Will this Camel Route acknowledge message in exception scenario? - apache-camel

I have a Camel route which converts JSON to an object and passes it on to a processor class. Code is below. This ActiveMQ consumer is not acknowledging some messages, causing the topic to get backed up. The code does not explicitly set acknowledgement mode but a breakpoint shows these values -
acknowledgementMode = -1
acknowledgementModeName = null
What should be changed to ensure acknowledgements are sent on both successful processing and when an exception occurs inside the processor class?
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
private String mySubscription;
private MyProcessor myProcessor;
public MyRoute(#Value("${my.topic}") String tripSubscription, MyProcessor myProcessor) {
this.mySubscription = mySubscription;
this.myProcessor = myProcessor;
public void configure() {
.unmarshal().json(JsonLibrary.Jackson, MyDTO.class)
.bean(myProcessor, "process(${body})")
The processor class -
public class MyProcessor {
public void process(MyDTO dto) {
//code that throws exception

The Camel JMS component docs at Github says that the default acknowledge mode is AUTO_ ACKNOWLEDGE.
However, the older docs at camel.apache.org says the default is -1 what corresponds to the value you see. Either the default was changed in a recent version or the new docs at Github are wrong.
The value -1 is somehow invalid because it is none of the defined modes.
Therefore you could give it a try to explicitly set acknowledgementModeName=AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE on your consumer.

Side note… looks like you’re not setting “tripSubscription” into and instance variable if that was your intent…


Camel ProducerTemplate and ActiveMQ message and persistence issues

I have multiple route sending messages to an ActiveMQ queue which later gets processed by a processor to save status information
The same message sending from ProducerTemplate to ActiveMQ queue somehow breakes the same code by not triggering logs on console, and saving status information to a randomly generated file name.
Desired Behavior:
Both sending method gets the messages processed the same way
Code Explanation:
On below codes the Save processor is the one producing the weird behavior where logs dont show up on console and writes to some random file, file name is basically the clientID from ActiveMQ
StartRoute calling the activemq:save works correctly
public class Save implements Processor {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
try {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>() {};
map.put(".....", ".....");
map.put(".....", ".....");
map.put(".....", ".....");
map.put(".....", ".....");
ProducerTemplate template = exchange.getContext().createProducerTemplate();
String response = template.requestBodyAndHeaders("activemq:save", "Batch Job Started", map, String.class);
FluentProducerTemplate FluentTemplate = exchange.getContext().createFluentProducerTemplate();
String result = FluentTemplate
.withHeader(".....", ".....")
.withHeader(".....", ".....")
.withHeader(".....", ".....")
.withHeader(".....", ".....")
.withHeader(".....", ".....")
} catch (Exception e) {
public class StartRoute extends RouteBuilder {
.process(new Save())
public class SaveRoute extends RouteBuilder {
.log("started saving")
.process(new FormatText())
This question came from my original problem described here:
Camel Multicast Route call order
Solution can be found also there:
Camel Multicast Route call order
However to satisfy this question:
It seems Camel have few bugs regarding producer templates and maybe ActiveMQ, this is my initial conclusion.
The Only way i was able to use ProducerTemplate without issue is to use the send function with Exchanges, send() sends the messages correctly to the ActiveMQ same way as the to() however for whatever reason the content was still not written to the file.
After I dropped the ActiveMQ between the routes, everything started to work consistently. So possible miss configuration on ActiveMQ component or possible another camel framework bug.
If anyone knows the exact answer i would be happy to hear / see the reason for this behavior.
Code example:
public class SaveProcessor implements Processor {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
ProducerTemplate template = exchange.getContext().createProducerTemplate();
template.send(Utilities.trackBatchJobStatus, exchange);
/** NOTE
* DO NOT USE any other functions which are not working with EXCHANGES.
* Functions that uses body, header values and such are bugged

How to pass parameters to a Camel route?

It is possible to pass parameters to a Camel route?, for instance, in the next code snippet:
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
The value for dataFormat is in hard code, but, what if I want set it dynamically?, passing a value from the code where route is called. I know this is possible adding a constructor and passing parameters in it, like this:
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
private String type;
public MyRoute(String type){
this.type = type;
public void configure() throws Exception {
.to("cxf:bean:inventoryEndpoint?dataFormat=" + type);
There is another way?
Thanks so much!
As you mentioned, you can use a constructor (or setters or any other Java/Framework instruments) if the parameters are static from a Camel point of view.
The parameters are configurable in the application, but after the application is started they do no more change. So, every message processed by the Camel route uses the same value.
In contrast, when the parameters are dynamic - i.e. they can change for every processed message, you can use the dynamic endpoint toD() of Camel. These endpoint addresses can contain expressions that are computed on runtime. For example the route
sends messages to a dynamic endpoint and takes the value from the message header named foo.
Or to use your example
This way you can set the dataformat for every message individually through a header.
You can find more about dynamic endpoints on this Camel documentation page

