you need "all in one" table? Which problem it solves?
You could do this.
I believe that is your master data and it would not be having any huge amounts of rows that it might create and performance problems.
Secondly, why would you want to do it once your app is up and running. It should have thought about earlier. The tables might be used in a lot of places and it's might be a lot of coding and most importantly testing.
Can you throw further light into your requirements.
You can keep them in separate tables and have your stored procedure return one set of data with a "datatype" key that signifies which set of values go with what option.
However, I would urge you to consider a much different approach. This suggestion is based on years of building data driven websites. If these drop-down options don't change very often then why not build server-side include files instead of querying the database. We did this with most of our websites. Think about it, each time the page is presented you query the database for the same list of values... that data hardly ever changes.
In cases when that data did have the tendency to change, we simply added a routine to the back end admin that rebuilt the server-side include file whenever an add, change or delete was done to one of the lookup values. This reduced database I/O's and spead up the load time of all our websites.
We had approximately 600 websites on the same server all using the same instance of SQL Server (separate databases) our total server database I/O's were drastically reduced.
We simply built SSI that looked like this...
<option value="1'>Blue</option>
<option value="2'>Red</option>
<option value="3'>Green</option>
With single table it would be easy to add new groups in favour of creating new tables, but for best practices concerns you should also have a group table so you can name those groups in the db for future maintenance
The best practice depends on your requirements.
Do the values of location and building vary frequently? Where do the values come from? Are they imported from external data? Do other tables refer the unique table (so that I need a two-field key to preper join the tables)?
For example, I use unique table with hetorogeneus data for constants or configuration values.
But if the data vary often or are imported from external source, I prefer use separate tables.
I've been struggling with how I should indicate that a certain record in a database is the "fallback" or default entry. I've also been struggling with how to reduce my problem to a simple problem statement. I'm going to have to provide an example.
Suppose that you are building a very simple shipping application. You'll take orders and will need to decide which warehouse to ship them from.
Let's say that you have a few cities that have their own dedicated warehouses*; if an order comes in from one of those cities, you'll ship from that city's warehouse. If an order comes in from any other city, you want to ship from a certain other warehouse. We'll call that certain other warehouse the fallback warehouse.
You might decide on a schema like this:
The solution must enforce zero or one fallback warehouses.
You need a way to indicate which warehouse should be used if there aren't any warehouses specified for the city in question. If it really matters, you're doing this on SQL Server 2008.
EDIT: To be clear, all valid cities are NOT present in the WarehouseCities table. It is possible for an order to be received for a City not listed in WarehouseCities. In such a case, we need to be able to select the fallback warehouse.
If any number of default warehouses were allowed, or if I was assigning default warehouses to, say, states, I would use a DefaultWarehouse table. I could use such a table here, but I would need to limit it to exactly one row, which doesn't feel right.
How would you indicate the fallback warehouse?
*Of course, in this example we discount the possibility that there might be multiple cities with the same name. The country you are building this application for rigorously enforces a uniqueness constraint on all city names.
I understand your problem, but have questions about parts of it, so I'll be a bit more general.
If at all possible I would store warehouse/backup warehouse data with your inventory data (either directly hanging of warehouses, or if it's product specific off the inventory tables).
If the setup has to be calculated through your business logic then the records should hang off the order/order_item table
In terms how to implement the structure in SQL, I'll assume that all orders ship out of a single warehouse and that the shipping must be hung off the orders table (but the ideas should be applicable elsewhere):
The older way to enforce zero/one backup warehouses would be to hang a Warehouse_Source record of the Orders table and include an "IsPrimary" field or "ShippingPriority" then include a composite unique index that includes OrderID and IsPrimary/ShippingPriority.
if you will only ever have one backup warehouse you could add ShippingSource_WareHouseID and ShippingSource_Backup_WareHouseID fields to the order. Although, this isn't the route I would go.
In SQL 2008 and up we have the wonderful addition of Filtered Indexes. These allow you to add a WHERE clause to your index -- resulting in a more compact index. It also has the added benefit of allowing you to accomplish some things that could only be done through triggers in the past.
You could put a Unique filtered index on OrderID & IsPrimary/ShippingPriority (WHERE IsPrimary = 0).
Add a comment or such if you want me to explain further.
re: how I should indicate that a certain record in a database is the "fallback" or default entry
use another column, isFallback, holding a binary value. I'm assuming your fallback warehouse won't have any cities associated with it.
As I see it, the fallback warehouse after all is just another warehouse and if I understood, every record in WarehouseCities has a reference to one record in Warehouses:
Which means that if there are a hundred cities without a dedicated warehouse they all will reference the id of an specific fallback warehouse. So I don't see any problem (which makes me thing I didn't understand the problem), even the model looks well defined.
Now you could identify if a warehouse is fallback warehouse with an attribute like type_warehouse on Warehouses.
EDIT after comment
Assuming there is only one fallback warehouse for the cities not present in WarehouseCities, I suggest to keep the fallback warehouse as just another warehouse and keep its Id (WarehouseId) as an application parameter (a table for parameters maybe?), of course, this solution is programmatically and not attached to your database platform.
I need to have a lot of user data in the database. Now, I've been thinking about having two tables, users that would have only the id, username and password and another table userData that would have everything else like name, lastname etc.
Is this a prefered method?
The simplest design would put all the fields in one table. From that point, though, there are a bunch of reasons you might want to consider splitting that information up into multiple tables. From your description, I cant' tell whether there are any valid reasons to do so.
If you start with one table, you might find it advantageous to split the data for reasons such as:
Reducing contention (different parts of the app update different information)
Truly huge column lists (look into the limit for your DB)
Other?? (how you're going to maintain your app, maybe?)
In short, I'd try to start simple and have a reason to pick the more complex design if you go that route.
There is nothing wrong with that design IMHO. You can have a users table and link it to a users_custom table that has additional information. Just be consistant with your design. Just remember that in order to get any additional user information you will always have to JOIN to that data.
To me this is a matter of preference, if you feel that this table will grow over time, consider your design, if not just keep it all in one table and properly index columns that you deem necessary.
You can go further by having a UserLog table to build a historical view of values as they change.
Yes it is :) In theory there are this so called "normal forms" (3NF BCnF, etc...). Using them, means seperating table into smaller ones :)
I think it might be better for you to keep it all in one table. Assuming you will be enforcing unique usernames, all the fields (password, first_name, and last_name) have a functional dependency on username. Therefore, you can put them all in the same table and still have a normalized database.
Although you can certainly separate first_name and last_name into their own table, queries will get a lot easier (fewer JOINs) if you keep all those fields in one table.
I recently realized that I add some form of row creation timestamp and possibly a "updated on" field to most of my tables. Suddenly I started thinking that perhaps every table in the database should have a created and modified field that are set in the model behind the scenes.
Does this sound correct? Are there any types of high-load tables (like sessions) or massive sized tables that this wouldn't be a good idea for?
I wouldn't put those fields (which I generally call audit fields) on every database table. If it's a low-traffic, high-value table (like Users, for instance), it goes on, no question. I'd also add creator and modifier. If it's a table that gets hit a lot (an operation history table, say), then maybe the benefit isn't worth the cost of increased insert time and storage space.
It's a call you'll need to make separately for each table.
Obviously, there isn't a single rule.
Most of my tables have date-related things, DateCreated, DateModified, and occasionally a Revision to track changes and so on. Do whatever makes sense. Clearly, you can invent cases where it's appropriate and cases where it is not. If you're asking whether you should add them "by default" to most tables, I'd say "probably".
In a recent project I have seen a tables from 50 to 126 columns.
Should a table hold less columns per table or is it better to separate them out into a new table and use relationships? What are the pros and cons?
Generally it's better to design your tables first to model the data requirements and to satisfy rules of normalization. Then worry about optimizations like how many pages it takes to store a row, etc.
I agree with other posters here that the large number of columns is a potential red flag that your table is not properly normalized. But it might be fine in this case. We can't tell from your description.