Correlating messages on two Camel Routes

In my application I have a generic Camel Route such as the following
and then dynamically in my code I deploy another route:
When flowing from route 1 to route 2 a new Exchange will be created. Is there an idiomatic way to correlate both? Should I set EXCHANGE.Correlation_ID header on the first route before sending it out?
This should definitely all be processed on the one exchange. Run this test and you'll see the same camel Exchange, with the same properties, etc.
public class CamelExchangeTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final Processor showExchangeIdProcessor = new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Main camelMain = new Main();
camelMain.addRouteBuilder(new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.log("excgabge created!")
So something else is going on. When you say "direct:outgoing", do you mean exactly that or is it something different - a different component perhaps?
When you say the route is created dynamically, how exactly is that done, and when (and why?)
From the Camel doc:
Some EIP patterns will spin off a sub message, and in those cases, Camel will add a correlation id on the Exchange as a property with they key Exchange.CORRELATION_ID, which links back to the source Exchange. For example the Splitter, Multicast, Recipient List, and Wire Tap EIP does this.
Thus, Exchange.CORRELATION_ID is set by Camel and should not be set by your application. But feel free to set a custom header or property if you need to such as:
exchange.getIn().setProperty("myProperty", myIdentifier);

Camel CXF asynchronous request and reply

I would like to set up a Camel CXF endpont, and have the SOAP response asynchronous to much of my Camel Route. The route will have a lot of processing steps, and I do not want to have the response generated at the very end.
An example endpoint:
<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="someEndpoint"
serviceClass="com.SomeImpl" />
An example route:
public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
to("bean:replyToSOAP") // I would like to respond to cxf:cxfEndpoint here!
// The response to cxf:cxfEndpoint actually happens here.
I have tried many options in MyRouteBuilder to "fork" the process (i.e. bean:replyToSOAP):
In-memory Asynchronous messaging ("seda" and "vm")
I have NOT tried JMS. It could be overkill for what I want to do.
I can get the route steps to process in parallel, but all steps must be completed before the response is generated.
In addition to the answer Claus gives below, I'd like to add that the placement of wireTap is important. Using:
will not get the desired behavior. What will is:
public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
to("bean:replyToSOAP") // respond to cxf:cxfEndpoint here
from("direct:furtherProcessing") // steps happen independantly of beann:replyToSOAP
There is the WireTap EIP which can spin of a copy of the message to be processed independently from the current route: http://camel.apache.org/wire-tap

Akka/Camel UntypedConsumerActor not consuming from file-based queue

I'm trying to put together my first Akka/Camel application from "scratch" (read, "noob") using the following lib versions:
akka-camel: 2.2.0-RC1
According to all of the documentation I can find (Akka docs, user groups, etc.) all I have to do to consume from a file-based queue is set up my system this way:
Main class:
actorSystem = ActorSystem.create("my-system");
Props props = new Props(Supervisor.class);
ActorRef supervisor = actorSystem.actorOf(props, "supervisor");
Camel camel = CamelExtension.get(actorSystem);
CamelContext camelContext = camel.context();
Supervisor class:
import akka.actor.ActorRef;
import akka.actor.Props;
import akka.camel.javaapi.UntypedConsumerActor;
import org.apache.camel.Message;
* Manages creation and supervision of UploadBatchWorkers.
public class Supervisor extends UntypedConsumerActor {
public String getEndpointUri() {
return "file:///Users/myhome/queue";
public void preStart() {
String test = "test";
public void onReceive(Object message) {
if (message instanceof CamelMessage) {
// do something
My problem is that even though I know the supervisor object is being created and breaks during debugging on the preStart() method's "test" line (not to mention that if I explicitly "tell" it something it processes fine), it does not consume from the defined endpoint, even though I have another application producing messages to the same endpoint.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Ok, the problem was my own fault and is clearly visible in the example code if you look at the Consumer trait from which the UntypedConsumerActor inherits.
This method:
public void preStart() {
String test = "test";
overrides its parent's preStart() method, right? Well, that parent method is actually the one that registers the consumer with the on-the-fly created endpoint, so while you can override it, you must call super() or it will not work.
Hope this is useful to someone down the road!
Try changing your instanceof inside of onReceive to this:
if (message instanceof CamelMessage){
//do processing here
Where CamelMessage is from package akka.camel. That's what the examples in the akka camel docs are doing.