In any case, splitting the table up just because the large number of columns makes you uneasy is not the right remedy. Is this really causing any defects or performance bottleneck? You need to measure to be sure, not suppose.
A good rule of thumb that I've found is simply whether or not a table is growing rows as a project continues,
For instance:
On a project I'm working on, the original designers decided to include site permissions as columns in the user table.
So now, we are constantly adding more columns as new features are implemented on the site. obviously this is not optimal. A better solution would be to have a table containing permissions and a join table between users and permissions to assign them.
However, for other more archival information, or tables that simply don't have to grow or need to be cached/minimize pages/can be filtered effectively, having a large table doesn't hurt too much as long as it doesn't hamper maintenance of the project.
At least that is my opinion.
Usually excess columns points to improper normalization, but it is hard to judge without having some more details about your requirements.
I can picture times when it might be necessary to have this many, or more columns. Examples would be if you had to denormalize and cache data - or for a type of row with many attributes. I think the keys are to avoid select * and make sure you are indexing the right columns and composites.
If you had an object detailing the data in the database, would you have a single object with 120 fields, or would you be looking through the data to extract data that is logically distinguishable? You can inline Address data with Customer data, but it makes sense to remove it and put it into an Addresses table, even if it keeps a 1:1 mapping with the Person.
Down the line you might need to have a record of their previous address, and by splitting it out you've removed one major problem refactoring your system.
Are any of the fields duplicated over multiple rows? I.e., are the customer's details replicated, one per invoice? In which case there should be one customer entry in the Customers table, and n entries in the Invoices table.
One place where you need to not fix broken normalisation is where you have a facts table (for auditing, etc) where the purpose is to aggregate data to run analyses on. These tables are usually populated from the properly normalised tables however (overnight for example).
It sounds like you have potential normalization issues.
If you really want to, you can create a new table for each of those columns (a little extreme) or group of related columns, and join it on the ID of each record.
It could certainly affect performance if people are running around with a lot of "Select * from GiantTableWithManyColumns"...
Here are the official statistics for SQL Server 2005
Keep in mind these are the maximums, and are not necessarily the best for usability.
Think about splitting the 126 columns into sections.
For instance, if it is some sort of "person" table
you could have
ID, AddressNum, AddressSt, AptNo, Province, Country, PostalCode, Telephone, CellPhone, Fax
But you could separate that into
ID, AddressID, PhoneID
ID, AddressNum, AddressSt, AptNo, Province, Country, PostalCode
ID, Telephone, Cellphone, fax
In the second one, you could also save yourself from data replication by having all the people with the same address have the same addressId instead of copying the same text over and over.
The UserData table in SharePoint has 201 fields but is designed for a special purpose.
Normal tables should not be this wide in my opinion.
You could probably normalize some more. And read some posts on the web about table optimization.
It is hard to say without knowing a little bit more.
Well, I don't know how many columns are possible in sql but one thing for which I am very sure is that when you design table, each table is an entity means that each table should contain information either about a person, a place, an event or an object. So till in my life I don't know that a thing may have that much data/information.
Second thing that you should notice is that that there is a method called normalization which is basically used to divide data/information into sub section so that one can easily maintain database. I think this will clear your idea.
I'm in a similar position. Yes, there truly is a situation where a normalized table has, like in my case, about 90, columns: a work flow application that tracks many states that a case can have in addition to variable attributes to each state. So as each case (represented by the record) progresses, eventually all columns are filled in for that case. Now in my situation there are 3 logical groupings (15 cols + 10 cols + 65 cols). So do I keep it in one table (index is CaseID), or do I split into 3 tables connected by one-to-one relationship?
Columns in a table1 (merge publication)
Columns in a table2 (SQL Server snapshot or transactional publication)
Columns in a table2 (Oracle snapshot or transactional publication)
in a table, we can have maximum 246 column
A table should have as few columns as possible.....
in SQL server tables are stored on pages, 8 pages is an extent
in SQL server a page can hold about 8060 bytes, the more data you can fit on a page the less IOs you have to make to return the data
You probably want to normalize (AKA vertical partitioning) your database